Nice rewards.
Going to focus on next turn plans.
Recruit- Over twenty-five million Avernite soldiers were killed in Waaagh Garkill, over five percent of your military. Marshal Richards tells you that it will take six years to find and train replacements for these soldiers. She also advises you to begin recruiting immediately, as the Imperial Trust is likely to be in near constant war for the foreseeable future and it would be best to have your military at full strength.
Time: 6 years.
Cost: 741,500,000 Thrones, 67,020,000 Material, 27,790,000 Promethium, 7,000,000 Advanced Material, 5,654 Exotic Material.
Reward: replace forces lost in the recent Waaagh
Note that this is needed in addition to the current expansion. The Orks are a more urgent issue, but we shouldn't delay this one at all. I think we want to start this within the next 2 years, which means locking up our one Military action.
Ork Infestation: Containment Measures- Currently you have over ten billion Orks on Avernus, mostly around the Ork strongholds built out of Roks. While they are not a threat to your cities without either better organisation or more super -heavy siege equipment they are still an issue. Marshal Richards strongly advises you to at the least attempt to keep them contained in the area around their stronghold though a combination of soldier, aircraft and orbital bombardment. This should prevent the separate forces from linking up and keep them disorganised.
Time: 1 year (take multiple times to continue)
Chance of Success: 80%
Cost: 80,000,000 Thrones, 40,000,000 Material, 8,000,000 Promethium, 4,150 Advanced Material
Reward: slightly increases military casualties, kills some Orks, prevents Orks from becoming more organised,
Ork Infestation: Siege (strongholds)- There are currently eleven Ork strongholds on Avernus, each with a garrison ranging from the hundreds of millions to over two billion. Marshal Richards suggests besieging some or all of them, trapping the Orks inside and weakening the defences for a later assault.
Time: 1 year (take multiple times to continue)
Chance of Success: 60% (-5% for every stronghold after the first)
Cost: 160,000,000 Thrones, 80,000,000 Material, 16,000,000 Promethium, 8,300 Advanced Material per stronghold besieged
Reward: increases military casualties, kills Orks, weakens defences of target strongholds
Ork Infestation: Assault (strongholds)- There are currently eleven Ork strongholds on Avernus, each with a garrison ranging from the hundreds of millions to over two billion. You will need to eventually destroy these strongholds. One way to do this is by taking advantage f your superior troops, technology and coordination to assault the strongholds. Given that the Orks will be defending fortifications taking strongholds will not be easy and it would be best to concentrate on assaulting only a few strongholds a year and to soften them up first.
Time: 1 year (take multiple times)
Chance of Success: 40% (-10% for every stronghold after the first)
Cost: 160,000,000 Thrones, 80,000,000 Material, 16,000,000 Promethium, 8,300 Advanced Material per stronghold besieged
Reward: significantly, increases military casualties, takes target strongholds and kill Orks inside them
Okay, so how to handle the Orks. Note that Containment effects all strongholds, and does not have a chance of success reduction the way the others do. For example, siege on all Ork strongholds would have a base of 5% chance of success.
So basically we want to constantly have an Ork Containment action ongoing throughout this effort. That's going to lock up one of our Personal Actions for at least four years, maybe longer.
Now we might be able to reduce the risk of going without containment by targeting Ork fortresses in an order that divides them enough that they cannot link up even without containment actions.
Current Ork fortresses are:
Duat (central to the region's cities, possible link up with Beirut and Okefenokee Orks)
In the Everglades to the west of Okefenokee (possible link up with Duat and Beirut Orks)
In the Everglades near The Bayou ruins (possible link up with Aridia Orks)
In Aridia, east of Beirut, (possible link ups with Duat, other Aridia Orks, and The Bayou)
In Aridia "central" location between Babylon and Salem (possible link ups with other Aridia Orks and the Bayou)
In Aridia between Silver Lake and Salem, (possible link up with other Aridia Orks, The Bayou)
In Aridia between Salem and Hollin, (possible link up with other Aridia Orks, The Bayou, and Lindon Orks)
In Lindon between the Unseen University and Lorien, (possible link up with the Aridia Orks and the Spine Orks)
In Avernus Spine between Casarrondo and Gormec (possible link up with Lindon and Malea Orks)
In Elysium west of Malea, on the railway connection to Avernus Spine (possible link up with the Yphax and Spine Orks)
In Elysium south of Yphax, (possible link up with the Malea Orks)
Based on that, Aridia is the location that needs cleaning out first. Combined with taking out either The Bayou and Avernus Spine, or Lindon and Malea Orks that would help isolate the Ork forts a lot. Duat is probably a priority target because of the Black Crystal.
