The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

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Second, I'm not sure what you're doing with Xavier in the dispelling portion. I mean, I could read it as him joining with the Daemonology choirs for the counter-spell attempt or I could read it as him focusing on disrupting the ritual any way he wants and thereby aiding the Daemonology choirs. If you're having him lead the choirs there, though, I'd get some input from Durin for if that would be a good idea, as Xavier has no natural affinity for Daemonology and would be working with a low bonus due to lower experience there too. Having to deal with walls coming down, suddenly daemons, and losing a very hard to replace hero unit plus choir is a very bad worst case scenario that could very well happen there with one bad roll.
Actually IIRC I think Xavier and Tamia were supposed to be pyromancers/daemonolgists?... maybe I don't remember.
For our heroic psykers, are they at 'User of' for psychic disciplines not listed on their sheet? Like is Xavier considered Skilled, Expert or so at Daemonology?
For the sake of expediency and getting thing on the move, I'm gonna go ahead and post Elder Haman's draft plan as a plan. I'll make any changes he wants, but we should really get a move on.

[X] Plan Haman 1.0

[] Option Two: Escort your other air forces- This will allow your fighters to escort your other air forces as they carry out their duties, reducing the number of casulties they suffer from both Ork Fighter-Bombers and AA.

[] Bomber Option Two: Defensive Bombing- This involves coordinating bombing runs with the command of the cities under attack in order to help defend the walls, it will result in a decent number of casulties from Ork AA but should lower the pressure on your cities walls.

Anyone have better ideas here?

[] Salem Rok Option Three: Assault the Roks- One option would be to have your forces set up siege lines around the Roks to contain them while elite forces board and destroy the Roks one at a time. -While this is the fastest way to destroy the Roks it will result in your elites suffering casualties as they are forced to assault highly fortified positions, likely defended by Ork elites.

[] Other Rok Option Three: Assault the Roks- One option would be to have your forces set up siege lines around the Roks to contain them while elite forces board and destroy the Roks one at a time. -While this is the fastest way to destroy the Roks it will result in your elites suffering casualties as they are forced to assault highly fortified positions, likely defended by Ork elites.

Tend to feel that leaving the Roks inside the cities alone would be bad. Seems less costly to assault them, but I'm very open to a better idea.

[] Redeployment
Move Xavier to Salem (send the Phase Tigers back to Lindon to support harassment tactics there in their home territory).
Move the daemonology choir from Lorien to Salem
Move the daemonology choir from Beirut to Salem
Move the biomancy choir from Casarrondo to Salem
Move the biomancy choir from Lorien to Salem
Master Rana detaches from Saint Lin and attaches to one of the biomancy choirs
Move the divination choir and Grandmaster Ridcully from Dis to Salem
Move the telekinetic choir from Dis to Salem
Use the daemonology choirs to transport the pyromancy choir from Iota Two to Salem
Use the daemonology choirs to transport the telekinetic choir from The Fair Isle to Salem

Move Governor Rotbart and Governors Own from DIs to Salem
Move 50 Aesir Knight Maniples, and 15 Heavy Armour Regiments from Dis to Salem
Move 19 Helguard, 200 Helltrooper, and 250 PDF regiments from Dis to Salem
Move 9 Helguard, 100 Helltrooper, and 300 PDF regiments from Hollin to Salem
Move 7 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 100 Helltrooper regiments from Dorothonion to Salem

Move the telepathy choir from Dis to Beirut

Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 4 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 5 Helguard, 100 Helltroopers, and 300 PDF from Silver Lake to Beirut
Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 3 Helguard, 40 Helltroopers, and 50 PDF from Babylon to Beirut
Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 3 Helguard, 40 Helltroopers, and 150 PDF from True Grit to Beirut
Move 20 Psyker Teams, 1 Psyker regiment, 4 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 3 Helguard, 40 Helltroopers, and 150 PDF from The Fens to Beirut
Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 3 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 3 Helguard, 80 Helltroopers, and 150 PDF from Doriath to Beirut

(Note we can move up to 858 additional regiments to Beirut, but not sure I want to pull that many forces away from elsewhere. What do others think?)

