The Gods of Avernus
One of several pieces of information that were memetically locked away by the Ancient Wanderer for the use of the High Grandmaster should they be relevant, his recent attempts at investigating the Primal Warp have caused part of them to become visible.
According to Areatha while there are many warp beings in Avernus's warp space, including other gods more similar to the Concordant that have thrown their lot in with the World over time, or been created by its Peoples, there are only three Gods that directly report to the Planet Mind itself, at least that she is aware of.
She insists that these beings are not Great Ones, despite their vast power and abilities, instead falling into a grey space similar to what the Ancient One is. Agents that have specific, yet also very broad goals and objectives.
This three she calls the Triumphirate, its members consisting of the Seeker of Knowledge, the Strength of the World, and the Mystery.
At present only the articles on the Strength have been more than partially unlocked, however, there is enough to give the Governor a basic summary of the knowledge we have been given access too.
The Seeker: Apparently the most powerful God of the three or at least the one with the fewest restrictions, and their ostensible leader the Seeker's role is seemingly to aid in the World's accumulation and application of knowledge and is constantly experimenting. It even has cults set up across the world where it disseminates tiny fragments of knowledge, cults that Areatha apparently once considered herself part of. The Seeker is apparently the most affable of the three, but it has a single-minded devotion to advancing the world's cause and knowledge, and will on occasion perform highly dubious experiments if it deems them necessary without much remorse.
The Mystery: The guardian of the World's secrets, this entity Areatha knows the least about, and in general it is so well hidden that while the first two are moderately well known in some parts of Avernus, the last one is barely even heard of. Its role seems to be hiding knowledge, areas and beings that the World deems at risk? Or perhaps hiding the World's nature form those that it doesn't wish to know? All she knows is that if a being has done something worthy of the Mysteries attention they're probably in a great deal of trouble.
The Strength: The entity that Areatha has had the most experience with, the Strength is a double contradiction. A primal god in the Saint Lin system and a primal warp entity that the World somehow managed to give a degree of sapience too when it should be practically a bacterium in terms of intelligence. Strength is the embodiment of Avernus's primal warp, a god of unmatched power within that domain, and viciously defends its territory from those it considers interlopers, usually demons. While she is unclear as to its exact role, Strength appears to have some purpose in regulating, or at least controlling the immensely powerful primal warp of Avernus. What Areatha is more unclear on is the exact limits of Strength's power. She states that as near as she can see it is close to infinite, yet there seem to be many areas where it cannot act, and there are several unseen limitations on its power that prevent it from simply rampaging. The key identifier that she has identified is that Strength is bound to Avernus's primal warp. It cannot leave it under normal circumstances nor go where there is not a significant concentration of avernite entities which greatly limits its ability to act. Cults that worship Strength are capable of allowing it, or a portion of it to possess them bringing it into the materium that way, with far greater ease than should be capable of a being of this power. This process is always fatal to her knowledge, but whether the implicit sacrifice or some aspect of the primal warp allowing this she is unsure.
In terms of personality, she is quite clear that Strength respects only those capable of defending themselves and pursues a might is right attitude. This isn't necessarily physical strength, according to her it has admitted to admiring creatures like the blink spider considerably. Its opinions on nonwildlife entities follow a similar pattern, impress it and it may respect you. However, while it is remarkably intelligent for what it is, the creature has immense difficulty understanding other mentalities and is not willing to change its own. Thus those that especially impress it will be raised into effectively demon princes, becoming highly powerful, if rather feral creatures in order for the entity to "understand them." The problem is that it will do this regardless of whether an individual wants it or not. Areatha states that this nearly happened to her and that it was the closest she has ever been to being corrupted and that she barely escaped with her life or sanity intact. According to her it holds a vicious grudge against her for this.
Areatha's warning to Ridcully and the rest of humanity is to be wary around the Strength. It is not an enemy in the traditional sense, and it is likely for a long time that human forays into the primal warp won't even be noticed by it, but when they are they will have to deal with a very aggressive and highly uncompromising creature that possesses almost unimaginable power and unique abilities that are unlike any she has encountered.