The Life and Times of a Half Saiyan King (Thread2)

yes but as things generally go for we'd end up in an eternally 6 year old body, which would admittedly be amazing as Gohan would never let it go even if Gossard became stronger than him and Bulma would enjoy the fact he's permanently snuggle sized.

Eternal Youth has been wished for in-universe by the Demon King Piccolo, it returned him to post-pubescence.
The Dragon does not twist wishes, and in one of the movies actually tells a Wisher that their wish would not actually solve the issue as stated.

@lordchaos99 How much of Bulmas INT is from her studying, and how much is it from traits like the +10 Int from maxing Mad Science?

Studying around 30, +30 born +35 traits I think, I'm too lazy to root through my notes for her sheet.

You know with the way this quests Bulma is going she's eventually going to end up developing something that lets her use her Int in place of Potential (Psionics maybe? with the mental power covering her body like a barrier to grant damage resistance that lets her survive high level Ki fights?)

Edit: Thinking about it more it was a bit of a missed opportunity with Bulma, would of been fun to start off the 'canon' stuff with Bulma beating the shit out of Gossards deadbeat uncle.

Ah well ill just have to content myself with the fact that when we eventually hit the time patroller/xenoverse stuff the canon timeline crew is going to shit all kinds of bricks (Vegeta's reaction to Ultra Bulma and the fact that if his wife had married Goku she would be 10x as awesome and would give birth to a LEGEND will be especially entertaining)

Or she could make Android Enhancements like the Red Ribbon Army.
If, not when for time patrol stuff. Though if in the far distant future the Quest ends without pulling that button I might run a sequel quest with a younger Gossard (well older from this point in time) who diverged.

Something I just found out, Oolong and Puar, as of Dragon Ball, are only 9 years old, 3 or 4 years younger than Goku. I guess pig-people mature fast, considering Oolong was taking people to be his brides.

Yeah, this is only Part 1, Part 2 Gohan is going to be watching some TV, and get a few ideas.
As for this, in story they don't got character sheets they can look at, and I'm pretty sure they don't got any convenient way to measure someone's potential other than how fast they get better. Since Gohan never tried Magic before, they dont' got any reasonable way of knowing just how much he sucks at it.

Edit 2: @lordchaos99 Could we, with Copycat and Watcher and Telepathy and what not, get 60/50 SS in one action with Gohan helping us? Cause if we get 60/50 FS this turn, we could swap forms. Give eachother more options as well as more experience with transformations and the Will Power (and sorta Instinct Decrease) that comes with mastering Transformations.

And a question from earlier you missed, does Roshi have Perfect Ki Control? Is that what lets him hit so far above his level? Cause Whis did say that if Vegeta wanted to be as strong as Goku, he needed to up his control, making it seem like you can purify your ki or some such with enough control.

Not people, girls around Goku's age. Which makes sense given Oolong's age.

Heh. Blame Yamcha for saying bad words (it's mentioned in the Slug updates, they say a word overheard from Yamcha and it is heavily implied to be Fuck)
[?] Gohan learns Ki Shapeshifting
[?] Mystical Training +15
[?] Gohan +2 Magic Potential
[?] Gohan -1 Magic Potential, because lol

With all three...It's possible. Less than 50% chance though.
And the next training/timeskip turn will probably use a less mechanic-heavy system, so Unknown.

