[X] Plan Beast of Thrones
1. Special-Issue Impalers (8 years)
2. Helguard Harvester Regiments (9 Years)
3. Helltrooper Harvester Regiments (12 Years)
4. Implement Warbeast (Psyrodactyl, Sluggish Sloth, Stegadon, Razordon, Salamander, Flat Back, Cold One) - 14 Years
5. Implement Technology (Psychic Cannon) - 2 Years
6. Follow-Up Actions: 35 Years
Void Command
1. Balance Void Defences
2. Implement Technology (Cloaking Fields)
3. Follow up to the above.
4. After Civil War: Implement Technology (Solis Obliatum, Ether Drive (Restricted Xenotech), Automated Asteroid Miners (Restricted Xenotech))
5. Follow up to the above.
Remaining Years: Loop between the bottom two actions.
1. Combine Shipyards: Gargantuan -- EXPEDITE ALL
2. Construct Shipyards: Huge -- EXPEDITE ALL
Adminstratum (135 Years)
1. Expand to Small Hive (Remaining 3 Major Cities) - EXPEDITE ALL (21 Years)
2. Any followup actions to Mechanicus Fundamentals research results. (???, ~20+ Years?)
3. Ion Projectors: Defences: Total (18 Years)
4. Illusory Pines: Total (18 Years)
5. Carniflower Investigation (6 Years)
6. Followup to the above.
7. Administration Assistance (Expand and Downgrade Forge-Hive: Erecura) - 24 Years
8. Remaining Years: Educational Review.
Diplomacy (15 Years)
Priority Order
1. Ask Secundus for permission to examine Blackstone Fortress with Ridcully (1 Year)
2. Call in the Nynye Alkahestry Projects - Alkahestry Enchancement to Witch-Finders (1 Year)
3. Sound Out/Suggest asking Gulliman to improve Trust Logistics as one of the Honorbound Favors. (3~4 Years?)
4. Ask HWWO to ask PM for any knowledge about the Necrontyr Honor Codes. If successful, pass to the Eldar. (1~2 Years?)
5. Trade with the Mycenids (See if it's possible to buy their Biochemistry and Agriculture knowledge) (1 Year)
6. Trade with the Nynye Hives (See what we can buy from the hives - Price List) (1 Year)
7. Trade with the Turquoise Sea Sirens (See what we can buy from them - Price List) (1 Year)
8. Trade with Threnody Dragons (See if they have anything they are willing to trade to us - Price List) (1 Year)
9. Investigate what aspects of Naval Training and/or Traditions is importable from Vanaheim. (1 Year)
10. Contact and meet with Peoples, starting with those we know exist but have no formal diplomacy with (Spend up to 3 Years contacting as many as possible.)
11. Ask the Eldar about the Concordat, and Concordat Gods in general. (2 Years)
12. Coordinate with all non-Hostile Avernite Peoples/Guardians we are in contact with against Chaos/Necrons (Trolls, Nynye, Dragons, Sphinx, Shrine Fairies, 5+ Years)
13. Ask Avernite Peoples/Guardians for advise on Incursions and what to expect from them (Lizardmen, Sirens, Nynye, Sphinx, Border Lion, Shrine Fairies, 7+ Years)
20 Years - Assist Klovis-Ultan
50 Years - Greater Psyker Hunting (insurance vs Alpha+ Psyker - About 40% Chance of getting an Alpha+ over the timeskip. 16% chance of getting 2 or more?)
30 Years - Counter-Intelligence
Mechanicus (34 Years+37 Years = 71 Years)
1. After the Civil War,
Adapt Stealth Technology: Vehicles, Very Advanced Reactors: Stable and Very Advanced Reactors: Overcharged - DOUBLE DOWN ALL (5 Years)
2. Fundamentals Research: Priority Order: Food, Thrones, Promethium, Metal, Material, AM Production, EM Production (40 Years if no Fails)
3. Remaining actions: Follow-Up Actions (30 Years?)
(AM Production fundamentals significantly reduces the difficulty of EM production fundamentals, important since EM CoS should be something like 22%?)
