The Life and Times of a Half Saiyan King (Thread2)

A Challenger Approaches
A Challenger Approaches


As the proclamation of ownership begins sinking in to the gathered crowd, your grin only widens. Your focus beyond the mere mouthpiece delivering the words, but unerringly focused on the bulkhead of the ship, behind which lay a violent Power that had the ability to shift planets with a gesture.
"Gottex damn it. We could have gotten information." You hear the soft sigh of your brother.
Chuckling darkly you step into thin air once more. Reappearing above the crowd wreathed in an Emerald aura, flickering restlessly. The clouds that had spawned with your Transformation flash with unnatural lightning, casting a blue hue over the world.
"If Lord Slug wishes to take this world from it's inhabitants, surely he would deign to grant us his presence. After all, no True ruler would delegate to a weakling such as this." Your voice enhanced, echoing through the corridors of the ship. Though the brilliant spiking of your Ki should also draw some attention. The Legendary Saiyan hovers above the crowd of pathetic weaklings, gesturing with the severed helmet of an alien. Silently the messenger's headless corpses falls over. You briefly consider carving your name upon the messenger's soul as it departs into the afterlife, but eventually decide he is too unimportant to grace with your signature.
"Additionally, I rather doubt the ruler of this world would appreciate being taken over." Gohan adds, rising to join you grudgingly.
"Heh, you are right about that Gohan. I don't appreciate it. Now come out and face us Slug."
"Gossard...I meant King Furry!" Gohan mentions for no reason, casting the white training coat aside, letting it land gently as the weight enchantments cease. Fixing his blue wristbands he slides into the stance of the Demon King.

The ship rumbles as the presence within moves. And your fists clench in anger. Not content with mere mocking laughter, the Slug that dared to invade your world had gripped his own ship and used grinding metal to emulate the sound.
Your attention is drawn to a shaking soldier who steps forward.
"M-M-My Lord Slug would wo-would like to uh p-politely decline t-the off-" Huh, some form of chip implanted adjacent to the brain stem that regulates certain biorhythms. Or you assume it to be the brainstem, it looks rather like one despite being located closer to the middle of the neck than the Human or Saiyan brains.. And the species is definitely not adapted to the heat, it appears to be overclocking it's own bodily processes and lacking many of the regulatory methods for temperature.
"I suppose I could keep killing your little messengers, but I'm also easily bored. It comes with being a child. So I'll give you, oh, one more chance to join us out here in the open. Before I see how many hundred meals I can consume in one sitting." You call out, taking a delicate bite of roast alien. Then another, larger bite, it really was quite good.
"I think I'll see if living weakling tastes better next. Ooh, maybe a nice sandwhich. That brown alien between those two white ones. Have you tried them? And before you say anything Gohan, cannibalism only applies to those who share a species, and I doubt these pathetic wretches share an intelligence level with us for your second complaint."

The laughing had stopped.
You feel your power swell, fueled by your violent pride and the eager pleasure of being able to slaughter without mercy. This was going to be fWhere did he come from!
Leaping back in surprise from the ancient green alien that seemed to appear before you without crossing the intervening space. His heavy orange glove through the place your chest had been. You let out a growl of primal rage and move forward. His other heavy glove gain spearing through empty air, your image fading. Reappearing above him, bringing both feet down onto his face, you feel the shockwave ripple. A Demon relied on Misdirection, and you were a King of that Art.
You idly wonder where the crowd had disappeared too as you look down at the crater below you, Lord Slug rising. Gohan probably carried them away, he was 'ethical' like that.
A flash of energy and you are next to him again, your blows carving a path through the air protected by your own Majesty. Clouds in the sky roil with pure Power and it begins to rain.
Your blows are weak but many, reliant on your natural speed and athletic build to duck and move around the old man. He is strong, but not that strong, and your Legendary might and smaller status allow you to avoid and ignore his responses. Flaring around the skies, you clash with the Warlord, you should be faster than him. Again and again you flare your energy and shift around him, smirking in victory as you embed your foot into his face, or your elbow into what you assume is a kidney-like organ.
But, again and again, every time the clash moves beyond melee he is faster. His flight should not move that way. With a twist, you barely dodge his sudden blow from behind. A brace of Ki Blasts making him shield himself allowing you to adjust your stance and ki flow.
He should not have gotten there that fast. And then you see it.
He dashes, and as he does his hand moves. A faint gesture and he speeds forward. Telekinesis. He was moving himself with Telekinesis as well as normal flight.

