The Life and Times of a Half Saiyan King (Thread2)

Gottex's Magical potential is twice ours...Holy crap. I thought we were awesome in magic. *Depressed*
If you remove the helmet and make a couple slight adjustments it works fine. It's primarily the poses and the way it is portrayed that makes Great Saiyaman into cringe.

This was retconned. Future sight is hard and was one of the main contributors to the death of that thread.
I think it's a homage to Kamen Rider but still that helmet is bad. Now what should Gossards costume be? And his super villian name? Umm...
Gottex's Magical potential is twice ours...Holy crap. I thought we were awesome in magic. *Depressed*
We can still do plenty of awesome stuff with Magic like making reailty tripping Doctor Strange Martial Art or Magi Tech for minions. Also Mediation for murder zen mode too if we pursue that avenue.
Gottex's Magical potential is twice ours...Holy crap. I thought we were awesome in magic. *Depressed*
We are. Gottex is a God(dess) though and is thus more naturally inclined towards magic than probably any mortal species in the galaxy by default. Or most at least.

She has a higher Potential than us as well though and at that level 2 points of Potential is a lot of Power.
Gottex's Magical potential is twice ours...Holy crap. I thought we were awesome in magic. *Depressed*

It always was, though in the last thread it was 16/32. I only readjusted the scale.
Don't worry, you are incredible for a Human/Saiyan and a B+/A- student in the Arts within magical societies. It simply you crit once, Gottex crit 3 times in a row (granted, 20% chance each time, still 10, 9, 10 is bullshit on a D10)
She has a higher Magic than the Supreme Kai. And Supreme Kai Magic is 1d10+30 (explode 9,10)!

I think it's a homage to Kamen Rider but still that helmet is bad. Now what should Gossards costume be? And his super villian name? Umm...
Golden Fighter - Emerald King
The Legend
Lord of All
Jade General
OhGottex you actually call yourself Great Saiyaman? Gohan you are an idiot
Bwahaha I still can't get over that
It always was, though in the last thread it was 16/32. I only readjusted the scale.
Don't worry, you are incredible for a Human/Saiyan and a B+/A- student in the Arts within magical societies. It simply you crit once, Gottex crit 3 times in a row (granted, 20% chance each time, still 10, 9, 10 is bullshit on a D10)
She has a higher Magic than the Supreme Kai. And Supreme Kai Magic is 1d10+30 (explode 9,10)!

Golden Fighter - Emerald King
The Legend
Lord of All
Jade General
OhGottex you actually call yourself Great Saiyaman? Gohan you are an idiot
Bwahaha I still can't get over that
So are you saying we should name our super villian organization the Jade Empire:V. And we could have Gotex teach us Magic which has all kinds of potintinal for profit.
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Gottex, Piccolo, Mr Popo.

Seriously, Guldo was picked for the Ginyu Force because of his 15 Magic stat. Though granted, the wider galaxy has a bias against magical doesn't nurture magicians and thus have a deflated Magic stat in their populace.
You are not magically weak cause Gottex decided 'fuck it, I'm Magically a God, not just Actually!'
So are the rolled up stats, Potential and the others, completely static? Or are there ways to increase them incrementally?

No, you can increase them.
You get 2 Potential per Martial Art you master, or Namekian Fusion
You Improve Magic by eating the souls of powerful magic users and it can be temporarily improved with magical equipment
You can train the Strength/Dexterity scale, though I think you guys plan on using Grade3 forms which is a temp Strength boost/Dex debuff for added Power (see: Roshi's Buff Form, Super Trunks from Cell Saga etc.)
Willpower can be trained with meditation or controlling transformations
Endurance can be trained or improved by being a badass (Gohan got Endurance when he went Ultimate Super Saiyan and fought an equal opponent while the Form tried to crush him into dust)
Intelligence can be trained by Study
No, you can increase them.
You get 2 Potential per Martial Art you master, or Namekian Fusion
You Improve Magic by eating the souls of powerful magic users and it can be temporarily improved with magical equipment
You can train the Strength/Dexterity scale, though I think you guys plan on using Grade3 forms which is a temp Strength boost/Dex debuff for added Power (see: Roshi's Buff Form, Super Trunks from Cell Saga etc.)
Willpower can be trained with meditation or controlling transformations
Endurance can be trained or improved by being a badass (Gohan got Endurance when he went Ultimate Super Saiyan and fought an equal opponent while the Form tried to crush him into dust)
Intelligence can be trained by Study
Thank you
No, you can increase them.
You get 2 Potential per Martial Art you master, or Namekian Fusion
You Improve Magic by eating the souls of powerful magic users and it can be temporarily improved with magical equipment
You can train the Strength/Dexterity scale, though I think you guys plan on using Grade3 forms which is a temp Strength boost/Dex debuff for added Power (see: Roshi's Buff Form, Super Trunks from Cell Saga etc.)
Willpower can be trained with meditation or controlling transformations
Endurance can be trained or improved by being a badass (Gohan got Endurance when he went Ultimate Super Saiyan and fought an equal opponent while the Form tried to crush him into dust)
Intelligence can be trained by Study
So for Endurance like that time our Ki did horrific Internal and external damage to us. Man that update was a massive sucker punch to the stomach
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No, you can increase them.
You get 2 Potential per Martial Art you master, or Namekian Fusion
You Improve Magic by eating the souls of powerful magic users and it can be temporarily improved with magical equipment
You can train the Strength/Dexterity scale, though I think you guys plan on using Grade3 forms which is a temp Strength boost/Dex debuff for added Power (see: Roshi's Buff Form, Super Trunks from Cell Saga etc.)
Willpower can be trained with meditation or controlling transformations
Endurance can be trained or improved by being a badass (Gohan got Endurance when he went Ultimate Super Saiyan and fought an equal opponent while the Form tried to crush him into dust)
Intelligence can be trained by Study