(Maybe we can move units up from Okefenokee, and then fly in units from Duat?)

Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 4 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 40 Helltroopers, and 150 PDF from Mirkwood to Lorien
Move 4 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 40 Helltroopers, and 150 PDF from Hollin to Lorien
Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 6 Helguard, 20 Helltroopers, and 200 PDF from Dorthonion to Lorien

(Probably need to move some more units from Avernus Spine to Lorien... combat should be 2 to 3 days away, and they have no psyker support.)

(Need to add a section moving more forces from Garden Grove and Nurn up to Malea)

Air lift (w/ escort) 4 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 20 Helguard, 100 Helltrooper, and 300 PDF from The Fair Isle to Garden Grove, then use rail to transport them to Yphax

[] Actions for Psykers/Special Units

-[] Salem Psykers:

Part One: Anti-Rok defense (takes place when the Roks are landing)

Xavier and one Pyromancy choir are assigned to knocking Roks off target
Primaris Hobbs and one Pyromancy choir are assigned to knocking Roks off target
Tamia and the Songweavers are assigned to knocking Roks off target
1 Choir (divination 2), Diviner (G) assigned to assisting in the targeting of the Pyromancers and the city lasers
Grandmaster Ridcully and his divination choir are assigned to assisting in the targeting of the Pyromancers and the city lasers
Both telekinesis choirs assist the city lasers and the Pyromancers in knocking Roks off target
The telepathic choir targets the Ork armies with their new leaders, encouraging infighting
Daemonology choirs rest and prepare for disrupting the weirdboyz
Biomancy choirs enfeeble the Orks inside a Rok just as it hits the ground

Care should be taken not to exhaust anyone needed in key locations in the next phase.

(Note: If someone can draft up a version of the cargo ships hitting Roks that would be helpful.)

Part Two: Countering the Weirdboyz, Deathstrikes galore (takes place after the Roks have landed and Garkill is preparing the assualt/weirdboy ritual)

Xavier and the two daemonology focus on counterspelling the weirdboyz
Tamia, the Songweavers, and the telepathic choir focus on disrupting the weirdboyz (messing up their targeting)
Both telekinetic choirs focus on strengthening the city defences
Primaris Hobbs and both pyromancy choirs have the first priority of burning out any Roks that landed inside the city, second priority is killing weirdboyz
Launch 10 Deathstrike batteries (1,000 missiles) distributed to kill weirdboyz
Launch 20 Deathstrike batteries followed by 1 Life-eater Deathstrike battery focused on Garkill and his Meganobs
Launch 20 Deathstrike batteries focused on destroying Gargents
Grandmaster Ridcully and his divination choir assist in Deathstrike targeting
1 Choir (divination 2), Diviner (G) assist the other psyker choirs in their operations
Both biomancy choirs with Master Rana hit the Orks with enfeeblement just before the Deathstrikes hit
Saint Lin provides whatever benefit his presence and counseling can provide the psykers in keeping themselves stable

Part Three: Clean up and Boss Duel (remainder of the initial Slaem combat)

Xavier (assuming he has the energy), Surt, and Rotbart (w/ Fire Giants and Governors Own) make up a kill squad focused on finding an opportunity to kill Garkill
Grandmaster Ridcully and his divination choir focus on finding Garkill and getting him killed
Tamia, the Songweavers, and the telepathic choir rest in preparation to encouraging massive internal disruption in the case of Garkill dying.
I'm assuming the daemonology choirs will be too tired to do anything more, but if they are available they focus on killing mid-tier Ork leaders (possibly in cooperation with the psyker teams). If needed, rest so that they can provide teleportation for the psykers choirs to other cities after Salem assualt is repulsed).
Primaris Hobbs and both pyromancy choirs continue pyromantic fire support for the troops.
Master Rana and the biomancy choirs assist in providing targeted enfeeblement of Orks and buffing human soldiers (goal is to identify key battles and buff the allies while enfeebling the Orks they are fighting).
Both telekinetic choirs provide spot defense as needed by the fighting soldiers
1 Choir (divination 2), Diviner (G) assist in task assignment for the pyromancers, biomancers, and telekinetics