You launch yourself at him again, his telekinesis seemingly reliant on hand gestures so he couldn't sustain it if he needed to block your blows. So if you could keep him in melee permanently... Winding back, fist curling up, you freeze. His hand, palm open, facing you. You can feel his mirth as you move towards him again, this time at a much more sedate pace.
"kssshhh" The slug says, though you cannot understand him. He brings your head to his palm and you Feel it.
His presence. Against your mind, from the opposite mental direction of the Legend. He wants to be let in, requires it. A veritable barrage of mental weapons bristle from his mind, a threat of permanent damage if you resist hard enough.

You slump in his grip, the purple leeching from your hair.
He enters your mind, and you feel him see your conscious thoughts, about to delve deeper.
I am a Saiyan King. I am no mere Preything to be commanded in my own mind. I have harnessed that power far beyond your pitifully weak telepathic so-called weapons. I harness the power of UNREALITY itself. The power of the False Saiyan.
Your Aura bursts to life once more, your eyes fading to pure white. Then you begin to laugh, and hear screaming. Another burst of pure, raw Power as you Ascend once more. Every iota of your mind dissolving into Acid. Surrounding the mind of this Lord Slug. He attempts to pull away, but you grip his hand and keep your forehead pressed against his palm.
"Break." You seethe, and spike your Power up higher and higher. Your victim is Lord Slug, the ancient decrepit Super Namekian. He led a gathering of Namekians into achieving the powerful form, as an unsuccessful attempt to discover a way to break Fission-Lifebonds. One that he had with the Divine Guardian of the Namekian homeworld. The form had broken his spirit, twisting it into rage and hatred and corrupt power, for which he and his group were banished and scattered among the stars.
Dozens of them, all dead or missing. From the penitent, a young Dragon who left seeking a redemption in Guardianship, to the flagrantly brutal such as himself who sought only to gather an army to reclaim his world from his other half who he had eventually broken the Bond with. He was the only Super Namek of that group left.
But not the only Super Namek alive.

The screaming had stopped. Instead, the last sounds created by the ancient Namekian warlord was laughter.
Lord Slug had passed. Long live Lord Slug, the Second. And the Third. And the Fourth. And the Fifth.

The ship behind you explodes as raw ki manifests itself. Brutal burning power consumes the ship. Someone standing at the center of it, his laugh eerily familiar but much clearer. Almost, youthful.
Where was Gohan? Or the others?


[ ] What Do?
[X] Cautiously approach the figure, be prepared to fight.
-[X] While trying to sense for Gohan, Mr. Piccolo, or other friendly ki signatures.
-[X] If a fight happens, use your speed to perform barrages of attack. Rely on the Demon King's style trickiness.

There are 4 children of the Slug, all Super Namekians. They are somewhere on the planet.
Adhoc vote count started by lordchaos99 on Jul 18, 2017 at 12:37 AM, finished with 295 posts and 15 votes.
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Whelp that was hilarious, poor Slug had no hope against Gossard. Although I'm wondering if the 4 children are real or if poor Gossy is just tripping balls again.
Oh, I couldn't fit this into the narrative:
You are still wearing your Training Turban and Cape, you didn't take it off like Gohan did. Essentially the Pictures in the OP are reversed.
We really do need to master False Super Saiyan after all, next turn we're assimilating the Green and mastering base False Super Saiyan. No ifs and buts about it. @lordchaos99 are we still in False Super Saiyan form? If so we might want to focus and power down to avoid more bad hallucinations.
We really do need to master False Super Saiyan after all, next turn we're assimilating the Green and mastering base False Super Saiyan. No ifs and buts about it. @lordchaos99 are we still in False Super Saiyan form? If so we might want to focus and power down to avoid more bad hallucinations.

The Mind-Acid effect is only in the False Gossard form, the False Gossard form is only achieved by moving past the delusion. You guys short-circuited the Inception-style mindfuck with high rolls.
So no, you aren't delusional right now, and your hair is solidly Orange instead of merely reflecting orange like False Saiyan.
The Mind-Acid effect is only in the False Gossard form, the False Gossard form is only achieved by moving past the delusion. You guys short-circuited the Inception-style mindfuck with high rolls.
So no, you aren't delusional right now, and your hair is solidly Orange instead of merely reflecting orange like False Saiyan.
What does false Gossard represent?
[X] Sense for Gohan with Ki, regroup with your brother first. After him sense Mr. Piccolo next.

