We could always have had eldar headcap turoq. With information, it's been confirmed that eldar military assistance won't be suspicious.
We already have a good shot at areathra or BCS killing turoq. We shouldn't spend a favor on that.
Meanwhile, losing this battle, even if he survives(which is not guaranteed), protects our industry, disincentivizes further raiding or working with turoq, and bankrupts turoq from all the chaotic favor he spent setting this up with no payoff.
If the eldar assist with the presumed intent of putting down turoq before he snowballs, then working with him is very risky because the eldar might suddenly interfere with your operations.
Turoq's defining trait is cowardice. If he finds himself with his armies wiped out, his allies abandoning him, and not having harmed our growth, he might just fuck off to another part of the galaxy rather than try to fight us. Which is as good as dead as far as i'm concerned. It might be better, because then we don't work up the local daemon princes into realizing they're in actual danger when they fight us.
Though it might not come to that because I think our chances of killing him actually go up with military assistance.
Tl;dr we already have a decent chance of killing turoq, shouldn't risk our industry, and the help wouldn't be suspicious.
1. How about opening diplomacy with the Tau, they might be willing to take in xeno refugees, if the other eldar and human factions won't.
2. I was talking about a mercenary corps independent of the helguard being sent to the eldar, so travelling the galaxy is possible.
3. How about limited transportation of mercenary armies for the trust "personal use" in the webway, so the trust can be free to go about their agendas more so besides only helping the empire of ashes the other mercenaries are free to pursue other goals.
As much as I dislike their program, probably not. They are one of the powers of Order, after all, and any attempt to destroy an entire institution would hurt them too much. It's not strictly bad either.
Because I think that they're being played by the Deceiver in some way, and don't want them getting their hands on the Emperor's work. Plus I don't like the Tau and this sacrilege that they're committing.
As much as I dislike their program, probably not. They are one of the powers of Order, after all, and any attempt to destroy an entire institution would hurt them too much. It's not strictly bad either.
The favours aren't blank cheques, yeah. But I don't think destroying this institution would hurt the Tau that much, or at all. They have plenty avenues of research to turn to aside from this one.
Because I think that they're being played by the Deceiver in some way, and don't want them getting their hands on the Emperor's work. Plus I don't like the Tau and this sacrilege that they're committing.
Wait before we divine Tau before making paranoid assumptions about Deceiver, this kind of "kill all xenos just in case" horseshit is one of main contributing factors to the creation of the Abomination.
Honestly, if we find actual evidence that the Tau are Deciever pawns, the entire plan falls apart if we tell them and show evidence. Whereas if we isolate them and push them to extremes, they'll be forced into the Deciever's arms.
Also we have no knowledge about the existence of that program IC.
Wait before we divine Tau before making paranoid assumptions about Deceiver, this kind of "kill all xenos just in case" horseshit is one of main contributing factors to creating the Abomination.
1. If we help with Turoq and Tugozak could we stretch a major favor to cover destroying both them and the two forge worlds Turoq brought into this?(I think it was Atlas and Chrone)
2. How does the Mechanicus currently handle recruitment?
I was thinking that they might only be recruiting from their own menials and progeny in an apprenticeship fashion, If they are then the growth of Mechanicus populations Trust-wide could be sped by implementing tests that allow people to be inducted, and doing some training en masse in classrooms. Given how much the Mechanicus have helped our economy I think this reform could be worthwhile. But the idea may be hinging on things being lass efficient than they actually are.
1. How about opening diplomacy with the Tau, they might be willing to take in xeno refugees, if the other eldar and human factions won't.
2. I was talking about a mercenary corps independent of the helguard being sent to the eldar, so travelling the galaxy is possible.
3. How about limited transportation of mercenary armies for the trust "personal use" in the webway, so the trust can be free to go about their agendas more so besides only helping the empire of ashes the other mercenaries are free to pursue other goals.
