The Life and Times of a Half Saiyan King (Thread2)

The Judgement, The Goddess, The Rebel and The King of the Saiyan Race
Your uncle is rather amenable to the punishment decided upon. You are fairly sure he saw through 'combat training' quite swiftly but that only seemed to reassure him that the axe was not waiting for a distraction to fall on his neck.

It took a mere day for the man's new house to be legally acquired. As in, the legal rights were in your name not that they were acquired in a legal way, that would just be a silly thing to do.
You land with a tap on the pavement outside, the three story house was suitably ill-furnished to serve as punishment. You didn't even hire any maids or butlers to attend to him. Mostly because you didn't want him murdering them before his birth certificate and identity were forged properly but it was the end result that counted.

Raditz, which was apparently his name, merely entered the house without a word. Perhaps too nervous around your brother, he was apparently some kind of prophesied saviour or something.
"You think he'll settle in here? Also how did you get a place like this that quickly?"
"Don't ask question you don't want answered Gohan. And I'm sure he'll settle in, he is too terrified of you to do anything else. I'm going to give Momma my gift."
"Hey, that gift is from me! He surrendered to me...Gossard get back here!"


You open the door to his house. It has been a week since he had moved in, plenty of time to get used to your Brother and not faint at your Glory...Perhaps you should have done this sooner.
"Knock knock, hello." Your sister calls out politely, making you roll your eyes.
"What do you...Oh, it's the Judge's two siblings." He sighs and looms over you in a failed attempt to be intimidating "What do you want?"
"A deeper understanding and explanation. The myths of our people, the God, the Judge, the King and the Rebel." Your sister says

Raditz snorts and turns partly away "I don't have time to tell bedtime stories little girl. I'm busy."
"Perhaps you have forgotten the particulars of our arrangement so soon dearest Uncle. Brother dear, you wanted to show me that particular move? From the story?" A dark look spreads across her face and with a mere flicker of sudden invisibility to your Ki Sense she reappears in front of Raditz.
"I can't do that one Gottex, that is lethal and we need him to explain a few things before he dies." you patiently explain. You taught her well.
"A-Argh you brat!" Your dearest uncle coughs, doubling over.
"Consider this your combat training Uncle. Then after that, we can have." Her dark features are suddenly purest of light with such an innocent smile "Storytime with Uncle Raditz."

She dances around the man, flickering in and out of her crimson state too fast for her foe to see, delivering brutally short blows without seeming to move. At least, to Raditz.
"You're right Gossard. This IS a whole lot of fun." She grins Royally, torturing the older man.


"Where the hell are you taking me." He coughs out, giving a pained groan, instantly regretting his choice to speak through bruised lungs.
"Momma wants to do some tests, so I figured with you in need of medical treatment it could be a mutual benefit. Now, while she drains your bone marrow and begins to heal you, tell us about these fabled transformations." You command, crossing your arms.
"While she wh-AAAH!"


In the mythology of the Saiyan there are five figures that stand proudly above the rest. Five archetypes whose appearance would spell massive upheaval and change. And death, so much death.
The first, in title rank and precedence was exactly that. The First. The very first Saiyan to walk the earth, to allow Power Unyielding to well up within him. This man was the pinnacle of all things Saiyan, and from him we are all descended.
The First was the mightiest of all Saiyans. Within him bore the Judgement, forged the glory of Legend, was a Divinity beyond mortals and had an utter hatred of Oppression.
He bore the Green, the Blue, the Red and the Yellow. He was the First Saiyan. And they loathed him for it. The beings from beyond the stars. We do not know who they were, but in the last surviving myths of our people we know what they did. They took our leader, the First, and they ruined him. An alien race from the stars came down while we were a mere tribe and took him away! He fought against impossible odds, defied their unholy presence with his Divinity until they one by one desecrated his holy churches. He fought against impossible odds, slaying all that approached him until Hell Itself was overwhelmed and would not accept any more. He fought against impossible odds, leading the grand Army of his people, each one fueled by the glorious Emerald of his Might. Until, to a man they were brought low and there were none to Command.
They took him away in chains, and with their last act against us, they Cursed us to never again be Saiyan. To never again produce a being that strong.
And using the last of his powers. He Rebelled against their curse. He gave life to the four Spirits of Saiya, forged from his life and his final fight.

He forged the Emerald Light. The King of the Saiyans who would lead them into an era of Power and Conquest.
He passed down the Judgement of Hell. Death coming to those found wanting.
The mantle of his Godhood stood ready to be filled by those who were worthy.
And with his final breath, a Rebel to hold the whole Universe to task if necessary.

