Those are conditions where Orks thrive. Our forces are build for hit and run. Thus we should use them in that role rather than getting into a slugging match.It's not a hit-and-run attack. It's an ambush. There's a difference. It'll be a pitched battle, just one where we have the element of surprise and direct access to their flanks.
Nope. These are Orks, they travel by essentially anchoring their fleet to a Hulk. Because Hulks are large enough to have a meaningful gravity well they tend to drag nearby ships along with them.No it isn't. That's how almost all Warp translations go. The minimum time difference between two ships travelling together coming out the warp is usually hours, and can very easily become days or weeks. Considering the size of the fleet, it'll be weeks between when the first ship comes in and the last.
Either way it is best to hold back our slower forces until we have an accurate picture of what he brought.We can't even know if we'll have parity in capitals and supercapitals if they drew down their other fronts to come at us. We could be looking at anywhere from 200 to 600 Caps and 11k to 15k Escorts depending on how much he's willing to weaken his other fights.
SM force is a token force just as Quartoks are. Shows unity against enemy and all that, not really significant force. That's ok.
It's outdated. After turn 85 we have over 300 regiment of Hellguard.Not really sure if you can classify 10 regiments of Quartok Elites a token force. They are after all equal to our own Helguard one on one and going by the information sheets we only have only 80 of those. That is a pretty beefy chunk of our elite units.
A good sign, but probably not going to be significant. A hundred almost-marines on their first campaign is not exactly impressive compared to the other elites we have.
Hopefully Garkill's Hulk warps in right onto our mines and he blows up.
Hitting what is essentially a year's worth of firepower all in one go would be an incredibly unpleasant prospect.
it could, particularly given the fact that it has grown since the last time Garkill attackedI wish killing Death's Harbinger would be that easy. The damn thing is just so massive that it could probably plow through the field on its own and still be a threat.
Bloody could, particularly given the fact that it has grown since the last time Garkill attacked
it could, particularly given the fact that it has grown since the last time Garkill attacked