[] Beirut Psykers:

Launch 10 Deathstrike batteries at the forces approaching Beirut
Telepathic Choir (arriving from Dis) works to encourage infighting among the Ork, exploiting the killing of Ork leaders by Jane and the Psyker Hunters

[] Malea

Pyromancy choir with Primarus Rattary work to deflect Roks as they approach the city. Once Roks have stopped falling on Malea, transit south to Yphax and prepare to do the same thing.
Pyromancer (G) and Master Zhukov work with Psyker Regiments in supporting the assault on any Roks that land inside the city.
Launch 6.97 Deathstrike batteries at the forces approaching Malea immediately after the Roks land

@Durin - let us know if there's anything that needs to change here or is ill advised. Thanks.
Just reiterating that I'd really, really like to get the Varangian Guard chaplain out for the Garkill fight. Durin said we should have a minimum of three of the hero units from the list he gave in on it, and right now we actually only have two guaranteed (Fred and Surt are certain, with Xavier if he's still fresh after the Pyromancy stuff).
Are we sure we want to assault the roks as soon as possible? Because it seems to me that this invasion seems like its going to be reaching its climax soon with the trust fleet coming and Garkill coming down. So assuming we kill Garkill and murder his fleet like we plan the Roks are going to become alot less powerful with the infighting from the leaders defeat and no more teleporting reinforcements from Death's Harbinger allowing us to clear them alot easier.
Just reiterating that I'd really, really like to get the Varangian Guard chaplain out for the Garkill fight. Durin said we should have a minimum of three of the hero units from the list he gave in on it, and right now we actually only have two guaranteed (Fred and Surt are certain, with Xavier if he's still fresh after the Pyromancy stuff).

Point. Just write out lines for that and tell me which sections to shove them in.

Are we sure we want to assault the roks as soon as possible? Because it seems to me that this invasion seems like its going to be reaching its climax soon with the trust fleet coming and Garkill coming down. So assuming we kill Garkill and murder his fleet like we plan the Roks are going to become alot less powerful with the infighting from the leaders defeat and no more teleporting reinforcements from Death's Harbinger allowing us to clear them alot easier.

The Roks inside the cities are an extreme danger to the cities, and are a distraction against the attack on the outside.
The Roks inside the cities are an extreme danger to the cities, and are a distraction against the attack on the outside.
It isn't so much of a complication than the fact that they allow bypass of a not-insignificant fraction of defences, and allow flanking.

The defence bonus of +200 in Salem equates to a quadrupling of relative effectiveness. That, and the 175:1 Casualty multiplier is extremely critical assets to not lose. Roks landing will probably degrade defence levels and inflict a lot of casualties. Probably more than Garkill, I'd suspect.
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Sorry for being late with an update.

Wasn't feeling to good today, then my grandmother called and asked for some help and I spent pretty much all day on that. Just barely got back home, cooked some dinner, and decompressed a little.

[] Fighter Option Four- Press the attack on ork fighters, where applicable work with Illusionists to make the Ork AA and Fighters in fight and generally make it easier for our fighters
[] Bomber Option Four- Staggered bombing of Artillery after the Fighters have engaged, see if they can drop spare Death Strike charges on the Orks while they are at it, even if they have to use Hercules.
[] Salem Rok Option Four: Cook em, have the Pyromancy choir force detonations and intense flames within as many roks as possible, while coming under fire from the rest of the city, While doing option 2 for the siege lines.

This feels like it is far too aggressive. A lot of risk for not much gain.