We can sense ki already right?
What does false Gossard represent?

Short answer? It doesn't.
The grade2 forms usually don't represent things like the Forms do, they are usually just an improvement or purity of the basic form.

For example Super Vegeta/Super Saiyan grade2/Super Gohan is the Loss of the Saiyan distilled and manifest. It takes the harmful power-boosting effects of the grief-rage and takes it higher, it is not Yellow but Gold in it's effect.
It induces higher aggression and rage, it is a massive drain on stamina more than the Super Saiyan form, it takes that stamina lost and turns it into Power to use against your foes.

The False Saiyan is Delusion, the False Gossard is Weaponized Clarity. You have Reality and Unreality, you can see the truth and the falsehoods. And then destroy whichever does not suit you.
Eradicate the Truth and reject this reality. Or Eradicate the Falsehood. You have the choice now, unlike in the previous form.
It's why you become telepathic, you see the truth and falsehoods in the hearts of men, then burn the correct response into them. Correcting their thoughts, even if the correct thought is braindeath. Unfortunately, the default for the form is Unreality, so generally those you touch telepathically have pieces removed, burning them with acid.

We can sense ki already right?

You can yes. You only felt one Power in the planetoid and that was Slug.
You do not currently feel anyone on the planet with a Power Level higher than 93. Not even that guy currently standing inside an explosion laughing.

Also a general plan of attack would be good as well, something for me to make a full update from. Though I guess I could have you be ambushed.

Also, do you guys think I respond too much? I want a lot of discussion, Im worried me responding all the time is stifling that...
Hm how about this?
[X] Cautiously approach the figure, be prepared to fight.
-[X] While trying to sense for Gohan, Mr. Piccolo, or other friendly ki signatures.
-[X] If a fight happens, use your speed to perform barrages of attack. Rely on the Demon King's style trickiness.
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Short answer? It doesn't.
The grade2 forms usually don't represent things like the Forms do, they are usually just an improvement or purity of the basic form.

For example Super Vegeta/Super Saiyan grade2/Super Gohan is the Loss of the Saiyan distilled and manifest. It takes the harmful power-boosting effects of the grief-rage and takes it higher, it is not Yellow but Gold in it's effect.
It induces higher aggression and rage, it is a massive drain on stamina more than the Super Saiyan form, it takes that stamina lost and turns it into Power to use against your foes.

The False Saiyan is Delusion, the False Gossard is Weaponized Clarity. You have Reality and Unreality, you can see the truth and the falsehoods. And then destroy whichever does not suit you.
Eradicate the Truth and reject this reality. Or Eradicate the Falsehood. You have the choice now, unlike in the previous form.
It's why you become telepathic, you see the truth and falsehoods in the hearts of men, then burn the correct response into them. Correcting their thoughts, even if the correct thought is braindeath. Unfortunately, the default for the form is Unreality, so generally those you touch telepathically have pieces removed, burning them with acid.
Is the "False" Saiyan your own invention? I have not been able to find anything on it.

Also, Everyone else, I would really like to learn the Legendary Style.
@lordchaos99 sorry if this was answered in the previous thread and i forgot but is it possible to Waifu Towa later on? i mean they theoretically limitless energy of a Green Saiyan would be a much safer way of getting the energy she needs and her personality would mesh pretty well with Gossard.
Is the "False" Saiyan your own invention? I have not been able to find anything on it.

Also, Everyone else, I would really like to learn the Legendary Style.

Kind of? Also it is called False Super Saiyan or Pseudo Super Saiyan in common fanon or movie discussion. In fact, early in the last thread and, well, throughout it actually, it was called False Super Saiyan, but it kept being confused with my Orange/Yellow fusion transformation which I revealed was Deluded Super Saiyan (didnt help the confusion much)
So in this new thread I went 'nope, its already an in-quest thing, people know what it is based on the Quest, I can ignore the common name and just call it False Saiyan exclusively and not mention False Super'
So I did. And I never said False Super ag...dammit.

Story time :)

This is the canon information:
It has an unknown increase in power, enough to go from Goku being kicked around to Goku crushing. Emotion plays a vital role in bringing out the Form, or at least in Goku's method of bringing it out. The form begins by the User's eyes disappearing, replaced with just the whites, then a Yellow Aura appears. The first time a user achieves the form, while fighting an enemy, becomes an aggressive brute who does not speak.

