By the way once again the trade ratio is such that trading Promethium to Vanaheim for Thrones to trade to Atlas is better then trading Promethium directly to Atlas. By quite a bit. 1.6666 vs 2 ratio. Now, since Material is the best deal for credits with Atlas, that advantage is somewhat reduced, but probably still better or comparable with trading material to Alfhiem for Thrones to trade to Atlas.
We can safely trade up to 4 million Promethium without being in any danger from maintenance costs of the shipyard. And that is without any Promethium from refounding Limberlost or mining on Moon Delta. So I propose a much more aggressive plan.
@durin We gave Alfhiem a military trainers as a means to improve relations, can we give Vanaheim something too? Say, the first set of Impalers are a free gift to celebrate our friendship (additional Impalers cost money though).
[X] Sell
-[X] Gift of one 1,300 regiments worth of Impalers (400,000 Thrones, 200,000 Material) = Improved relations
-[X] Impalers x9 (3,600,000 Thrones, 1,800,000 Material) = 450 credits
-[X] 560,000 Metal per year = 70 credits
-[X] 3,000,000 Promethium per year = 300 credits
Total = 820 Credits
[X] Buy
-[X] Military exchange = 10 credits
-[X] Navy Exchange = 50 credits
-[X] Defense Monitor x15 = 300 credits
-[X] Asteroid Miner x10 = 160 credits
-[X] 6,000,000 Thrones per a year = 300 credits
Total = 820
Seriously, we need to get more aggressive in our trading.
How many turns will it be before the Asteroid Miners and Defense Monitors arrive? If it turns out the Tyranids are heading to Alfhiem will we have a chance to send some of our Defense Monitors there instead?