The Ivory Carnation.
A weapon-goddess made for a dark purpose the Ivory Carnation's life was defined by her struggle to overcome her masters. Originally a goddess of lost things, she was captured long ago by one of the masters of the forge of souls. Instead of corrupting her however, they had a different purpose for the enslaved goddess. Chaos banes have long since become common, heroes and artifacts antithetical to the tainted litter the galaxy, most densely around those who have remained pure. An indirect approach was needed, a weapon a step removed from the slaves of chaos.
The Ivory carnation was the center of this plan. Her nature made her isolated, and more importantly poorly suited to direct conflict. She would be bound and enslaved, and though her servants would be crafted to do the dark will of her hated master. The first step was to cast the souls of countless children into her domain. Children beyond counting, of dozens of species were cast into the warp, lost utterly. Until some small fraction of them fell into the domain of the goddess of the lost. Whether the poor tormented creatures that clung to her were conglomerates of shattered egos or strong souls, the forgemasters neither knew nor cared. But they were not yet done.
They were twisted, mutilated, cut and shaped, with those that could not survive the process being used as raw material for those that could. Their souls where winnowed down to a single point. The vast ways and means power and will of psykers could be expressed where brutally trimmed down to one, when the forgemastesr were done all the lost could do was channel power into vessels.
39 anchors were made, puppets of flesh and metal. Each a concept congealed, each painstakingly left pure, for to taint the tools would defeat the purpose of the endeavor, each the first of many.
The result was beyond expectations. Puppets moved by unseen will, powered by a hidden rift deep within their workings. Man-sized, sleek suits of armor and synthskin able to dance though blood and fire. Each bearing 4 powers, the expression of the story and concept bound up in their anchors, each greedily swallowing the souls of the slain. Potent, but ultimately disposable. The flesh and metal could be replaced, so long as the Lost remained safe and hidden at their goddess' side.
The Lost dreamed, and they dreamed of death. Of sleek forms and mighty powers cutting through armies of cowering prey. Those who hesitated, who did not kill without thought, found themselves trapped in unending nightmares of pain and isolation. It took centuries, but in time the lost were stripped of their last bleeding fragments of sanity. Falling into a fugue state, all but their mother and siblings becoming unreal to them. It was here that things started to go wrong.
The world of the Lost shrunk, and above them stood The Ivory Carnation. She alone was kind, she alone guided them, she alone fit the idea of mother they all longed for. Belief in the warp is a strange thing, for so many Lost believed that they were the children of The Ivory carnation, that it became true, and the goddess grew. The domain of motherhood was new and her bindings made no accounting of it. For an age she bided her time, until she learned of the concordat and its defiance of the dark, seizing on this desperate hope she acted.
The forgemasters had in truth known of this. They had sensed the bindings beginning to strain and suspected something was wrong. Unable to see without risking tainting their slave they instead set a trap: A subtle binding, to grant the illusion of freedom. She would break free, until they pulled the string and forced her to deliver to them the concordat itself. Confident that such a betrayal would break her will, they watched her rebellion with hidden smiles. Yet, they had not understood just what she had become. Empathy and love had simply not entered their calculations.
With her domain-born skill at hiding, and her many potent servants at her side The Ivory Carnation swiftly made her way to the concordat. While initially suspicious, her lack of obvious taint and the Concordat's desperation saw her accepted with unwise haste. Once she had been accepted, the forgemasters began preparing for her betrayal, slowly picking their moment. While her masters schemed, the Carnation acted. She knew she was doomed, she did not trust her freedom and the thought of being used against her children horrified her. Within days of joining the concordat, she began constructing a grand ritual.
Exactly a day and a year past her escape, well before her masters were ready to act, The Ivory Carnation died at her own hand. Unwilling to accept the chance of being used against her children, she ensured they would be safe. Through her death, she made for them a home, a place where they could dream of peace, where they could be together without needing to dream of blood and fire. Where they could be people. Her children still dreamed, seeing the world through clouded eyes, but now they could see more than death and pain. 39 however, stirred. The first of each anchor, those bound more tightly to them than any, began to wake.
The Dreamwalkers
Twice-orphaned children of the Ivory Carnation, sleepwalking warriors, the Dreamwalkers are among the most effective soldiers of the Aetheric Concordat. In truth a Dreamwalkers is made of two parts. The distant, dreaming Lost One, and the anchor that channels their power. The Lost blur the line between mortal and warpspawn, being mortal psykers twisted by cruel hands. The anchors blur the line between daemon engine and focus, moving through a mix of instilled instinct and distant will.
Dreamwalkers were entrusted by their mother into the care of Faust and the employ of Zaeed. Faust and her children act as handlers and guardians, ensuring they are not exploited. Zaeed ensures they can find work, ensuring they can find their way into realspace to hunt and play. While potent combatants and skilled infiltrators, Dreamwalkers are in a sense asleep, deep in a dreamlike fugue state.