The False Super Saiyan is a Movie-Only transformation that happened because the movie people didn't get all the information about what Super Saiyan looked like, so they guessed (wrong). It is only seen in Movie 04, Lord Slug though Broly seems to use a similar form potentially, both when escaping Planet Vegeta (his eyes blank out) and during his Teen Rampage.
It also may be related to the Saiyan Soul/Saiyan Spirit phenomenon, though that is sketchy fanon based around a few lines in the anime and a powerup in a few games (that Bardock can use as a Super Saiyan, so yeah) and I have a better explanation for that whole thing.

The 4th movie was being produced around the time the Manga was fighting Frieza and the Super Saiyan transformation was being hyped, but not shown off. So of course, the movie makers added it in.
During the fight with Lord Slug, Goku is beaten and narrating 'I can't give up' and mentally calls out to Gohan and Piccolo to give him their energy if they have it. King Kai then telepathically communicates to Goku saying they had nothing left.
Slug says he is bored and it is time for Goku to die. He punches, but the punch is caught by Goku, who beings smoking and his eyes are completely uncolored, white with no iris. Then his Aura flares up bright yellow, which casts a sickly yellow glow on his skin and gives his black hair an orange tint (and also the 'wind going upwards' style that is common to powering up)
He breaks Slug's wrist, which leaves a small aura around the hand similar to what is around Goku until the camera cuts away. Then Goku punches him in the face but doesn't leave an aura around the face so I think it's just a 'something happened pay attention' than an in-universe effect.

Cue Slug getting his ass kicked.
King Kai comments "wow what a change, this has never happened before...Ah, wait it's the legend! Goku must have transformed into a Super Saiyan."
Slug then says "My word, he's mad. What got into him"
Goku being a screaming aggressive brute overcome with rage
Asskicking. Then Slug says Goku wrecked his arm, then proceeds to tear it off, along with the sleeve.
Goku looks shocked and regains his eyes.
Slug's arm is regrown revealing Namekian arms, 'revealing' he was Namekian.
Goku's Aura dissipates fully and he never assumes the form again.


That was Canon, all that is known about the form. Everything else, I invented or took from other settings or fantheories.
One popular fantheory is that False Super Saiyan is what happens when you get in the emotional state to go Super but can't for some reason (probably Power Level) or possibly that the emotion wasn't enough because no characters had died, like Krillin did on Namek. I basically took this and said 'if you almost go Super, you go False instead'
It is clearly powerful enough to be confused with the Super Saiyan form as well, since King Kai thought it was Super. Thus, x20 (though initially this was x4 I later adjusted this, I had it as x4 primarily because Goku ends the fight later with Kaioken, but there were several circumstantial factors so assuming x20 Kaioken or even x15 or x10 it passes the sniff test).
It has harmful mental effects, more than Super Saiyan, because it turned Goku into a raging beast instead of the more ruthless but lucid Super Saiyan of Namek. So I made it (if you fail Super) give a Ragestate against however you would blame, in this case Slug. Then Ragestate became one of the options of the randomizer when I added the randomizer.
Then I just took that, harmful mental effects, looked at what Orange was (I was under the false impression at the time the hair was actually Orange and not simply Orange Tinted from Yellow Aura on Black Hair) being halfway between Red and Yellow and made Unreality/Delusion. Rooted in the emotion/thought process of Denial, the will to deny what is True or the inability to deny comforting Falsehoods, or possibly uncomfortable falsehoods in the case of paranoia and despair.

There are a few more steps and evolution from concept to end result, and paving plotholes between Manga to Spin-Off Movie to Combined Fanwork helped guide that course for better or worse, but that is the broad strokes.

@lordchaos99 sorry if this was answered in the previous thread and i forgot but is it possible to Waifu Towa later on? i mean they theoretically limitless energy of a Green Saiyan would be a much safer way of getting the energy she needs and her personality would mesh pretty well with Gossard.

Yes, though that requires you to Lose enough you want to build a Time Machine to fix it.
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Eh I don't want to mess with time unless we're losing. I mean what's the point? Do you want a Gossard Black arc? I don't want to deal with Mira and Towa's crap and they won't come as long as we don't intervene with time in any way. Heck Future Trunks isn't even going to be a thing since Bulma/Vegeta is not happening and there's no reason to time travel if we can defeat all threats without losing the dragon balls.
really? i would of figured that she would of shown up herself at some point with all the energy we'll be able to put out by then.

