Dominion of the Longest Night
One of the most potent gods of the Concordat, the frozen queen was first brought in as a mad pawn, meant to die to save the more stable gods. Winter is one of the most common phenomenons in the galaxy. A season of cold and dark being common on most inhabited worlds. This led to the creation of countless gods and goddesses of winter, both human and xeno, stretching back to before the birth of chaos. Such gods were better suited than most to survive the rise of the Great Enemy, being gods of harsh and lean times. Many turned to other food sources, hunting and prying upon what food sources they could find. If it was originally one deity or a small band that first settled upon the strategy of forcefully assimilating compatible god seeds and newly born gods, is is not known. but the ultimate effect of it is. The creature called the Frozen Lady was a mad conglomerate of countless gods and goddesses of winter, partially digested personalities and domains clashing and fighting for dominance. In the lead up to the raid on Nurgle, a recent prominence of a certain archetype gave it an unusually consistent form. How long the frozen lady has existed is not known, even to itself. The creature sheds partially digested gods and subsumed personalities when injured or in need of a distraction to escape, leaving both power and memories.
the Frozen Lady was brought into the concordat by Zahhak, the devouring goddess able to tease out specific personalities as needed. Allowing her to steer the potent conglomerate into battle. However, for all its power, the frozen lady was a weapon rather than a member. The strongest member of the Discordant, a suicide unit made of divinities too animalistic or mad to be treated with. Led by a mad god-king of a dead pantheon, they were cast time and again into the crucible of battle. It was in the final battle when the discordant were sent into what was expected to be their final battle that this changed.
It was the king that first returned to sanity, on the eve of the final clash, and it was through his efforts that the Frozen Lady changed. Facing certain death, he tore his crown from his brow and cast it into the heart of the blizzard. No half-melted mind or human thought caught the crown, instead, it was taken up by the howling winds and crushing ice of Winter itself. Thus was born Dominion of the Longest Night. Her first act was to subject a full Plague Legion to a trial to see if they could earn the right to exist It was a test, not one of them passed.
Befitting its nature, Dominion of the Longest Night is immensely alien in both nature and thought. Of the countless mangled domains, it seemed to collapse into four: growth, purification, winter, and tribulation. Of its domains, Winter and Tribulation define it more than any other. Dominion of the Longest Night believes that how one can whether the crucible of the galaxy is the single greatest determination of worth. Those who cannot stand on their own have no right to exist, save as pets or slaves of those strong enough to protect them. The only saving grace is that it considers the galaxy harsh enough that all but the most sheltered have earned the right to exist. However, it believes only those who have truly struggled to be worthy of more than that. One of the only morals it posses is an impressive hatred of chaos. Seeing falling as giving in to weakness, and reaping rewards for it. To a god such as her, this is the greatest possible perversion of the natural order. Dominion of the Longest Night takes the form of a massive blizzard encompassing a vast ever-changing landscape. Under the clouds walk Ice Shades, remnants of the many gods that comprise it and loci of its will and power.
As one could expect, Dominion of the Longest Night's relationship with the rest of the Concordat is strained. While she holds no grudge for being used as a disposable war beast, she finds the methods and motives of many of the concordat incomprehensible and nonsensical. However, she recognizes that whatever they are, the struggle they underwent to survive is worthy of respect. While she offers aid only against the greatest of threats, any god servitor or servant of the Concordat is free to face her trials in search of a boon. Zahhak has spent a significant amount of time working with the newborn god, seeking to explain cooperation and alliances through the lense of shared trials and might. So far, the goddess has met with mixed success.
While Dominion of the Longest Night holds no real space territory and has no races dedicated to its specific worship, almost every world where the concordat holds sway will have at least one monastery or temple to her. Her dogma of growth and purification through strife appeals to many in these dark times, and the powers she offers are of staggering use. Her blessings and rituals are open to all who would request them. This is of massive use as Dominion of the Longest Night is by a large margin the most effective god when it comes to purifying the tainted, and her blessings can be shockingly potent. However, every ritual or blessing of power is dangerous to invoke. As each comes with tribulation in proportion to the sought boon. Many of the greatest mortal champions among the concordat bear her blessing, but a dozen times their number have left their bones in her frozen lands. The boons she offers are many, often echoing the themes of the long absorbed gods that populate the Dominion of the Longest Night, but her most potent are those that guard against taint or foster further growth. Those who accept such boons often find themselves growing colder towards those who cannot defend themselves, or finding themselves more often in dangerous or trying situations. In extreme cases there can be physical changes as well, often taking on literal or symbolic characteristics of winter. At least one high priest had their form converted totally into ice, forcing them to stay in the cold for the rest of their days.
Dominion of the Longest Night has both a number of near avatars as well as a growing variety of lesser servants, but her most potent servant is the Once King. The remains of the warrior god-king who forfeited his crown to her. While gratitude is beyond Dominion of the Longest Night's understanding, she holds great respect for the act of self-mutilation that led to their mutual survival. Seeing it as immense and willingly accepted tribulation. The Once King appears as a once regal ruler of the viewer's race and culture, dressed in rags and coated in thick rime. His sacrifice has left him fundamentally unable to lead, but he remains a potent warrior. What's more, Dominion of the Longest Night holds his council in high regard, knowing that he understands the strange beings that populate the galaxy better than she. Below the Once king are her Ice Shades. Idols to long
long dead and absorbed deities of winter. Crafted of ice and snow they retain dim echos of their former powers. While they do not truly possess domains, they nevertheless can express The Dominion of the Longest Nights domains in unusual ways, echoing the domains they once held. She has never been known to express more than one of these potent demi-avatars outside herself at a time, but it is possible she can do so in extreme situations.
Below the Ice Shades are the Envoys of Adversity. Living blizzards that can be constructed with great difficulty. The Storms are not true independent entities, but rather moving overlays between realspace and Dominion of the Longest Night. To conjure them one must travel into the longest night and return with a great block of ice, undergoing tribulation in proportion to the amount they seek to gather. Once the ice is returned to realspace, it must be shaped. The process is long and arduous but can shape the ice into a wide variety of forms. Once the ice is shaped, it must be returned to where it was taken, and a final trial must be completed to have it be accepted as part of the Dominion of the Longest Night. If the final trial fails, it can be attempted once more before the ice sculpture is destroyed and the attempt must be started from scratch. If the trial is completed, the ice will become an animated puppet, taking on powers and traits sculpted into it. The block does not need to be made into a single form, but all ice from the same block will ultimately be the same anchor. It has become somewhat common for some Envoys of Adversity to exist as small squads of creatures.
Existing as partially something tied to reality, and partially as part of the Dominion, the animate sculptures can be summoned into realspace, acting as an anchor for a portion of the endless blizzard that is the Dominion of the Longest Night. So long as the anchor is intact the Envoy of Adversity will be able to create a roving overlap with the goddess realm. The destruction of the anchor will banish the storm, but fighting such foes upon their own ground is a difficult prospect. Wards can halt the Envoy of Adversity somewhat more easily than a typical warpspawn, as its power is less focused than is typical, however, they are somewhat resistant to banishment as the anchors serve as a strong link to reality. It has been observed than the destruction of the anchors will weaken the Envoy of Adversity, though in most cases they seem able to heal. It is as yet unknown if they are capable of growth. So far there has been a concerted effort to create an array of usefully sized Envoys of Adversity, and while there has been a high cost in blood, it has met with some success.
While as of yet Dominion of the Longest Night has not ascended any mortals, many consider it only a matter of time given its domain of growth. What such creatures will look like is a matter of some debate among the theologians of the concordat.
@Durin taking the last god slot.