I'd miss less questions if you didn't edit :p I only saw your omake and edited question because I prefer waiting and collecting responses.
Perhaps write down your questions but not post them for a while, let them build. The end result is still multiple questions in a post, but less chance of me missing them.
Roshi does have Perfect Ki Control, it is only part of why he is awesome but a pretty good part. Another buff he gets is the Hulk-Roshi form (which is Human-exclusive, so you can get it but Nappa or Frieza can't) and the Janken technique.
[?] Gohan -1 Magic Potential, because lol
I will probably go with Ki Shapeshifting, but gotta ask what would happen if someone had 0 potential?
And the next training/timeskip turn will probably use a less mechanic-heavy system, so Unknown.
Ah :(, I like the mechanics. They provide structure to the bizarre and wacky world of Dragon Ball so we can better predict how stuff will work out while still theoretically allowing anything ot happen.
I'd miss less questions if you didn't edit :p I only saw your omake and edited question because I prefer waiting and collecting responses.
Perhaps write down your questions but not post them for a while, let them build. The end result is still multiple questions in a post, but less chance of me missing them.
I edit in to avoid doing things like triple and quadruple posting. And I'm fine if you miss them, since odds are I'll ask them again later.
Roshi does have Perfect Ki Control, it is only part of why he is awesome but a pretty good part. Another buff he gets is the Hulk-Roshi form (which is Human-exclusive, so you can get it but Nappa or Frieza can't) and the Janken technique.
So we have a good source for us to learn/steal it from.
In before it's somehow some strange immunity to all clairvoyance and sensing type magic. He's just magically dead. Part of the background for most magic users.
I have no idea what it does. I put it there because I thought it was funny.
If it is picked I suppose I'll come up with something.
It turns Gohan into a kind of Blank from Warhammer 40K since his magical aptitude becomes so bad Magic itself can no longer affect him.
Gohan's body is so unresponive to magic that he's effectively immune to enemy magic? This makes it harder for him to get healing though, with those healing tanks, senzu beans, and ki based healing being the only option.
So are the Dragon Balls. Man it must reaaaaaaally suuuuuuuuuck to be Gohan huh?

Gohan would probably get some insane perks in other areas to make up for it though or at least he should cause those possible flaws are crippling. I guess Gohan and Gossard just have to be way more careful now in their transformation fights or Gohan might die permanently. :o

This is a hilarious perk omake bonus. Gohan is never gonna catch up in magic. He might as well double down on being bad at it and maybe get something out of it. I wonder what is gonna happen in story to make this happen if it is picked :p
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Gohan would probably get some insane perks in other areas to make up for it though or at least he should cause those possible flaws are crippling. I guess Gohan and Gossard just have to be way more careful now in their transformation fights or Gohan might die permanently. :o

This is a hilarious perk omake bonus. Gohan is never gonna catch up in magic. He might as well double down on being bad at it and maybe get something out of it. I wonder what is gonna happen in story to make this happen if it is picked :p
Nah. Just use the Healing Tanks that Frieza's forces used. Those are Pure Tech.
Bulma starts messing with teleportation
Bulma starts messing with Time stuff, maybe not time travel but stuff like low-grade version of the Hypersonic Lion Chamber
Bulma gets a bit more adventury, likely to make tech that lets her keep up with the super-fighting-friends in her life.

I'm good with these options. Assuming they're approved, I'll pick one.
[!] Bulma gets a bit more adventury, likely to make tech that lets her keep up with the super-fighting-friends in her life.
Rapid Prototyping
You were busy fiddling with the twentieth version of a Ki Generator, feeling rather frustrated. You were trying to find the perfect ratio between the fluid flux capacitors and the quantum space twister, and it was taking quite a bit of trial and error. Because of the complexity involved, any time you adjusted one of the components you would have to change several others to match it, leading to you basically having to rebuild the entire thing. It's not like doing so was hard, just time consuming and every time you had to wait till you were finished building it to find out what new adjustment was needed.

You wished you had some way to instantly fabricate all the parts you need. 3D Printers had their uses, but none have yet to be designed that operated at nearly the speed at which you could build stuff manually, not to mention that even though Momma and Grandpa have made numerous advances, neither of them seem to have dedicated much time to their progress, prefering to build with their own hands, meaning they were still rather limited in what they could actually make. And that isn't even getting into the more complex materials that take time to "cook" that you kept having to wait for large batches of to finish throughout your experiments.

As you were pondering this issue while your hands busied themselves building the latest version, you suddenly got an idea. Mister Piccolo, he occasionally creates objects out of nothing but his own power. If you could do that, that should allow you to instantly create any design you have in your head. That would more than fix your problem. So of course you went to the local Magic Expert to teach you how.

"No." The big green idiot said.

"Yes." Was your great rebuttal.



"You are willing to do this all day, aren't you." You don't even have to reply, just smile. "Gah, fine. I'll teach you, you little brat."

A few days later, magic spell sufficiently mastered, you return to your lab and with a grin, shove your two fingers towards the half-completed generator still on your desk. It was enveloped in light, and in a flash it was instantly completed. You quickly hook it up to some sensors, and are quite pleased to discover that it was working, producing more power than the version before.

You begin examine it again in detail, figuring out what you want for the next version. You did some quick mental math, and decided to try resizing the primary agitator. That of course requires adjustment of a dozen other parts, adjustments you easily make in your head, and with another finger jab and a flash of light, the next version was produced. A wide grin split your face, you are going to get SO MUCH use out of this.

