Over the last five years the the general Ork and wildlife kills has increased to three point eight million troopers a year.
Helltrooper Power Void Infantry- General Richards has put forward a plan to equip your Helltrooper Void Infantry with power armour. While time consuming this will greatly increase their combat power and life expectancy at a barely affordable price. You are advised to begin this project as soon as possible, and told that General Richards is working on plans to begin similar upgrades for the rest of your Helltrooper Regiments.
Time: 12 years
Cost: 1,010,000,000 Thrones, 102,000,000 Material, 2,020,000 Promethium, 13,900,000 Advanced Material, 15,900 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 65,900,000 Thrones, 4,980,000 Material, 889,000 Promethium, 223,000 Advanced Material, 155 Exotic Material.
Reward: upgrade 2000 Helltrooper Void Infantry Regiments to Helltrooper Power Void Infantry Regiments.
A bit over a year ago General Richards finished retraining the last of the Helltrooper Void Infantry in the use of Power Armour. This gives Avernus almost enough troops to fully garrison your entire fleet with Power Armoured Void trained infantry, though you lack the sheer numbers of Void Infantry that say Vanaheim can deploy. To make up for this General Richards has proposed raising several armies of PDF Void Infantry, which will allow you to provide a maximum capacity garrison to all of your voidshps and orbital defences if necessary.
Helguard Bionics- General Richards has put forward a plan to supply your Helguard with bionic augmentations. These would provide a significant boost to the combat capability and toughness of your Helguard regiments, though taking them away from the front line for the six years it would require is not currently advised.
Time: 6 years
Cost: 403,000,000 Thrones, 101,000,000 Material, 40,300 Promethium, 6,370,000 Advanced Material, 448,000 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 80,100,000 Thrones, 20,000,000 Material, 20,150 Promethium, 637,000 Advanced Material, 22,400 Exotic Material.
Reward: upgrade Helguard with Bionics, +25 to combat rolls, +40% to infantry hit-points, +0.25 Infantry Armour
Four years ago the last of the Helguard finished accustoming themselves to their new bionics. The increase combat efficiency and survival rates has already been noticed, with deaths being significantly less common when combating the wildlife. General Richards tells you that this increased survivability, and in particular the ability to survive incapacitating wounds more often should increase the life expectancy of your Helguard in combat by a large amount, allowing you to get more veterans. On the other hand the maintenance costs of the bionics are putting a significant dents in your Exotic Material income.
Ork Culling- With the coming Awakening of the Ork Gods it may be a good idea to wipe out as many of the feral Orks on Avernus as you can. While the nature of Orks and of Avernus means that you will not be able to kill all of them General Richards believes that with effort her forces will be able to kill all of the warbands numbering more then a thousand, at least in the inhabited regions. Despite the fact that this campaign will kill several million Avernites General Richards strongly advises that you begin it immediately.
Time: 5 years
Chance of Success: 60%
Cost: 400,000,000 Thrones, 80,000,000 Material, 16,000,000 Promethium, 790,000 Advanced Material, 45,000 Exotic Material.
Reward: Cull the Ork population on Avernus, increased military casualties.
year five d100=32+30(Martial)=62: Success
Over the last five years General Richards has been leading her forces in a massive cull of the Orks on Avernus. It is estimated that she killed almost half a billion Orks, well over ninety percent of the Orks in the inhabited regions. This came at the cost of twelve million soldiers, more of them killed by the wildlife then by the Orks.
Expand PDF- General Richards has recently put forward a plan to approximately triple the size of your PDF, to over an army group. This is easily affordable and will end the current situation of Avernus having one of the smaller percentages of its population in the military of the Imperial Trust. General Richards strongly advises that you begin this project immediately.
Time: 10 years
Cost: 3,400,000,000 Thrones, 740,000,000 Material, 17,000,000 Promethium, 64,000,000 Advanced Material.
Upkeep per year: 180,000,000 Thrones, 40,000,000 Material, 7,100,000 Promethium, 1,100,000 Advanced Material.
