This seems odd... we spent six actions last year on this, and I thought we determined that it would take about 12 total actions...
Also, I think durin forgot to add the +20% bonus we got from the "How did it happen" action.
I think that is it... with that we have no chance of failure (with Lin's bonus), and a decent chance of a critical.
We have one Beta and one Gamma coming up for the trials, according to the ten years out of date list. However, for one of those turns all the Beta levels were tainted, and only 17 Gammas (which are of several different ages, and might not be coming up for training this turn), last turn we discovered untainted 3 Beta,levels, and 18 Gamma-levels. Again we don't know their age distribution, but it does seem that this is the best time for Lin to not do Those In the Shadows. Though perhaps we should throw one action at it?