[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Training
[] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Sneakery

I really want training, Johanna, and RP before winter.
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I hope it didn't come across as pushing too hard or anything.
You didn't, BUT considering what happened in the series when Nyra decided to sneak away it is normal that people may need a push to sneak in the city.
At their age, and then they did a lot of training and became legends. Cutting down on training instead is how we do not become that good.
I never say cutting down training, just that two training actions per year is enough to upgrade our prowess at a fantastic pace, so since we are in AP hell I want to do other things
It's not a blind rush to be consistent about a plan?

Like, if there's any blind rushing here, it's people chasing after the latest shiny.
It is a blind rush to monofocus on training when we have lots of things to do and very few AP to do them... And as I said before the plan was never to train 3-4 times per year...
Their is one advantage to leaving the North to last on our Royal Progress. It will be extra cold, so we might have to huddle togther with Alicent (you know for the warmth).
It is a blind rush to monofocus on training when we have lots of things to do and very few AP to do them... And as I said before the plan was never to train 3-4 times per year...

I was going to say I feel like the divide here is between "we're tight on actions so we should try to spread things out, keep as much touch on everything as we can." And "we're tight on actions so we should make ourselves a hammer because every problem is a nail if you try hard enough, and also we can maybe pick up allies who are good at other things." I'm definitely in the second camp, FWIW.

In the lead-up to a tourney I feel like we should be training every turn, because what if we skip one and that makes the difference? And also, IC, Rhaenyra doesn't seem the type to be okay with a mediocre result. Since we're not in that right now, once every two turns seems reasonable, but I'm partial to keeping an action on training Syrax or studying martial (or at least study more broadly).

I feel like it's worth pushing for an early knighthood because from the perspective of "we should get to the end of plot threads, there may be some reward" this seems like a shoe-in, it seems quite likely that this will afford us increased respect in some ways. After all, I'd bet you there are plenty of people who don't watch our training who think it's just Viserys letting us do whatever we want and we're mediocre. I think it'd be fun to burst that bubble as dramatically as we can.

We've been speculating that we probably don't get an active officer position in the City Watch without a knighthood, so I'm not thinking of these all as distant far off goals but having some synergy to do them sequentially i.e. we earn our knighthood to ask for the City Watch Job, we use the city watch job to get a spot on the council, we use the council position to gain allies for when we become queen.
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I firmly believe we need to Jamie-train every turn to be absolutely sure we dominate the coming tournament. I want a critical fail to be the only possible reason we don't crush.
[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Training

We are after all, trying to become a knight? It would be best to succeed before the queen pops out a second child, so let's not dally in training.
I firmly believe we need to Jamie-train every turn to be absolutely sure we dominate the coming tournament. I want a critical fail to be the only possible reason we don't crush.

There isn't a coming tournament we know about, Viserys was kind of put off on the whole thing by events last time.

We can probably find a decent sized one, but we're not an a grind to a guaranteed upcoming tourney.
There isn't a coming tournament we know about, Viserys was kind of put off on the whole thing by events last time.

We can probably find a decent sized one, but we're not an a grind to a guaranteed upcoming tourney.
There's not going to be a birth-tourney, but there are almost certainly going to be a few big tourney's before winter comes.

Probably not any during winter, so that's a temp deadline.
There's not going to be a birth-tourney, but there are almost certainly going to be a few big tourney's before winter comes.

Probably not any during winter, so that's a temp deadline.

That's a good point. I kind of like the drama of waiting for a suitably big and thematic tourney to win, but that might not be the wisest course of action. :V
If we want to do it during Progress, we should sure as hell train now, because that cuts our timeline even shorter.
But yeah, what I was imagining at the moment is: the full Realm Tour is apparently a year.