The King is the Ruler of us all. The leader into the dark and the torch to light the way through. The King for whom my Prince is but holding the seat in lieu of. A titanic Majesty that causes the planet to shake with agreement whenever he speaks.
The Judge is the bearer of Vengeance. He passes his judgement like a flame spreads inferno. Without hesitation, sparing only that which is truly without flaw. The Judgement of Hell is to be known by his Golden Fur, and the raw unfiltered power he casts in his rage against injustice. Invulnerable, a raw rage against Injustice and the Wrongs of the Universe.
The God is the spirit of Goodness and Righteousness. He who only appears among the purest of the Saiyan to cleanse the most wicked of us. Taking the mantle of the Divine away from the Kai and the Other World and back to it's rightful station, among the Saiyan.
The Rebel, who opposes. They do not care for Good or Justice or Tyranny. They simply oppose. They find the weakness within every atom, every structure, every planet and star system and civilization. And they destroy it. They do not care for purity, only perfection. They will annihilate the weak but pure while allowing the corrupt perfection. Because the Rebel seeks only Power. Enough Power to shatter their Chains. The Chains of the First Saiyan, and the Saiyan Race.

But the tale does not end there. The four spirits of Saiya were mighty indeed. But in their might, they garnered attention. From the same alien race or another we again do not know all we know is they came once more from the Stars. And this time, they learned from their mistakes.
They did not strip us of our Spirits as they did the First. They broke them.
To the King they tormented with silence. They bound him within a room that allowed no sound to enter. The adoration of his subjects did not enter, or their pleas for help. He was a King, Alone with only his thoughts.
To the Judge they showed Injustice after Injustice. Every being they thought was good, they lied about. Twisting the memories of the good Saiyan people into horrible mockeries and Villains who must be Judged. The entire race must be Judged.
To the God, they merely betrayed. A mirage of hope offered to escape from his bindings, from seemingly pure Saiyans. Only to lead him back for punishment. For attempting to escape and to trust in others.
To the Rebel, they did nothing. For there was need of a strong but broken people. And the Rebel cared not that the spirit of his people were broken. merely that they were Strong.

Thus, the Chains of the First remain to this day, and the Four Spirits bring blessing rarely and disaster often.


"Hey. Hey Gossard."
You sigh and turn to your brother who is smirking. You sigh again.
"Yes, Gohan?" You ask and immediately lean back as a little ball of fur is thrust in your face. "What. Is that."
"His name is Fluffy and he is my new pet and he is amazing and adorable and Momma said I could keep him." He practically purrs with the cat "And do you know the best part Gossard?"
He holds the thing up into a sunbeam coming through the window, catching the light with his fur and making it No.
"Do YOU have a pet that can go Legendary, Gossard? Because this is Fluffy, who is an adorable little Super Kitty. Say hello to Gossard, Super Kitty...Mrow-wow. That means hello in cat."
Does it count as murder if you bring your brother back from the dead right after?


You hover above the world, entranced by the deep calming Blue of it all. Nothing to conquer here, just a wide open space.
You have the remainder of this year before you must attend school. Being around children, Preything children that lack the potency of your Brief mind. You briefly wonder how many of them will die between now and graduation, then realize you don't care and go back to planning the time you have remaining.
That Turtle hermit has that odd trick you can learn. Mister Piccolo was always willing to teach you something.
Perhaps Gottex would practice magic with you.

So many things to achieve.
Raditz does not have a video link, but says this 'Prince Vegeta' should possess one. If only you could hack into deeply secure comm technology from a society thousands of years more advanced than your own with only one limited sample that lacks many of the capabilities you need. Might be a good couple of days to crack that.
If you must go be 'educated' perhaps you could find a private school, something slightly above average and with enough money to afford decent supplementals. They would need time before enrollment, so you should work on that now.

You did have an idea for a glowing purple cat reason whatsoever, yes it is simply an idly fantasy and not to throw it back in Gohan's smug face that the properties of light make his cat look like it's glowing yellow but yours would be actually glowing.
Damnable fluffy animals.
So many things to do.