1. We could but the Tau are already expanding their territory wherever they can. Also everyone has issues with travel for the most part so won't go out of their way to get refugees. Those refugees are all ready heading towards the sane powers anyways so not really needed. Most xenos we know about have either already fallen to chaos, won't survive for long, or are small enough that most hostile forces will ignore them for a long time. If they are ignored they may be able to do what we are doing and consolidate their position to survive.
2. It's not worth it. The ones we send to fight for the Eldar are the best way for them to be used.
1. Would we be able to reverse engineer anything (Improved psyker protections, for example) from the ghosthelm?
2. If so, can we do this without offending the Eldar?
1. Would we be able to reverse engineer anything (Improved psyker protections, for example) from the ghosthelm?
2. If so, can we do this without offending the Eldar?
Zero chance, we have no knowledge how to make or manipulate wraithbone, trying to glean anything from a Eldar frakin' artifact is ludicrous. It's like someone who doesn't know how to forge metal trying to learn things from Surtbrandr.
Zero chance, we have no knowledge how to make or manipulate wraithbone, trying to glean anything from a Eldar frakin' artifact is ludicrous. It's like someone who doesn't know how to forge metal trying to learn things from Surtbrandr.
Artifact: Surtbrander (*8 damage, Pen 21, +4 Combat, flaming attacks, remove damage max, two handed, gain combat bonus equal to enemies outnumbering bonus)- The Greatsword Surtbrander is made with all of the knowledge if fire hidden in the archives of Muspelheim by the hands of the greatest of the Artisans of Svartalfheim. This primarily Angelsteel blade is constantly glowing with heat, and in battle ignites with a fierce flame able to melt even the strongest of armours. Even more impressively when he chooses Champion Surt can extend the fire of the blade in order to bath entire companies at a time, making it a terrifying weapon both in a duel and against a horde. No one other then a Fire Giant of Muspelheim could wield this blade in battle, as the heat that it gives off will melt almost any armour.
As you receive word from the Eldar of Ridcully's success and the debt that you are now owed you are preparing for Turoq's assault, which will be launched in a matter of months. This assault will be be split into three task forces, two of which will go after core worlds under the command of the Dark Mechanicus while the third will cause as much damage to the colonies as it can and act as reserves. If the colonies are overly defended instead this force, led by Turoq and containing his best soldiers will act entirely as reserves. While Turoq's primary goal in this invasion is to cripple the Imperial Trust he will also be required to attempt to capture as much of your tech-base as possible due to his agreements with Atlas and Chrone. You have been given a great deal of control over this campaign in recognition of your skill.
Turoq's personal force will consist of a fleet led by his Small Space Hulk containing half a dozen battleships, a hundred and eighty capital ship squadrons and three hundred and fifty escort flotillas. It contains Turoq, fifteen hundred Chaos Space Marines, five thousand sorcerers, five million psykers and twenty billion guardsmen. This force will be attacking your colonies if they are left undefended and acting as reserves. It would be able to easily overwhelm the defences of an unsupported colony, though would suffer heavy losses if your reinforce a colonies defences enough.
The forces of the Abomination Forge-World of Atlas are led by an Ark Mechanicus and consist of forty battleships, three hundred capital ship squadrons and five hundred escort flotillas. It is led by Atlas' Fabricator-Locum and contains a Titan Legion of a hundred and twenty Titans and five hundred Knights, twenty thousand corrupted Battle Congregations, ten billion Skitrii, three thousand sorcerers, three million psykers and a thousand chaos Space Marines. This force will be attacking Muspelheim where they hope that the concentrated combat power of the Dark Mechancius Battle Congregations will be able to overwhelm the defences of Muspelheim's Nomad Cities.
Finally there are the legions of the Forge-World of Chron, which will be laying siege to Asgard. This force has a smaller fleet then Atlas' contingent, with an Ark Mechanicus, thirty battleships, two hundred capital ship squadrons and three hundred escort flotillas.On the ground they will deploy a Titan Legion of a hundred and eighty Titans and two thousand Knights, ten thousand corrupted Battle Congregations, twenty billion Skitrii, two thousand sorcerers, two million psykers and two thousand chaos Space Marines. This foce would be able to overwhelm the defences of Asgard alone, with sheer numbers being able to bring down Asgard's proud Knights.