After a few hours of extremely increased productivity, you were struck by the best idea you ever had. Forget Extreme Rapid Prototyping, forget about creating immense amounts of Capsule Corp Products in an instant, forget rapid creation large-scale infrastructure, this was far better and far more important. It took several weeks of intense studying and many of lessons from teachers you "encouraged", but as you look at the decadent banquet before you, one that you just made with a small drop of power, and one you can recreate at any moment you feel like, you know it was worth it.
Edit: Added on one more scene, since I really doubt I could think of enough to make it it's own omake.

Edit 2:
That staring habit you picked up from Gohan has lead to some very interesting observations. Whenever you were out among the peons, you found yourself watching them, seeing how they go about their life, how they talked to eachother and interacted, how they solved their meager problems and what not. This habit only increased when you gained and practiced with Telepathy, for not only could you see what they did, you could see why, see the thoughts and emotions swirl in their head manifesting into decision and action. It was enthralling at times, even while the peons were far simpler than your family there were so many of them all interacting with each other in so many ways.

While you were hanging out with Gottex, being the Best Big Brother, she was telling you about what she learned that day, when you got an idea. Apparently, one of the Guardian's abilities is to View the entire world at once, and you wondered, why do you have to be Guardian? Legend should surely suffice, outranking any guardian who isn't your sister. So you began to work. You've learned to sharpen your vision, letting you make out distant objects as if they were close, then you learned to extend your sight beyond the horizon, bending with the curvature of the earth (of course, you were careful to always occlude the Moon from your visions. You learned from Raditz that Saiyans transform upon gazing upon a full moon, and you don't want to risk indirect viewing counting). You learned to heighten your hearing, hearing even the flapping of a butterflies wings from across the city. And further you refined your technique, past the physical into the conceptual, being able to view locations from across the world, behind walls and inside buildings as if you were right there. Which then prompted you to work on viewing multiple locations at once, seeing more and more, an expanding zone of effective omniscience. You also worked on your ability to read minds, wading thorugh several minds simultaneously from around the world, expanding your range and width of your mental scans. You got to the point of understanding an entire buildings worth of thoughts, then cities, then beyond.

You of course weren't just practicing these abilities willy nilly, you were practicing them on useful targets. You watched Capsule Corps competitors, like the Pod Corporation. You watched their business meetings, learning about their plans and also identifying weakpoints to exploit, both in their strategies and in their group dynamics. You watched spies and saboteurs attempt to infiltrate Capsule Corp, and not only stopped them (WITHOUT killing them at Gohans nagging, they were physically fine after you were done with them, might have left a memento or two on their soul though) but also dismantled the operations that was funding and directing them. You gathered huge amounts of information, all of which you put to excellent use, either to the production of new hit products, the devising huge lawsuits and "hostile" takeovers, or the increase of quality of life for your employees. You might have also spied some of the abilities and techniques of the various Martial Artists of the world, but if they aren't taking the proper steps to protect their secrets, it's their fault you learned it.
Didn't quite go how I expected it to, but here it is. Probably went a bit far on the All part of All-Watcher, but eh. Go big or go home. Also, apparently it's not a Guardian Only technique, Viewing, but hey, not obvious in the update so I could easily see Gottex/Gossard misunderstanding it.
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@lordchaos99 A question I had earlier that you never really answered, with higher Telepathy, could we remove the 7/10 limit on Copycat? You said that higher Telepathy basically gives us Copycat, so it seems like it'd stack.

Edit: That earlier 10-15 year estimate for maxing Mad Science, was that counting the various bonuses we can get, like Watcher and Copycat and Bulma teaching us?

