Lot of talk about heroes and Heroics lately.
Path of Inspiration
Kronikor Einzbern, Primaris psyker of Vanaheim, had for many years resented his lot in life. As a top-end gamma he was one of the most powerful psykers on his world… and barely above average in the Trust. He was one of the first psykers trained on Vanaheim… leaving him decades junior to the primaris psykers of Midgard and centuries younger than those of Avernus. This wasn't the problem. Being a big fish in a tiny pond was par for the course in the Imperial Trust. What bothered him was that it was such a
boring pond.
The Adeptus Astra Telepathica of Avernus was awash with opportunity. Hundreds if not thousands of psykic animals to study. Mountains of psionically active materials to experiment with. Knowledge older than humanity to research. Every decade it seemed the psykers of Avernus came up with some new revolutionary breakthrough.
Meanwhile the Telepathica of Vanaheim was little more than an add-on for the shipyards. The task of warding the vast fleet of warships was a monumental undertaking, requiring centuries even if they weren't building new ships every year. And that was without Avernus coming up with new improvements. Research basically amounted to working out incremental improvements in how efficiently they could apply Runes to hull plates.
At least the psykers of Midgard got to travel to distant world, meet new and interesting people. And kill them.
What really ate at Einzbern was that he knew, absolutely knew! That he has his psykers were just as good as those of Avernus. They just lacked the opportunities, the
inspiration that would let them show it.
But perhaps. Just perhaps… he had found it.
The Warp was not some uniform mass. It had regions and zones with distinct properties and associations. Each god obviously had their own domain but so did primitive life. Could there be other, more specific, areas within the warp? Could Archetypes have their own little corner of the immaterium where the echoes of those that matched them coalesced?
The Archetype of 'hero' had far too many potential claimants to ever be held be a living exemplar. Even the revelation that it could be broken down into fragments did not change this. However that very fact surely meant that there were, and had long been, a great many people feeding power into the Hero Archetype. People of legend. People who inspired others to think of them and believe in them. People who's imprint on the warp far outweighed that of any single soul.
If such was true then somewhere in the warp was a place of heroism. A… Throne Of Heroes.
And if such a place existed then a psyker with the will and knowledge could draw upon its power.
Einzbern had no clue what form such power would take. Perhaps they could summon warp entities shaped into facsimiles of legendary heroes. Ciaphas Cain, Ibram Gaunt or Lord Macharius. Perhaps they could create avatars of the fragmented Archetype. The perfect swordsman, the ultimate gunner or the flawless pilot. Perhsps they could bind living warriors to the Archetype, reshaping them into heroes.
Whatever the result Einzbern believed with total conviction that it could be done. And that he and his Telepathica were the ones to do it.
Of course he should probably have
told people about his theories before trying to act on them. If he had they maybe he wouldn't have an 'appointment' with an Inquisitor Lord to explain exactly why he had ordered investigations into the composition of the deepest warp. Amongst other things. Like targeted summoning. And demonhost creation. And…
AN: Why yes I am a fan of Fate. Why do you ask?