I got a question about Grade 3 forms. Would it be possible for us to do what Trunks did in Dragon Ball Multiverse and train ourselves fast enough to use Grade 3 instantly and even to do so in individual parts of the body. That way we can fight as a SS so that we wouldn't lose speed or agility and then, right before hitting or firing an attack, made the involved body part go Grade 3 to increase its power level. This solves the issue of the penalties to movement even if our base speed remained the same?
Dexterity is also reaction time.
You can if you Master it, trigger it on and off like you describe. You can't do it selectively in only some limbs though, Ki cycles through the whole body.
Just noticed that the new character sheets are up.


Potential: 22
Magical Aptitude: 20
Intelligence: 28
Willpower: 16
Endurance: 10
Strength/Dexterity: Very Dexterous


Potential: 20
Magical Aptitude: 1
Intelligence: 28
Willpower: 12
Endurance: 9
Strength/Dexterity: Balanced


Potential: 24
Magical Aptitude: 40
Intelligence: 20
Willpower: 7
Endurance: 6
Strength/Dexterity: Incredibly Strong

These stat lines are actually hilarious. I forgot the Gohan crit failed his Magic Aptitude roll. Unsuprisingly Gossard has a ton of willpower to go along with his stubbornness :p Funnily enough Gohan has the lowest potential out of all his sibling, but is the strongest person on the Planet. Goes to show potential isn't everything.

The King of Legend: You are the Legendary Saiyan. A mere rumor, this awe-inspiring, wonderful, monstrous form has spelled near-doom for the Saiyan race every time it has appeared. Gains access to Legendary Saiyan transformation track, adjusts Strength/Dex towards Strength by 2 points, incredibly Arrogant, Violent and Prideful.

Golden Warrior: Within you burns the Heart of a Super Saiyan. You gain the Colored Aura skills immediately upon seeing and recognizing a Colored Aura skill being used, +??? XP Boost to Attaining and Mastering Super forms, ???.

Goddess Ascendant: Your Ki naturally flows and settles into a Divinely Inspired state, similar in nature to that of a Planetary Guardian. And deep within your soul, something stirs. A tribal drumming, a beat of six. +1,000PL, +5 Potential, can self-teach Kai School and Divine Saiyan School.

I like how the sparks got new names. They are all very fitting :D It's strange how we know everything about both Red and Green spark, but Gold Spark still has some blanks. I guess Gohan hasn't figured out everything his spark does yet then.

@lordchaos99 I noticed that Gohan doesn't have the Red Aura skill on his character sheet. Does this mean he hasn't seen Gottex gone Red yet or does instant Colored Aura skill not work on the Red one?


Looks like Gohan has seen Gottex go Red going by this old post.
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Just noticed that the new character sheets are up.


Potential: 22
Magical Aptitude: 20
Intelligence: 28
Willpower: 16
Endurance: 10
Strength/Dexterity: Very Dexterous


Potential: 20
Magical Aptitude: 1
Intelligence: 28
Willpower: 12
Endurance: 9
Strength/Dexterity: Balanced


Potential: 24
Magical Aptitude: 40
Intelligence: 20
Willpower: 7
Endurance: 6
Strength/Dexterity: Incredibly Strong

These stat lines are actually hilarious. I forgot the Gohan crit failed his Magic Aptitude roll. Unsuprisingly Gossard has a ton of willpower to go along with his stubbornness :p Funnily enough Gohan has the lowest potential out of all his sibling, but is the strongest person on the Planet. Goes to show potential isn't everything.