Free Actions:
These are actions you will be doing this turn without it taking an action slot
- Interrogate Raditz
- Try to talk Gohan out of doing stupid things
- Be talked at by Gohan trying to make you stop doing awesome things
- Oh gottex!! The Baby is coming! Quick, panic a lot and try to be the Best Big Brother, just like you are to Gottex

Actions: You have 6 Slots to fill, please vote in Plan format

Training Actions:
[ ] Train Harder
- You will gain 30 Experience Points (this is Intelligence + 1/2 Age currently)
[ ] Training Session - [Skill] - [Teacher]
[X] Training Session - Legendary Saiyan (True Master)
- Teacher is optional and in some cases you do not have a teacher. Please use common sense.
[ ] Apprentice underneath [Teacher]
- Teacher will assign your action for you. This can unlock skills Gossard is unaware of or has ignored due to character traits, knowledge etc. You may not Apprentice under two people in the same turn.

Special Notes for this turn:
Gossard will not Apprentice under Goku
Mr Popo will not Apprentice or Teach Gossard
Master Roshi will only teach Gossard if he spends 3 actions or more Training or Apprenticing under him.
You can totally Apprentice under Mr Satan

Event Actions:
[ ] Write-In
[ ] Find and enroll into the best school in the world
[ ] Find some Employees, start an Empire of Gossard. Conquer Research Lab C to expand your holdings. Traitors will be executed
-[ ] Also encourage Gohan to do the same, NATION-FIGHT!
-[ ] Try to recruit Gohan as the Prince. Every nation needs an Heir.

[X] Create a Mad Invention
-[X] A PTO videocaller that leaves no trace on official call logs

-[ ] Make a bio-engineered cat that glows like your Legendary form
-[ ] The synthesis of Man and Machine is one thing, the synthesis of Man and GIANT Machine is quite another! (requires human resources)
-[ ] Do robots dream of electric sheep? You won't know unless you make a Ki-bot
-[ ] Attempt to improve Life (requires human resources)
-[X] Spaceship! Build Life Support systems
-[X] Spaceship! Build Sublight Engines
-[X] Spaceship! Build Hyperdrive
-[X] Artificial Gravity Generator...why is it locked to 1G, crank that baby UP

[ ] Tournament circuit! Every one that will let a kid sign up
[ ] Hold a Tournament of your own
[ ] Tournament circuit! Avoid Mr Satan

You will gain 10 XP this turn, plus any from your actions. You may spend them as part of your plan or pool them to be expended later.

A few examples for Training. Since you don't have them unlocked, you don't see how much XP or Training Sessions they cost. Excess XP will be refunded

You Are Already Dead - A sword technique that, while costly in Stamina, can be used to wound consecutively or carve through mooks without stopping
Group Kamehameha - The ability to combine Kamehamehas together with other users. This includes the Master Student Kamehameha, the Family Kamehameha and other variants in canon
Dodon Pa - An incredibly strong and fast attack, though less efficient than the Kamehameha. It can be charged or act as a single short beam of FuckYou (needs to be taught by a Crane User like Krillin or Tien)
Inferno of Motion - Forcefully negate the ability of your opponents to speed the air up to your speeds. Now moving at relativistic velocity in atmosphere will have a realistic effect for your opponents
Ki Sword - Conjure a sword made of Ki to stab people with
Inspiration - Maybe...Gohan...will teach you...the...*grits teeth* technique you do not understand
Psychology - The software to Biology's hardware
Teaching - (You need a teacher to teach you how to teach people)
Copycat - The honorable art of stealing your opponent's best moves
Reformed Crane School Martial Arts - A slightly less lethal variant of the Assassination Martial Art (requires a teacher)
Kai School - Divine martial arts as taught by a Djinn (requires Mr Popo as a Teacher, so good luck maggot)
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You did. You get THAT scene next time. It's basically be directly after he was healed and did the whole "First and 4 Spirits of the Saiyan Race" thing.
I just wanted to infodump about Myths a bit and it got away from me. It was actually the last scene I wrote out, and I had intended on including Gottex and Gossard transforming after said infodump.

EDIT: Oh and to be clear, said infodump may or may be correct.
There are falsehoods in there, as well as half-truths and actual truths. Because it's a myth.
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Alright...i thought we all wanted to learn crane so we could do that this turn. After that... Well we need to be a good brother for our blue sister
I say we look for the best school we can, apprentice under Roshi and build a giant robot, because of reasons. Apart from those, I'm not really picky on the rest.
[X] Plan Turtles, Teachers and SCIENCE!!
-[X] Apprentice underneath [Master Roshi] X3 slots
-[X] Find and enroll into the best school in the world
-[X] Create a Mad Invention
--[x] Make a bio-engineered cat that glows like your Legendary form
--[x] Artificial Gravity Generator...why is it locked to 1G, crank that baby UP

Figure we learn under Roshi for a bit while making sure we get the best schooling and setting up the gravity chamber for better training.

