So, just an initial idea here. General thought is to initially focus our heavy hitters in two more central locations so that they can be moved around as needed using railways for potential counter attacks, and countering deployments of the enemy. Otherwise distribute relatively evenly, but with hardening up of the most vulnerable locations (Duat) and the most valuable locations (Psyker and Forge Cities).
Plan will be to require the enemy to siege our cites, and shuffle forces around to reinforce as needed. Azure Isles are considered relatively safe despite being cut off from the railway network. On the air force we can either keep the air force around the cites, and not contest the landing, or (my prefered action) try to establish air superiority by destroying all the enemy fighters in the initial landing (basically by attacking the landers and then switching to the fighters when they come out to defend the landers).
1: What are our advisors thoughts on the deployment suggestions below?
2: What do they think of our chances of establishing air superiority by attempting to concentrate our forces during the initial landing and attacking enemy fighters during that period?
We have 18... so...
[] Psyker Choirs: Deploy Choir in each Psyker City
[] Psyker Choirs: Deploy Choir in each city of Duat
[] Psyker Choirs: Deploy Choir in each Forge-City
Would be eleven choirs. Plus one in each of the 7 hives?
I'm not as worried about the Azure Isles. Orks didn't attack much there last time, and they are not very vulnerable to the Orks due to the difficulty of concentrating their forces.
Thinking this maybe?
[] Psyker Regiments: Half in the Hives, the rest Spread out evenly
[] Psyker Regiments: Deploy an additional two Regiments in each Psyker City
[] Psyker Regiments: Double the share of Forge-Cities (minimum increase of 1 Regiment)
And this?
[] Psyker Teams: Half in the Hives, the rest Spread out evenly
[] Psyker Teams: Double the share of psyker cities (minimum increase of 1 Team)
[] Psyker Teams: Double the share of cities in Duat (minimum increase of 1 Team)
[] Psyker Teams: Double the share of Forge-Cities (minimum increase of 1 Team)
[] Helguard : Half in the Hives, the rest spread out evenly
[] Helguard : Double the share of psyker cities (minimum increase of 1 Regiment)
[] Helguard : Double the share of cities in Duat (minimum increase of 1 Regiment)
[] Helguard : Double the share of Forge-Cities (minimum increase of 1 Regiment)
I'm thinking something like this:
[] Black Irons: Divided evenly between Silver Lake, Malea, Dorthonion, and Iota Three
That would put 1/4 of the Black Irons in each of the four regions best suited for what the Black Irons provide (I think: Desert, Plains, Forest, and Desert). But leaves them concentrated enough for potential counter attacks. Can use the railways to move them around (except for the 1/4 in Duat).
[] Phase-Tigers: Deploy in (Dis)
Think we should keep them central. Hollin is another option.
Not sure how many companies we have available to deploy (4?), but leaning towards:
[] Governor's Own: Deploy a company to protect (Jane)
[] Governor's Own: Deploy a company to protect (Syr)
[] Governor's Own: Deploy a company to protect (Lin)
[] Governor's Own: Deploy a company to protect (Scott)
Maybe this?
[] Heavy Armour: Split evenly between Silver Lake and Dorthonion
[] Helltroopers: Spread out evenly between all cities
If we are planing to contest the landing than I'd guess we'd want them concentrated:
[] Air Force: Divided evenly between Dis, Helm's Deep, and Hollin
That puts them all in the central areas and where they can support each other but can't all be neutralized by a lucky Rok strike.
On the other hand if we are planning to stay turtled around the cites then I'd guess:
[] Air Force: Spread out evenly between all cities
[] PDF: Spread out evenly between all cities
[] PDF: 50% increase in the share of psyker cities (minimum increase of 1 Regiment)
[] PDF: 50% increase in the share of cities in Duat (minimum increase of 1 Regiment)
[] PDF: 50% increase in the share of Forge-Cities (minimum increase of 1 Regiment)
[] Aesir: 10% in Iota Two, 10% in Iota Five, 40% in Silver Lake, 40% in Dorthonion
The vote for the Svartalfar is missing, but I'm guessing the same question.
I'm leaning towards spreading them out evenly to bolster the cities for sieges:
[] Svartalfar Guard/Elites: Spread out evenly between all cities
[] Fire-Giants: All in (Dis)
[] Vargarian Guard: All in (Dis)
[] Vargarian Guard: Chaplain Horatius in (Dis)
Keep our two best chances of killing Garkill in DIs with us (as that is the most likely place he'll come). Also is central location and can be deployed elsewhere using railways.