She has. But those aren't the actual history is it?
If you get involved with Time Travel then you will visit the Quests past. Towa has probably visited the time you went Legendary Saiyan and freaked out, then Gohan went Super then almost Deluded Super to stop you.
Imagine Towa's 'Evil Power-up' beam used on Gohan at that moment. Right when he is struggling not to go Deluded Super Saiyan (I bet that power beam could make him not-die from that powerful transformation, x1,000 is on par with Saiyan God or SS4/Primal Saiyan). Or on you, making you go Dark Legendary Super Saiyan Gossard. Or worse, Xenoverse2 Towa making you Legendary Super Saiyan Gossard (Supervillain), or Mythical Saiyan Gossard (Supervillain).

But she won't show up in an update until you deal with Time.

Could we do so anyway, or would that be to difficult to justify the effort spent?

Probably yes, although traveling in time and changing things will make Loli!Time yell at you. The more justified you are, the less yelling.
Its a major change in quest direction, from Dragonball to Xenoverse. Its also something the works best the later you do it, because then you have more Quest-Unique content to explore. For example, if you built the machine now you have:
Brother's Bond
Garlic's Wish (which already has a Female Buu Time Patroller there)
Slug Infestation
Three events outside canon. Compared too:

Bardock vs Frieza
Super Bardock
Nappa and Vegeta
Future Timeline Androids
Cell eating Future Trunks and travelling back in time
Cell absorbing Androids
Cell Games
All of GT (I dont care enough to list it)
Beerus and Godku
Golden Frieza
Universe Tournament
Also the movies:
Metal Cooler
Broly 2: The Brolster
Bojack the Space Pirate
Broly 3: Clone Saga
Janemba/Otherworld Tournament
Tapion and Hirudegan
How canon are you making Broly 3? Because I'd rather forget about it. Ugh.

Edit: are the ones you gave names to less/not quest canon because you don't like them or just forgot the names or something?
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Kind of? Also it is called False Super Saiyan or Pseudo Super Saiyan in common fanon or movie discussion. In fact, early in the last thread and, well, throughout it actually, it was called False Super Saiyan, but it kept being confused with my Orange/Yellow fusion transformation which I revealed was Deluded Super Saiyan (didnt help the confusion much)
So in this new thread I went 'nope, its already an in-quest thing, people know what it is based on the Quest, I can ignore the common name and just call it False Saiyan exclusively and not mention False Super'
So I did. And I never said False Super ag...dammit.

Story time :)

This is the canon information:
It has an unknown increase in power, enough to go from Goku being kicked around to Goku crushing. Emotion plays a vital role in bringing out the Form, or at least in Goku's method of bringing it out. The form begins by the User's eyes disappearing, replaced with just the whites, then a Yellow Aura appears. The first time a user achieves the form, while fighting an enemy, becomes an aggressive brute who does not speak.

The False Super Saiyan is a Movie-Only transformation that happened because the movie people didn't get all the information about what Super Saiyan looked like, so they guessed (wrong). It is only seen in Movie 04, Lord Slug though Broly seems to use a similar form potentially, both when escaping Planet Vegeta (his eyes blank out) and during his Teen Rampage.
It also may be related to the Saiyan Soul/Saiyan Spirit phenomenon, though that is sketchy fanon based around a few lines in the anime and a powerup in a few games (that Bardock can use as a Super Saiyan, so yeah) and I have a better explanation for that whole thing.

The 4th movie was being produced around the time the Manga was fighting Frieza and the Super Saiyan transformation was being hyped, but not shown off. So of course, the movie makers added it in.
During the fight with Lord Slug, Goku is beaten and narrating 'I can't give up' and mentally calls out to Gohan and Piccolo to give him their energy if they have it. King Kai then telepathically communicates to Goku saying they had nothing left.
Slug says he is bored and it is time for Goku to die. He punches, but the punch is caught by Goku, who beings smoking and his eyes are completely uncolored, white with no iris. Then his Aura flares up bright yellow, which casts a sickly yellow glow on his skin and gives his black hair an orange tint (and also the 'wind going upwards' style that is common to powering up)
He breaks Slug's wrist, which leaves a small aura around the hand similar to what is around Goku until the camera cuts away. Then Goku punches him in the face but doesn't leave an aura around the face so I think it's just a 'something happened pay attention' than an in-universe effect.

