Two of the Mobile Fortress designs available for research are a giant AA battery and a flying aircraft carrier. We would need quite a lot to meaningfully increase our city's AA envelope but it might be possible.If we could find some way to significantly expand the AA envelope around our cites.
However I think that in this case it would be counterproductive. We would much prefer any invaders try to attack Dis at the heart of our territory rather than the far less heavily fortified cities on the edges.
I recall you saying that some wildlife suggestions were rejected because they didn't fit the theme of the regions we have currently explored. So… @Durincanon, on that note I have created a pair of new Omakes sections for wildlife Omakes,
1 Are the non-canon decisions final or is it possible we might find some of the currently non-canon wildlife when we explore new regions?
[X] First Artisan Granalf Ivandison of Svartalfheim: To discuss Avernus purchasing relic items for use by us, our advisors, and our Super-Elite Operatives.
Mostly I'm voting for this because I think walking up and asking Surt what is up with him is more likely to backfire than succeed.