The King of Legend: You are the Legendary Saiyan. A mere rumor, this awe-inspiring, wonderful, monstrous form has spelled near-doom for the Saiyan race every time it has appeared. Gains access to Legendary Saiyan transformation track, adjusts Strength/Dex towards Strength by 2 points, incredibly Arrogant, Violent and Prideful.

Golden Warrior: Within you burns the Heart of a Super Saiyan. You gain the Colored Aura skills immediately upon seeing and recognizing a Colored Aura skill being used, +??? XP Boost to Attaining and Mastering Super forms, ???.

Goddess Ascendant: Your Ki naturally flows and settles into a Divinely Inspired state, similar in nature to that of a Planetary Guardian. And deep within your soul, something stirs. A tribal drumming, a beat of six. +1,000PL, +5 Potential, can self-teach Kai School and Divine Saiyan School.

I like how the sparks got new names. They are all very fitting :D It's strange how we know everything about both Red and Green spark, but Gold Spark still has some blanks. I guess Gohan hasn't figured out everything his spark does yet then.

@lordchaos99 I noticed that Gohan doesn't have the Red Aura skill on his character sheet. Does this mean he hasn't seen Gottex gone Red yet or does instant Colored Aura skill not work on the Red one?

Seems instinct is no longer a thing as well. Wouldn't mind Gossard calming down now. Instead of being 'murder all the things' and just generally being less fighty. Arrogant and known to kill I can see but constantly being harassed by seemingly beast instincts was a bit much for me.
How about stuff like King Yemma fruit? Or Magic Tabs or Dreamstone, both from Chrono Trigger. The latter was specifically said that humans awoke to their magic potential by staring at Dreamstone

The Yemma Fruit is basically Full HP, Full Stamina restore and the 'Full Stamina' buff for a week, which refills Stamina every turn to full. It also has another buff, doubling your Power for the same time period.
Magic Tabs and Dreamstone are a different setting. Though I guess you could crystallize souls into Magic Tabs or Dreamstone depending on their specific effects.

Just noticed that the new character sheets are up.

These stat lines are actually hilarious. I forgot the Gohan crit failed his Magic Aptitude roll. Unsuprisingly Gossard has a ton of willpower to go along with his stubbornness :p Funnily enough Gohan has the lowest potential out of all his sibling, but is the strongest person on the Planet. Goes to show potential isn't everything.

Yeah hilarious :D
And Gohan has the same base Potential you do, it is just that you learned Turtle and Demon King, while he only learned Demon King.

I like how the sparks got new names. They are all very fitting :D It's strange how we know everything about both Red and Green spark, but Gold Spark still has some blanks. I guess Gohan hasn't figured out everything his spark does yet then.

There is hidden things, but in-character you don't know there is hidden things. You do know there is stuff hidden in the Yellow Spark.

@lordchaos99 I noticed that Gohan doesn't have the Red Aura skill on his character sheet. Does this mean he hasn't seen Gottex gone Red yet or does instant Colored Aura skill not work on the Red one?

Red Aura cannot be detected by Mortal Ki Sensing. And were brought up in a Mortal Ki Sensing group, who do not have access to Divine Ki Sensing.
There may be other issues or there may not be, but that is the main block as far as Gohan and Gossard can determine, not being able to actually detect it.

Was our potential always that high? I distinctly remember it being lower.

You were the same Potential as Gohan, but that is because you had only Half-trained in Ki Martial Artistry. I basically maxed that out in the mild time fluctuation that occurred between the start of the hiatus and now.
So you gained the rest of the extra health from the Turtle style, +2 Potential (1 from Turtle, 1 from Demon King) and removed a minor penalty to Combat Bluffing*
*The Demon King style gives you the ability to bluff your opponent for an advantage, without Ki Martial Artistry at maximum you had a minor penalty.

Seems instinct is no longer a thing as well. Wouldn't mind Gossard calming down now. Instead of being 'murder all the things' and just generally being less fighty. Arrogant and known to kill I can see but constantly being harassed by seemingly beast instincts was a bit much for me.

It is no longer a stat. Mostly cause it was too game-y for my tastes. Gossard is an organic character with drives and passions that can't really be fixed at a set number.
You are also more Royal now, though this is an aftereffect of Almost-Mastering Legendary Saiyan instead of being controlled by it like Movie-Broly was. After all, you bear the Royal Purple (I said at the start of the last Thread the first form was Purple for a reason :p).
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There is hidden things, but in-character you don't know there is hidden things. You do know there is stuff hidden in the Yellow Spark.