Additional thoughts are that the Siege action is useful for softening up a fortress, but is action costly, especially in comparison with the Bombardment action which targets all Ork forts.
Also, the Assault action is best used after softening the Ork forts. This leads me to think that our first year should be a Personal Action Containment, and a Personal Action Lessons Learned, with an Orbital Bombardment action, and that we begin assaulting in year two.
Lessons Learned: Siege- Your forces gained a good deal of experience with the defensive side of siege warfare in the recent invasion. Marshal Richards tells you that if she focuses on codifying the gathered knowledge she could notably improve your training in siege warfare. She would personally prefer to focus on this aspect of warfare given how easily Prefabricated Fortresses can turn any battle into a siege.
Time: 1 year. (can't be taken with Lessons Learned: Harassment)
Cost: 4,000,000 Thrones, 400,000 Material, 20,000 Promethium.
Reward: +5 to all rolls when defending in siege and +3 to combat rolls.
Lessons Learned: Harassment- Your forces gained a good deal of experience with conducting harassment operations in the recent invasion. Marshal Richards tells you that if she focuses on codifying the gathered knowledge she could notably improve your training in conducting harassment.
Time: 1 year. (can't be taken with Lessons Learned: Siege)
Cost: 4,000,000 Thrones, 400,000 Material, 20,000 Promethium.
Reward: +5 to all rolls when harassing and +3 to combat rolls.
This is an interesting question, since Harassment and Siege tactics actually strongly compliment each other. We took a lot of casualties in our harassment force, but siege is our specialty. Basically do we want to improve our specialty or do we want to make our forces a bit more rounded in a way that compliments our specialty. Leaning towards siege, but harassment is actually a very good choice too.
Bombardment- There are currently eleven Ork strongholds on Avernus, each with a garrison ranging from the hundreds of millions to over two billion. Admiral Parnell suggests using your defence cruisers to conduct a sustained medium intensity bombardment on them. This should kill a decent number of Orks and damage the fortifications, making future assaults easier.
Time: 1 year (take multiple times to continue)
Chance of Success: 70%
Cost: 40,000,000 Thrones, 20,000,000 Material, 2,000,000 Promethium, 8,300 Advanced Material
Reward: kill Orks, weakens defences of strongholds
Construct: Repair- The Avernite Navy suffered a good deal of damage to its lighter units fighting against Garkill's fleet. Much to everyone's surprise all of the Avernite capital ships destroyed in the fighting will be repairable. It will take seven years to repair the damaged ships and replace the destroyed escorts and attack craft.
Time: 7 years
Cost: 1,774,000 Thrones, 350,200,000 Material, 12,720,000 Promethium, 1,493,000 Advanced Material, 9,069 Exotic Material.
Reward: Repair 8 Hoplite Cruisers (4 half destroyed 4 mostly destroyed), 1 Praetorian Cruiser (half destroyed), 8 Warrior Cruisers (4 half destroyed 4 mostly destroyed), 4 Bishop Carriers (half destroyed), 198 Soldier Destroyers (99 half destroyed, 99 mostly destroyed), 61 Legionnaire Destroyers (31 half destroyed, 30 mostly destroyed), 30 Privateer Raiders (15 half destroyed, 15 mostly destroyed), build 244 Guardian Fighter Wings, build 266 Dragon Bomber Wings, build 197 Soldier Destroyers, build 31 Legionnaire Destroyers, build 16 Privateer Raiders
Move Orbitals- Currently all of Avernus' orbital infrastructure is in orbit around Deiphobe in the protection of your main naval base. According to Admiral Parnell it will take a bit less then three years to return them to the orbit of Avernus, after which he will feel far more confident of Avernus' security.
