Harvesters of the galaxy pt 2
As the familiarity of the harvester grows, an increasingly diverse number of patterns are being either created or deployed. Shifting the battlefield as weapons once consigned to specialized can now be mounted on a swift skimmer chassis. One effect of this has been the rise of light artillery, such weapons now having a chassis able to safely carry them into range of their foes.
Windreaper pattern Harvester
Base loadout: 6 helios pattern tornado missile launchers.
Variance: may replace 0-2 helios pattern tornado missile launchers with AA missile mounts, may replace 0-6 helios pattern tornado missile launchers with Scorpius pattern tornado missile launchers
The Tornado launcher is a simple modification of the venerable whirlwind missile system and its variants created by Jaghatai himself. By simply splitting the two pods into separate mounts, it allows them to be spread amount multiple lighter weapon mountings. While initially intended to allow long-range fire support to be mounted on lighter and faster chassis, it allowed the creation of the Windreaper pattern harvester. The Windreaper provides long-ranged and accurate fire support to astartes assaults, as well as long-ranged harassment of enemy formations. In addition to being able to carry AA it can freely swap weapons between the typal helos launcher, and the more complex Scorpius launcher. The Scorpius is able to rapidly fire deadly implosive warheads able to shatter power armor but is significantly more expensive. Compared to whirlwind artillery tanks, the Windreaper has a number of advantages. Aside from the obvious increase in durability, it is also far better able to fire on the move, significantly faster and most importantly, can traverse almost any terrain. It does, however, have 2 significant drawbacks. First it posses significantly less endurance than a whirlwind battery, burning through its missiles stories rapidly, secondly, it is significantly more expensive than an equivalent whirlwind battery. Typically Windreapers will take part in spearhead assaults or harassment, and leave general bombardment to whirlwinds when possible. As a side effect of its creation, it has largely displaced the Thudfire cannon carrier by filling its niche as an all-terrain fire support platform.
Plume sower pattern Harvester
Base loadout: 6 heavy mortars.
Variance: 0-6 mortars may be upgraded to accelerated heavy mortars, 0-2 may be replaced with Heavy Quad-Launchers.
A modified harvester intended to act as a light artillery platform, performing a similar function to the griffin mortar carrier. Providing medium-range mortar bombardment from an extremely mobile and durable platform. Plume sower pattern harvesters are often deployed in rough terrain where indirect fire is extremely effective, or with infantry forces to act as a mobile source of artillery support. Bearing advanced targeting cognators, the Plume sowers weapons are each capable of precise and independent on the move fire. Recent developments in explosives gives the pattern a surprising degree of flexibility. By using melta munitions the Plume sower can destroy light fortifications and destroy medium tanks, as well as threaten heavy infantry if equipped with reserves of plasma munitions. In some cases the mortars will incorporate accelerator technology, resulting in a far greater range, but notably increasing the cost. Some will replace some of the heavy mortars with Heavy Quad-Launchers to act as a close-in defensive weapon.
Combine pattern Harvester
Base loadout: 6 Heavy Quad-Launchers.
Variance:0-2 may be replaced with heavy mortars or accelerated heavy mortars.
A harvester variant intended to bear six fast-firing quad launches into battle, the combine harvester is a short-ranged but devastatingly effective pattern. Each heavy quad launcher is in effect four light mortars hooked up to a recreated auto-loading system. Combined with the harvester existing advanced munitions feeding systems, the combine can swap shell types on the fly, enabling it to tap into its stores of melta or plasma munitions as needed. While the shells are not notably potent, the sheer weight of fire can allow the combine pattern to swiftly eradicate formations of light to medium infantry, or threaten heavy infantry or medium tanks if using more expensive munitions. While the tank was initially intended for urban warfare, an unusual use has emerged. When working with other armored units Combine pattern harvesters can effectively screen away infantry attempting to close to melta bomb range by shelling allied tanks, counting on the low penetration of the round to prevent damage to their ally while the rain of shells clear out the advancing infantry. This practice has become so common that some tanks carry special low penetration rounds to further enable them to provide danger close support to armored elements. It has become common practice to embed a Combines in harvester squads expected to operate without infantry screens, providing a lethal deterrent to infantry attempting to score close in tank kills. While harvesters have deep munitions bays, combine harvesters are known to consume shells at an impressive pace when in combat, while its combat endurance remains acceptable it falls far below the neigh legendary endurance of most other patterns.