Edit 2: The Beelzebaby, anything particularly interesting going on with them besides their parents and being born at the same time as our newest sis? Trying to comb through the old thread to see what was up with them, but I'm not sure what all happened. Either just our Sis got a Blue Spark, or they both do.
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[X] Let it land and say hi
-[X] If he tries to start a fight, show him your Glory and put him in his place. Keep him alive though, could use more servants who recognize how awesome you are. Even if he proves useless as a fighter, maybe he'll be good for something else. Maybe he can be your hair-stylist.
--[X] See if you can copy his moves. You are curious what martial arts this Alien might have, and Gohan picked up some moves from Lord Slug, and you won't let yourself be bested on the "learn new moves from one fight" front.
[X] Kick Reason to the Curb
[X] Let it land and say hi
-[X] If he tries to start a fight, show him your Glory and put him in his place. Keep him alive though, could use more servants who recognize how awesome you are. Even if he proves useless as a fighter, maybe he'll be good for something else. Maybe he can be your hair-stylist.
--[X] See if you can copy his moves. You are curious what martial arts this Alien might have, and Gohan picked up some moves from Lord Slug, and you won't let yourself be bested on the "learn new moves from one fight" front.
[X] Kick Reason to the Curb

You startled me. I checked the site and saw 400 alerts and I was...Wut.
Also, wow Posts build up quickly. Over 400
Hey, does anyone know how Babidi found Buu's egg? Because he's somewhere on Earth, and I imagine we can pull all sorts of interesting magic stuff from studying him.

Also, we should start doing Genetics stuff before long. Our body has a lot of weaknesses I'd like to fix, like the inability to shrug off having our upper-torso being blown off like Cell did. And if we mix in some study of more mystical plants like the Senzu Bean and the Yemma Fruit, I think we could create some rather powerful advances. With the Yemma Fruit for example, we could get infinite stamina.

Edit: @lordchaos99 Could Viewing serve as a replacement for Ki Sense? After all, if it lets someone view an entire planet, itd make sense if they could watch people they otherwise couldn't sense, especially when higher versions of the ability like what the Supreme Kais use are obviously FTL

Edit 2: Hmm, in regards to the earlier conversation about Wishs, would the Dragons refuse to grant some wishes that are off limits? I mean, they seem to respect the divine hierarchy, Shenron recognized Beerus and was very deferential, and I doubt it was out of fear of being killed given he never acted that way before regardless of the possibility of his destruction. Since Politics keep the Gods from abusing wishes, I'd think they would go to the source of the "problem" and stop the wishes from even being granted.
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Didn't quite go how I expected it to, but here it is. Probably went a bit far on the All part of All-Watcher, but eh. Go big or go home. Also, apparently it's not a Guardian Only technique, Viewing, but hey, not obvious in the update so I could easily see Gottex/Gossard misunderstanding it.

Yeah, it's a Ki thing. Though Magic can do the same thing.
Piccolo was using it in the latest update. Adopting the same pose Kami often did.

First Omake:
[?] Improved Ki Battery
[?] Magic Materialization

Second Omake:
[?] Viewing
[?] All-Watcher

@lordchaos99 A question I had earlier that you never really answered, with higher Telepathy, could we remove the 7/10 limit on Copycat? You said that higher Telepathy basically gives us Copycat, so it seems like it'd stack.

Edit: That earlier 10-15 year estimate for maxing Mad Science, was that counting the various bonuses we can get, like Watcher and Copycat and Bulma teaching us?

Edit 2: The Beelzebaby, anything particularly interesting going on with them besides their parents and being born at the same time as our newest sis? Trying to comb through the old thread to see what was up with them, but I'm not sure what all happened. Either just our Sis got a Blue Spark, or they both do.

No you can't change the cap, but Telepathy thieving doesn't have the cap so if you do things in the right order...
Im changing the system, it will still take a long time to complete though.

They have a Potential of 1 (before bonuses). And a Willpower of seven and I cant find my notes on them...bugger.
Hmm, roll for them anew, or bring the Baby Excitement into the new thread and have people roll...

Could we combine Hulk Roshi mode and Legendary Super Saiyan for massive gains?

Nope, Blue/Green/Yellow doesn't work. Even if it's only Blue for a brief instant it destablizes the form.

Dammit. I was hoping 0 Magic Gohan would be a thing. Cause then he could moon the Eternal Dragon without the dragon noticing.

Pretty sure it wouldn't work that way. Dragons have these things, you might have heard of them. Called uh Oculus Rifts? No thats not it...oh Eyes! Dragons have Eyes.

Hey, does anyone know how Babidi found Buu's egg? Because he's somewhere on Earth, and I imagine we can pull all sorts of interesting magic stuff from studying him.

Also, we should start doing Genetics stuff before long. Our body has a lot of weaknesses I'd like to fix, like the inability to shrug off having our upper-torso being blown off like Cell did. And if we mix in some study of more mystical plants like the Senzu Bean and the Yemma Fruit, I think we could create some rather powerful advances. With the Yemma Fruit for example, we could get infinite stamina.