Reward: Triple the size of your PDF by recruiting 11,837 PDF Infantry Regiments, 6,987 PDF Light Infantry Regiments, 6,634 PDF Mechanised Infantry Regiments, 7,504 PDF Heavy Infantry Regiments, 7,202 PDF Armour Regiments, 7,312 PDF Rough Rider Regiments, 1,369 PDF Siege Infantry Brigades, 1,400 PDF Transport Regiments.
Locked- Four out of Ten years completed
For the last four years General Richards has been overseeing a massive expansion of the Avernite PDF. She now has several hundred million recruits in varies stages of their training, and is still in the process of recruiting more. According to General Richards the first new PDF Regiments will finish training in two years time, and the last in six years. This expansion will allow Avernus to field one of the most powerful land armies in the Imperial Trust.
Life Guard- General Richards has recently put forward a proposal to form another six Life Guard Regiments, modelled on the Governor's Own. This would greatly expand the number of incredibly elite soldiers that you can field, though training them will take time. Currently it is not decided who the new Life-Guard Regiments would be assigned to, though Saint Lin, High Grandmaster Ridcully and General Richards are de finites.
Time: 10 years
Cost: 7,100,000 Thrones, 430,000 Material, 120,000 Promethium, 310,000 Advanced Material, 7,400 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 1,400,000 Thrones, 87,000 Material, 60,000 Promethium, 31,000 Advanced Material, 370 Exotic Material.
Reward: recruit 6 more Life Guard Regiments
Locked- One out of Ten years completed
Over the last year General Richards has been working with the trainers from the Governor's Own to find candidates to form the new Life Guard Regiments. She has found a hundred thousand candidates from among the Helguard, many of them champions. Over the next five four years these candidate will be put though a combustion of high intensity training and testing to winnow them down to the six thousand who will actually form the Life Guard Regiments.
Personal Attention: Expand Air- The final military expansion that General Richards has proposed involves massively increasing the size of your airforce, until you have an entire air corps. This would provide a powerful aerial arm to your military, allowing to you intercept hostile aircraft, redeploy via the air and launch powerful bombing raids.
Time: 8 years
Cost: 320,000,000 Thrones, 65,000,000 Material, 4,400,000 Promethium, 4,400,000 Advanced Material, 47,000 Exotic Material .
Upkeep per year: 22,000,000 Thrones, 4,500,000 Material, 5,500,000 Promethium, 140,000 Advanced Material, 910 Exotic Material.
Reward: increase the size of your airforce fivefold by recruiting 3,100 Peregrine Fighter Wings, 3,100 Firehawk Assault Fighter Wings, 3,200 Stormcrow Bombers, 225 Huginn Stealth Reconnaissance Wings and 3,376 Hercules Cargo Wings.
Locked – Four out of Eight years completed
For the last four years you have been overseeing the expansion of the Avernite airforce by a massive amount. When this project is completed Avernus will have one of the more formidable airforce in the Imperial Trust, though not one of the top three. Currently you have all of the pilots undergoing training, with the first due to graduate within two years time.
Personal Attention: Helltrooper Bionics- General Richards has put forward a plan to supply your Helltrooper with bionic augmentations. These would provide a boost to the combat capability and toughness of your Helltrooper regiments, though taking them away from the front line for the eight years it would require is not currently advised.
Time: 8 years
Cost: 1,320,000,000 Thrones, 263,000,000 Material, 132,000 Promethium, 8,660,000 Advanced Material.
Upkeep per year: 132,000,000 Thrones, 26,300,000 Material, 65,800 Promethium, 433,000 Advanced Material, 22,400 Exotic Material.
Reward: upgrade Helltroopers with Bionics, +10 to combat rolls, +20% to infantry hit-points, +0.1 Infantry Armour
Locked- Three out of Eight years completed
Over the last three years you have been overseeing the process of providing some very basic bionic enhancements to the Avernite Helltroopers. While not particularly impressive these enhancements should reduce the casualty rates among your forces by a noticeable amount, which will both allow your forces to fight harder and allow for more veterans to build up. Given how much the Avernite military power relies on the sheer skill of its innumerable veterans the increase in veterans is worth the price by itself.