All at once a thousand engines light, all over the back of the hulk, pushing it through the minefield at the speed of an escort, the ship looking like a planetscale candle.
or just avoid specfics and say something like "far faster than is safe/ should be possible." the thread is apparently in a really nitpicky mood right now.
or just avoid specfics and say something like "far faster than is safe/ should be possible." the thread is apparently in a really nitpicky mood right now.
My guess is Critting either lets us use the animal in some non psykery way, or we get more info.
For example we crit with the Turtle and we can reverse engineer the structures of their shells or the Thundabeast heard that Saren was able to create biotics for with no additional cost, we don't with the Cati and we can't artificially create their pollon.
We crit on the Temple cats we get more info on how they work, but we don't on the Sirens (or something) so you get the point.
@Durin, the option to create Advanced Astartes PA variants is 99% after bonuses. Can Tranth set up an organisation like the Collegia Reconstructa to create these variants? At 5 years for each one it'll be worth it.
@Durin, the option to create Advanced Astartes PA variants is 99% after bonuses. Can Tranth set up an organisation like the Collegia Reconstructa to create these variants? At 5 years for each one it'll be worth it.
The Return of Garkill, again Part Two: Ambush
The first cluster of Ork ships to exit the Warp was a Small Space Hulk, forty Kroozers, three hundred Roks and six hundred escorts, who entered within the minefield that you had set up. Admiral Elric immediately started moving his ships in to attack them. Thanks to the confusion caused by the minefield and the sheer firepower of the Vanir Fleet the first wave of Orks was wiped out within four hours, well before the next set of Orks arrived, with even the Hulk proving itself unable to hold up under the sustained firepower of the Gungnir's lances. Due to the minefield and ambush the fight was overwhelmingly in the favor of the Imperials, with only a few dozen Cruisers and Battlecruisers along with sixty escorts being destroyed.
First Imperial Ambush (1 Command Battleship, 6 Super Capitals, 264 Capitals, 1,578 Escorts, 2,292 Attack Craft Wings) d100=46+80(skill)+20(Technology)+42(Martial)+10(numbers)+20(void superiority)+50(Gungnir)=268
Ork Defence (1 Small Space Hulk (2,000km), 40 Kroozers, 300 Roks and 600 escorts, 1,000 Attack Craft Wings) d100=18+21(skill)+15(Martial)+25(Hulk)+10(Hooks)-20(surprise)-25(mines)=44 Imperial kills
1 Small Space Hulk
40 Kroozers
300 Roks
600 Escorts
1,000 Attack Craft Wings Ork kills
6 Battlecruisers
2 Cruisers
15 Fast Cruisers
61 Escorts
101 Wings of Attack Craft
Two hours after the first wave of Orks is destroyed the second Warps in, also within the minefield and a bit smaller then the first wave. For the first eighty minutes it seemed like this fight would be even better then the last, with the faster, longer ranged Imperial warships tearing apart the surprised and unorganised Orks as they fight though the minefield. Then High Grandmaster Ridcully warned Admiral Elric of another wave of Orks about to exit the Warp nearly in weapons range of the fight, this wave larger then both of the previous waves put together and based around a Large Space Hulk of almost five thousand cubic kilometers. As soon as he received this warning Admiral Elric started to disengage, avoiding a fight that while he wold most likely win would inflict major damage on his fleet, and probably lose if another fleet of Orks arrives soon.
Second Imperial Ambush (1 Command Battleship, 6 Super Capitals, 231 Capitals, 1,517 Escorts, 2,191 Attack Craft Wings) d100=82+80(skill)+20(Technology)+42(Martial)+10(numbers)+20(void superiority)+50(Gungnir)=304
Ork Defence (1 Small Space Hulk (1,500km), 35 Kroozers, 250 Roks and 500 escorts, 1,000 Attack Craft Wings) d100=12+21(skill)+15(Martial)+25(Hulk)+10(Hooks)-10(surprise)-25(mines)=48 Imperial kills
35 Kroozers
107 Roks
500 Escorts
800 Attack Craft Wings Ork kills
3 Fast Cruisers
26 Escorts
14 Wings of Attack Craft
It took two hours for the fleet to break contact with the pursing Orks, time in which the Orks killed another tenth of the gathered fleet at a poor rate of exchange. A decent number of these losses came as a result of the new Ork Hook Boarding Ships, which can attach themselves to a Imperial Cruiser and then overwhelm the defenders with a seemingly endless tide of boarders. So far the most effective startagy for dealing with this is having the cruisers escorts engage the Hook after it attaches itself, which will desroy the Hook and will hopefully not inflict to much damge to the cruiser.
