Crianal Armour (Scarce) - This augmentation covers or replaces most of the skull with layers of plasteel and gel padding to better prevent concussion and other brain injuries.
Interface Port (Rare) - The Guardsman now has a mechanical port implanted in his body, commonly in the rear of the neck, which can be connected to machines via a data cable. This allows the user faster and smoother access to the valuable information within and grants a +10 bonus (d100) to Common Lore, Inquiry, or Tech-Use Tests whilst connected to a relevant mechanism or data spool. (Presumably this augment'll be used for vehicle operators.)
Memorance Implant (Rare) - A neurally linked datavault and pict-capture array, often incorporating augmetic replacement of one or both eyes, that records information on people or scenes viewed. It can then later replay that information, or overlay the present view with additional data on people and objects viewed. [...] The implant also grants the user the Total Recall Talent (automatically remember trivial facts or pieces of information that might feasibly have picked up in the past. For more detailed, complex, or obscure facts, the GM may require and Int test. (Usually gives +10 on a d100 on the test.)) if he does not already possess it. (This implant could actually do a great deal of good if we apply it to training and the civilian space.)
Mind Impulse Unit (Rare) - These devices, also known as sense-links, allow the owner to interface directly with a machine or technological device. [...] A basic MIU implant involves a single spinal or cortex connector... [...] Common models impose no modifiers to machine spirit communication and add +10 bonus (d100) to Tech-Use or Operate Tests used in conjunction with devices capable of MIU linking. (Also good for vehicle operators.)
MIU Weapon Interface (Rare) - Unlike the more advanced version normally only granted to priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus, this version is more simplified, allowing the user to remotely operate a single weapon which is normally attached to the shoulder. While not as elaborate, it is easier to use and a favourite of many militant professions. [...] This additional weapon must be connected to the user via the MIU wepaon interface, and is often equipped as a shoulder mount.
Respiratory Filter Implant (Rare) - These are implanted inside the lungs and can sift out most toxic gases. Inhaled particulate matter is also filtered, making breathing easier in heavily polluted atmospheres. This implant allows the user to ignore any inhaled toxic gases or atmospheric contaminants. (I'll eat my non-existent hat if there aren't some Avernite creatures that attack using toxic gases.)
Synthmuscle (Rare) - Ropey strands of vat-grown muscle tissue, thick with slurried nutrients and laced with flakweave, are woven into existing muscle groups, granting increased strength of varying levels. Characters gain Unnatural Strength (1) (
see here for details)
Weapon Bracing (Rare) - An articulated, powered network of cables, hydraulic support struts and locking mechanisms are built up the recipient's arm, beneath the skin and connecting between both muscle and bone all the way up to the shoulder and upper back. All the way along, but concentrated mostly on the forearms and hands, are magnetic clamps that push up beneath or even through the skin, and can affix to specially-altered weapons. The reinforcement spreads the weight of the gun along the arm and absorbs the shock of firing. The system requires no external power source—it runs off of the heat generated by the recipient's own body—and can accommodate almost any rifle-sized weapon, though ones rebuilt to better fit the bracing (clamping the weapon to the forearm, and relocating the gun's grip and trigger farther forward) can take better advantage of the structure. A character fitted with weapon bracing can spend a full action connecting a pistol or basic weapon to the external mounts. An affixed weapon can be used in one hand without any penalty that might normally apply, and gains a +20 bonus (d100) on all Weapon Skill Tests to resist being disarmed.
Interkeratic Implants (Scarce) - These implants consist of additional layers built into the cornea of the recipient, whether gene-altered organic matter
just beneath the surface, or advanced photo-augur technology implanted over the surface of the eye. Regardless of the source, the implant enhances the vision of the recipient, allowing him to see in ways he would otherwise be unable to. Small and simple to implant, interkeratic implants tend not to be as obvious in appearance as true bionic eyes, and thus tend to be favoured by those who would prefer not to have their appearance marred by obvious augmetics. Characters with interkeratic implants gain the Dark Sight Trait (A creature with this trait sees normally even in areas of total darkness, and never takes a penalty for fighting in areas of dim or no lighting) and are immune to the effects of photon flash grenades. (This way our troops won't have that damnedable -40 night penalty when night fighting.)