Thesis, Antithesis
++ Thought for the Day: Brave are they who know everything yet fear nothing. ++
Magos Militant Olmacher-Sept was very old, and very experienced when it came to warfare. He was a Conservative when it came to the seminal issues facing the Mechanicus after the formation of the Imperial Trust, but he was a politically inactive one, focused entirely on his work. Despite his age, his experience fighting all manner of enemies of the Omnissiah, and his leanings, however, he was not particularly respected by his fellow Conservatives, nor by others on the political spectrum. The reason why is because he had very unorthodox, even outright radical views (in a way that had nothing to do with the Progressive-Conservative divide) that, while not tech-heretical, were still held to be deeply and obviously flawed. Even the Progressives were in agreement in their disagreement of Olmacher-Sept's views. Were his proficiency and faith any lesser, he may've faced censure, but instead he had merely had his promotion through the ranks stunted.
Olmacher-Sept himself was, as might be expected, rather frustrated. Not exactly that he was held in so little regard and his that progression was cut off, though. The Mechanicus was, appropriately, rather like a machine at most times. To get the right output, he needed to insert the correct input. Without the right input, he would not get the right output. In his case, he wanted to receive recognition but had yet to provide sufficient proof to validate his views, hence he did not receive recognition. He didn't blame the Mechanicus for this, he was just frustrated that he had been forced to pass by the few perfect opportunities he needed to prove himself correct and receive validation. His greatest fear was that he would die before his vision of enlightenment could reach his brethren.
To succeed in his goal, he decided to live on Avernus, which while a very dangerous and life-threatening thing would provide the greatest number of opportunities for him to prove himself and improve his warmaking skills. Many saw this as proof of his insanity. Many more saw it as proof of insanity once they learned that the occurrence of the First Daemonic Incursion was what ultimately led to his decision to permanently station himself on Avernus. He was useful for his power, though, and Avernus would probably remove him as an in-principal irritant soon enough, so the preoccupied priesthood didn't make much of a fuss about it, while Avernus was just glad to have another Magos Militant to fight the Eternal War.
Come the Second Daemonic Incursion and the old Magos was all but
gleeful at the news. There could be no conceivably better opportunity for Olmacher-Sept to prove himself right save if he ever participated in the invasion of a Khornate daemon world. He, like any faithful follower of the Omnissiah, hated daemons, but in his case
disdain was coupled to that emotion very strongly. He looked down on daemonkind, and on no more did he look down on than the daemons of the Blood God. He had been very vocal about this subject for as long as anyone had known him, which is why instead of being terminated when he began cackling and retreated to his personal workshop/forge/armoury he was instead left alone.
It took days for him to finally finish coupling himself to his warform. He was easily greater than the size of a Dreadnought, walking on four great legs similar to that of the Onager Dunecrawler. His body was very bulky, also similar to that of the Onager Dunecrawler, but much bumpier and covered completely in a highly customised Magos' robe. From behind the Magos' head there emerged a protrusion of metal and tech that, in appearance, was similar to the head bulges behind the heads of bloodletters and tyranid gaunts. This protrusion was a mass of sensoria and cogitation engines that would aid the Magos in battle. The ultimate engine of destruction, the Magos would reap a heavy toll on the invaders before the incursion's end, that much was certain. Moving with a bodyguard of Skitarii veterans, the Magos made his way to where the fighting was thickest, intent on finally gaining the proof he needed to bring his brethren into the light. As he went there, he was attacked by all manner of daemons, but he himself never lifted so much as a mechadendrite to destroy them, trusting in his Skitarii bodyguards to do so instead. He was saving himself for the true battle.
At last, he came upon the front lines of the battle where the Mechanicus' tacnet had said his chosen enemy would be. There he finally laid eyes upon the Daemon Prince Kazgazal, who had earned ascension for killing countless heroes and daemons in single combat, his great chainaxe the bane of all he fought.
"Kazgazal!" yelled the Magos, his voice seeming to come from deep within his body, muffled by the mass of metal between it and the outside world,
"I have come here to destroy you! Face me now or forever be branded a coward!"
Spectators, daemonic and human alike, paused in their combat to see the utter fool who challenged the Daemon Prince, then ogled at the sheer size of that opponent, larger even than the Daemon Prince he intended to combat. Then the Daemon Prince himself turned to look at his challenger, the great mass of metal marking him out as easily the most ludicrously armoured being he had ever seen.
"You think your panoply grants you protection from my axe!? Your arrogance shall be your undoing, priest of Mars!" bellowed the daemon.
"I, Kazgazal, Slayer Supreme of the Gantel Reach, Ender of the Sss'sssil Hegemony, swear upon mighty Khorne's name the following: I shall end this duel in but one strike, to sunder through the armour you so entrust to keep your life with a single mighty blow!"
"You are incorrect in two rather important ways, daemon," responded the Magos.
"Firstly, I wear no armour for you to sunder," to which Kazgazal narrowed his eyes. Was he truly so mad as to wear no armour into a battle of this magnitude? What techno-sorcery was hidden underneath those robes, then? The Magos continued,
"Secondly, this is not a duel, this is merely myself proving the truth I had realised so long ago."
The daemon listened no more and leapt towards the Magos, bloody axe in hand.
The Magos' robes were ripped apart...from the inside. The great mass of machinery beneath his robes spread open, tearing apart the Magos' vestments as they unfolded in readiness to be used. What was beneath his robes was at last revealed, and all those loyal to the Omnissiah were filled with awe at what they saw: guns. Many,
many guns. Plasma guns, plasma flamers, neutron las weapons, grav guns, meltas, missile launchers, conversion beamers, a grenade launcher loaded with vortex grenades, and the weapon that killed the most creatures out of any other in all of human history: the humble form of an Imperial lasgun - the one the Magos Militant wielded being the very first weapon he ever built. Beneath it all was a deceptively thin metal spine to support the weapons' weight and several microfusion reactors to power them. The Magos' cerebral implants quickly drew up firing solutions on the Daemon Prince. Before he fired, however, Magos Militant Olmacher-Sept spoke that truth he held to for so long, the idea that would now be put to the ultimate, most indisputable test possible. Now that the mass of metal blocking his vox grill had been removed, the truth he spoke rang out and all heard it clearly.
"Melee combat is obsolete."