The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

Investigate the Sea?

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    Votes: 593 80.4%
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    Votes: 145 19.6%

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We can't let our heavy forces get to stuck in with the ambush or we'll loss them.
We won't lose them, they'll just get damaged on the way out. They'll also get damaged anyway when we send them to fight in later battles. In terms of damage inflicted to damage received, they will do the most in this ambush than at any other point in the battle. It would be a waste to keep them out of this fight. It's sacrificing long-term success to escape short-term troubles.
[X] Deploy Light and Medium forces to ambush - More damage inflicted, all forces can disengage without much trouble
No point spending forces needlessly. We are going for efficiency and kill ratio, not speed. Thus it is best to whittle Garkill's fleet down as he approaches rather than risk heavy units in the opening engagement.

ten squads of Vargarian Guard Scouts led by Chaplain Horatius
A good sign, but probably not going to be significant. A hundred almost-marines on their first campaign is not exactly impressive compared to the other elites we have.
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@Durin, can't we just have the full fleet stationed in Avernus? If they do Silent Running it'll keep them off the orks' sensors and it'll let them get into the fight faster as it becomes most appopriate.
I am not sure why you you think that they will be able to avoid detection for long, while Ork sensors are not the best the main fleet, and the transports are not designed as stealth ships and the only way they could totally remove emissions is to power down their reactors and turn off the life support, which would both render them utter sitting ducks if found and kill off the crew after a few days, and the passengers far faster
also it is to late for that sort of idea
[X] Only Deploy Light forces to ambush - Least damage inflicted, all forces can easily disengage
No point spending forces needlessly. We are going for efficiency and kill ratio, not speed. Thus it is best to whittle Garkill's fleet down as he approaches rather than risk heavy units in the opening engagement.

A good sign, but probably not going to be significant. A hundred almost-marines on their first campaign is not exactly impressive compared to the other elites we have.
the Chaplain however is important
No point spending forces needlessly.
Then we should send as many as possible now. If we're not spending them here, we're spending them in the future frontal battle. Spending them in the future will be spending them needlessly as they'll do less damage for the damage they'll take than now.

We are going for efficiency and kill ratio, not speed.
Exactly! That's why it's better to attack hard now, where we have the maximum advantage. Efficiency and kill ratio will be much lower when we engage in a frontal battle later, so it's best to do as much while we can now when the ratio will be at its peak.

A good sign, but probably not going to be significant. A hundred almost-marines on their first campaign is not exactly impressive compared to the other elites we have.
Don't underestimate them. If they weren't going to be meaningfully useful, Julius wouldn't have given them to us.

I am not sure why you you think that they will be able to avoid detection for long, while Ork sensors are not the best the main fleet, and the transports are not designed as stealth ships and the only way they could totally remove emissions is to power down their reactors and turn off the life support, which would both render them utter sitting ducks if found and kill off the crew after a few days, and the passengers far faster
Silent Running doesn't require such drastic measures and it's the premiere method of getting out of a fight you don't want to be in. It's not as good as stealth technology, but seeing as how it's commonly used for un-stealthed ships to get out of fights they're already in with ships that know about them and are targeting them, it must be a good method of keeping ships hidden.
[X] Deploy Light and Medium forces to ambush - More damage inflicted, all forces can disengage without much trouble
Silent Running doesn't require such drastic measures and it's the premiere method of getting out of a fight you don't want to be in. It's not as good as stealth technology, but seeing as how it's commonly used for un-stealthed ships to get out of fights they're already in with ships that know about them and are targeting them, it must be a good method of keeping ships hidden.
only in the short term, if you try to hide for more then a few hours you stand a chance of being spotted at least in my world
hiding fleets long term and setting up major traps is not that easy
Actually, since we already have the disposition of where Garkill is warping in, we're placing our ambush force at the warp-in point, aren't we?
I don't understand why people are voting for anything but full force. It makes no logical sense.

1) We kind of want to avoid a repeat of last time, when we scared the Orks off
2) It's not a matter of being hurt now or being hurt later. Our heavy forces are nor well suited for the hit and run attacks we're planning. Later, with the reinforcements arrived, we can do a full line of battle which will suit them more, thus inflicting more hurt and taking less in retaliation.

[X] Deploy Light and Medium forces to ambush - More damage inflicted, all forces can disengage without much trouble
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I don't understand why people are voting for anything but full force. It makes no logical sense.
Because it's a stupid idea to count on them only coming out of warp in drips and drabs. All it'll take for your plan to back fire it for a number of the Hulks and a chunk of their Cap's to come out all at once right on top of our heaviest ships were they can't disengage. If they were only showing up 20 to 40 ships every hour or so at a time it'll work but if 700 ships including 100+ Cap's and 3 Hulks are the second group out after the mines have been tripped we're fucked. We need to see what Garkill has brought this time and plan around that not go in blind. Plus it let's us reduce him with longer range strikes till we do hit him with the full fleet.
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the Chaplain however is important
On his own sure, but a very important babysitter is still a babysitter.