There is a limited amount that you can reinforce Muspelheim and Asgard before their attackers will switch to different targets, though you have no real limit to how much you can reinforce the colonies. In fact if the colonies are heavily enough reinforced Turoqs fleet will not attack and will instead act purely as reserves. As well as having the forces of the Imperial Trust Dragon's Nest has offered to deploy a major force to assist in the protection of your colonies, including both ground and naval assets.
High General: Governor Rotbart Generals: Chapter Master Julius, Admiral Freyr, Governor-General Aelfic, General Schwarz Heroes: Areatha, Master of Sanctity Horatius, Grandmaster Xavier, Grandmaster Jameson, Grandmaster Aria, Jane Oakheart, Jacob Oakheart, First Counciler Aryz Elites: 3 Regiments of Fire Giants, the Last Hunters, The Black Irons, The Phase-Tigers, 13 Courts of Knight-Titans, 55 Vargarain Guard Companies, 5 Vargarain Guard Scout Companies, Nulls, Voids Regulars: 4 Helguard Corps, 24 Helltrooper Corps, 230 Avernite PDF Corps, 32 Power Armored Grenadiers Corps, 140 Grenadiers Corps, 130 Guard Armies, 490 PDF Armies Psykers: 3 Alpha-Psykers, 3 Primaris Execution forces, 86 Psyker Choirs, 100 Battle Psyker Brigades Fleet: 2 Dreadnoughts, 4 Command Battleships, 161 Battleships, 433 Grand Cruisers, 797 Cruiser Squadrons, 626 Escort Flotillas Allied Fleet: 6 Battle Barges, 40 Cruiser Squadrons, 150 Escort Flotillas Allied Forces: 40 Blood Dragons Companies, 100 Serf Corps, 50 Guard Armies, 100 PDF Armies
Asgard has several hundred cities of varying sizes, each of which just meets the minimum level of defences for the Imperial Trust. These cities are defended by the Asgardian Men-At-Arms some of the worst infantry in the Imperial Trust, and by the Knights of the Aesir. The Aesir are the primary defenders of Asgard as they always have been and have mustered over fifty entire Courts of Knight-Titans, a force able to crush any peer force on the battlefield but vulnerable to being overwhelmed by sheer numbers. One of the key battlegrounds of Asgrad will be Valhalla, the Ramillies Starfort orbiting the planet which is defended by twelve divisions of power armoured elites. In general Asgard will mostly need conventional forces to support its Knights and additional warships.
High General:
Generals: Lord-Marshal Hrothgar Heroes:
Elites: 54 Courts of Knight-Titans Regulars: 1.2 Power Armored Grenadiers Corps, 12 PDF Armies Militia: 166 Militia Siege Infantry Armies Psykers: Fleet: 1 Ramilies Starfort, 40 Orbital Defence Groups (1 Defence Station, 5 Heavy Weapons platforms, 25 Weapons Platforms per group), 1 Defence Cruiser Squadron, 13 Defence Monitor Flotillas,
Maximum Strength 550 points
Maximum Fleet: 50 points
Maximum Armies: 400 points
Maximum Psykers: 200 points
The people of Muspelheim live in highly fortified Nomad Cities or orbital cities, each of which can at the least match a Ramilies Starfort. Given that these cities contain the advanced technology that the attackers are after it is more likely that they will be attempting to disable their weapons and board instead of destroying them. Which given the sheer size and toughness of the starforts would be the conventional way of dealing with them anyway. As such the battles are likely to require large numbers of elites for the boarding actions, and anti-psyker forces to prevent the chaos psykers from bypassing to many of the cities defences.