Hmm time to find away to convince Gohan to go after the Gold spark. Those ??? are killing me.

Red Aura cannot be detected by Mortal Ki Sensing. And were brought up in a Mortal Ki Sensing group, who do not have access to Divine Ki Sensing.
There may be other issues or there may not be, but that is the main block as far as Gohan and Gossard can determine, not being able to actually detect it.

Well, that is too bad. Looks like Gohan isn't gonna get a shortcut to Godhood anytime soon. On the bright side Gossard doesn't have to worry about Gohan reaching Godhood before him :D

You were the same Potential as Gohan, but that is because you had only Half-trained in Ki Martial Artistry. I basically maxed that out in the mild time fluctuation that occurred between the start of the hiatus and now.
So you gained the rest of the extra health from the Turtle style, +2 Potential (1 from Turtle, 1 from Demon King) and removed a minor penalty to Combat Bluffing*
*The Demon King style gives you the ability to bluff your opponent for an advantage, without Ki Martial Artistry at maximum you had a minor penalty.

Did Gottex and Gohan get anything from the mild time fluctuation?

It is no longer a stat. Mostly cause it was too game-y for my tastes. Gossard is an organic character with drives and passions that can't really be fixed at a set number.
You are also more Royal now, though this is an aftereffect of Almost-Mastering Legendary Saiyan instead of being controlled by it like Movie-Broly was. After all, you bear the Royal Purple (I said at the start of the last Thread the first form was Purple for a reason :p).

Glad to hear that instinct is now driven by narrative. Now if only we could get past the LEGENDARY Saiyan Control: 69/70 (Currently MAXED) issue. I want us to completely blow Broly away with how much better we are as a Legendary Saiyan than he is :p
The Yemma Fruit is basically Full HP, Full Stamina restore and the 'Full Stamina' buff for a week, which refills Stamina every turn to full. It also has another buff, doubling your Power for the same time period.
Magic Tabs and Dreamstone are a different setting. Though I guess you could crystallize souls into Magic Tabs or Dreamstone depending on their specific effects.

The crystalized souls would be more like Magicite from FFVI, though that's not necessarily a bad thing.
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The Yemma Fruit is basically Full HP, Full Stamina restore and the 'Full Stamina' buff for a week, which refills Stamina every turn to full. It also has another buff, doubling your Power for the same time period.
Magic Tabs and Dreamstone are a different setting. Though I guess you could crystallize souls into Magic Tabs or Dreamstone depending on their specific effects.

Yeah hilarious :D
And Gohan has the same base Potential you do, it is just that you learned Turtle and Demon King, while he only learned Demon King.

There is hidden things, but in-character you don't know there is hidden things. You do know there is stuff hidden in the Yellow Spark.

Red Aura cannot be detected by Mortal Ki Sensing. And were brought up in a Mortal Ki Sensing group, who do not have access to Divine Ki Sensing.
There may be other issues or there may not be, but that is the main block as far as Gohan and Gossard can determine, not being able to actually detect it.

You were the same Potential as Gohan, but that is because you had only Half-trained in Ki Martial Artistry. I basically maxed that out in the mild time fluctuation that occurred between the start of the hiatus and now.
So you gained the rest of the extra health from the Turtle style, +2 Potential (1 from Turtle, 1 from Demon King) and removed a minor penalty to Combat Bluffing*
*The Demon King style gives you the ability to bluff your opponent for an advantage, without Ki Martial Artistry at maximum you had a minor penalty.

It is no longer a stat. Mostly cause it was too game-y for my tastes. Gossard is an organic character with drives and passions that can't really be fixed at a set number.
You are also more Royal now, though this is an aftereffect of Almost-Mastering Legendary Saiyan instead of being controlled by it like Movie-Broly was. After all, you bear the Royal Purple (I said at the start of the last Thread the first form was Purple for a reason :p).
Thank Gottex for that there was a lot of debate about Instinct in the last thread. A good portion of it I admit coming from me. Just having it be a natural part of Gossards narrative will make things far smoother and slicker for the story without having to worry about mechanical numbers.
It is no longer a stat. Mostly cause it was too game-y for my tastes. Gossard is an organic character with drives and passions that can't really be fixed at a set number.
You are also more Royal now, though this is an aftereffect of Almost-Mastering Legendary Saiyan instead of being controlled by it like Movie-Broly was. After all, you bear the Royal Purple (I said at the start of the last Thread the first form was Purple for a reason :p).

I hope you don't mind me asking but if instinct is now not a thing could we have those meditation sessions we did put to willpower?

Pretty Please?