Hey, at least it's going into something useful. Gotta look on the bright side of things when spending literal shiploads of money.
Hey, at least it's going into something useful. Gotta look on the bright side of things when spending literal shiploads of money.
Avernus does not have any, but there are several other planets in the system one of which has a bunch of inhabited moons. more people live on the moons then Avernus actuallyI honestly forget at this point but do we have any natural satellites/moons/planets we can expand to or do we just have good ol' hellscape Avernus?
yeah, for you its a lot easier to kill chaos in battle then deal with taint
yeah, the reason you lost so many troops is that every Avernite cultists is at a minimum a soldier trained and equipped to a level that only the stormtroopers in the Imperium could match, and fighting from layered fortified postions
what do you think we did this turn? chaos is a threat for a reason, but if we focus all of our resources on it we can deal with it.hm...clearly we need more anti taint stuff
wish we could just press a anti-chaos button somehow.....
Well this was just rage inducing. We pretty much spent a ton of money and resources for nothing due to us halting certain projects which lead to them pretty much losing all progress we made on said projects back to year zero, don't think getting sent back to year on makes any difference in this case. Worst it just felt like a complete waste to even bother spending time coming up with a vote since we pretty much needed to drop everything or else even the QM admitted we'd be screwed otherwise.
If this is the crap we are going to deal with every damn chaos incursion rather we just have it automated to deal with it since we don't really have much of a choice since we apparently do need to drop everything for chaos incursions or else we are screwed and at least we won't be wasting time coming up with plans since we can just skip to the next turn making post incursion planning less tedious.
Looking at what we went through do we even want Lin anywhere near Avernus or anywhere else really even if he does survive? Because honestly having him around doesn't seem worth it since nothing is stopping the Abomination from trying again and again until he succeeds meaning even if he does luck out with transcendence seems like we'd just be eating more directed incursions in the future. Which means his aura and research become pretty much useless since we probably wouldn't want him on Avernus if we have to deal with this bullshit on a regular basis and he'd probably need to move to the Webway just to avoid being killed by the Abom who seems like the type to just keep trying until he succeeds.
Not exaggerating considering Durin mentioned that we had a 90 percent chance of an Abom incursion happening thanks to having Lin around. Really does seem like it actually wouldn't be bad if he ended up dying during his last act.
Actually it was the Ancient One that perma killed the Exalted. Pretty sure he was bound to do it some time since it is literally his job to fight those guys.In fairness, an Exalted is basically a Chaos God's direct attention. We managed to give a shallow cut to one of the setting's Big Bads, despite being a Minor Power. Seems like par for the course, to be honest. I mean, this is like Ollanius actually managing to cut Horus, and then NOT DIE. Of course we got our faces smashed in afterward. I'd be surprised if otherwise.
for the moment yes, but he plans to travel to Russ once the cults have been dealt with
"FATHER!"for the moment yes, but he plans to travel to Russ once the cults have been dealt with
"And when did you loose an eye?"