Cue Slug getting his ass kicked.
King Kai comments "wow what a change, this has never happened before...Ah, wait it's the legend! Goku must have transformed into a Super Saiyan."
Slug then says "My word, he's mad. What got into him"
Goku being a screaming aggressive brute overcome with rage
Asskicking. Then Slug says Goku wrecked his arm, then proceeds to tear it off, along with the sleeve.
Goku looks shocked and regains his eyes.
Slug's arm is regrown revealing Namekian arms, 'revealing' he was Namekian.
Goku's Aura dissipates fully and he never assumes the form again.


That was Canon, all that is known about the form. Everything else, I invented or took from other settings or fantheories.
One popular fantheory is that False Super Saiyan is what happens when you get in the emotional state to go Super but can't for some reason (probably Power Level) or possibly that the emotion wasn't enough because no characters had died, like Krillin did on Namek. I basically took this and said 'if you almost go Super, you go False instead'
It is clearly powerful enough to be confused with the Super Saiyan form as well, since King Kai thought it was Super. Thus, x20 (though initially this was x4 I later adjusted this, I had it as x4 primarily because Goku ends the fight later with Kaioken, but there were several circumstantial factors so assuming x20 Kaioken or even x15 or x10 it passes the sniff test).
It has harmful mental effects, more than Super Saiyan, because it turned Goku into a raging beast instead of the more ruthless but lucid Super Saiyan of Namek. So I made it (if you fail Super) give a Ragestate against however you would blame, in this case Slug. Then Ragestate became one of the options of the randomizer when I added the randomizer.
Then I just took that, harmful mental effects, looked at what Orange was (I was under the false impression at the time the hair was actually Orange and not simply Orange Tinted from Yellow Aura on Black Hair) being halfway between Red and Yellow and made Unreality/Delusion. Rooted in the emotion/thought process of Denial, the will to deny what is True or the inability to deny comforting Falsehoods, or possibly uncomfortable falsehoods in the case of paranoia and despair.

There are a few more steps and evolution from concept to end result, and paving plotholes between Manga to Spin-Off Movie to Combined Fanwork helped guide that course for better or worse, but that is the broad strokes.

Yes, though that requires you to Lose enough you want to build a Time Machine to fix it.
So is it just an worse form of super with reality warping??

It's sounding awesome. How long can we stay false gossard? What could we, theoretically, with what we know, do?

Could we reject the reality of not having a brick house?
Lord Slug had passed. Long live Lord Slug, the Second. And the Third. And the Fourth. And the Fifth.

The ship behind you explodes as raw ki manifests itself. Brutal burning power consumes the ship. Someone standing at the center of it, his laugh eerily familiar but much clearer. Almost, youthful.
Where was Gohan? Or the others?


[ ] What Do?
There are 4 children of the Slug, all Super Namekians. They are somewhere on the planet.

The Children of slug? More like free power ups for Piccolo :D Now we just have to find a way to get them to willingly fuse with Piccolo

Anyway there's four of them that means one for Gossard, one for Gohan, one for Piccolo and one for Goku. The other Z-Fighters can back up Piccol or Goku I guess depending on who struggles more.
How canon are you making Broly 3? Because I'd rather forget about it. Ugh.

Edit: are the ones you gave names to less/not quest canon because you don't like them or just forgot the names or something?

110% canon. That movie is why the Legend is a hivemind and, well, basically everything about the Legend builds itself from that movie. I was kind of stuck with the whole 'What is Legendary Super Saiyan' before I saw it, and the sheer wtf got my creative inspiration going again.
Granted if I had limited creative control, I'd change some things, like explain why Broly is gooey or have the scientists know that saltwater renders their solution inert when they live on a damn island studying the stuff.

But yeh, Canon. With this fanon:
Broly possessed the Broly-Clone from Hell
Bio-Broly was a failed clone, he sustained himself by the entirety of his Legendary energy which is why he was Yellow haired, he was trying to go Legendary Super Saiyan but every drop of Legend energy was sapped to just sustain his life and the connection to Dead-Broly
But even that failed to hold the body together so he used the Culture, grafting it to his failing cells. This process changed how the Culture worked, counteracting an existing retardant in the Culture.
This retardant was added by the scientists which is why they didn't think saltwater would work, without it saltwater turns the Culture to rock but they were under the impression it was present.
Broly could fix Bio-Broly if he had time, but he felt two people he knew were former enemies charging a ki attack, and then he was fighting. He used Super Saiyan energy for fighting and not fixing himself, but had the option.
Broly's attempt to use the Culture as a makeshift anti-allthecancer made it independently infectious to other sources of Culture, this was so he could focus on the fight while being in Hell and was a major mistake but made sense for Broly to make it.
Bio-Broly is still alive turned into rock, this means he is producing Ki. And with no possible way to escape, all he can do is channel an Islands worth of Ki generation to Broly in Hell. This is why Broly is now making a fuss in Hell during the ending with Goku, his plan failed but he now has access to a metric asston more Power than he should, so new jailbreak attempt (this is whats generally called a Sequel Hook, yknow, instead of killing off the character and literally bringing them back from the dead you mention a way they could be a threat)