Time: 3 years.
Cost: 1,210,000,000 Thrones, 121,000,000 Material, 1,210,000 Metal, 24,200,000 Promethium.
Reward: Move all orbitals back to Avernus from Deiphobe,
So these are the three actions to choose in response to the Garkill invasion. I'm leaning towards just four years of bombardment. Frankly, I don't want to move the Orbitals back right now because if any serious threat appeared we'd probably lose them anyway without the support of the fleet. Repair would be nice to get started on, but I think we need the bombardment more.
Rebuild- Garkill's recent invasion caused a good deal of damage to the cities of Avernus that needs to be repaired. Of particular urgency is that fact that the entire outer defences of Salem have been destroyed, leaving the city vulnerable to both attack and wildlife. Otherwise there are a few districts destroyed in Beruit and a number of far more minor sources of battle damage that need to be repaired. This project is urgent and should be started immediately.
Time: 5 years
Cost: 545,600,000 Thrones, 496,000,000 Material, 79,280,000 Promethium, 139,400 Advanced Material, 6,310
Reward: repair damage done to cities by Garkill's Invasion
Obvious Administorum action is obvious
Region Iota: Found City: (Delta, Lake or Desert)- Now that you have found the exact place to build the cities and put up some basic fortifications in the area it is time to begin the colonisation of Region Iota. It would be best to build one city at a time, and to draw the colonialists from a variety of different regions.
Time: 8 years. (can be taken multiple times, must also take Hold Ground, Region Iota)
Cost: 642,900,000 Thrones, 154,600,000 Material, 134,100,000 Metal, 26,820,000 Promethium, 146,900 Advanced Material, 900 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 30,527,211 Thrones, 4,107,723 Material, 3,295,626 Metal, 520,337 Promethium, 4,834 Advanced Material, 13 Exotic Material.
Reward: Build city in selected area of Region Iota
Hmm... is there still an unfilled colonization site in Iota? I thought there where only five available.
Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan tells you that the Imperial Trust as a whole is rather impressed with Avernus' performance in the recent campaign, with Midgard being rather awed by the fact that you sent a large portion of your army and your entire fleet to assist the Imperial Trust Guard while over ten billion Orks were still on Avernus. Otherwise he has little to occupy himself in the diplomatic field so offered to spend some time investigating less immediate matters.
+1 relationship with Midgard
Interesting. You know, maybe we ought to pursue a closer relationship at lower levels with Midgard. Since we are the two major sources of Trust military, maybe some joint training exercises? Also, some cultural exchange programs, and maybe some joint celebrations of the defeat of the Chaos invasion of Midgard?
Since Midgard is going to be providing the majority of Trust colonists, having a good relationship between our people and the common people of Midgard would be beneficial.
In general on Diplomacy, we obviously want some investigations, however there are a few other possibilities:
1: Combat coordination with the Trolls for attacking the Orks in Avernus Spine?
2: Notifying the Sirens about the Ork fortress west of Malea and suggesting that they are fair game for eating?
3: Collecting information about the campaign and developing propaganda for distribution to the rest of the Trust (including some pieces on the Quartok Death Harbingers and the psykers)
Oakheart's School of Swordsmanship- Jane Oakheart is one of the the best swordsman in the Imperial Trust, a position she earned on sheer skill and experience. She has recently suggested establishing a School of Swordsmanship in Dis where her self-created style is taught to Avernite swordsmen. This would take some time as she will not be able to teach full time, so will want to train half a dozen instructors to a high enough level that she is confident that they will be able to teach her style. Given that this style was honed against rogue psykers this will prove to be a particular boon to the Psyker and Witch Hunters whose duty it is to hunt them down.
Time: 10 years
Cost: 32,000,000 Thrones, 3,200,000 Materials, 33,200 Advanced Materials, 732 Exotic Materials
Upkeep per year: 3,200,000 Thrones, 320,000 Materials, 1,660 Advanced Materials, 14.6 Exotic Materials
Reward: Improved chance of sword traits for new Avernite characters, +5 to rolls against Chaos Psykers, Oakheart style of swordsmanship preserved, new options
Propaganda about Quartok: (Planet)- Jane has suggested that she use the intelligence network that she commands to push a positive view of the Quartok on the average citizens. This is a type of operation that the Adeptus Arbites are well trained in and she is certain that she could convince almost any population in the Imperial Trust to have a slightly better opinion of the Quartok.
