The Life and Times of a Half Saiyan King (Thread2)

That effects my Omake, how hard would it be for Gohan to learn Shapeshifting? I feel like you said once upon a time that it was magic, which he sucks at. But it seems like transformation isn't that hard, considering the school is also a kindergarten.

Incredibly hard, sorry.
All stats are ever-expanding by their nature (with the exception of the Strength/Dex Scale and even then the spikes get more extreme the closer you are to the sides) so a 5 Magic Aptitude is 16x greater than Gohan. And 5 is below-average for Earthlings. equal out.

Also, quick little question, is it possible for one to give one's ki...venomous or acid properties?

Should be. Even in Super there was that dog/wolf guy that Gohan fought with poisonous Ki. Could be a racial benefit or something, but his Ki was blinding and poisonous.

On another note... how would mystic form work here? Gohans magic potential is shit tier. Would mystic form stack his shit tier magic onto potential for fighting? Coz I'm thinking we change it up enough that we get Gottex to learn mystic form.
Incredibly hard, sorry.
All stats are ever-expanding by their nature (with the exception of the Strength/Dex Scale and even then the spikes get more extreme the closer you are to the sides) so a 5 Magic Aptitude is 16x greater than Gohan. And 5 is below-average for Earthlings.
How hard we talking? Years of effort?
And could Gohan theoretically create a Ki version of the technique?
Should be. Even in Super there was that dog/wolf guy that Gohan fought with poisonous Ki. Could be a racial benefit or something, but his Ki was blinding and poisonous.

Glad to hear...I'm trying my hand at creation and making a martial art, part of its school moves is making your ki poisonous to other's.

Edit: Well that was a thing for a sec
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How hard we talking? Years of effort?
And could Gohan theoretically create a Ki version of the technique?

Gohan might match Oolong in a decade?
Sure, Ki is all about self-effects.

On another note... how would mystic form work here? Gohans magic potential is shit tier. Would mystic form stack his shit tier magic onto potential for fighting? Coz I'm thinking we change it up enough that we get Gottex to learn mystic form.

Why would Mystic Gohan do anything with Gohan's Magic? It's an Elder Kai thing about unleashing potential.
Why would Mystic Gohan do anything with Gohan's Magic? It's an Elder Kai thing about unleashing potential.

It's the name itself. Mystic to me implies some form of magic. So just sort of went on from that point.

Something I don't think you've answered, but the wishes. Can we use them to wish for more potential or intelligence or a way to mitigate the negative effects of mastering new forms?
It's the name itself. Mystic to me implies some form of magic. So just sort of went on from that point.

Something I don't think you've answered, but the wishes. Can we use them to wish for more potential or intelligence or a way to mitigate the negative effects of mastering new forms?

Its named that because it needs a powerful magician to perform the ritual, not for the person getting the buff to be magically powerful.

Yes. Wishes are Wishes as far as Gossard knows.
Which negative effects do you mean?
It's the name itself. Mystic to me implies some form of magic. So just sort of went on from that point.

Something I don't think you've answered, but the wishes. Can we use them to wish for more potential or intelligence or a way to mitigate the negative effects of mastering new forms?

Doesn't mastering forms get rid of negetive effects eg mastering SS removes stamina problems or mastering FSS removes the negative mental effects?
Something to consider, because of the competence boost, there have to be limits to what the Dragon Balls can do, as to explain their limited among the divine.
The negative effects that get removed upon mastery. Sort of wish for pseudo mastery until we can master it. So False Saiyan would of been limiting the mental pollution, green would probably bolster willpower or something. Higher endurance when using super saiyan.

Do you really want to waste a Wish on that?

Something to consider, because of the competence boost, there have to be limits to what the Dragon Balls can do, as to explain their limited among the divine.

I don't follow.
And it does have limits, it can't create love, wish for the same thing twice, rez someone who died 'naturally' etc.
The limit there would be Politics.
??? Does Not want things going back to the way things were. That level of escalation would be one of the things they go 'Nope Pwn' towards.

It's the same reason why the Kais are all Gods instead of Divine Kings, Demon Lords and Reapers.
My biggest wish on the Dragon Balls is Immortality, in that we would never age past our physical prime, we would never suffer from Disease or Poison, the only way we could die would be in battle from a stronger opponent, the only PROPER Way for a True Saiyan Warrior To Die.
My biggest wish on the Dragon Balls is Immortality, in that we would never age past our physical prime, we would never suffer from Disease or Poison, the only way we could die would be in battle from a stronger opponent, the only PROPER Way for a True Saiyan Warrior To Die.

So... Go for brown related saiyan transformations? From last thread brown 2 is basically everything you just described.
So... Go for brown related saiyan transformations? From last thread brown 2 is basically everything you just described.
When we learn how to IC yeah. Green, Orange, and Brown are my main focuses since they are the most 'Sayian'. Green and Brown are clear but I like orange to for the Madness and Delusion Aspect most Saiyan's suffered from.
My biggest wish on the Dragon Balls is Immortality, in that we would never age past our physical prime, we would never suffer from Disease or Poison, the only way we could die would be in battle from a stronger opponent, the only PROPER Way for a True Saiyan Warrior To Die.
yes but as things generally go for we'd end up in an eternally 6 year old body, which would admittedly be amazing as Gohan would never let it go even if Gossard became stronger than him and Bulma would enjoy the fact he's permanently snuggle sized.
yes but as things generally go for we'd end up in an eternally 6 year old body, which would admittedly be amazing as Gohan would never let it go even if Gossard became stronger than him and Bulma would enjoy the fact he's permanently snuggle sized.

