What I find interesting is that Vanaheim gdp to debt ratio. While it is not bad it is in debt to the three wierdest worlds of the trust and some of the most progressive.
Avernus debt ratio is not as bad as I thought. We are indebted not to the people who control the trusts AM and EM production. Like everyone else but the space marines.
@Enjou you may want to create a contingency's the in case we fail the Titan roll. Like say the gravity command ship and mind catcher.
Armageddon should be the free divination since that is likely the source of the t4 Waagh. It is on the perfect place to do damage to the dark Imperium.
Ask Areata about ways to fight chaos, techniques to navigate the warp, gods she knows that can heal chaos wounds or keep Saint Lin alive, or if we can Jacob with the Dnd party on a quest for some item to heal Guiliman.
Or ask the Quartak what they want as compensation for trading there tech and them not getting anything. We know it is a lot of materials but it is best not to do the SV thing of not considering other people's feelings.
I made a alist of everything people wanted sound out.
1 Eldar already negotiations for human tech and access to the webway.
2 banking reform
3 taxes for subsidies of forges , shipyard, titans, Goliath's, titans and Helltroopers/hellguard
4 assassination of chaos leader in the region
5 loosing restriction on implenting stealth tech
6 loosing restrictions on reactor technology
7 what people think about us trading Quartok tech