Time: 6 years.
Chance of Success: 20% (fail by more then twenty leads to issues, add spy network bonus to roll)
Cost: 110,000,000 Thrones, 1,100,000 Material, 11,000 Promethium, 34 Advanced Material
Reward: Better attitude towards Quartok in chosen population.
Obviously we want the sword school started, but there is the question of whether this might be a good time to encourage a better view of the Quartok. Fighting in a war together with the Quartok as allied auxiliaries is often a good time for this kind of thing. If we can get any extra bonuses because of this it might be a good time to do it.
Dedicated Spy Network (Planet, Focus)- While you have a decent spy network on many planets it is a rather general thing not focused on getting any information in particular. Jane has proposed that she build dedicated networks designed to gather information bout a particular facet of the target world. Proposed focuses include military, naval, economic, cult activity and government.
Time: 4 years.
Chance of Success: 40% (major issues if you fail by more then 15, size of diplomatic issue varies with chosen focus)
Cost: 13,750,000 Thrones, 137,500 Material, 13,750 Promethium, 212 Advanced Material
Upkeep per year: 2,750,000 Thrones, 27,500 Material, 2,750 Promethium, 42 Advanced Material,
Reward: Basic Spy network on chosen planet upgraded to Dedicated Spy Network, +60 to all investigate actions on planet chosen field, can discover secret information.
We ought to review our current Spy Networks and decide if there is anything else we would like to build on.
Saint Lin has recently been spending more time in the orphanages of Avernus, taking full advantage of the lack of any urgent need for his presence to spend time with the children. He does however warn you that the Abomination will have discovered him by now, and will try to kill him as it has the other saints of the Emperor. While worrying, as it may result in a Abomination force far larger then anything Valinor can field being sent against you, it does not surprise you to hear that the Abomination is trying to kill of Saints of the True Emperor.
Hmm... we could use some new ideas here. I'd kind of like to do something to make the Church tie the Trust more closely together. Perhaps some kind of Trust wide building project?
Also, might be worth having Ridcully look for dangers specific to Saint Lin.
Despite the fact that he has had a few very close calls with the Avernite wildlife over the last few years High Grandmaster Ridcully remains fit for duty. He informs you that Valinor is currently in disarray at the utterly unexpected slaughter of their fleets, which their seers had predicted a level of success for. Currently Grandmaster Xavier is leading the majority of his Battle Psykers to assist the Imperial Trust forces in assaulting Garkill's former domain.
So Valinor has seers too...
Also... is there any possible way to take advantage o the disarray in Valinor...
Divination: Attacks- Headmaster Ridcully could spend some time attempting to predict any incoming attacks on the Imperial Trust. While he tells you that it will be easy for him to spot that an attack is coming finding more information such as the size, composition, location and exact timing will take more time and effort.
Time: 1 year
Chance of Success: 50%
Cost: 4,000,000 Thrones
Reward: Information on incoming attacks for the next five years, each success provides more information.
Divination (Target)- Headmaster Ridcully is almost as skilled at seeing the present as he is at predicting the future. This allows him to gather a good deal of information about the neighbouring sectors without putting any scouts at risk. Valinor, Dragons Nest and the Orkish domains seem to be the best options to investigate this way.
Time: 2 years.
Chance of Success: 30%
Cost: 4,000,000 Thrones
Reward: Information on selected polity, location ect. The narrower the target the more information.
Focused Divination (Target, Area)- High Grandmaster Ridcully is almost as skilled at seeing the present as he is at predicting the future. This allows him to investigate specific aspects of one of the neighbouring nations, such as their military composition, leaders or even the best times to attack them.
Time: 2 years.
Chance of Success: 30%
Cost: 4,000,000 Thrones
Reward: Gain selected information on selected polity, location ect. The narrower the target the more information.