The cat is because we should have an adorable legendary minion of doom that we can modify over the years to be the best pet (much better than Gohans at any rate) and also get Gottex to agree that ours is better (might even inspire her to make a pink/red one).

Plus i figured an engineering + a biology project would be helpful to get our eventual int bonuses up when our basic schooling kicks in and lets us get XP from them.
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Shouldn't we have gotten this from copying Raditz? You said we would.

Also, why didn't we show Raditz True Legend?

Oops you are right.
Will add. You have Copycat. My notes are a wreck, sorry.

You did, I just ran out of room in the scene. It'll be the start of the next update.
You can see Gossard thinking about it when he shows up at Raditz's place. Thinking he should have came earlier cause then he might have fainted at your glory.

You and Gottex just didn't want to overly-influence his retelling of the myths.
[X] Plan Protect and SPACE
-[X] Train Harder
-[X] Training Session - [Masenko] - [Piccolo]
-[X] Tournament circuit! Every one that will let a kid sign up
-[X] Create a Mad Invention
--[X] A PTO videocaller that leaves no trace on official call logs
--[X] Spaceship! Build Hyperdrive
--[X] Artificial Gravity Generator...why is it locked to 1G, crank that baby UP

Alright so this what I'm thinking. With our blue sibling born Gossard would feel the pressure of maybe hurting her unacceptable so while growing stronger decide that fighting against these children playthings would be a good exercise in control.

As for the space part, well our uncle has spoke of some really powerful beings so it's never too early to start tinkering with space travel.

Also the Piccolo because we need to say hi...actually maybe it would be better to see if he knows the kami style he could teach or perhaps the dragon style I recall him having on his sheet.
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Why couldn't we be home schooled by bulma? AFAIK she has no actual responsibilities in capsule corp ATM. Why settle for peasant school and subpar education when home schooling is SO VERY MUCH better.

We're too smart to fit in the standard educational system unless the plan is for us to finish grade school and 2 masters in a year ofc. Anything else would be crippling for our intellectual growth especially with the whole "I spent a subjective year doing homework the first minute of school..."
Your uncle is rather amenable to the punishment decided upon. You are fairly sure he saw through 'combat training' quite swiftly but that only seemed to reassure him that the axe was not waiting for a distraction to fall on his neck.

It took a mere day for the man's new house to be legally acquired. As in, the legal rights were in your name not that they were acquired in a legal way, that would just be a silly thing to do.
You land with a tap on the pavement outside, the three story house was suitably ill-furnished to serve as punishment. You didn't even hire any maids or butlers to attend to him. Mostly because you didn't want him murdering them before his birth certificate and identity were forged properly but it was the end result that counted.

Raditz, which was apparently his name, merely entered the house without a word. Perhaps too nervous around your brother, he was apparently some kind of prophesied saviour or something.
"You think he'll settle in here? Also how did you get a place like this that quickly?"
"Don't ask question you don't want answered Gohan. And I'm sure he'll settle in, he is too terrified of you to do anything else. I'm going to give Momma my gift."
"Hey, that gift is from me! He surrendered to me...Gossard get back here!"


You open the door to his house. It has been a week since he had moved in, plenty of time to get used to your Brother and not faint at your Glory...Perhaps you should have done this sooner.
"Knock knock, hello." Your sister calls out politely, making you roll your eyes.
"What do you...Oh, it's the Judge's two siblings." He sighs and looms over you in a failed attempt to be intimidating "What do you want?"
"A deeper understanding and explanation. The myths of our people, the God, the Judge, the King and the Rebel." Your sister says

Raditz snorts and turns partly away "I don't have time to tell bedtime stories little girl. I'm busy."
"Perhaps you have forgotten the particulars of our arrangement so soon dearest Uncle. Brother dear, you wanted to show me that particular move? From the story?" A dark look spreads across her face and with a mere flicker of sudden invisibility to your Ki Sense she reappears in front of Raditz.
"I can't do that one Gottex, that is lethal and we need him to explain a few things before he dies." you patiently explain. You taught her well.
"A-Argh you brat!" Your dearest uncle coughs, doubling over.
"Consider this your combat training Uncle. Then after that, we can have." Her dark features are suddenly purest of light with such an innocent smile "Storytime with Uncle Raditz."

