Ok here is the completed first draft map of Settled Avernus with about everything. The rail lines are getting in the way a bit so I will fix those, the extra terrain is left in from random map generation. I will be fixing the sub sector map as well.
Awesome. There does need to be some additional work.
For one thing I recommend you replace the unexplored areas with something different (white maybe?) to provide better clarity.
The Mountain range Avernus Spine is 1,000 kilometers long, and all of the landing sites are within 1,000 kilometers of the capital of Dis. So that means the length of the mountain range should be roughly equal to the radius of the circle centered on Dis that the other cities are all within. (I'll make some other comparisons using Avernus' Spine as the yardstick).
Areas seem a bit too squared off and too many straight lines.
The mountain range of Avernus Spine for example is far too straight north south. Perhaps have the southern edge curve inwards around Doriath (makes sense). Thus having the bay open up here. Maybe have the mountain range between Lemnos and Dis bend inwards before returning back out so that Lemnos is still directly north of Dis, but the mountain range isn't so straight line. (Also, I think "north" is not as exact as you have it, being off by even a couple tiles is not going to make the direction something other than "north").
"Casarrondo, is the designation of the northernmost of the cities. It is located 785 kilometers north of Dis"
This suggests that no more than 1/5th of the mountain range can go south of Dis. Which matches your map pretty well. Well done.
Similar comparisons of the position of the Avernus Spine cities are correct.
However, the bay should probably be about 25% wider according to this:
"The bay extends to 400 kilometers above Dis and is 500 kilometers wide opposite Dis."
That's using the Avernus Spine mountain range as = 1000 kilometers.
That will also make positioning the archipelago easier as it will be a little less than half way across the bay (and just a little bit north) of Dis.
I think your positioning of Blacktyde is too far north. Looks like you were using 250 kilometers as the radius centered on the center point, but actually according to the description it is actually a 250 kilometer diameter - which is only a 125 kilometer radius.
So Blacktyde should only be a bit more than half way north the distance between Diss and the north shore of the bay. Though probably correctly positioned in the east west placement.
Similar southern movement of the Arbor. Which should also probably be three tiles in size to be proportionate to the Fair Island's 5 tiles.
Fair Isle looks to be positioned right on the north south line, but needs to be moved east by a bit (remember expanding the bay wider by 25%).
Storm's End looks like it needs to be moved north a tiny bit.
All the islands south of Storm's End need to be removed out at least till you get to where the bay meets the ocean. (That leaves 18 islands). And the northern islands need to be moved south to fit the description.
All of Lindon needs to be shifted North. It says "The southern half of Avernus Spine" but it is also only 40% the length of Avernus Spine, and the descriptions clearly put Dorthonion west of Dis, not southwest as you have it. If you shift the northern edge of Lindon forest to slightly south of the northern edge of the bay on the other side of the mountain range, I believe we should then meet roughly all the conditions set forth in durin's description. Even if Lindon doesn't extend all the way to the southern most edge of the mountains, it still runs along the southern half.
Not in those datasheet descriptions, but there is at least one place along the Lindon forest Avernus Spine boarder where the mountains thin enough for a school to be built on a mountain and have access to both the forest and the bay with the Azure Isles. It's described in the founding of the psyker school (and where that school is located). EDIT: Modified to more correctly reflect the post which I found and quote in my 2nd post below.
I would suggest extending the Everglades up into that small pocket of area that is no longer held by Lindon (south of Lonely Tower), and maybe break up the mountain range so that it's still clearly part of the range but no longer a solid mountain wall. Make the Everglades a bit more of an irregular shape rather than a rectangle. Also need to extend west a bit further (at least as far as True Grit) and a bit further south. (It's to small using Avernus Spine as a yardstick).
That would move The Fens a bit further north (and should be a bit further in from the coast too I'd judge).
Interestingly that will not effect the positioning of the rest of the Everglade cities. As their positioning is based on Ardia and the coast, not Lindon like The Fens are.
