Do we (Avernus) want colonies? If so how many)
I was going to open up this conversation myself.
I think the following are the primary possible benefits to Avernus of founding (full) colonies:
1: Political:
Whether because this means cooperation with another Trust system, or the creation of additional reform minded systems inside the trust, this is probably the biggest benefit. After all, the colonies are expected to gain independence within 100 years. So a colony isn't a permanent drain on the colonizer, and is likely to carry a large influence on it's culture from it's founder. (I mean, consider how much America and Britain get along despite having a rather nasty break up).
2: Population:
This is more a benefit for the Trust as a whole, and would probably benefit more from the Midgard plan of the Trust colonizing, but it's still a benefit. More worlds means a higher population , which means more soldiers and ships to fight the war with Chaos/Xenos.
3: Additional sources of needed materials
Unlike most other Trust systems, Avernus does not need any of the basic resources. We have plenty of thrones, metal, promethium, material, and food. The only thing we are constantly importing are advanced and exotic materials. Which means that unlike all the other Trust systems (except maybe Asgard and Jotunheim), we do not significantly benefit from resource colonies. (Though possibly more metal might benefit trade opportunities). Rather, we ought to be pushing for full colonies, specifically ones that might lead to more sources for Advanced and Exotic Material.
That's why I was looking for something like a joint colony with Svartalfheim, because that seems likely to get us what we want.
However, with the new system we just agreed on at the council, it seems to me that want we probably want is for a full colony to be founded with Svartalfheim as the primary colonizer.
Perhaps with Avernus providing a supporting role so that Svartalfheim has a better chance at winning the bid.
In fact I think we ought to spend a Sound Out next year with Svartalfheim to discuss the matter. Basically what we would want is a tap on more Advanced Material so we'd need to discuss how we would work that ought, since it will probably be at least 30 to 40 years before it starts producing AM to export. So that means most of the benefits to Avernus with be in the future. Full colonies provide their colonizer with a tithe for 100 years, followed by independence with another 100 years of a favorable trade agreement. I assume that whatever we agree on with Svartalfheim we'd want most of the trade benefits, and probably some AM as part of the tithe going to us during the second half of the colonizing period.
Things we could offer to Svartialfheim (listed in order of what they might want):
1: Defense Monitors/Orbital Defenses
2: Part of the initial PDF deployment
3: Establishment of a colony militia program
4: Administrative specialists (especially in the health care systems)
5: Military generals
6: Arbites expertise
7: Use of our Midgard credits to recruit colonists from Midgard
Not that Svartalfheim can't do these things, just that they are areas we could take on some of the costs in, and where we might be able to make their bid more attractive.
Obviously we'd need to have how much we offer correspond to what we gain. Plus the political benefits of the Conservative and Reform wing working together is nice.
Another possibility would be too look at a cooperative colonization with Muspelheim. In that case Avernus would probably be the primary colonizer, and the main thing we'd want from them would be their sweet and super effective AM/EM productive capabilities. Perhaps we work a deal where we hand pick the Mechanicus going to the new colony so as to ensure that they are all progressives and won't freak out about whatever Muspelheim is hiding.
I mean, we don't really want to send a lot of Mechanicus to a new colony anyway, since we'd prefer them to focus their population increases here at Avernus. Plus is somebody does freak out about whatever Muspelheim has, there is at least the fiction that it happened on the colony world, and nobody actually witnessed this on Muspelheim. (Yeah, it's a fiction, but everybody already knows that they are probably involved in some kind of tech heresy already, just that because there is no evidence we can all play pretend.)
Since Surt hinted at a desire to cooperate with us more, but is worried about the Mechanicus, this might also be a good sound out.
Maybe I'll try to write up something tomorrow.
I don't see what Avernus would gain from having a colony unless it was on a deathworld. Avernus' point is to produce elite deathworld soldiers, and without the biomes to keep the colonists and their descendants honed there's no point. What would such a colony have that a Midgardian colony wouldn't?
Avernite cultural roots, including a propensity for high tech solutions and approaches. Possibly psyker stuff as well, though only if we provide most of the colonists.
For regular colonies I personally don't see any reason we couldn't just let Midgard provide the Colonists.
Obviously they are going to provide most of the colonists no matter what. We just can't get any to come to Avernus because... you know, deathworld. I'm sure they'd be happy to immigrate to a non-deathworld planet.