If he's forever 6 then we'll never have to worry about the Saiyan puberty problem. Plus, Bulma needs one kid to stay home considering how Gohan and Gottex have basically left :p

[X] Force more Ki into the form
You know with the way this quests Bulma is going she's eventually going to end up developing something that lets her use her Int in place of Potential (Psionics maybe? with the mental power covering her body like a barrier to grant damage resistance that lets her survive high level Ki fights?)

Edit: Thinking about it more it was a bit of a missed opportunity with Bulma, would of been fun to start off the 'canon' stuff with Bulma beating the shit out of Gossards deadbeat uncle.

Ah well ill just have to content myself with the fact that when we eventually hit the time patroller/xenoverse stuff the canon timeline crew is going to shit all kinds of bricks (Vegeta's reaction to Ultra Bulma and the fact that if his wife had married Goku she would be 10x as awesome and would give birth to a LEGEND will be especially entertaining)
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You know with the way this quests Bulma is going she's eventually going to end up developing something that lets her use her Int in place of Potential (Psionics maybe? with the mental power covering her body like a barrier to grant damage resistance that lets her survive high level Ki fights?)
Or simply use SCIENCE. Gero made Androids that could curbstomp Frieza, and he was working on shoe-string budget at best. Bulma is smarter, has more resources for SCEINCE, and has her darling family of super geniuses helping her out on the SCIENCE front.
Something I just found out, Oolong and Puar, as of Dragon Ball, are only 9 years old, 3 or 4 years younger than Goku. I guess pig-people mature fast, considering Oolong was taking people to be his brides.
"Hey, Gohan, I have a idea. Lets go to school!"

Gohan looked at you in befuddled silence, before asking "Why? We learn too fast for anything approaching a traditional school setting. Not to mention we can easily teach ourselves anything."

You smiled, and taunted "I'm not so sure about that. I found a school teaching a subject so tough, it'll take even you a while to learn what it as to teach."

Gohan frowned and asked suspiciously"And its an actual accredited school, not some school you made yourself?"

You nod. "Yep. It's considered the most prestigious school of its kind. Thousands of people try to enroll every year, but only a couple dozen get accepted."

He was still looking at you suspiciously. "And you are going to enroll too?"

"Of course."

He considers it for a moment, then sighs. "Fine, wasn't sure what to work on next anyways."

You smile, part one of your plan complete.

"You can't be serious." Gohan said in disbelief. Before you, a steam of kids slightly older than you were milling around a playground. The prestigious school you were talking about before, was a Kindergarten. Southern Transformation Kindergarten, also known as Shapeshifting Academy.

"I am. For you see, what they teach here is rather obvious. Among normal kindergarten things we obviously don't need, they teach Shapeshifting. Magical Shapeshifting." You emphasize, grin growing big. "You've so far neglected to learn magic, so this might take you a while. I bet a weeks worth of deserts it'll take you at least a month to master Shapeshifting. It takes these kids two years usually, so you only have to learn twenty-four times faster than them. Can you do it?"

Gohan rolls his eyes "I'll do it in a week. That desert is as good as mine."

You end up mastering Shapeshifting within a few days. It's really not all that complicated, learning to breath fire was harder than this. Gohan predicatably took longer, but you end up surprised by how long it is taking him. He shows barely any progress after a week, to his very visible frustration. After two, some kids try to comfort him, kids who were learning faster than him, which really didn't help his frusteration and he quickly dissappeared in a puff of power to work out his frustration above a desert. You actually zoomed by for a look and had fun watching the temporary second sun he made.

As the month deadline approached and he failed to make much progress at all, barely even able to begin to transform despite the fact that he's been working on it for hours everyday, trapping and terrifying the teachers to make them keep trying to teach him, you took pity and tried to help teach him yourself but he didn't seem to be able to understand even the basics of concepts and magic.

On the final day of the bet, you were feeling a bit glum. You won, but given Gohan's mood you can't even taunt him about it, which sucked most of the fun out of it. Just as it was about to be Dinner Time, Gohan burst into the room you were in behind you, mentally radiating satisfaction, and yelled "Gossard, look!"

You turn around, and were surprised to see not your brother, but some random kid. A kid with a very familiar smile on his face. They twisted their Ki, their Ki not Magic, and their body shifted turning back into Gohan. "I did it, without stupid magic! I win the bet!"

You were actually quite surprised he was able to make a Ki Technique that duplicated the effects of the spell so quickly, but you didn't let that stop you from smiling in return and pointing out. "Not quite. For you might recall, the bet wasn't just for you to learn how to Shapeshift, it was to learn their shapeshifting. With Magic. Something toddlers can learn faster than you."

As you spoke, the grin fell from your brothers face in such a wonderful way, before he burst. "Fuck Magic!"

"Gohan!" Momma's voice rang out, obviously having heard him, and his anger quickly gave way to dismay. You on the other hand were quite happy, you won the bet, and not only is Gohan now in trouble for swearing within ear-shot of Momma, you can lord your brothers magical shortcomings over him all you want.
Yeah, this is only Part 1, Part 2 Gohan is going to be watching some TV, and get a few ideas.
As for this, in story they don't got character sheets they can look at, and I'm pretty sure they don't got any convenient way to measure someone's potential other than how fast they get better. Since Gohan never tried Magic before, they dont' got any reasonable way of knowing just how much he sucks at it.

Edit 2: @lordchaos99 Could we, with Copycat and Watcher and Telepathy and what not, get 60/50 SS in one action with Gohan helping us? Cause if we get 60/50 FS this turn, we could swap forms. Give eachother more options as well as more experience with transformations and the Will Power (and sorta Instinct Decrease) that comes with mastering Transformations.

And a question from earlier you missed, does Roshi have Perfect Ki Control? Is that what lets him hit so far above his level? Cause Whis did say that if Vegeta wanted to be as strong as Goku, he needed to up his control, making it seem like you can purify your ki or some such with enough control.
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