However, all the Everglade cities need to be moved further away from the coast (using Avernus Spine as a measuring stick). North South they seem about right.
Elysium seems pretty well spot on.
Salem is roughly twice the distance from Lindon (200 kilometers) as the width of Lindon (100 kilometers) so it might need to be shifted slightly west.
Babylon, Beirut, and True Grit also need to be shifted slightly west.
Rest seems about right, although the datasheets give us no clue as to Silver Lakes position. Not sure where you are getting that from.
Might also want to review the turn we did the survey for new city sites and see if there is any information there.
Hope this kind of criticism is helpful. This was a great thing to create that map. We needed one.
"Lord Klovis-Ultan meeting with Primaris Psyker Cantor Valden went incredibly well. They got on well from the start and Lord Klovis-Ultan had an answer for every reason Primaris Psyker Valden had not to build a Scholastica Psykana on Avernus. By the end of the year not only had Primaris Psyker Valden decided to build a Scholastica Psykana on Avernus he had decided on the location. The final location is a mountain at the top of the bay which contains The Azure Islands. This location is isolated, being over 250 kilometers from the nearest city and is near both Illusory Pine and Sirens which Primaris Psyker Valden believe would be useful training tools. When Primaris Psyker Valden left at the end of the year he informed you that construction will start at the end of next year and will take four years."
This also supports my belief that the Lindon forest starts at the northern edge of the bay.
Information from the survey for city sites is not that detailed:
"You have found four prime locations for a city in your survey this year, one in Avernus' Spine, two in the Everglades and one in Aridia. Of the four, the second location in the Everglades and the location in Aridia are the most interesting."
Maybe @durin will elaborate. At least as to location and what is most interesting about the Aridia and 2nd Everglade locations.
We haven't really done anything until now that they can help with. They're a bit like that Warp Library we got from the Ordo Malleus in that respect - that got used once on the Warp Scanners and we haven't seen it since. (might help with Poor Man's Astropath?)
I do think they should be able to help with the current Troll research, given that we're trying to learn the Troll language and that's their area of specialization. If I could suggest a mechanical way to include them how about "+10 to language research and diplomacy with some xenos, +20 to diplomacy with Eldar". Bigger bonus on Eldar because the wiki gives this description:
"The Sisters of the Orders Dialogous are amongst the very few judged sufficiently pure and incorruptible to withstand the deceits which the capricious Eldar often use in their dealings with Mankind. It is the duty of an accompanying Sister Dialogous to inform an Imperial official of the true meaning and implications of an alien's words."
Some xenos wouldn't get a bonus because they're too strange or too hostile. (Orks, Tyranids, dumber Necrons, and the like)
We haven't really done anything until now that they can help with. They're a bit like that Warp Library we got from the Ordo Malleus in that respect - that got used once on the Warp Scanners and we haven't seen it since. (might help with Poor Man's Astropath?)
I do think they should be able to help with the current Troll research, given that we're trying to learn the Troll language and that's their area of specialization. If I could suggest a mechanical way to include them how about "+10 to language research and diplomacy with some xenos, +20 to diplomacy with Eldar". Bigger bonus on Eldar because the wiki gives this description:
"The Sisters of the Orders Dialogous are amongst the very few judged sufficiently pure and incorruptible to withstand the deceits which the capricious Eldar often use in their dealings with Mankind. It is the duty of an accompanying Sister Dialogous to inform an Imperial official of the true meaning and implications of an alien's words."
Some xenos wouldn't get a bonus because they're too strange or too hostile. (Orks, Tyranids, dumber Necrons, and the like)
Interesting. I agree with Elder Haman, though, the settled areas need to be less square and more natural-looking. Make the transitions less smooth, maybe, with isolated hexes reaching into the other biomes, and more importantly, make the areas less square. A large desert or swamp area is fine, but it needs to be some shape that could occur in nature. Did I mention things are too square?
I don't remember him ever doing that, and can't find it trying a search either. Either way, it's not on the "Other" sheet on the datasheet post, and should probably be added.
