Well she wants to work her way up.
1. Persons of interestWell she wants to work her way up.
1. Will we get a shot at Ophilia's character sheet?
2. Does Tranth have anything he wants to focus on
3. What limits are there on the orders.
4. In addition to the two you have given as examples can we create
4i. Order of diviners for threats (Ordo Prognosticar)
4ii. Order of researchers
4iii. Order of crafters (So Wards and Force weapons)
Note both the crafters and researchers are just part of the sanctionites at the moment, so it might be a good idea to make them distinct entities.
4iiii. Order of Astropaths
4iiiii. Order of animal researchers (so a group who either investigates a animal for a potential use, or just researches a psycic animal)
5. Would formalising the battle psykers/witch finders as official orders be a good idea, or should we create orders as part of them, so a battle psyker order that focuses on large scale choirs?
So current orders are these ones?4. First and last are possible other three are duplicates, read new section of psyker data sheet
hese Divisions are The Division of Training, The Division of Attaches, The Division of Regiments, The Division of Choirs and The Division of Strike Teams.
Its Divisions include include the Neo-Astropaths, the Research Division and the Artisans.
Got it.
division not orders, there are differences, a division is a larger organisation with a broader focus while orders are smaller and more tightly focused
Which is why a healing order works, but researcher is a division.division not orders, there are differences, a division is a larger organisation with a broader focus while orders are smaller and more tightly focused
What are you talking about. We literally have a city load of them.
That actions kinda your trigger isn't it.Really hope that we finally take that damn Sirens option since it was mentioned that they could have a lot of knowledge and there may be things we could trade besides humans souls. Because honestly, I am just infuriated at the thought that the option may never win because the two people that everyone bandwagons off of won't ever win because they refuse to put one god damn action towards even finding out. It's one goddamn action and the knowledge we gain could be useful.
Scott seemed happy to accept their aid when designing the Ramilles.Machine Order (To work with the Mechanicus? Would they be OK?)
Region Iota: Found City: (Delta, Lake or Desert)- Now that you have found the exact place to build the cities and put up some basic fortifications in the area it is time to begin the colonisation of Region Iota. It would be best to build one city at a time, and to draw the colonialists from a variety of different regions.
Time: 8 years. (can be taken multiple times, must also take Hold Ground, Region Iota)
Cost: 642,900,000 Thrones, 154,600,000 Material, 134,100,000 Metal, 26,820,000 Promethium, 146,900 Advanced Material, 900 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 30,527,211 Thrones, 4,107,723 Material, 3,295,626 Metal, 520,337 Promethium, 4,834 Advanced Material, 13 Exotic Material.
Reward: Build city in selected area of Region Iota
division not orders, there are differences, a division is a larger organisation with a broader focus while orders are smaller and more tightly focused
These are quantum cities, they're super imposed on the existing ones.I believe this option should be removed - the cities we're currently building take up the last to spots that we can found cities in.
yes, as would any order dedicated to the study of a single topic, or a narrow fieldWhich is why a healing order works, but researcher is a division.
Got it.
Unfortunatly we do not have mech deru.
1. Would an order dedicated exclusively to the study of the soul or rituals be possible?