Tamia- Use massive scale Siren's song, project it over speakers in fighters if needed, but use it to get the orks to in fight, play on their natural inclinations to prove themselves the toughest, flatter their egos and make them prove it to themselves and each other.

I think we want her on Rok deflection duty at first.

If our Void Shields can keep Garkill from teleporting in his Boyz by the millions I think it should be fine to keep the Beirut Roks under siege until we can spare some Pyromancers to cook them.
This of course assumes that the Roks don't have with built-in Macrocannons surprises or something.

EDIT: I think we should assault the ones in Salem if any land in-city. We need to focus on defending the Wall, and have better heavy-infantry to take point in assaults there (ie. Surt and the Fire Giants).

1: Not sure if our void shields will be fully function, or if they will prevent Ork teleporters.

What do others think?

2: Pretty sure that there will be surprises in these Roks.

First and most importantly, I'd like to add Horatius Cocles (the Varangian Guard chaplain) to the kill team. Dude has Astares base damage and health, has excellent combat stats, and has melee skills and a Paragon trait custom-made for handling things like this.

Just reiterating that I'd really, really like to get the Varangian Guard chaplain out for the Garkill fight. Durin said we should have a minimum of three of the hero units from the list he gave in on it, and right now we actually only have two guaranteed (Fred and Surt are certain, with Xavier if he's still fresh after the Pyromancy stuff).

Can add that, though he is out leading the Avernus Spine harassment forces right now.

Second, I'm not sure what you're doing with Xavier in the dispelling portion. I mean, I could read it as him joining with the Daemonology choirs for the counter-spell attempt or I could read it as him focusing on disrupting the ritual any way he wants and thereby aiding the Daemonology choirs. If you're having him lead the choirs there, though, I'd get some input from Durin for if that would be a good idea, as Xavier has no natural affinity for Daemonology and would be working with a low bonus due to lower experience there too. Having to deal with walls coming down, suddenly daemons, and losing a very hard to replace hero unit plus choir is a very bad worst case scenario that could very well happen there with one bad roll.

Could have sworn daemonology was listed as his second best specialty...

he is a Pyromancer/Illusionist, though demonology is his 3rd best discipline

Huh... my mistake. Still he is pretty experienced at daemonology, and I think we need a boost there.

Are we sure we want to assault the roks as soon as possible? Because it seems to me that this invasion seems like its going to be reaching its climax soon with the trust fleet coming and Garkill coming down. So assuming we kill Garkill and murder his fleet like we plan the Roks are going to become alot less powerful with the infighting from the leaders defeat and no more teleporting reinforcements from Death's Harbinger allowing us to clear them alot easier.

That's still over a week away. I don't think we can wait that long. Maybe we can approach it differently for the Casarrondo/The Fens attacks when we will have a better handle on it.

@Enjou, are Paulson and all the other recommended heroes in Salem?

Paulson is leading the Everglades harassment forces and the regional commander. I don't recommend committing him to the Salem battle, as it would leave the Everglades without a commander.
[X] Elder Haman Plan Version 2

[X] Option Two: Escort your other air forces- This will allow your fighters to escort your other air forces as they carry out their duties, reducing the number of casulties they suffer from both Ork Fighter-Bombers and AA.

[X] Bomber Option Two: Defensive Bombing- This involves coordinating bombing runs with the command of the cities under attack in order to help defend the walls, it will result in a decent number of casulties from Ork AA but should lower the pressure on your cities walls.

Still looking for any improvements here if anyone has some?

[X] Salem Rok Option Three: Assault the Roks- One option would be to have your forces set up siege lines around the Roks to contain them while elite forces board and destroy the Roks one at a time. -While this is the fastest way to destroy the Roks it will result in your elites suffering casualties as they are forced to assault highly fortified positions, likely defended by Ork elites.

[X] Other Rok Option Three: Assault the Roks- One option would be to have your forces set up siege lines around the Roks to contain them while elite forces board and destroy the Roks one at a time. -While this is the fastest way to destroy the Roks it will result in your elites suffering casualties as they are forced to assault highly fortified positions, likely defended by Ork elites.