Fireblossom pattern Harvester
Base loadout: 6 Thunderfire cannons
Variance: 0-2 may be replaced with heavy neutron repeaters or heavy neutron cannons
A case of convergent design, the Fireblossom harvester was independently created by both Secundus and Quartus within a few decades of the grand conclave. Initially created from existing stores of thud fire cannons, the design soon proved itself worth further production of the potent weapon. The Fireblossomes Thunderfire cannons are devastating weapons, able to act as either direct fire cannons or arcing mortars at ranges only slightly less than a basilisk. Combining the versatileThunderfire cannon with the heavier multi munition feed system has created something greater than the sum of its parts. Skilled operators are able to fire mixed round barrages to create a number of devastating effects. Due to the expense of the weapons system the tanks are usually deemed worth the extra expense of being supplied with high-end munitions, enabling extensive use of plasma and melta rounds. Resulting in high performance, but extremely expensive units. However, the Thunderfire cannons high rate of fire can become a weakness as battles drag on, as the Fireblossom will often deplete its munitions stores with great speed. Sharply limiting ints endurance. Typically the Fireblossom is used in support of Astartes assaults along broken terrain, or other environments where indirect fire is needed.
Avenger pattern Harvester
Base loadout: 6 Avenger Bolt Cannons
Variance: none
A creation of Secundus, intended to threaten the heavily armored infantry of the destroyer without resorting to expensive and difficult to produce neutron or plasma weaponry. Resorting to tried and true bolter technology, Secundus modified the avenger bolt cannon for mounting onto a landbound platform. The Avenger harvester was ultimately a success, able to effectively engage destroyer infantry formations without having to resort to exotic technologies. Typically they will carry a supply of melta rounds, enabling them to briefly threaten even super-heavy infantry or the smaller tomb constructs. However, The Avenger is not without flaw. It consumes truly prodigious amounts of relatively expensive and bulky ammunition, resulting in a significant upkeep cost, increased logistical footprint and reduced combat endurance. Some, however, have grimly noticed that combat endurance is at best an extremely optimistic thing to take into consideration in the destroyer war. It has also seen use on other fronts, serving as a stand-in for more expensive patterns on colony worlds, enabling them to more efficiently see off raids from chaos marines and other such heavily armored raiders.
Warpreaper pattern harvester
Base loadout: 6 heavy psycannons
Variance: nonstandard upgrades.
An immensely expensive and specialized variant, the Warpreaper pattern employs six of the most potent and rare anti daemon weapons known to man. The Warpreaper is deployed only when the presence of demonic foes is all but guaranteed, for it is foolishness to expend such expensive weapons against any other foe. Befitting a tank that caries so many irreplaceable weapons, every Warpreaper is a handcrafted masterpiece, built to the highest possible standards, often incorporating archotech components or even minor relics. Crewed by the best of the best and often even given psyker support, the rare occasions where a Warpreaper takes to the field damons tremble. A single Warpreaper is able to cut down thousands of lesser daemons, their accursed resilience deserting them in the face of its sanctified weapons, with even the greatest among their accursed kinds becoming weary. More than one incautions daemons prince or greater daemon has found their incursion into realspace ended in a torrent of psychic bolts. So great a slaughter have these storied vehicles reapd that their appearance has become unsettling to demonkind, a grim reminder that they trespass in a world not their own. As befitting a weapon against the great enemy, their movements are obscured under countless layers of secrecy. Often to the point that not even the lords of the empires where they fight know their locations. More than once a Warpreaper has appeared and disappeared without even being seen by the defenders. The exact method of deployment is unknown, but the few recorded sightings have reported them almost always fighting alongside terminators of an unknown chapter.
@Durin ok, so for real this time. I think I'm out of guns to stick onto harvesters, I'm also checking into a twelve-step program, so this will probably be the last one. Probably. feel free to let me know if anything needs tweaking.