Imperial Escape (1 Command Battleship, 6 Super Capitals, 228 Capitals, 1,491 Escorts, 2,177 Attack Craft Wings) d100=9+80(skill)+20(Technology)+42(Martial)+30(speed)+50(Gungnir)+30(High Grandmaster Ridcully)=261
Ork Pursuit (1 Large Space Hulk (4,900km),1 Small Space Hulk (1,500km), 40 Battlekrozers, 50 Kroozers, 1,143 Roks, 1,500 Escorts and 3,000 Attack Craft Wings) d100=5+21(skill)+20(Martial)+50(Hulks)+10(Hooks)-25(mines)=81 Imperial kills
13 Battlekroozers
8 Kroozers
66 Roks
644 Escorts
941 Attack Craft Wings Ork kills
4 Battlecuisers
1 Cruiser
12 Fast Cruisers
147 Escorts
108 Wings of Attack Craft
An hour after Admiral Elric manged to disengage from the Orks another wave exited the warp, this one of similar size to the first and also within the minefield. These reinforcements meant that the Orks are now to numerous for the gathered fleet to fight head on, forcing Admiral Eric to switch to harassment tactics. The Orks respond to the harassment attacks with clouds of Fighter-Bombers aimed at the smaller craft as Hooks attempt to grapple with the Battleships. It is obvious that Garkill has been preparing his fleet to deal with your usual tactics, preperations which are worryingly effective. These raids continue for the next four hours, after which the rest of the Ork Fleet arrives in system with Death's Harbinger, which has grown greatly since you last saw it. More worryingly there are several thousand Rok's escorting it, a force that when combined with the billions of Orks on Death's Harbinger and the other Hulks will actually be able to threaten Avernus.
First Imperial Harassment (1 Command Battleship, 6 Super Capitals, 211 Capitals, 1,344 Escorts, 2,069 Attack Craft Wings) d100=6+80(skill)+20(Technology)+42(Martial)+30(speed)+50(Gungnir))=228
Ork Defence (1 Large Space Hulk (4,900km),1 Small Space Hulk (1,500km), 27 Battlekrozers, 42 Kroozers, 1,077 Roks, 856 Escorts and 5,059 Attack Craft Wings) d100=87+21(skill)+20(Martial)+50(Hulks)+10(Hooks)+10(void superiority)-25(mines)=163 Imperial kills
2 Battlekroozers
5 Kroozers
11 Roks
111 Escorts
170 Attack Craft Wings Ork kills
1 Battlecuisers
1 Cruiser
5 Fast Cruisers
47 Escorts
76 Wings of Attack Craft
As the Ork forces start moving out of what remains of the minefield Admiral Elric is faced with a few decisions that will greatly influence the course of the battle to come, both on land and one space. He estimates that it will take another 33 hours for the Orks to reach Avernus, less if they do no make a zero-velocity approach. This will mean that the Orks will have a day and a half over Avernus before the reinforcements arrive in system, and a few more days before any reinforcements will be able to land.
[] Low- attacks will mostly consist of long range sniping and pouncing on any Orks that get out of position, best kill ratios but worst target selection and total damage caused. - This option will preserve the largest amount of your fleet at the cost of allowing Avernus to come under very heavy attack, but conversely putting your fleet in a better position to remove the Orks once the reinforcements arrive .
[] Medium- as well as long range sniping and targets of opportunity there will be high speed attack launched on the Ork flanks and rearguard, allowing for all of your fast fleet to be used and inflicting far more damage, at the cost of losing more ships- This option will inflict notable damage on the Ork fleet at the cost of some of your faster ships, reducing the amount of damage that Avernus will suffer but weakening your fleet.
[] High- as well as the above you will use your heavy elements to launch attacks on any semi-isolated section of the Ork Fleets, such as the flanks. This will allow you to inflict major damage, possibly even taking out another Hulk but at the cost of many of your warships. - This option will have the greatest impact on the number of Orks that reach Avernus but will do this by sacrificing a great deal of your fleet.
[] Targets of oppetunity- One option would be to have your fleet target whatever targets are easiest, this would cause the most damage but would not kill enough of any one category to provide an advantage. This option is the middle path, targeting everything equally for little gain but no loss.
[] Target the Fleet- Another option would be to focus your attacks on the Orkish Warships, whose greater speed and maneuverability will make them a far greater threat to the reinforcement fleet then the Roks. -This option would have little effect on the attack on Avernus itself but would make defeating the Ork Fleet easier for your reinforcements, it should not be combined with High aggression.