Tend to feel that leaving the Roks inside the cities alone would be bad. Seems less costly to assault them, but I'm very open to a better idea.

[X] Load 500 of our Hercules dropships with large explosive charges, consider spare deathstrike plasma charges and melta shells.
-[X] Launch 250 these dropships from Salem and ram them into the sides of incoming Roks to assist in deflection. Use diviner guidance to time and place them as effectively as possible.
-[X] Launch 250 these dropships from Malea and ram them into the sides of incoming Roks to assist in deflection. Use diviner guidance to time and place them as effectively as possible.

[X] After the first batch, prepare an additional 500 of our Hercules dropships with large explosive charges, 250 each at Lorien and Yphax. Decision on whether or not to deploy them dependent on effectiveness seen during the Salem and Malea deflection attempts.

[X] Redeployment
Move Xavier to Salem (send the Phase Tigers back to Lindon to support harassment tactics there in their home territory).
Move the daemonology choir from Lorien to Salem
Move the daemonology choir from Beirut to Salem
Move the biomancy choir from Casarrondo to Salem
Move the biomancy choir from Lorien to Salem
Master Rana detaches from Saint Lin and attaches to one of the biomancy choirs
Move the divination choir and Grandmaster Ridcully from Dis to Salem
Move the telekinetic choir from Dis to Salem
Use the daemonology choirs to transport the pyromancy choir from Iota Two to Salem

Move Governor Rotbart and Governors Own from DIs to Salem
Move Chaplain Horatius and 8 Vargarian Guard Scout Squads from Avernus Spine harassment forces to Salem
Move 50 Aesir Knight Maniples, and 15 Heavy Armour Regiments from Dis to Salem
Move 19 Helguard, 200 Helltrooper, and 250 PDF regiments from Dis to Salem
Move 9 Helguard, 100 Helltrooper, and 300 PDF regiments from Hollin to Salem
Move 7 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 100 Helltrooper regiments from Dorothonion to Salem

Move the telepathy choir from Dis to Beirut

Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 4 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 5 Helguard, 100 Helltroopers, and 300 PDF from Silver Lake to Beirut
Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 3 Helguard, 40 Helltroopers, and 50 PDF from Babylon to Beirut
Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 3 Helguard, 40 Helltroopers, and 150 PDF from True Grit to Beirut
Move 20 Psyker Teams, 1 Psyker regiment, 4 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 3 Helguard, 40 Helltroopers, and 150 PDF from The Fens to Beirut
Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 3 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 3 Helguard, 80 Helltroopers, and 150 PDF from Doriath to Beirut
Move 20 Psyker Teams, 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 4 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 6 Helguard, 40 Helltroopers, and 200 PDF from Belegost to Beirut
Move 600 PDF from Okefenokee to Beirut

Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 4 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 40 Helltroopers, and 150 PDF from Mirkwood to Lorien
Move 4 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 40 Helltroopers, and 150 PDF from Hollin to Lorien
Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 6 Helguard, 20 Helltroopers, and 200 PDF from Dorthonion to Lorien
Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 4 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 3 Helguard, 100 Helltroopers, and 200 PDF from Lonely Citadel to Lorien

Move 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 3 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 3 Helguard, 30 Helltroopers, and 80 PDF from Asmat to Okefenokee

Move 20 Psyker Teams, 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 3 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 3 Helguard, 30 Helltroopers, and 100 PDF from Nurn to Malea
Move 20 Psyker Teams, 4 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 3 Helguard, 30 Helltroopers, and 160 PDF from Garden Grove to Malea

Move 1 Psyker Regiment from Nurn to Yphax
Move 1 Psyker Regiment, 10 Psyker Teams, and 80 Helltroopers from Garden Grove to Yphax
Move 20 Psyker Teams, 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 3 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 3 Helguard, 30 Helltroopers, and 100 PDF from Bound to Yphax