Edit: @lordchaos99 Could Viewing serve as a replacement for Ki Sense? After all, if it lets someone view an entire planet, itd make sense if they could watch people they otherwise couldn't sense, especially when higher versions of the ability like what the Supreme Kais use are obviously FTL

Edit 2: Hmm, in regards to the earlier conversation about Wishs, would the Dragons refuse to grant some wishes that are off limits? I mean, they seem to respect the divine hierarchy, Shenron recognized Beerus and was very deferential, and I doubt it was out of fear of being killed given he never acted that way before regardless of the possibility of his destruction. Since Politics keep the Gods from abusing wishes, I'd think they would go to the source of the "problem" and stop the wishes from even being granted.

You know I don't get a tag if you edit in my name right? It's only the first time you post not each edit.
I also don't get a tag if you quote me in the same post I think, does your alert say Quote or Tag or both @Trondason

AU, in this Babidi has a Buu egg already. Because if I wanted to feed energy to an egg, I'd get the egg FIRST. Sigh. Oh and also there are more than one Buu egg around the universe, Canon!Buu is just the one in Babidi's care (and is obviously up-powered)

Removal of the upper torso isn't a weakness, it's a lack of strength. The Senzu Bean also gives a stamina boost, the Yemma is just a stamina-minmaxxed Senzu.

Yes, Viewing can replace Ki Sense. It's a little hard to do it while fighting though, without some practice.

Dragons really wish they could forbid wishes, but all they can do is warn the Wisher off and ignore their first request. The second time gets the Wish regardless of a Dragon's objections. This is part of how they work, they are created to grant a Wish so anything that gets in the way of that is REALLY hard to pull off Conceptually. And the harder something is, the more expensive or the more corners you cut.
The more expensive a Wish is, the stronger the Wish Dragon and the more skilled the maker needs to be in their craft.
Yeah, it's a Ki thing. Though Magic can do the same thing.
Piccolo was using it in the latest update. Adopting the same pose Kami often did.
Yeah, when I first read it I thought he was just recalling memories from Kami. It was only after finding it on the wiki that I figured it out that that wasn't the case.

[!] Magic Materialization
[!] All-Watcher

Viewing would probably be rather neat, but All-Watcher will help us out more in the long run. Plus, we can hit up Mister Piccolo for Viewing.
No you can't change the cap, but Telepathy thieving doesn't have the cap so if you do things in the right order...
Im changing the system, it will still take a long time to complete though.

They have a Potential of 1 (before bonuses). And a Willpower of seven and I cant find my notes on them...bugger.
Hmm, roll for them anew, or bring the Baby Excitement into the new thread and have people roll...
That's interesting. Always looking for ways for Gossard to become Perfect, and overcoming limits one way or another like that is part of such ascension.

Oh? Why you changing the system? It not working out the way you wanted it to?

It would be rather neat if the Beezlebaby was the Gohan to our sisters Gossard. Both getting Blue Sparks, and mirroring eachother in various ways.
Nope, Blue/Green/Yellow doesn't work. Even if it's only Blue for a brief instant it destablizes the form.
How about Blue, then Green/Yellow after the surge is over?
You know I don't get a tag if you edit in my name right? It's only the first time you post not each edit.
I also don't get a tag if you quote me in the same post I think, does your alert say Quote or Tag or both @Trondason

AU, in this Babidi has a Buu egg already. Because if I wanted to feed energy to an egg, I'd get the egg FIRST. Sigh. Oh and also there are more than one Buu egg around the universe, Canon!Buu is just the one in Babidi's care (and is obviously up-powered)

Removal of the upper torso isn't a weakness, it's a lack of strength. The Senzu Bean also gives a stamina boost, the Yemma is just a stamina-minmaxxed Senzu.

Yes, Viewing can replace Ki Sense. It's a little hard to do it while fighting though, without some practice.

Does the Earth ALSO have an egg? Or if we want some Buu Goodness, we have go looking?

Weakness is the antonym of Strength, so the lack of Strength is Weakness. Like one of a Vampires weaknesses is a stake through their heart, or Superman is weak to Magic.

So that's an alternative to the Be Frieza, Become a God, or Lose Dilemma.