Toei, I've fixed your mistakes, pay me money :p

Everything is Quest Canon. Except Incompetence. Anything specific I missed?

So is it just an worse form of super with reality warping??

It's sounding awesome. How long can we stay false gossard? What could we, theoretically, with what we know, do?

Could we reject the reality of not having a brick house?

Yes? Like Legendary is a worse form of super with Hivemind and Ramping Power.
Until you get the Delusion beat out of you, or you want to sleep.
The first thing you did with it, technically before you even got the form, was rewind time a full second, to avoid having your tail grabbed. You literally Rejected the last second of time. Though doing that didn't affect you, so the negative effect caused by the tail-grab still applied. It also got the attention of the Time Patrol, and a female Buu Time Patroller showed up (not that anyone realized, only Gossard saw her and he was seeing hallucinations of dozens of threats).

If you can imagine a brick house with all of the details, yes. Or more accurately not be able to imagine any possible scenario where a brick house is not currently in that position. The Reality Warp is mostly subconscious however, conscious warping is a much higher level.
The False Gossard specific benefit is Acid-Telepathy. You can talk to people with your mind, Detect Truth (both Personal Truth and Conceptual Truth) in people's minds, add and subtract memories, add and subtract personality traits, induce Braindeath by erasing everything (you did this to Slug) and cause crippling psychic agony etc.
You can't read minds though, that required Lord Slug to attack you with a Mind-Read and you to turn the tables. You can learn to mind-read and the Orange tree makes it easier to learn grants a bonus.

The Children of slug? More like free power ups for Piccolo :D Now we just have to find a way to get them to willingly fuse with Piccolo

Anyway there's four of them that means one for Gossard, one for Gohan, one for Piccolo and one for Goku. The other Z-Fighters can back up Piccol or Goku I guess depending on who struggles more.

The last you saw of Goku, he was in the upper stratosphere unconscious and falling at terminal velocity to Earth. After being essentially hit by a Comet made of Ki-reinforced metal and then dipped into the Sun. He was standing next to Yamcha and Krillin.
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The last you saw of Goku, he was in the upper stratosphere unconscious and falling at terminal velocity to Earth. After being essentially hit by a Comet made of Ki-reinforced metal and then dipped into the Sun. He was standing next to Yamcha and Krillin.
Is the bad-Man Dead? Time to celebrate.
Yes? Like Legendary is a worse form of super with Hivemind and Ramping Power.
Until you get the Delusion beat out of you, or you want to sleep.
The first thing you did with it, technically before you even got the form, was rewind time a full second, to avoid having your tail grabbed. You literally Rejected the last second of time. Though doing that didn't affect you, so the negative effect caused by the tail-grab still applied. It also got the attention of the Time Patrol, and a female Buu Time Patroller showed up (not that anyone realized, only Gossard saw her and he was seeing hallucinations of dozens of threats).

If you can imagine a brick house with all of the details, yes. Or more accurately not be able to imagine any possible scenario where a brick house is not currently in that position. The Reality Warp is mostly subconscious however, conscious warping is a much higher level.
The False Gossard specific benefit is Acid-Telepathy. You can talk to people with your mind, Detect Truth (both Personal Truth and Conceptual Truth) in people's minds, add and subtract memories, add and subtract personality traits, induce Braindeath by erasing everything (you did this to Slug) and cause crippling psychic agony etc.
You can't read minds though, that required Lord Slug to attack you with a Mind-Read and you to turn the tables. You can learn to mind-read and the Orange tree makes it easier to learn grants a bonus.

So because we can not imagine someone beating us, reality changes as to keep that true? THAT IS AWSOME AND IN MY OPINION BETTER THAN SS1!!

except for the losing your mind bit...and not having quite as high a power level...