Air lift (w/ escort) 50 Helltrooper, and 200 PDF from Iota One by safest/shortest route to railway network (assuming this will either be True Grit or Okefenokee) and then by rail to Okefenokee (final destination)
Air lift (w/ escort) 50 Helltrooper, and 200 PDF from Iota Two by safest/shortest route to railway network (assuming this will either be True Grit or Okefenokee) and then by rail to Okefenokee (final destination)
Air lift (w/ escort) 50 Helltrooper, and 200 PDF from Iota Four by safest/shortest route to railway network (assuming this will either be True Grit or Okefenokee) and then by rail to Okefenokee (final destination)
Air lift (w/ escort) 50 Helltrooper, and 200 PDF from Iota Five by safest/shortest route to railway network (assuming this will either be True Grit or Okefenokee) and then by rail to Okefenokee (final destination)

Air lift (w/ escort) 4 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 20 Helguard, 100 Helltrooper, and 300 PDF from The Fair Isle to Garden Grove, then use rail to transport them to Yphax

After the air lift to Garden Grove, air lift (w/ escort) 3 Psyker regiments, 60 psyker teams, and 300 PDF from The Fair Isle to Dis
After the air lift to Garden Grove, air lift (w/ escort) 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 4 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 3 Helguard, 100 Helltroopers, and 200 PDF from Arbor to Dis
After the air lift to Garden Grove, air lift (w/ escort) 3 Svartalfar Guard Regiments, 4 Svartalfar Elite Regiments, 3 Helguard, 100 Helltroopers, and 200 PDF from Storms End to Dis

[X] Actions for Psykers/Special Units

-[X] Salem:

Part One: Anti-Rok defense (takes place when the Roks are landing)

Xavier and one Pyromancy choir are assigned to knocking Roks off target
Primaris Hobbs and one Pyromancy choir are assigned to knocking Roks off target
Tamia and the Songweavers are assigned to knocking Roks off target
1 Choir (divination 2), Diviner (G) assigned to assisting in the targeting of the Pyromancers and the city lasers
Grandmaster Ridcully and his divination choir are assigned to assisting in the targeting of the Pyromancers and the city lasers
Both the telekinesis choirs assist the city lasers and the Pyromancers in knocking Roks off target
The telepathic choir targets the Ork armies with their new leaders, encouraging infighting
Daemonology choirs rest and prepare for disrupting the weirdboyz
Biomancy choirs enfeeble the Orks inside a Rok just as it hits the ground

Care should be taken not to exhaust anyone needed in key locations in the next phase.

(Note: Still waiting for someone to draft up a version of the cargo ships hitting Roks)

Part Two: Countering the Weirdboyz, Deathstrikes galore (takes place after the Roks have landed and Garkill is preparing the assualt/weirdboy ritual)

Xavier and the two daemonology focus on counterspelling the weirdboyz
Tamia, the Songweavers, and the telepathic choir focus on disrupting the weirdboyz (messing up their targeting)
Both telekinetic choirs focus on strengthening the city defences
Primaris Hobbs and both pyromancy choirs have the first priority of burning out any Roks that landed inside the city, second priority is killing weirdboyz
Launch 10 Deathstrike batteries (1,000 missiles) distributed to kill weirdboyz
Launch 20 Deathstrike batteries followed by 1 Life-eater Deathstrike battery focused on Garkill and his Meganobs
Launch 20 Deathstrike batteries focused on destroying Gargents
Grandmaster Ridcully and his divination choir assist in Deathstrike targeting
1 Choir (divination 2), Diviner (G) assist the other psyker choirs in their operations
Both biomancy choirs with Master Rana hit the Orks with enfeeblement just before the Deathstrikes hit
Saint Lin provides whatever benefit his presence and counseling can provide the psykers in keeping themselves stable

Part Three: Clean up and Boss Duel (remainder of the initial Salem combat)