So... thinking about the divination abilities. Obviously want to spend one action on Divination Attacks. Might be worthwhile to consider investigating something specific such as say... Valinor's agricultural world.
Simple Anti-Pyker Wards: SAM Batteries- Now that the Artisans of Nogrod are ready it is time to start adding wards to some of your key buildings and defences. One of the key defences are the SAM batteries that provide long ranged AA to your cities. Warding them will reduce the chance that an enemy psyker will be able to disable them at a key time while still being relatively cheap.
Time: 2 years.
Cost: 392,000 Thrones, 18,000 Advanced Material.
Upkeep per year: 19,600 Thrones, 900 Advanced Material
Reward: All Sam Silos have simple Anti-Psyker Wards applied to them, slightly reducing the number of psychic powers that can apply to them and giving a +10 bonus to all attempts to resist those powers that can get though
Simple Anti-Pyker Wards: Void Shields- Now that the Artisans of Nogrod are ready it is time to start adding wards to some of your key buildings and defences. One of the most important parts of your defences are the Void Shield Generators that provide the majority of the cities defences against artillary and orbital bombardment. Warding them will reduce the chance that an enemy psyker will be able to disable them at a key time while still being relatively cheap.
Time: 3 years.
Cost: 2,350,000 Thrones, 108,000 Advanced Material.
Upkeep per year: 118,000 Thrones, 5,410 Advanced Material
Reward: All Void Shield Generators have simple Anti-Psyker Wards applied to them, slightly reducing the number of psychic powers that can apply to them and giving a +10 bonus to all attempts to resist those powers that can get though
Advanced Wards: Fólkvangr- Now that the Artisans of Nogrod are ready it is time to start adding wards to some of your key buildings and defences. One option is to add advanced wards to the Fólkvangr, your flagship and by far the most powerful ship in the Avenite Navy. This will both make telaport attacks onto the ship far harder and make it harder for hostile psykers or daemons to effect the ship, as well as slightly reducing the level of danger in Warp travel.
Time: 5 years.
Cost: 9,470,000 Thrones, 544,000 Advanced Material, 6,080 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 474,000 Thrones, 27,200 Advanced Material, 304 Exotic Material
Reward: Advanced Wards on the Fólkvangr, greatly reducing the chance of successfully teleporting onto the ship or using psychic powers targeted at or into the ship, +100 to the chance of anyone on the ship resisting a psychic power used from outside the ship
Basic Wards: Fleet- Now that the Artisans of Nogrod are ready it is time to start adding wards to some of your key buildings and defences. One option is to add basic wards to your entire fleet, which will provide a significant level of resistance to both teleport attacks and hostile psykers, though it will be time consuming and expensive.
Time: 8 years.
Cost: 21,300,000 Thrones, 979,000 Advanced Material, 10,940 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 1,010,000 Thrones, 49,000 Advanced Material, 547 Exotic Material
Reward: Basic Wards on all Warp capable ships, moderated reducing the chance of successfully teleporting onto the ship or using psychic powers targeted at or into the ship, +30 to the chance of anyone on the ship resisting a psychic power used from outside the ship
On wards... leaning towards warding Void Shields first. On the other hand, if we intend to attack Valinor soon, then Wards on the Fleet and Folkvangr would be most beneficial.
Psychic Materials: Wildlife- There are some materials that channels psychic energies better then others, or in certain ways. Given the sheer variety of psychic wildlife of differing sorts on Avernus Grandmaster Jameson believes that at least some of them will be useful in this manner. She will only be able to examine a single type of creatures at a time, so will take quite some time to examine everything that Avernus has to offer.
Time: 1 year
Cost: 4,000,000 Thrones, 400,000 Material, 4,250 Advanced Materials.
Reward: Determine if any part of selected species is useful as a psychic conductor.
Songs of War- Given how useful Songweaving is for large psychic choirs Priamris Jameson suggests training a few Choirs of Battle psykers in its use and composing some powers for combat. This will take some time but the reward of five large choirs trained in songweaving could be enough to change the course of entire campaigns.
Time: 10 years
Cost: 400,000,000 Thrones, 42,500 Advanced Material, 95 Exotic Material.