Turn 1: North and whatever we do with the Iron Islands.
Turn 2: Riverlands and Vale, letting us be close enough to return for any birth.
Turn 3: Crownlands, Stormlands, start of Westerlands/etc.
Turn 4: Westerlands and Reach or something like that, also where we'd presumably have the best chance of finding a Tourney since it's Down South and the Reach always fits that vibe.
Whatever our other intentions I hope the voters can acknowledge that we need to train if we intend to become a knight, whether it's during the progess or at a tourney after it. It's just good goal prioritization. Exploring the city can wait.
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None the less, the point remains that we need to train if we intend to become a knight, whether it's during the progess or at a tourney after it. It's just good goal prioritization. Exploring the city can wait.

...I literally wrote the vote that's currently tied for first place that includes Training.

Admittedly I also wrote the other "first place" choice, but I stopped voting for it.

I'm not quite sure what else you can ask of me, lol.
If you enter a tourney, it needs to be a big one, and you need to win. You need to be the greatest mystery knight of the generation. A victory so clear and absolute that the Lord Commander or your father will be unable to deny your glory and will have no choice but to knight you."

That sounded like a daunting task to be sure, but you had long known your path was not an easy one. To be the first woman to become a knight, you had to be far more than the average knight. You had to be the kind of knight who came around once in a generation. The kind of knight who would make great figures like the late Ser Ryam Redwyne look simply average in comparison.

Just Remember what Raylon pointed out, if would have to be a very big tourney and we would have to win, if we want to get knighted.
...I literally wrote the vote that's currently tied for first place that includes Training.

Admittedly I also wrote the other "first place" choice, but I stopped voting for it.

I'm not quite sure what else you can ask of me, lol.
I'm not quoting you? This is a general statement aimed at the thread as a whole rather than any one person. I apparently need to edit the previous post to make that clearer.

Edit: also I wasn't aware you made either plan, as I'm a tad to busy to read all of the posts at this time.
Whatever our other intentions I hope the voters can acknowledge that we need to train if we intend to become a knight, whether it's during the progess or at a tourney after it. It's just good goal prioritization. Exploring the city can wait.
Hopefully that is a bit clearer.
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I kinda just assumed that we'd come across a good opportunity while on Progress.

This might offend whichever lord is hosting us at the time? Everything people have said about not making ourselves small for the small minded still standing, but this would likely be quite a shock to the Lord in question without giving them much time to think through it.

Just Remember what Raylon pointed out, if would have to be a very big tourney and we would have to win, if we want to get knighted.

Maybe we could compete in lower-level tournaments as a mystery knight without revealing ourselves even if we win? That would also help build experience and if we crit fail or something but don't get revealed we could 'retire' that persona without embarrassment, while keeping it around and building mystique if we do well.

Also, maybe celebrating the end of our royal progress with a tournament would be a reasonable thing to ask, and then we could win our own tourney. Although that might draw more attention on us during the tourney.

Edit: also, going to put out there the idea a dragon coiled around a tower as a sigil idea.
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This might offend whichever lord is hosting us at the time? Everything people have said about not making ourselves small for the small minded still standing, but this would likely be quite a shock to the Lord in question without giving them much time to think through it.

Maybe we could compete in lower-level tournaments as a mystery knight without revealing ourselves even if we win? That would also help build experience and if we crit fail or something but don't get revealed we could 'retire' that persona without embarrassment.

Also, maybe celebrating the end of our royal progress with a tournament would be a reasonable thing to ask, and then we could win our own tourney. Although that might draw more attention on us during the tourney.

Ehh, I'm kinda really fine with a bit of a ruckus in the Reach, all things considered. The golden thing to imagine for just how funny it would be would be a Hightower Tourney.
This might offend whichever lord is hosting us at the time? Everything people have said about not making ourselves small for the small minded still standing, but this would likely be quite a shock to the Lord in question without giving them much time to think through it.
Visit the Vale during the progress. Suggest that Jeyne hold a Tourney in celebration of new peace, and forewarn her of Rhaenyra's intentions.