Omake: Sneaky Beaky an' Kunnin' Ork
Saar slammed through the reinforced door, pivoted and brought his shield up in a single, fluid motion. The shot slammed into the aegis, sending out a splash of dispersing plasma that scorched the walls, floor and ceiling.
"Well well well, what'av wez got 'ere den? Ya mus' be da sneaky beaky dat bin givin' me boyz so much trouble den. Glad ta finally clap eyez on ya."
The ork that lounged in the alcove that offered such a perfect firing vantage on anyone coming through the door was massive, verging on warboss proportions. Its wargear was obviously of higher quality than that of its subordinates; several pieces of looted Astartes gear had been grafted onto its klaw arm and armor.
Every inch of its body and gear was painted in garish purple and orange camouflage.
"Ah gotz ya invit'," it said, gesturing broadly. "I seez dis li'l beaut of a fort, an' I tink ta meself, dis wou' make a
perfect base for a bunch of fun-lovin' kommandos lookin' ta raise some 'ell. Just loik all doze
other perfect spots. Dat was all traps. Set by youz. An' I tink ta meself,
dis is gunna be fun!" The ork bellowed with laughter as it surged to its feet.
Saar lunged, thrusting with Mjolnir. The Ork
leapt, surging over the strike with a grace unexpected from one of its kind. Halfway through the arc of its jump, in a crackle of green, it vanished.
"Squad, the target has teleported away," Saar said over the voxnet, "expect-"
Instinct drove Saar to pivot and raise his shield. The hammer blow of the ork's klaw lifted him bodily into the air and slammed him into the chamber's far wall.
"Belay that, target has cloaking tech capable of hiding from our armor!" he shouted, surging to his feet and hurling himself to the side a bare moment before the place where had stood was bathed in plasma.
Voices spilled out over the voxnet as the rest of his squad were caught in their own ambushes. Saar tuned out the chatter and leaped into the air, activating his own cloak. The moment he was no longer visible he pulsed his repulsors, changing his vector.
The second he landed, the endpoint of his original trajectory was bathed in plasma. Turning, Saar hurled Mjolnir at the rippling distortion of his foe's disrupted cloak. The hammer impacted in a wash of distorted gravity, rending the source of the attack to shreds.
Unfortunately, the collapsing cloaking field revealed a shattered turret and not his foe.
Saar was abruptly wreathed in two streams of plasma. One splashed harmlessly against his shield; the other slammed into his back.
Saar jetted up, then to the side, then fired his repulsors randomly. The plasma streams tried to keep up, but his randomwalk took him out of their fire, and they fell silent.
Saar froze where he crouched. Nothing moved in the room save dancing dust and acrid smoke. Nothing was visible save rubble and the destroyed turret with Mjolnir in its wreckage.
The plasma stream that had struck his shield had been stationary; the stream that had scortched his back had been moving. Saar considered for a moment, unholstered his heavy neutron pistol, fired a sweeping arc over the stationary source and rocketed into another crazed dive. He was almost quick enough; this time he only suffered a plasma strike to a leg before escaping.
His reward was a brief glimpse of his foe as the neutron beam had disrupted its cloak for just and instant and scored a burning line across its chest.
"Zog it beaky, dat stings it does!" the source of the Ork's voice was somehow obscured; as best Saar's armor could determine, the Ork hadn't moved far from where he had hit it.
Saar sent a signal.
Half the room's floor failed to fall away as a series of denial charges didn't go off. Instead, sprays of green confetti erupted from the places where they should have been.
"Ah'm halfway cert'n I foun' all ya traps, beaky," the ork said from nowhere.
Saar sent another signal and hurled himself into the air. Where he had been standing the ground exploded, spraying debris into the face of the pouncing ork. With unnatural quickness the ork twisted in the air and fired a rocket from its klaw that caught Saar square in the chest, then vanished again.
Saar was hurled away in a ballistic,
predictable, trajectory. At the last second he rolled, slamming into the wall feet first and pushed off into a desperate roll, barely avoiding the three plasma turrets that tried to roast him.
"Den again, Kaz was prett' damn cer'ain 'e 'ad found 'em all las' time."
Then, again, there was stillness in the chamber. Saar scanned the room for any sign of his foe. There was none. In the confusion of that dive, he hadn't been able to get a sense of which way his enemy was moving.
"Games close ta bein' up, beaky. Only so far ya coulda gotten in dat dive wit'out ya jump pack. Ah knowz 'bout where ya iz, an' ah betz dat ya did'na have time ta see where I gotz ta. From da way tings 'r soundin', I dun tink youz gotz da time play 'round. Ya boyz dun seem ta be doin' too well out dere. Gonna be sad when yaz gone, you waz right fun ta fight."
Saar's armor fed him a probable location for the source of the ork's voice. Saar glanced at the location, prepared to fire, then paused.
The ork was right: he couldn't win like this. His armor was strong, but deprived of Mjolnir his arsenal wasn't up to the task to taking this ork down. Based on the chatter on the voxnet, the ork wasn't too far off base regarding the likely fate of his squad without support.
Silently, he released the clamps that held his shield to his arm.
He tensed, readied himself then flared his jump pack. As he hurtled into the air he spun and threw the shield.
Not at where his armor had detected the voice coming from, but off to his right. His armor had not been able to trace his enemy's voice before, and he had confused enemies with remotely controlled speakers himself too many times to fall for that trick now.
The shield hit nothing.
But it did draw fire from the turrets. And as it spun, the plasma that struck it sprayed wildly throughout the room.
A few gobbets struck an invisible figure.
Saar reoriented himself mid flight and rocketed towards the ork, fist first.
The ork's own hand came up and clamped around it. With a jolt Saar's arm stopped while the rest of him kept hurtling forward.
He activated his plasma foils.
One tore into the ork's hand, nearly cleaving it in half as it was spun round by Saar's forward momentum.
The other buried itself in the ork's shoulder.
Saar tore his hand from the ork's grip and rocketed away, digging a deep, smouldering trench across its chest. That trench was immediately cauterized by the streams of plasma turret fire that chased Saar.
Enraged, the ork hurled itself after Saar.
From the wreckage of the first turret, Mjolnir leaped into the air, hurtling to its master's hand.
Saar landed feet first and spun, bringing Mjolnir around in a two handed swing.
Mjolnir's head met the leaping ork's outstretched klaw. The klaw shattered.
Mjolnir's head met that of the ork, and the ork's head shattered.
The ork's hurtling corpse slammed Saar through a wall. With a heave, he forced the carcass off of himself, staggered to his feet and went to support his squadmates.