In Case of Rogue primarch open vault.
Vulcan is perhaps, the single greatest craftsman to walk the matterum at the very least. Wielding weapons of terrifying potency in battle. What many do not know is that his most destructive devices never see the light of day, remaining locked away in a super secure vault in Nocturne, retrieved only when the situation has become truly dire. It is said that a confrontation with bile resulted in the madman threatening Vulcan with cloning one of his brothers, only to be horrified by the Smith's reaction, and swearing he would give Vulcan no reason to crack open his vault. If this story is true or merely wild rumor, not known, though Vulcan has become sheepish when asked about it. below are some of the more recent additions to his vault.
This gun is the result of an unwise forge assistant wondering aloud how entropic and Enthalpic effects would interact. The result is a staggeringly deadly weapon. Typically Enthalpic weapons pull energy and matter from countless separate instances of the figures, overlaying them with the target for a devastating effect. Recursion incorporates a potent entropic energy sink embedded in each slice of time the gun draws from. In effect hitting the target with both its own energy and all energy for meters around. Worse still, the entropic sinks are also dumped onto the target, collapsing into a single short-lived pulse that pulls in all energy into the center point. When this gun is fired a lot of things happen very quickly. First, all energy for many meters around is removed as the entropic effect bleeds into the present, flash freezing the area, picoseconds later the energy of the Enthalpic effect is pulled into the present before the energy sink pulls it violently into the center point before rebounding in an enhanced shockwave. What happens next largely depends on how much energy was around the target. In the best case scenario, the destruction may be limited to merely the room the target was standing in, assuming the target was not near anything high energy, such as most weapons or power armor energy systems. Should this not be the case, it is generally considered unwise to be in the same building.
Enthalpic lance.
An effort to upscale Enthalpic weapons for use as a starship gun. Initial issues with the rate of fire and accuracy were apparently solved by using energy siphoned from the effect to initiate the shot, thus unless the weapon hits something with sufficient energy density it cannot fire. The fire command is given as a long pulse, with the weapon firing when it will strike a target. While this would not necessarily ensure you strike what you are aiming at, by limiting what else is in the weapon's arc of fire you can greatly increase accuracy. This was considered a satisfactory way to compensate for a low rate of fire. At present, the system is undergoing recalibration, after the designated test moon was destroyed by an Enthalpic effect while the prototype was still en route.
Chrono nanites
A combination of repair nanites and the chronos displacer. The nanites have been modified to be able to rapidly perform repairs by burning themselves out and merging with the material and then reverting to a prior point in the timeline. By using the effect of being able to go forward in time the nanites can effect repairs instantly from anywhere in the ship. By combining the two effects the nanites can instantly repair almost all damage to the vessel without actually leaving the hive. Thus while in use, the system appears dormant while damage to the ship is instantly repaired. This has the disconcerting effect of causing the mass of the ship to increase as nanites constantly sacrifice themselves and undo their destruction. The empire of ashes has made it clear any vessel with this system will be denied access to the webway, at gunpoint if need be.
Paradox dynamo.
An early failed attempt to combine entropic and Entalphic effects. This is less a weapon and more a barely continued disaster. By using an entropic effect to drain energy to both weaken local causality, and feed into the reaction maintaining the Entalphic effect Vulcan hoped to create a devastating weapon. However, each released Entalphic blast provides the energy to fuels an even larger one, as well as furling further growth of the entropic sink. creating an exponentially growing blast with no upper limit. At present Vulcan has it contained in a specialized stasis container, and is confident he has since induced sufficient meta entropy to the system that the entropic sink will collapse eventually. The projected maxim blast radius is presently somewhere between 2 and 20 light years. With work, Vulcan hopes to reduce the destruction to a single star system and make it stable enough to transport to a target system.
Distortion gun.