She dances around the man, flickering in and out of her crimson state too fast for her foe to see, delivering brutally short blows without seeming to move. At least, to Raditz.
"You're right Gossard. This IS a whole lot of fun." She grins Royally, torturing the older man.


"Where the hell are you taking me." He coughs out, giving a pained groan, instantly regretting his choice to speak through bruised lungs.
"Momma wants to do some tests, so I figured with you in need of medical treatment it could be a mutual benefit. Now, while she drains your bone marrow and begins to heal you, tell us about these fabled transformations." You command, crossing your arms.
"While she wh-AAAH!"


In the mythology of the Saiyan there are five figures that stand proudly above the rest. Five archetypes whose appearance would spell massive upheaval and change. And death, so much death.
The first, in title rank and precedence was exactly that. The First. The very first Saiyan to walk the earth, to allow Power Unyielding to well up within him. This man was the pinnacle of all things Saiyan, and from him we are all descended.
The First was the mightiest of all Saiyans. Within him bore the Judgement, forged the glory of Legend, was a Divinity beyond mortals and had an utter hatred of Oppression.
He bore the Green, the Blue, the Red and the Yellow. He was the First Saiyan. And they loathed him for it. The beings from beyond the stars. We do not know who they were, but in the last surviving myths of our people we know what they did. They took our leader, the First, and they ruined him. An alien race from the stars came down while we were a mere tribe and took him away! He fought against impossible odds, defied their unholy presence with his Divinity until they one by one desecrated his holy churches. He fought against impossible odds, slaying all that approached him until Hell Itself was overwhelmed and would not accept any more. He fought against impossible odds, leading the grand Army of his people, each one fueled by the glorious Emerald of his Might. Until, to a man they were brought low and there were none to Command.
They took him away in chains, and with their last act against us, they Cursed us to never again be Saiyan. To never again produce a being that strong.
And using the last of his powers. He Rebelled against their curse. He gave life to the four Spirits of Saiya, forged from his life and his final fight.

He forged the Emerald Light. The King of the Saiyans who would lead them into an era of Power and Conquest.
He passed down the Judgement of Hell. Death coming to those found wanting.
The mantle of his Godhood stood ready to be filled by those who were worthy.
And with his final breath, a Rebel to hold the whole Universe to task if necessary.

The King is the Ruler of us all. The leader into the dark and the torch to light the way through. The King for whom my Prince is but holding the seat in lieu of. A titanic Majesty that causes the planet to shake with agreement whenever he speaks.
The Judge is the bearer of Vengeance. He passes his judgement like a flame spreads inferno. Without hesitation, sparing only that which is truly without flaw. The Judgement of Hell is to be known by his Golden Fur, and the raw unfiltered power he casts in his rage against injustice. Invulnerable, a raw rage against Injustice and the Wrongs of the Universe.
The God is the spirit of Goodness and Righteousness. He who only appears among the purest of the Saiyan to cleanse the most wicked of us. Taking the mantle of the Divine away from the Kai and the Other World and back to it's rightful station, among the Saiyan.
The Rebel, who opposes. They do not care for Good or Justice or Tyranny. They simply oppose. They find the weakness within every atom, every structure, every planet and star system and civilization. And they destroy it. They do not care for purity, only perfection. They will annihilate the weak but pure while allowing the corrupt perfection. Because the Rebel seeks only Power. Enough Power to shatter their Chains. The Chains of the First Saiyan, and the Saiyan Race.

But the tale does not end there. The four spirits of Saiya were mighty indeed. But in their might, they garnered attention. From the same alien race or another we again do not know all we know is they came once more from the Stars. And this time, they learned from their mistakes.
They did not strip us of our Spirits as they did the First. They broke them.
To the King they tormented with silence. They bound him within a room that allowed no sound to enter. The adoration of his subjects did not enter, or their pleas for help. He was a King, Alone with only his thoughts.
To the Judge they showed Injustice after Injustice. Every being they thought was good, they lied about. Twisting the memories of the good Saiyan people into horrible mockeries and Villains who must be Judged. The entire race must be Judged.
To the God, they merely betrayed. A mirage of hope offered to escape from his bindings, from seemingly pure Saiyans. Only to lead him back for punishment. For attempting to escape and to trust in others.
To the Rebel, they did nothing. For there was need of a strong but broken people. And the Rebel cared not that the spirit of his people were broken. merely that they were Strong.

Thus, the Chains of the First remain to this day, and the Four Spirits bring blessing rarely and disaster often.