Reward: 5 Songweaving Choirs formed, several powers composed for each choir
Research: Destructive Frequencies- Headmaster Ridcully and Primaris Jameson have found that as well as some frequencies strengthening each other there are some frequents that weaken others. They would like to spend a few years confirming their theories on these frequencies.
Time: 2 years (takes both Ridcully and Tamia's actions)
Chance of Success: 50% (uses average of learning)
Cost: 39,000,000 Thrones, 390,000 Material, 850 Advanced Material, 95 Exotic Material.
Reward: Information on how destructive Psychic Frequencies function
Research: Neo-Astropathic Choirs- Headmaster Ridcully believes the recent discoveries he and Tamia have made will allow for the formation of Neo-Astropathic Choirs, which will massively boost the range of your Neo-Astropaths. He plans on using a combination of Songweaving, what has been found about resonating frequencies and everything he knows about psychic frequencies to do this.
Time: 7 years (takes both Ridcully and Tamia's actions)
Chance of Success: 10% (uses average of learning)
Cost: 390,000,000 Thrones, 3,900,000 Material, 8,509 Advanced Material, 959 Exotic Material.
Reward: Allows the formation of Neo-Astropathic Choirs.
Research: Immaterial Resonance- One of the most intriguing discoveries of Headmaster Ridcully and Primaris Jameson is that some patterns in the Materium resonate with the Immaterium effecting it. This is likely the bases of runes and some rituals, both Chaotic and non-Chaotic. Headmaster Ridcully would like to spend a decade studying it. He can not promise any useful results even if he is successful but given that this is a possible path to several major breakthroughs he thinks it is worth the risk.
Time: 10 years (must be taken by Ridcully)
Chance of Success: 20% (uses learning)
Cost: 39,000,000 Thrones, 390,000 Material, 850 Advanced Material, 95 Exotic Material.
Reward: Information on how some things in the Materium resonate with the Immaterium
Research: Power Melody Composition- The recent joint research project between Headmaster Ridcully and Primaris Jameson made several major discoveries, one of which is that the closer the melody of songweaving matches the required frequencies of a power the more effective the power is. While the exact mechanisms of this increase are as yet not understood Primaris Jameson thinks that she will be able to figure out how to compose melodies that match the powers used.
Time: 7 years
Chance of Success: 40% (uses learning)
Cost: 39,000,000 Thrones, 390,000 Material, 850 Advanced Material, 95 Exotic Material.
Reward: Primaris Jameson figures out how to compose a melody that matches the power better.
So many more things to research....
Mentoring: Beta- Given the high rate of failure for the more powerful psykers Headmaster Ridcully would like to have one of his best psykers mentor the next Beta-level in the year leading up to his trails. This will hopefully be enough to increase his chance of passing by a significant degree.
Time: 1 year. (can be taken once)
Chance of Success: 50%
Cost: Free
Reward: each point of success increases chance of the Beta-level psyker passing the trails by 1%
Mentoring: Gammas-Given the high rate of failure for the more powerful psykers Headmaster Ridcully has suggested having one of his best psykers mentor the next Gamma-levels in the year leading up to his trails. This will hopefully be enough to increase his chance of passing by a significant degree.
Time: 1 year. (can be taken once)
Chance of Success: 50%
Cost: Free
Reward: each 20 points of success increases chance of each Gamma-level psyker passing the trails by 1%
Research: Black Crystal Items (Item)- Last year Headmaster Ridcully determined that each of the items of Black Crystal has its own unique property, though he was not able to determine what they are. He tells you it would most likely take a couple of years of study to determine exactly what the unique properties are but it would most likely be worth the time expended.
Time: 2 year
Chance of Success: Unknown (uses learning)
Cost: 355,000 thrones, 17,750 Material, 43 Advanced Material.
Reward: More information on Black Crystal Item selected
And everything else we need to do. By the way, there 4 Betas and 11 Gammas coming up for testing in the next four years.