Biologis (39+9 = 48 Years)
1. Grabakr Force Blades - DOUBLE DOWN (6 Years)
2. Complete Examination:
Bloom Bees,
Avernus Geology,
Citybane Termites,
Toxicos, Electric Mice, Biter and Blaster Turtles,
Imaginary Morels - DOUBLE DOWN ALL (42 Years)
7 DDs
Fabricator-General (4+16 Years)
1. Adeptus Mechancius Civil War and Reconstruction (20 Years)
Free Action Assignment: Fabricator-General (16 Years), Explorator (43 Years), Biologis (3 Years)
Ridcully (47, 20 G.Div, 10 Free G.Div)
1. Disrupting the Grand Ritual
2. Assisting Klovis-Ultan: Divination
22 Years, 14 G.Div, 8 Free G.Div Remaining
3. 8 Triple Down G.Divs: Priority Order: Arhra, Deceiver patsy, Destroyer Nature, Blackstone Fortress, Necrontyr Honor Codes*, Eldar choice(s) - DOUBLE DOWN ALL
4. 6 Normal G.Divs: Priority Order: 1x The Cause being the increasing proportion of Psykers which are Major (They seem to have increased after the Dual Alpha+ incident), The Emperor's Past - Why is He The Anathema, Remaining-> Eldar Choice(s) - DOUBLE DOWN ALL
5. Law of Narrative (6 Years) - DOUBLE DOWN
6. Law of Cost (6 Years) - 3 Years over. - DOUBLE DOWN
* Remove if the Diplomacy action to ask HWWO about PM's Necrontyr Honorcode protocols is successful.
16 DDs
Tamia: (50)
1. Create Order (Order of Runemasters)
2. Research (Shrine Fairies, Cleaners, Norn Queen, Spiderbane Dragonfly,
Bloom Bees,
Imaginary Morels) - DOUBLE DOWN ALL 6
3. Examine (Rune of Wind, Rune of Lightning, Rune of Ice, Stability Rune , Rune of Reinforcement) DOUBLE DOWN ALL 5
4. Anti-Changer of Ways Powers: Banishing - DOUBLE DOWN
5. Anti-Abomination Powers: Banishing - DOUBLE DOWN
6. Anti-Dark Prince Powers: Grand Banishing - DOUBLE DOWN
7. Anti-Dark Prince Powers: Grand Countering - DOUBLE DOWN
8. Research: Conceptional Bonding: First Stage - DOUBLE DOWN
15 DDs
Aria: (50)
1. Create Order (Order of Contruction - Purpose is Psychic Construction) - 6 Years
2. Implement (Rune of Wind, Lightning, Ice, Stability, Reinforcement, Enchantment, Bridge) - 14 Years
3. Expand Psyker Quarters: All - 15 Years (Less due to Order of Construction?)
4. Boost Psyker Hunter Wards: Major - 8 Years
5. Follow-Up Actions
Xavier: (46)
1. Repeat Royal Alkahestry if failed - DOUBLE DOWN
2. Create Order (Order of Materials - Purpose is to research use of Materials from Avernus flora/fauna/rocks/etc)
3. Create Order (Order of Psy-Knights - Specialized Order for those who will use the Psy-Knights)
4. Follow-Up Actions
1. Write in: Avernite Succession System - Work our Avernus' Succession system. (OOC: Another vote to work this out. I expect this to take awhile.)
2. 20 Years - Eldar Assistance
3. Remaining Years: Educational Review - REMAINING DOUBLE DOWNS HERE
Free Actions
Knowing Avernus x5 (QM's Choice, can't think of anything right now)
Collected Double Downs
Ridcully: 16 Double Downs
Tamia: 16+ Double Downs
Tranth: 3+ (6?) Double Downs
Maximal: 8 Double Downs
Xavier: 0+ (~3 max)
Educational Review: All remaining Double Downs.
Plan interpretation notes: Proceed downwards from top to bottom.