1. yes@Durin
1. Mittens gets +10 to pyromancy rolls and has a fair bit of power himself. Does that power and bonus to pyromancy get added to Xavier's when Xavier uses pyromancy?
2. Is Mittens capable of adding his +30 to daemonology rolls to daemonology-based Deny the Witch attempts?
Pyromancy - Warhammer 40k - LexicanumSunburst: The Psyker sings a wild, ancient song derived from the Warp. As he does, an aura appears around him. When his song ends the aura explodes, creating a blinding flash.
sounds like it.
These choirs and these "Songs" aren't on the datasheet or the military sheet. Considering how much of a difference 5 psychic choirs can make, this could be very important.Songs of War- Given how useful Songweaving is for large psychic choirs Priamris Jameson suggests training a few Choirs of Battle psykers in its use and composing some powers for combat. This will take some time but the reward of five large choirs trained in songweaving could be enough to change the course of entire campaigns.
Time: 10 years
Cost: 400,000,000 Thrones, 42,500 Advanced Material, 95 Exotic Material.
Reward: 5 Songweaving Choirs formed, several powers composed for each choir
New Songs will appear in datasheet
Three years ago Tamia finished training the new Songweaving Choirs and composing some new songs. This means that you now have at a choir specialising in every discipline, and at least two songs for each of these choirs. Tamia tells you that this should act as a major force multiplier for major psychic workings, and that it is entirely possible that the new Choirs will function well enough to replace normal Battle Psyker Choirs in most fields.
...I can't help but imagine a group of Phase Tigers running around and singing cat songs at the top of their lungs.
Bring up your ideas with Durin.Idea: we could see about having the Troll Geomancers under our command start constructing tunnels either for sapping or getting infiltrators/assassins/saboteurs into the place the elites are building. Eventually we're going to need to deal with it after all, and while subtlety making a back door into there would take a long time it would probably be damn hard to detect and could open up some options for future operations that would otherwise be impossible.
I showed a gif on the Discord channel and said we should find a way to do it. It was the kind of idea that belonged in the Discord thread, but after some discussion it turns out that it may in fact be feasible and practical, which is why I'm bringing it here now into the thread proper.
To begin with, here is the gif that kicked off the idea.
The idea is basically to do this, but with a cannon or something. Void shields won't stop them because they're basically horizontal drop pods and Durin said void shields can't block Deep Strikes. They'll be vulnerable to AA, so for each group we'll have a telepath cast Invisibility on them, preventing the AA from targeting them and giving the groups the element of surprise. Our targeting technology is good enough that it's likely it's all we'll need, but diviners are always an option too. The groups will consist of durable, high-value units like Primaris Executors or Astartes Terminators, possibly with Improved Toughness cast on them by biomancers.
One possible application of this that was brought up in the Discord is to make it a deployment method for Terminator Titanhammer Squads. Given that this bypasses both their psychic protection (which doesn't protect against melee) and wards (which do nothing against physical attacks), it would probably be pretty effective.
@Durin, any comment on this manoeuvre?
EDIT: As an additional benefit, this manoeuvre is highly unorthordox which should make it even more effective against the enemy we're facing.
Does Valinor have some nice, relatively unguarded areas we could hit while they're doing their Summoning?
What escorts?Apart from a few escorts they stripped everything else. We could hit them easily if we could spare the men and resources.
What escorts?
In space at least they left the BB and half of everything else
So am I.
So am I.
Seriously what escorts are there during the summoning.
This is asking about them during their summoning of the Greater Demon if I understand it.Does Valinor have some nice, relatively unguarded areas we could hit while they're doing their Summoning?
This seems to be talking about their home systems.Apart from a few escorts they stripped everything else. We could hit them easily if we could spare the men and resources.
I am talking about here.What escorts?
In space at least they left the BB and half of everything else
I think our miscommunication is about whether we're talking about Valinor at Avernus, or Valinor in their home systems.