So basically each of the Briefs is one of the spirits.

The King = Gossard
The Judge = Gohan
The God = Gottex
The Rebel is probably Goose.

"Hey. Hey Gossard."
You sigh and turn to your brother who is smirking. You sigh again.
"Yes, Gohan?" You ask and immediately lean back as a little ball of fur is thrust in your face. "What. Is that."
"His name is Fluffy and he is my new pet and he is amazing and adorable and Momma said I could keep him." He practically purrs with the cat "And do you know the best part Gossard?"
He holds the thing up into a sunbeam coming through the window, catching the light with his fur and making it No.
"Do YOU have a pet that can go Legendary, Gossard? Because this is Fluffy, who is an adorable little Super Kitty. Say hello to Gossard, Super Kitty...Mrow-wow. That means hello in cat."
Does it count as murder if you bring your brother back from the dead right after?
By far my favorite thing in this update :D There maybe a severe spike in art that feature Fluffy.

Hmmm really should try to train him. Fluffy can be Gohan's sidekick :p
Why couldn't we be home schooled by bulma? AFAIK she has no actual responsibilities in capsule corp ATM. Why settle for peasant school and subpar education when home schooling is SO VERY MUCH better.

We're too smart to fit in the standard educational system unless the plan is for us to finish grade school and 2 masters in a year ofc. Anything else would be crippling for our intellectual growth especially with the whole "I spent a subjective year doing homework the first minute of school..."

Do you want Bulma to be in charge of your education?
Mrs "Should I wish for endless strawberries despite being able to buy plantations of the things? Yes." Briefs.
You would want Gossard to go anyway, for Socialisation reasons if nothing else. The same reason any bright kid is sent to school.

[X] Plan Turtles, Teachers and SCIENCE!!
-[X] Apprentice underneath [Master Roshi]

Figure we learn under Roshi for a bit while making sure we get the best schooling and setting up the gravity chamber for better training.

Roshi has a time commitment he wants before he will start teaching you. At least 3 action slots.

So basically each of the Briefs is one of the spirits.

The King = Gossard
The Judge = Gohan
The God = Gottex
The Rebel is probably Goose.

Considering the Spirits are the Transformations? Yes.
The 4 Spirits of King, Judge, God and Rebel are the Green, Yellow, Red and Cyan transformations respectively.
Orange is confused with Yellow and Brown isn't mystical enough since every Saiyan gets that.
[X] Plan Protect and SPACE
-[X] Train Harder
-[X] Training Session - [Masenko] - [Piccolo]
-[X] Tournament circuit! Every one that will let a kid sign up
-[X] Create a Mad Invention
--[X] A PTO videocaller that leaves no trace on official call logs
--[X] Spaceship! Build Hyperdrive
--[X] Artificial Gravity Generator...why is it locked to 1G, crank that baby UP

The tournament is actually a very good idea. It's both entertaining to read about and trains Gossard to keep alive the weakest of the weak.
Do you want Bulma to be in charge of your education?
Mrs "Should I wish for endless strawberries despite being able to buy plantations of the things? Yes." Briefs.
Yes? At least in the science subjects. Who wouldn't want the up and coming genius be taught by Einstein instead of the local school teacher when you know that the kid can keep up
You would want Gossard to go anyway, for Socialisation reasons if nothing else. The same reason any bright kid is sent to school.
It's a myth that home schooling doesn't have kids socialize enough, but I admit that we might be a special case with the "prey thing mentality"
[X] Plan Turtles, Teachers and SCIENCE!!
-[X] Apprentice underneath [Master Roshi] X3 slots
-[X] Find and enroll into the best school in the world
-[X] Create a Mad Invention
--[x] Make a bio-engineered cat that glows like your Legendary form
--[x] Artificial Gravity Generator...why is it locked to 1G, crank that baby UP
[X] Plan Family Vacation
-[X] Create a Mad Invention
--[X] A PTO videocaller that leaves no trace on official call logs
--[X] Spaceship! Build Life Support systems
--[X] Spaceship! Build Sublight Engines
--[X] Spaceship! Build Hyperdrive
--[X] Artificial Gravity Generator...why is it locked to 1G, crank that baby UP
--[X] Get you Family to help out! Momma and Grandpa should be great aids, and you are sure you can get your brother into a competition with you to see who can SCIENCE!!! better. Once you all manage to finish it, you all can take it on a inter-galactic cruise! See the sights! Taste the local Cuisine! Steal a bunch of very interesting technical doodads! While you are out and about, you can even pick up the rest of the Saiyan Race, most importantly your counterpart Broly.
-[X] Achieve True Mastery of Legendary Form.