High General:
Generals: Champion Surt Heroes:
Elites: 28 Regiments of Fire Giants Regulars: 17 Power Armored Grenadiers Corps, 5.5 Guard Armies, 9 PDF Armies Militia: 86 Militia Siege Infantry Armies Psykers: Fleet: 11 Nomad Cities (above Ramilies Starfort), 9 Orbital Cities (Ramilies Starfort), 100 Orbital Defence Groups (1 Defence Station, 5 Heavy Weapons platforms, 25 Weapons Platforms per group), 2 Defence Cruiser Squadrons, 4 Defence Monitor Flotillas,
Maximum Strength 350 points
Maximum Fleet: 30 points
Maximum Armies: 300 points
Maximum Psykers: 100 points
For the coming battles you can pick out additional forces for Asgard and Muspelheim up to the maximums indicated. Additional forces will be spread out throughout the colonies. If the combined deployment for Asgard and Muspelheim is under 500 then Turoq will not attack the colonies. While they cost the same amount buy the Avernite ground forces separately.
Dreadnought -4 points
Command Battleship- 1 point
Task Group (5 squadrons)- 1 points
Power Armorued Corps- 4 points
Grenadier Corps- 2 points
Guard Army-8 points
PDF Army-4 points
Varangian Guard Battle Company-1 point
Varangian Guard Scout Company-0.5 points
Knight-Court -6 points
Alpha-Psyker- 1 points
Primaris Execution Force -2 points
Psyker Choir- 1 point
Battle Psyker Brigade- 1 point
This is also the time that you can spend a minor favor to the Eldar in order to have the assistance of either an powerful Eldar warhost, an elite strike force capabler of decimating the attackers leadership or an equivalent force.
[] Spend Eldar Minor Favour for Warhost
[] Spend Eldar Minor Favour for Strike Force
[] Spend Eldar Minor Favour for (write in)
[] Do not spend any favors
1. Would getting Granalf to help Tranth perfect the Grav-Shear weapons be a good idea/give a noticeable bonus? Because highly advanced personal gear seems to be very much in his wheelhouse and has Learning of 40 (if not more, we haven't looked at him for quite some time).
2. Would it be viable politically, both from AdMech and Svartalfheim guild system ends?
1. If we help with Turoq and Tugozak could we stretch a major favor to cover destroying both them and the two forge worlds Turoq brought into this?(I think it was Atlas and Chrone)
2. How does the Mechanicus currently handle recruitment?
I was thinking that they might only be recruiting from their own menials and progeny in an apprenticeship fashion, If they are then the growth of Mechanicus populations Trust-wide could be sped by implementing tests that allow people to be inducted, and doing some training en masse in classrooms. Given how much the Mechanicus have helped our economy I think this reform could be worthwhile. But the idea may be hinging on things being lass efficient than they actually are.
1. no you cant, if you reeoved Tugozak from the list you could though
2. a mix of recuitment fromt he general popualtion, and from their own population
1. Would we be able to reverse engineer anything (Improved psyker protections, for example) from the ghosthelm?
2. If so, can we do this without offending the Eldar?
Heroes: Areatha, Master of Sanctity Horatius, Jane Oakheart, Grandmaster Xavier, Grandmaster Jameson, Grandmaster Aria, Jane Oakheart, Jacob Oakheart, First Counciler Aryz
I propose that we use it to do a few things first get support to make this war a cakewalk for us, that should give us a very good chance to kill Toroq. Second have the Eldar hit the forgeworlds that are attacking us that should keep them occupied for a while if not destroyed. Third have the Eldar direct a wandering Waagh at Toroq's Domain to shatter it and send Tugozak's Waagh at the other Chaos Domain so they can't take advantage. All of those are minor favor level tasks expect maybe hitting the Forgeworlds so should be covered under a major Favor.
But just to make sure @Durin
1. How much would it cost us to get the above done it could be over a period of time/turns not all at once?
1. if we got the Warhost would they be able to hide from the enamy until they landed?
2. if we get the strike force could we have them bring Areatha along for extra punch?
random question, we still have stealth ships right? Think it would be a good or bad idea to have them harass Turoq's fleet as it stays back in the reserves? Might unnerve him if we attack him while he's still in reserve.
So, I'd say aim for under five hundred between the two, and max psykers for sure for Muspelheim, with an emphasis on Choirs to nix strategic level psyker shit, and picking up a warhost so that our relative lack of investing defenses on Asgard and Muspelheim doesn't bite us.