A conceptually shifted Disintegration gun, when fired at a target instead of disintegrating molocules, it instead disintegrates the barrier between various concepts, causing traits to randomly merge. An unusually straightforward example would be disintegrating the barrier between blood and armor. Causing the targets blood to become rigid while its armor flowed into a puddle, or mixing the concept of a specific color with the concept of motion. Causing attempts to move to produce that color while items of that color separated themselves from the target. While the effect is usually short-lived, however, if one of the affected concepts is time the duration of the effect can become unpredictable, to say the least. The effect on already conceptual entities such as demons is far more pronounced and can become permanent. Such is the fear this weapon can inspire in the neverborn, that many demons who recognize it have fled rather than face it.
Advanced Chrono-Displacer.
A Chrono-Displacer that has both a far greater mass limit, and is capable of going much farther forward and backward in time. The details of these devices abilities are unknown, but it can go back at least 3 months,4 days, 8 hours 23 minutes and 2 seconds, as that was the length of the jump backward it made when it appeared in Vulcan's workshop. At present, it is being kept in isolation to prevent paradoxes that might disrupt its delicate inner workings.
Dupe gun.
By studying the advanced spacial twisting of grav sheer weapons, the temporal shifting of the Chrono-Displacer, and the temporal thievery that fuels Enthalpic weapons, Vulcan was able to create this device. Like an Enthalpic weapon, it steals matter and energy from the future, however by using an effect similar to the Chrono-Displacer the material is displaced far enough along its timeline to not overlap the target, the effect is then served using a space-time technique reverse engineered from the grav sheer weapons, collapsing the temporal bubble safely. The effect, is, in theory, the gun will create a temporal clone of anything it is fired at The first test fire at a falling block of stone produced a stone tablet, with the words "DO NOT MEDDLE WITH TIME" carved into it, the source block then shattered into pieces too small to produce the tablet. The device is presently in isolation pending further testing.
Chrono disjoiner
A weaponization of the Chrono-Displacers effect. Anyone unfortunate enough to be struck by this warhammer will be moved minutes forward or backward in their personal timeline, shorn of any point of reference. For example, should someone be struck while aboard a starship, they will appear in the blackness of space, either in front of or behind the ship. Planets are if anything worse, as the best case is having to survive planetary entry with a very high relative momentum. More than one victim has found themselves violently displacing rock as they appear deep beneath the planet's crust.
Matter inverter.
It is said by some that antimatter is merely matter going backward through time. This is the principal behind this gun. On impact a shot from this weapon creates a large field of temporal distortion, where it will for the briefest of instants, invert the direction that every other atom is moving in time. effectively converting half of them into antimatter. This has the effect of setting off a fortress shattering antimatter explosion, originating inside the target using half of its mass for fuel.
Time bomb.
A combination of Enthalpic and antimatter weaponry. An Enthalpic charge is a fine-tuned Enthalpic generator known as an Enthalpic spike attached to a small reserve of antimatter. When activated the Enthalpic effect is focused, pulling a smaller volume, but compensating by pulling more instances of it. The results in the same total amount of matter and energy pulled, but more focused. The charge uses this to ensure it pulls exclusively antimatter into the present. The exact destructive potential of this weapon is presently unknown, as Vulcan wisely decided against testing it within an in an inhabited system, and has not yet found anyone willing to transport it to an empty one for testing.
Singularity Point.
This unassuming spear combines Grav-Shear and Enthalpic effects. The thought behind Grav-Shearis to focus the effect in space, Singularity also focuses it in time. The blades gravitic components has an unusually long pulse time, something the Enthalpic effect takes full advantage of it. Pulling in and compressing all gravitic effects that would affect the target into a single instant. This has the effect of briefly untethering the target from other sources gravity, as well as creating a short-lived singularity along the points line of effect. At present Vulcan is working to compensate for the violence of the energy released by the singularity collapse endangering the user.
Recursion Ordinatus
If this was going to be fundamentally different than Recursion, or merely the effect write large will mercifully never be known. As midway through construction, a farseer lead strike team composed of Vulcans brothers arrived and destroyed the in-progress device, and forced Vulcan to swear a mighty oath not to make another one. At present, Vulcan is having a spirited debate with his brothers if Recursion lances are a violation of that oath.
@Durin what vulcans been up since the conclave. Or at least the bits that he dos'nt like to use.