We gotta go to space to go collect our Legendary Counterpart. We can work on other stuff after, when a part of us is no longer being mind controlled into destroying an entire galaxy. What's more, I think things would work out better if we do all the tech in one go, because then it'd be easier to convince everyone else to ALSO focus their efforts on it, resulting in a massive font of technological progress. All 4 of us super-geniuses working hard together for a quarter of a year to make the best ship we can? It's going to be awesome.
@lordchaos99 Am I right in assuming that roping in our family to help us with tech is a free action?
Also, can we swap forms with Gohan with only 1 action? Or would it require 2, one teaching one learning?
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[X] Plan Family Vacation
-[X] Create a Mad Invention
--[X] A PTO videocaller that leaves no trace on official call logs
--[X] Spaceship! Build Life Support systems
--[X] Spaceship! Build Sublight Engines
--[X] Spaceship! Build Hyperdrive
--[X] Artificial Gravity Generator...why is it locked to 1G, crank that baby UP
--[X] Get you Family to help out! Momma and Grandpa should be great aids, and you are sure you can get your brother into a competition with you to see who can SCIENCE!!! better. Once you all manage to finish it, you all can take it on a inter-galactic cruise! See the sights! Taste the local Cuisine! Steal a bunch of very interesting technical doodads! While you are out and about, you can even pick up the rest of the Saiyan Race, most importantly your counterpart Broly.
-[X] Swap Forms with Gohan. Teach him how to go Orange, and have him teach you how to go Yellow.

We gotta go to space to go collect our Legendary Counterpart. We can work on other stuff after, when a part of us is no longer being mind controlled into destroying an entire galaxy. What's more, I think things would work out better if we do all the tech in one go, because then it'd be easier to convince everyone else to ALSO focus their efforts on it, resulting in a massive font of technological progress. All 4 of us super-geniuses working hard together for a quarter of a year to make the best ship we can? It's going to be awesome.
@lordchaos99 Am I right in assuming that roping in our family to help us with tech is a free action?
Also, can we swap forms with Gohan with only 1 action? Or would it require 2, one teaching one learning?

Honestly getting Gossard SSJ seems kind of silly at the moment, the x50 multiplier is nice but it'd be better for him to get better at his other two colours first as improving them gives him better overall self control (seeing as they both inflict mental effects and Gossard gets better and better at dealing with them as he improves) which means he's more stable.

I'd rather wait to give him the big multiplier once he's gone into the green far enough to if not guarantee then heavily minimize the chance of him hulking out and smashing everything when he inevitably accidentally mixes Yellow and Green for LSSJ.

Gohan would probably appreciate that as well.
Honestly getting Gossard SSJ seems kind of silly at the moment, the x50 multiplier is nice but it'd be better for him to get better at his other two colours first as improving them gives him better overall self control (seeing as they both inflict mental effects and Gossard gets better and better at dealing with them as he improves) which means he's more stable.

I'd rather wait to give him the big multiplier once he's gone into the green far enough to if not guarantee then heavily minimize the chance of him hulking out and smashing everything when he inevitably accidentally mixes Yellow and Green for LSSJ.

Gohan would probably appreciate that as well.

The only issue with that is beyond LSg2 we have no idea how to achieve the other two forms IG. Plus from what it seems it doesn't matter how well your good at the other transformations the first time you enter a form you're going to lose control. So that might come sooner then you think...well there is also grade 3 which would be useful as we don't seem to be specing for skills that need us more faster then normal.

But! I do agree with the idea of mastering our foundations before branching into too many other things
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Honestly getting Gossard SSJ seems kind of silly at the moment, the x50 multiplier is nice but it'd be better for him to get better at his other two colours first as improving them gives him better overall self control (seeing as they both inflict mental effects and Gossard gets better and better at dealing with them as he improves) which means he's more stable.

I'd rather wait to give him the big multiplier once he's gone into the green far enough to if not guarantee then heavily minimize the chance of him hulking out and smashing everything when he inevitably accidentally mixes Yellow and Green for LSSJ.

Gohan would probably appreciate that as well.
SSJ also inflicts mental effects. We get more Will for any mastered transformation, 2 Will for every rank. The reason I'm voting for the trade is not because I want the multiplier (though it's always handy to have more options), but rather I only had 1 action left, and that seems like the best place to put it. Get us more options, more Will, and help boost Gohan as well. We both are True Masters of the color we are trading, so best to help eachother out.

