[X] Start leaving as soon at it becomes fully light (T=1:12:00)- This will allow you to cover more ground per day but will give your troops a small fatigue penalty
[X] Advance at a moderate pace (8km/h)- This speed will allow your troops to make a decent speed while still remaining on guard for ambushes and without overly exhausting themselves. This is a compromise between speed and safety.
[X] Advance for eight hours a day- The standard travel time is eight hours per day which allows your troops to both keep up a good pace without sacrificing rest or defences. This would consist of two hours setting up fortifications before night, one hour taking them down in the morning and twohalf hour rest and reorganisation breaks.
[X] Do Not have Lieutenant-General Agani lead the light infantry to disrupt the Dark Eldar harassment or ambush the Dark Eldar night attacks- This will prevent your light infantry from suffering heavy casualties and leave them ready for preforming other tasks.
[X] Have Lieutenant-General Christianson lead his Rough Riders to counter the Dark Eldar harassment forces, this can only be selected on slow or moderate pace. - This will reduce the number of attacks that the main army suffers and detect most of the ambushes. On the other hand your Rough Riders will suffer heavy casualties from their repeated clashes with the Dark Eldar forces.
[X] Have Lieutenant-General Vosk lead the mechanised infantry patrols to intercept the Dark Eldar raiding parties- This will intercept some of the Dark Eldar raiders and find some ambushes but will not get them all. The Mechanised Infantry will suffer moderate casualties in the ir clases with the Dark Eldar raiders.
[X] Do Not have Lieutenant-General Richards use her Drop Troopers to engage any Dark Eldar harassment groups- This will prevent them from suffering casualties and leave them ready for other tasks.
@durin: Can we have the monitors help the other anti-harassment forces but keep the basilisks limbered up?