Our psyker stuff not being a huge deal is very different from it not being useful. They can't copy/paste our techniques because they're from a sufficiently different tradition, but that does nothing to the fundamental research we've done. And while that research was focused on how to get the most out of our techniques, it's unlikely not to apply to theirs.
As to Callamus having construction tech covered, I doubt that construction is going to be a major research focus for them going forward. They're bumping up against major enemies on all fronts and my impression was that most of their worlds are fairly developed. While construction tech is certainly useful for making repairs and further developing their worlds, it is most useful for crash development and colonization—neither of which is likely to be a large focus for them in the next century. As such, developing and improving construction tech should be a lower priority for them. It's unlikely that our own advancements there will be wholly duplicated by theirs if we focus a decent amount of our own attention there, with the added benefit of it allowing us to make use of the technology we create to help any crash development programs in Dragon's Nest as well as any expansion into what was formerly Valinor.
We were told our psyker stuff is not very useful that implies that knowledge of things like frequencies are just that not very useful.
Callamus's thing is its economy, I bet my very nice new hat that, Callamus's invests a great deal in construction, it lets them build bigger so they can make bigger factories, it lets them colonise new worlds faster to feed their economies, it lets them construct bigger war machines.
In short its an economic tech and economics is their thing, I think they'll be going at it with a vengeance.
Kinda strange that you dismiss what I say and then go on to reference the events on Molech which completely prove my point. By "hundreds if not thousands of years before the Grat Crusade" I was referring to the events on Molech, which don't have a precise date AFAIK, aside from the fact we know they occurred sometime during the 5000 years of the Age of Strife. While the Emperor may have used that knowledge to create the Primarchs, that doesn't mean he began his project straight away in the aftermath.
The Chaos Gods opposed him because they had a personal grudge against him because he stole from them, and because they didn't want him to succeed in creating the Imperium. If they didn't, then they wouldn't have put aside their differences and allied against him, and they wouldn't have gone to such extreme lengths to ruin his plans, corrupt the Primarchs, and ruin the Imperium.
I'd caution against dismissing the Emperor's Imperial Truth, given that with trillions and quadrillions of potential followers it would still have had an effect in terms of reducing their power, particularly as humanity gradually evolved into a psychic species, even though it wouldn't have killed them.
My point in labelling Ridcully as a gnat was that he was insignificant to them and beneath their notice. The Emperor wasn't. Not only was he exponentially more powerful, but they also had personal grudges against him for his theft, and his goals contradicted their own. If Ridcully had to the contend with the same hostility, no longer just an onlooker beneath their notice, then they would likely interfere with his visions and actively hunt for him whenever he delved deep in the warp.
Not really, the events on Molech prove that he gained their attention and ire then, but he also laid the seeds for the perfect feast for them.
You seem to be under the misassumption that chaos was afraid of the Imperium, this couldn't be further from the truth they were fucking salivating for it. The Imperium was an all you can eat buffet for them. While I don't agree with the Cabal they were right to label the ending where emps "won" as a bad end for a good reason.
Chaos does have long term planning, they wouldn't start interfering with dear old emps until they were certain they could get their meal and get back at him.
The creation of the Imperium is not a threat to them its an opportunity they went to extreme lengths both to get back at him, but also because they wanted his Imperium, they wanted that crumbling piece of shit held together by dream and duct tape, all they needed was to shuffle emps out of the way and then let the Beast he created do the rest.
If they were religious gods, ones that were affected by the belief of their worshippers maybe, but they're not they're primal gods. All actions taken within their domains grants them power, belief in gods doesn't matter, quadrillions of people disbelieving in them wouldn't matter so long as they're shedding blood and decay is still occurring. Unless that belief is properly channelled into say...a god with the right counter domains you're not going to cut down anything. Basically if he wanted to actually hurt chaos setting himself up as a god in full is actually the right thing to do. At best all that power would head to Mala or create a god of the greater good esque being.
What are you talking about humanities psycic ascension taking power away from chaos...its the opposite, they gain more power from a psycic humanity. Psycic humanity has stronger souls, which creates more power for them. They want us psycic as much as emps in their own way. Every action a psyker takes in a domain also produces more strength.
So's emps, he went below the radar for millennia despite being the one who managed to get the Dragon to sleep and being one of the handful of Apex psykers in reality, but sure as shit wasn't stronger.
Chaos has always surpassed emps in power astronomically, but chaos's biggest weakness is always the inability to use that power, they can't reach into reality to smack him, its why they have to smart rather than apply hammer logic at all times.
But yeah if Rids had to contend with the same hostility, he probably would die, but so would emps. Every time he tried to see he'd get killed instantly.
Eldrad would probably live, since he can apparently run away from a Great God in its own realm and get away nearly unharmed.
A question: Research. Does traditional imperial AdMech do any new and inventive research at all?
Short answer no
Long answers if you're making anything new then almost no. Take the Malcador, it is a "new" design fashioned from a fragment of a blue print. It took so long to create and then receive theological purity the magos who created died of old age.
Magi live 1000 years.
You can create slight deviations on preexisting designs like las guns, but they also need to have some strong reason or theological basis and it can take for fucking ever as well.
In short it needs to be strongly connected to something that already exists preferably an STC, you cannot take one thing and change its purpose into something else and you need to have enormous amounts of respect before you can even make the attempt.
Ironically the only place where this is slightly laxer is in ship design.
Wanna know something more ironic. There's nothing in the admech's doctrine prohibiting innovation.
Not a damn thing.
No warning or anything.