Okay both Asgard sub sector and settled Avernus maps have been updated in their thread mark posts for corrections. Added some flavor stuff to the settled Avernus map which will continue in future revisions and upgraded Gormec and Storms end to major cities to get those out of the way.
Okay both Asgard sub sector and settled Avernus maps have been updated in their thread mark posts for corrections. Added some flavor stuff to the settled Avernus map which will continue in future revisions and upgraded Gormec and Storms end to major cities to get those out of the way.
I think you should still move the Lindon forest (and everything in it) even further north, by about 4 to 5 tiles. That would put Dorothonian right where the description puts it: 30 kilometers "west" of Dis.
I think Lindon would still fit the description of "runs along the southern half of Avernus Spine" that you are using as placement. I guess it would be slightly north for that description to perfectly match, but I'd rather give the most weight to an exact description like "30 kilometers west of Dis" rather than something vague like "the southern half."
Also, remember that the Necron Landing site was in Ardia midway between Dorothonian and Salem, and threatened Dis if they bypassed Dorothonian on a straight. And we were able to harass their supply lines from Hollin.
All of which will make the most sense if you move Lindon about 5 to 4 tiles north.
And you can add the pysker school in the mountains at the north edge of the Lindon forest too.
Still needs a bit of roughing to break up the regular shapes of the regions, but it's getting better.
Only other big change is that I think you really ought to pick an "unknown" tile as use that to fill in most of the empty space instead of random tiles.
But all of these things are minor revisions. It's really a good map, and helped me visualize things a lot better. I completely understand the Necron battle a lot more now, and I think it will pay some great dividends in the future.
Of course I'm curious about all of Avernus, but this map has made me really curious about the bit north of the bay containing the Azure Isles. The land in between Northern Avernus Spine and Northern Elysium. Near Helm's Deep, and Lemnos, and even as far north as Casarrondo.
You might think this would make sense as a location for a freshwater swamp, or at least a river delta. The Everglades actually... it seems like they are not a river delta swamp, but more of a saltwater swamp? As we have no record of a river flowing into the Everglades... probably isn't much water coming from Aridia that's for sure. So unless there is a river system to the west or south of the Everglades they are probably not a river delta swamp...
Although... the water in Lindon must get to the ocean somehow, probably by a river that flows down into the Everglades... so maybe there is a river delta element... but then why do the Everglades extend so far west.... must be something off to the west then. A river of some sort...
In other musings... what does lie north of Casarrondo where the Avernus Spine mountains end?
And for that matter, does Aridia extend all the way to the mountains north of Lindon?
Hmm... trying visualize the rain and wind patterns that would support the Lindon forest. The standard wind most come from the West, and push rain clouds up against Avernus Spine...
If Aridia does come right up to the mountains north of Dis then that would suggest the winds must be coming from the Northwest? to push the moisture up against the southern half of the mountains...
Nah, where just waiting. I think the trade deals where the last things we where handling for this mega turn? I can't think of anything else other then surprise cultist attack!
Once the planets have sent up their trade deals, with you setting up a range of major deals with the intention of making Avernus into a trading hub, Governor-General Aelfric officially ends the conference. Before you leave, Champion Surt of Muspelheim comes up to you and thanks you for your support for building a central government and promises his support in the future, which you get the impression is more significant than it seems. Governor Olaf of Vanaheim thanks you for the gift of promethium and promises to repay the debt somehow, and suggests marrying his niece as an option. First Artisan Granalf of Svartalfheim also thanks you for the gift of the blueprints of the advanced plasma cutter.
When the conference ends, Governor-General Aelfric informs everyone that the Low Council will convene on Midgard (the most central location in the Nine Worlds) in two years' time and the first meeting of the High Council will be in ten years' time.
+3 relationship with Muspelheim.
+1 relationship with Vanaheim.
+2 relationship with Svartalfheim.