You are currently rather busy as a result of both work you delayed until after Waaagh Garkill and dealing with the issues that your current Ork infestation cause. However even this workload is not enough to prevent you from worrying about Syr, who is currently off on her first major campaign. While you are confident in both her skills and those of her bodyguards, who you hand-picked from among the best of the Governor's Own, in war even great skill can't protect you from everything. A single unlucky shot could bring her down or she could be killed when the ship she is on is destroyed. While you understand the reasons behind needing to send her off to war it remains hard.
You know... I hate to be cold blooded about this but... we really need a spare heir.
Thaddeus Expertise: Upgrade Defences: Any- Thaddeus Starr was the second in command of the Avernite Administratum before you recruited him as your personal assistant and is able to run certain projects without any supervision. Currently he has volunteered to oversee the upgrading of the defences of one your cities.
Time: As Project
Cost: As Project +10%
Reward: Does one Upgrade Defences action without needing a personal attention.
Locked – Seven out of Eight years completed
Personal Attention– You are highly capable of military command, administration, diplomacy and intrigue and are capable of managing a project in any of those fields. Can be taken twice.
Time: as project.
Cost: free.
Reward: get one extra Adeptus Munitorum, Adeptus Administratum, Diplomacy or Adeptus Arbites action with your characteristic bonus.
Spend Time With (Person)- One of the ways that you can spend what little free time that you have is by spending some time with you friends and advisers. This would be a good way for you to relax and improve your relationship with your co-workers, as well as possible learn or teach something.
Time: 1 year.
Chance of Success: Unknown
Cost: Free (can be taken multiple times)
Reward: Spend time with selected character, chance of improving your relationship, chance of boosting your own or selected characters
Whispers of Change (Suggestion)- Fabricator-General Britton has mentioned that he is trying to slowly change the Mechanicus to remove its more problematic laws and traditions. He is willing to listen to any proposals that you make on what should change and how to change it and promises not to get offended.
Time: 1 year
Reward: Fabricator-General Britton listen to your suggestion and may follow though.
Speak to the People – Much to the surprise of both you and your advisors, you are a highly popular figure on Avernus. You can use this popularity to run a series of Tel-casts to raise the morale of both the civilians and the military.
Time: 1 Year.
Chance of Success: 50%
Cost: 3,600 Thrones
Reward: +1 to Civilian and Military Morale.
So two of these actions are going to be locked up dealing with Orks for four years.
Another action will be locked on Thaddeus defense upgrades.
That leaves one action slot available for all four years. I'd say one Speak to the People (it's thematic since they just did an amazing job fulfilling our role as the Fortress world of the Trust, and we also have a morale slot open for a +1) followed by three spend time with people. Jane, Lin and Klovis Ultran perhaps?
4 Years:
Re-Investigate: Asgard
Re-Investigate: Midgard
4 Years:
Re-Investigate: Vanaheim
Persons of Interest
Re-Examine: King Zaren Halkvar of Alfheim
Okay, Asgard, Midgard and Vanaheim are the major planets to keep track of; We can and should investigate more planets in the coming turns (Personally; Svartalfheim, Muspelheim, Alfheim, Niflheim, Jotunheim, in that order. Byzantium optional, but last on the list if we do take it, since they've joined the Trust fairly recently and our details should be mostly up-to-date. Or maybe it should be at the top of list and non-optional, seeing as we don't have Byzantium's datasheet, implying we don't have any details to begin with. I'm not sure.)
We should probably establish a Spy Network on Byzantium too...
4 Years:
Personal Attention: Ork Infestation: Siege (All Strongholds), DD
Personal Attention: Ork Infestation: Siege (All Strongholds), DD
Personal Attention: Ork Infestation: Siege (All Strongholds)
Personal Attention: Ork Infestation: Siege (All Strongholds)
4 Years:
Personal Attention: Ork Infestation: Assault (2 Strongholds, from weakest to strongest)
Personal Attention: Ork Infestation: Assault (2 Strongholds, from weakest to strongest)
Personal Attention: Ork Infestation: Assault (3 Strongholds, from weakest to strongest), DD
Personal Attention: Ork Infestation: Assault (4 Strongholds, from weakest to strongest), DD
I don't think we want to Siege all strongholds, as that gives us only a base of 5% chance of success.