I think Hulking Out is only a danger if you aquire the transformation organically via a moment of pure emotion, diving head first into the color rather than slowly wading in and acclimating. And I don't see why it's inevitable that we'd accidentally mix Yellow and Green, we managed to go Orange without grabbing Green, and we were literally insane.
The only issue with that is beyond LSg2 we have no idea how to achieve the other two forms IG. Plus from what it seems it doesn't matter how well your good at the other transformations the first time you enter a form you're going to lose control. So that might come sooner then you think...well there is also grade 3 which would be useful as we don't seem to be specing for skills that need us more faster then normal.

But! I do agree with the idea of mastering our foundations before branching into too many other things
We know one of the higher Greens we unlock by being the Ruler of 3(?) Civilized Planets. I'm kinda planning on usurping the PTO, so that should happen soon, but till then might as well work on something else.
Grade 3 is relatively easy to master, and mastering it makes hte rest of the color easier. So we probably should master it before reaching for the next tier.

@lordchaos99 Is it +2 Will for every rank of the base form, or do Grades also give +2 Will for Neophyte and Master?
If we get Telepathy higher, could we share our Green some? The Legends talk about Green being mentally blocked off from his subjects, and Telepathy is all about opening ones mind.
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Yeah, Bulma is hax. She is wiping out backlog a little with her Saiyan Doctoring research though. Carving a swathe through Biology and Cybernetic skills outpaced her natural gain for a couple years.

Basic Schooling kind of completes on it's own. It's an Action Slot to go to school which then provides some TS and XP.
You can go beyond that (ie study more than average, do upperclassmen work etc.) but it's not really needed unless you want to race INT. In which case, you are spending more XP than you'll probably gain from the effort.
If you want to drop out early it'll be a net gain but do you really want Gossard done with the Academia and social settings like that right as puberty begins?

Wonder why she is acting all flirty and not following through?
The Tsundere archetype is a very good example of a Saiyan mate.

Probably just ignore her and move on. Saiyans are rarely long-term partners, the exception being the Prince line and even then it's kinda iffy and mostly cultural the biological urge to just find a new mate is there.
Hell, Saiyan pair-bond with RIVALS for longer than they pair-bond with Sexual Partners!
Normal Saiyans are Tsundere but Gossard is a Legend, With the way his mind works and how everything has to belong to him or be herasy against his Word as a adult. I expect that if he truly fell in love and I mean LOVE not sorta like like each other then he would go full yandere which is equally hilarious as it is ungodly terrifying
I expect that if he truly fell in love and I mean LOVE not sorta like like each other then he would go full yandere which is equally hilarious as it is ungodly terrifying
... This reminds me of a fan comic where Aku became "good" after marrying Blossom, only to later consider murdering his unborn child, because he had a feeling that Blossom loved said child more than she loved Aku. Because, in case anyone forgot, Aku is Evil. He might get different priorities after falling in love, but he is still Evil.
... This reminds me of a fan comic where Aku became "good" after marrying Blossom, only to later consider murdering his unborn child, because he had a feeling that Blossom loved said child more than she loved Aku.
Ah but Gossard loves his family and would most likely love his children as well or at least be taught by Bulma/Piccolo how he should treat them. The issue is what happens to everybody else to make them happy. Someone dares be mean to his wife or kids off with their heads, arms, legs and while we're at it make everyone they care for in the slightest watch as we burn them slowly alive and a million other things too terrible to name.

You think he's overprotective of his siblings or moma? As a husband or father that will look tame compared to what his reaction would most likely be. Think of how a Dragon reacts to you messing with his horde on steroids. They would most likely be considered the most precious jewels of his existence to be guarded and defended at all times while making sure the very world bows to their every whim. You can see the disaster waiting to happen in that. Again this all relies on the faint chance he meets someone he does fall in love with. I mean what are the odds of that. Then again this is Dragon Ball and more absurd things have happened.
As for the comic I don't know whether I should give a funny or hugs:confused:
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We know one of the higher Greens we unlock by being the Ruler of 3(?) Civilized Planets. I'm kinda planning on usurping the PTO, so that should happen soon, but till then might as well work on something else.
Grade 3 is relatively easy to master, and mastering it makes hte rest of the color easier. So we probably should master it before reaching for the next tier.

When I said that I meant that we don't know how to IG=In game. Unless I'm wrong and Gossard actually does know of the condition