[X] Asgard Trade, 1 Merchant Ship w/ 1 Navigator = 6 Cargo Available
-[X] Sell 10 Knight Titans per a year = 60 Credits
--[X] Make sure to explain the economics to Asgard, that even at 10 Knights a year we will be running a deficit in Exotic Materials, even with everything Svartalfheim can produce, and that we will have to expand our forges to make up the difference. Once we do that, we can renegotiate and start selling more Knights to them.
-[X] Sell Training (12 regiments assigned to Asgard for next decade) = 1 Credit
-[X] Sell 7.2 Million Impalers (432,000 Thrones, 216,000 Material) = 2 Credits
-[X] Sell 62,500,000 Thrones per a year = 500 Credits
Total Sale = 563 Credits, 0 Cargo
-[X] Buy 100 Exotic Material = 240 Credits
-[X] Buy 5,000,000 Metal per a year = 180 Credits, 2.7 Cargo
-[X] Buy 2,000 Advanced Material = 24 Credits
Bank 119 Credit with Asgard
[X] Alfheim Trade, 1 Merchant Ship w/ 1 Navigator = 5 Cargo Available
-[X] Sell Training (15 regiments assigned to Alfheim for next decade) = Gift to them
-[X] Sell 1,000,000 Thrones per a year = 8 Credits
-[X] Buy 10 Units of Food per a year = 8 Credits, 4.12 Cargo
[X] Vanaheim Trade, 2 Merchant Ship w/ 2 Navigator = 12 Cargo Available
-[X] Sell 20,000,000 Promethium per a year = 800 Credits, 12 Cargo
-[X] Buy complete Heavy orbital defenses x2 = 270 Credits, 1.2 Cargo
-[X] Buy Complete Large Shipyards = 175 Credits, .3 Cargo
-[X] Buy 12,500,000 Thrones per a year = 100 Credits
-[X] Gift to Vanaheim = 255 Credits worth of Promethium
Total Cost = 545 Credits, 1.5 Cargo
[X] Trade with Midgard, 5 Merchant + 5 Navigator = 25 Cargo Available
-[X] Sell 1,500 Million Impalers per year (72,000,000 Thrones per year, 36,000,000 Material per year) = 2100 Credits, 3 Cargo
-[X] Sell 10,000,000 Promethium per a year = 200 Credits, 2.4 Cargo
Total Sale = 2300 Credits, 5.4 Cargo
-[X] 21 million colonist per year = 105 Credits, 24.15 Cargo
-[X] 150,000,000 Thrones per year = 1000 Credits
Total Cost = 1105 Credits, 24.15 Cargo
Bank 1195 Credits with Midgard
[X] Trade with Svartalfheim, 1 Merchant + 1 Navigator = 5 Cargo Available
-[X] Sell Plasma Cutter STC = Gift
-[X] Sell Automated Forge STC = 5000 Credits
-[X] Buy 150 Exotic Material per a year = 3600 Credits
-[X] Buy 10,000 Advanced Material per a year = 1200 Credits
-[X] Buy 14,500,000 Material per a year = 145 Credits, 4.93 Cargo
-[X] Buy 4,950,000 Thrones per a year = 55 Credits
[X] Trade with Nilfheim, 1 Merchant = 1 Cargo Available
-[X] Sell 8 Million Impalers (480,000 Thrones, 240,000 Materiel) = Gift
-[X] Sell Training (4 regiments assigned to Niflheim for next decade) = Gift
-[X] Sell 2,500,000 Thrones per a year = 20 Credits
-[X] Buy 1,000,000 Promethium per a year = 20 Credits, .2 Cargo
[X] Trade with Muspelheim, 1 Merchant = 1 Cargo Available
-[X] Sell 30 Million Impalers (1.8 Million Thrones, 900,000 Materiel) = 7 Credits
-[X] Sell Training (11 regiments assigned to Muspelheim for next decade) = 1 Credit
-[X] Sell 2,500,000 Thrones per a year = 20 Credits
-[X] Buy 1,000,000 Metal per a year = 20 Credits, .18 Cargo
Total merchantmen used: 12/12
Total Navigators used: 10/44