Xavier (assuming he has the energy), Chaplain Horatius, Surt, and Rotbart (w/ Fire Giants and Governors Own) make up a kill squad focused on finding an opportunity to kill Garkill
Grandmaster Ridcully and his divination choir focus on finding Garkill and getting him killed
Tamia, the Songweavers, and the telepathic choir rest in preparation to encouraging massive internal disruption in the case of Garkill dying.
I'm assuming the daemonology choirs will be too tired to do anything more, but if they are available they focus on killing mid-tier Ork leaders (possibly in cooperation with the psyker teams). If needed, rest so that they can provide teleportation for the psykers choirs to other cities after Salem assualt is repulsed).
Primaris Hobbs and both pyromancy choirs continue pyromantic fire support for the troops.
Master Rana and the biomancy choirs assist in providing targeted enfeeblement of Orks and buffing human soldiers (goal is to identify key battles and buff the allies while enfeebling the Orks they are fighting).
Both telekinetic choirs provide spot defense as needed by the fighting soldiers
1 Choir (divination 2), Diviner (G) assist in task assignment for the pyromancers, biomancers, and telekinetics

[X] Beirut:

Launch 10 Deathstrike batteries at the forces approaching Beirut
Telepathic Choir (arriving from Dis) works to encourage infighting among the Ork, exploiting the killing of Ork leaders by Jane and the Psyker Hunters

[X] Malea:

Pyromancy choir with Primarus Rattary work to deflect Roks as they approach the city. Once Roks have stopped falling on Malea, transit south to Yphax and prepare to do the same thing.
Pyromancer (G) and Master Zhukov work with Psyker Regiments in supporting the assault on any Roks that land inside the city.
Launch 6.97 Deathstrike batteries at the forces approaching Malea immediately after the Roks land

[X] Yphax

Biomancy choirs should hit Orks in landing Roks with enfeeblement just as they crash land

[X] Lorien:

Continue battlefield preparations, such as preparing killing fields around Lorien by cutting down trees close to the walls, removing potential cover. Use the resulting logs to place piles of logs in strategic locations around Lorien, with explosives beneath them, allowing them to be triggered when the Orks are gathered around them all.
Notify Marshal Pope that he may need to repulse the Ork attack without psyker choir support. He is authorized to use up to 10 complete Deathstrike batteries if the situation requires it.

[X] Okefenokee

Once the daemonology choir is sufficiently rested they will begin assisting in sabotage and leadership assassination attacks against the Ork army approaching Okefenokee.

[X] Iota Three

Primaris Geron, supported by the telepathy choir continues encouraging the Orks to hunt the local wildlife. Play on the gaining of the breastplate to encourage Orks to pick fights with particularly impressive wildlife (like large Sphinxes, more Ammut Crocodiles, and Anubis Jackals) in hopes of getting some nice loot of their own.
The Divination choir in Iota One continues supporting the telepaths in this.
Telekinetic choir continues battlefield preparation.


Additional adjustments needed?
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[X] Elder Haman Plan Version 2

Looks good to me. Might want to query Durin about if we would expect Xavier being attached to the Daemonology choirs is worthwhile though.
How many of these and other tunneling machines do we have?

Because if we can deploy them against Roks it should negate their advantage of assaulting a fortified possition.
Paulson is leading the Everglades harassment forces and the regional commander. I don't recommend committing him to the Salem battle, as it would leave the Everglades without a commander.
I don't think this is the case. Our command structure is by necessity very robust, something that annoyed the Dark Eldar quite a bit as the killing of officers and the like didn't affect things too greatly. Considering the death of an Ork Warlord is only worth a -20 for that specific battle - when Orks are more reliant on such leaders and it was in the midst of battle rather than prepared - I think we'll do fine with having Paulson's second in command take charge. Most of our current Marshals used to be the seconds of our LTs and they've turned out ok IMO. Killing Garkill is far more important.

1. Can you confirm that there shouldn't be much issue with Paulson's second taking command of the Everglades?
2. Would it be better for Paulson to join us in killing Garkill or would it be better to keep her in command of the Everglades?