Then we should send as many as possible now. If we're not spending them here, we're spending them in the future frontal battle. Spending them in the future will be spending them needlessly as they'll do less damage for the damage they'll take than now.
…you do realise that it will take days to weeks for Roks and Hulks to move in system right? You realise that the Vanahiem fleet is perfect for hit and run attacks against a slow moving enemy? You remember that the plan for this campaign is to let Garkill reach Avernus, trap and destroy his fleet then use our hopefully intact fleet to attack his realm?

We do not want to throw away our fleets in the opening move.

Exactly! That's why it's better to attack hard now, where we have the maximum advantage. Efficiency and kill ratio will be much lower when we engage in a frontal battle later, so it's best to do as much while we can now when the ratio will be at its peak.
Maximum advantage? Every moment the Orks spend in-system is a moment we can bleed their strength for minimal risk. When they reach Avernus the Roks will throw themselves against our anti-orbital defences and half the ship crews will land. The initial engagement is not a moment of vulnerability, it is the moment when they are strongest.

Don't underestimate them. If they weren't going to be meaningfully useful, Julius wouldn't have given them to us.
They are scouts and young ones at that. They are here to get experience, not win the battle.
SM force is a token force just as Quartoks are. Shows unity against enemy and all that, not really significant force. That's ok.
1) We kind of want to avoid a repeat of last time, when we scared the Orks off
Firstly, we scared the orks off because we were beating them. They'll have too many ships this time around to be fought off by our quantity of ships alone. If that wasn't the case, our heavy ships wouldn't have to disengage and that's something they'll have to do anyway. Secondly, they're orks. They're not going to run away just because we were there when they came in. They're going to fight, because that's what orks do.

2) It's not a matter of being hurt now or being hurt later. Our heavy forces are nor well suited for the hit and run attacks we're planning. Later, with the reinforcements arrived, we can do a full line of battle which will suit them more, thus inflicting more hurt and taking less in retaliation.
It's not a hit-and-run attack. It's an ambush. There's a difference. It'll be a pitched battle, just one where we have the element of surprise and direct access to their flanks.

Because it's a stupid idea to count on them only coming out of warp in drips and drabs.
No it isn't. That's how almost all Warp translations go. The minimum time difference between two ships travelling together coming out the warp is usually hours, and can very easily become days or weeks. Considering the size of the fleet, it'll be weeks between when the first ship comes in and the last.

The initial engagement is not a moment of vulnerability, it is the moment when they are strongest.
This is a complete disregard for every reality of void warfare and the concept of ambush. I will not argue with one such as you.
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SM force is a token force just as Quartoks are. Shows unity against enemy and all that, not really significant force. That's ok.
..... We should totally pair the SM and Quartok forces together as a high risk anti breech unit to stop key Ork breeches in one of the Hives. It would be hilarious watching the SM's fighting with a bunch of Xeno's at their back.
[X] Deploy Light and Medium forces to ambush - More damage inflicted, all forces can disengage without much trouble
No it isn't. That's how almost all Warp translations go. The minimum time difference between two ships travelling together coming out the warp is usually hours, and can very easily become days or weeks. Considering the size of the fleet, it'll be weeks between when the first ship comes in and the last.
Actually given the size of that fleet and how the Warp works it could go anywhere from one ship a fucking day to 1,000 in 3 seconds. You and we have no way to tell which it'll be.
We'll have best odds not in the ambush but in orbit when supported by defense platforms and IT Navy that'll warp in - then we'll get much superior numbers. We can't destroy them in ambush because we'll have about parity is capitals and supercapitals and they have the Harbinger, you know, and much more escorts. Ambush engagement should stall them and pick up the weakest void assets, not deal maximum damage.
We'll have best odds not in the ambush but in orbit when supported by defense platforms and IT Navy that'll warp in - then we'll get much superior numbers. We can't destroy them in ambush because we'll have about parity is capitals and supercapitals and they have the Harbinger, you know, and much more escorts. Ambush engagement should stall them and pick up the weakest void assets, not deal maximum damage.
We can't even know if we'll have parity in capitals and supercapitals if they drew down their other fronts to come at us. We could be looking at anywhere from 200 to 600 Caps and 11k to 15k Escorts depending on how much he's willing to weaken his other fights.
[X] Deploy Light and Medium forces to ambush - More damage inflicted, all forces can disengage without much trouble