[] Target the Roks (requires Medium or High Aggression)- The third option would be to focus your attacks on the Roks, which are the greatest threat to Avernus. -This option will have a notable effect on the attack on Avernus, reducing the number of Roks that can be landed.
[] Target the Hulks (requires High Aggression)- The final, and by far the most risky, option would be to try and destroy one or more of the Space Hulks. Given the sheer number of Orks that even the smallest Hulk carries and the firepower that each Hulk carries a success in this would have a major impact. - This option is a high risk gamble, that will definitely badly hurt your forces but if successful will majorly damage Garkill's Fleet and Army, especially given that any Gargents are probably on the Hulks.
[] Focus on Aces- One option would be for High Grandmaster Ridcully to focus his and his diviners efforts on attempting to determine exactly what Aces Garkill has up his sleeve, before they are sued against you. -This option has the highest chance of avoiding any unpleasant surprises.
[] Focus on Combat- One option would be for High Grandmaster Ridcully to focus his and his diviners efforts on attempting to assist the fleet in its combat, helping avoid disasters and achieve victories. -This option will increase the damage your fleet inflicts and reduce the amount of casualties taken.
[] Split Focus- The final option would be for High Grandmaster Ridcully to split his focus between the fleet and trying to determine what Garkill's aces are. -This option is a compromsie between the other two options and will have a reduced effect on both.
1 Huge Space Hulk (46km at longest dimension, 20,000 km3 ) Death's Harbinger
1 Large Space Hulks (32 km at longest dimension, 4,900 km3)
3/4 Small Space Hulks (12, 16 and 18km at longest dimension, 400, 1,200, 1,500 km3)
118 Castle Defence Cruisers
8 Knight Class Cruisers
14 Hoplite Class Cruisers
3 Praetorian Class Cruisers
17 Warrior Class Cruisers
7 Bishop Class Carriers
18 Monk Class Escort Carriers
16 Youxia Class Escort Cruisers
200 Squire Class Frigates
200 Page Class Frigates
242 Soldier Class Destroyers
90 Legionnaire Destroyers
43 Privateer Class Raiders
5 Shadow Class Destroyers
1,543 Defence Monitors
From strategic point of view we will want to not let Avernus fall and keep IT fleet mostly intact. Heavy damage to Avernus is more or less within mission parameters. After we wipe out Garkill's fleet we're not likely to attract big ground attacks because our fleet will be the strongest in the region. So medium/targets of opportunity/focus on aces I think.
1. With the defenses our cities (the ones that are still considered cities not the hives) currently have, how large a bombardment do we think they could take?
That is a bigger fleet than I expected. Thousands of Roks is a problem. I think we have to go heavy after them now with Ridcully supporting combat. There will still be a day or so to scry for aces afterwards.
That is a bigger fleet than I expected. Thousands of Roks is a problem. I think we have to go heavy after them now with Ridcully supporting combat. There will still be a day or so to scry for aces afterwards.
We need to target the Roks. The plan relies on the ground forces having enough trouble that Garkill needs to go planetside himself. The more orks there are down there the easier a time they'll have of it. The easier it is the less Garkill is required and the less chance that Garkill will appear.
We need to target the Roks. The plan relies on the ground forces having enough trouble that Garkill needs to go planetside himself. The more orks there are down there the easier a time they'll have of it. The easier it is the less Garkill is required and the less chance that Garkill will appear.
We need to know what Garkill is up to with his plans for the fleet reinforcements and what he might have for groundside combat, so we'll need Ridcully to look at that. Since our ships will be targeting the Roks, they'll need to do Medium aggression which will take a greater toll on their numbers. For that reason, Ridcully should split his attention to help out with the fleet. It'll also help take out Roks, which'll mean a greater chance for Avernus' survival and more chance that Garkill will show up on the ground in person.
[X] Plan Ensuring the Plan Works
Aggression level
[X] Medium- as well as long range sniping and targets of opportunity there will be high speed attack launched on the Ork flanks and rearguard, allowing for all of your fast fleet to be used and inflicting far more damage, at the cost of losing more ships- This option will inflict notable damage on the Ork fleet at the cost of some of your faster ships, reducing the amount of damage that Avernus will suffer but weakening your fleet.
Target Selection
[X] Target the Roks (requires Medium or High Aggression)- The third option would be to focus your attacks on the Roks, which are the greatest threat to Avernus. -This option will have a notable effect on the attack on Avernus, reducing the number of Roks that can be landed.
[X] Split Focus- The final option would be for High Grandmaster Ridcully to split his focus between the fleet and trying to determine what Garkill's aces are. -This option is a compromsie between the other two options and will have a reduced effect on both.