This makes them somewhat unpredictable, as to most little besides their kin and handles appears to truly matter. Faust has slowly been teaching them to care about their mission or comrades, but so far such concerns remain mostly abstract to the Dreamwalkers . Still, while they may be uncaring for the losses of their allies, they can be trusted to stick to their objectives in at least general terms.
As they are not fully adapted to the warp, to remain active they need a steady trickle of power, in addition, to exist in real space they need material and reagents to construct anchors. They get what they need by accepting payment as mercenaries and looting their fallen foes. Dreamwalkers are able to pass small objects, and free souls into a small pocket realm linked to their anchors. Per their contract, such battlefield salvage belongs to the Dreamwalkers who gather it. While unable to devours souls themselves, they are able to trade them with the many gods who can. similarly, physical reagents are traded to the slave servants of Valanar, typically a third again as many materials for the production of any given weapon or anchor. It should be noted that while Dreamwalkers need this salvage to improve their equipment and stay active, the focus they put on acquiring loot is somewhat excessive. If left to their own devices a team of Dreamwalkers will strip a site to an almost comical degree, going so far as to search individual footlockers and corpses.
Dreamwalkers are summoned like any warpspawn, though their distant and vaguely mortal mind makes bindings difficult. In truth, they will stick to their mission more out of habit and respect for their handler than anything. This fact is by design, not widely advertised. While the power varies wildly, typically they are between a lesser and greater demon in might. Each being a superhumanly skilled soldier and infiltrator, and possess a few potent powers depending on which anchor they are using. Most Dreamwalkers are in the mid Delta-Level range of power, with a few outliers in each direction. Typically no more than 5 will appear on the same battlefield, as past that the multiple links to the lost begin to interfere with each other. However, in battle, the remote nature means death is at times temporary. Should an anchor be left somewhat intact, a fellow Dreamwalker may be able to repair it with a flood of power, bringing it back online and restoring the connection. This can give them a surprising amount of endurance on the unit level.
While most Dreamwalkers can use any anchors they wish, the Exemplars are locked into a single form. They are far more entwined with their anchors, and thus less estranged from reality. As such they can be relied upon to a far greater extent. While still prone to strange behavior, such as standing on tables, random acrobatics, or randomly changing weapon loadouts, they can be trusted to stay on task and safeguard allies without being prompted. There is a single Exemplar for each anchor, and they take the name of the form they wear. Aside from being more reliable, they are also significantly more skilled and powerful than typical Dreamwalkers. Often exhibiting power in the low to mid-Gamma range
The Awoken.
When the Ivory carnation died, one of her children awoke fully. Her most loyal and devout son, who had become the Exemplar of Harrow, the suffragan, somehow moved beyond his broken dreaming state. He is fully awake and has escaped the fugue state that still clings to his siblings. Gruff and abrasive, he has found himself falling into the role of the responsible older sibling. Working to shepherd his unaware kin away from true danger and trying to keep them pointed in the right direction. While harsh, he truly loves his strange family, and has vowed to find a way to wake them fully from their dreaming state. The full awaking of one of his siblings in the wake of the final assault has given him great hope. However, He knows the path they trod to wakefulness, the crystallization of their soul, is too arduous a challenge to expect all of his siblings to follow. Thus he searches endlessly for another way to help his family.
The Rogue.
A seemingly rogue Dreamwalker, the rogue appears to be fully awake. Bearing a unique anchor, little of his nature is known. What is known is his actions, the rogue will often ambush lone or poorly equipped Dreamwalkers and attempt to destroy their anchors, using weapons designed to inflict pain on the Lost. His professed motive is an attempt to shock them awake. While Harrow appreciates his wayward kin's goals, he finds his methods unacceptable. Not only does it not seem to work, but it can endanger allies of the concordat by disrupting the Dreamwalkers missions. Thus far, efforts to curtail his efforts have failed, though his sleeping kin have begun adapting to his MO, becoming less willing to operate alone, and always carrying at least one effective weapon.
While the Quetzal assigned to act as a dispatcher and nanny does have a name, she has long since given up on getting her charges to use it. Chosen for her unique ability to split her focus, allowing her to coordinate countless Dreamwalkers at once, she was able to nigh instantly forge strong bonds with her charges. While Auntie dearly loves The lost, she finds them thoroughly exasperating and often appears haggard. While she spends most of the time in the warp acting as a dispatcher, should she take to the field she can act as a relay, allowing a great number Dreamwalkers to function without signal interference. In such numbers, and focused by a threat to one they see as real, her charges are a potent force. the few times this tactic has been used have been devastatingly effective.
@Durin, another one for the pile. let me know if it needs any tweaks. thanks to stormgear, for editing help.