Instrument Approach
Sharp Talons Cleave The Worthy
- Location
- Poland
Instrument Approach
The Educator made adaptations to accommodate the changed, offensive syllabus. A classroom became a shooting gallery to facilitate Solomon's practice, bolts of crimson and rays of scarlet flung around: destroying thrown disks, small hovering masses of stone, and spearing through animated mannequins with fragile metal skeletons. A clangor of demolition filled the room during the lessons, metal tearing and frying apart as detonations of red light struck bullet-sized holes through designated targets.
Another still was devoted to more arcane pursuits: conducting goetic summonings, studying the sacred steps of alchemical processes, learning to externalize an astral forecast of the self and swapping locations, and more. Here, Solomon learned to cast the least transmutations of matter and energy, more radical elemental invocations, and the imbuement of magic into lifeless matter, kneading willpower and intent from intangible abstracts into palpable phenomena with an influence on the realm of man.
Close to October's end, the Educator set an obstacle track ahead of him, as a final test of skill. A classroom like a laboratory rat's maze: a warren of impassable grates he needed to translocate through, an octagonal room where a band of baton-wielding dummies assaulted him from a higher sub-level, the brewing of an elixir with an accompanying voyage into a basement level stuffed with ingredients and myriad dangers, doors that required numerological passwords before drowning water filled the chamber, and a final challenge combining all the previous elements into one cohesive trial.
Once it was completed, Solomon came out breathing, yet oddly satisfied.
"Your desire is effective self-defense," said the Educator, when asked why. "This, you will not accomplish with mere superpower, no matter how magnificent. Power needs a strong will and adherent intellect to wield it, and that cannot spring from the Aspect! You are the Magician, Mr. Lancaster, but you're also a human. With it, comes a potential for violence, a potential like a firework! Bursting in a hundred directions in a wild efflorescence of harmful possibilities, contemporaneous with sorcery, yet never reliant on its dubitative nature! Inherent to every man, from a dutiful rifle-holding soldier to a caveman brutishly wielding a split stone against the lion assailing his cave! The might of trickery and the strength conferred by effort. Those things alone, are far more reliable than any conjuration or trick will ever be."
The Educator approached, handing Solomon a bottle of water, to quench thirst after the set of trials.
"You're not a warrior, that much is true. But a magician can still wield his art like a sword, and must, if they truly intend to bring destruction and lay waste to their enemies. To destroy means something more than merely pointing an index finger and firing off a red laser beam, Mr. Lancaster. This, too, I will teach you."
Soon, came the last Friday of October.
"Good morning, Freshmen," said the Educator at the beginning of their lesson, standing in the front with his cane tapping against the floor in a clear signal of the lesson's start, silencing whispers, laughs, and conversations. "Before we begin, a minor community service announcement: for Halloween this year, I'd love to have your Class with me on a field trip! The one and only of its kind, as next year, I am contemplating one of the rare twin Enrollments; one of them with a Theme of Gothic Horror. As we speak, the world of Pangothica, inchoate, is about to open its gates for the first time! An exciting and educational possibility, I implore each of you to consider this outing! Questions?"
There were only a couple, a few related to Pangothica and the excursion, and a couple about homework and upcoming assignments.
"Any predictions, Sol?" asked Harrison, casting a look back.
After the Educator's statement, Solomon had fallen victim to poor habit and started falling asleep, eyes fluttering to a close with a cheek supported by his arm. They snapped open at Harrison's question, with a renewal of excitement. "About the trip?"
"I think you're the first person to ask me for a prediction, aside from Ms. Smith," he stated, with slight amazement.
"Ms. Smith?" Arching a brow, Harrison looked moderately confounded.
"A neighbor," Solomon explained saliently, waving a hand, and reminiscing about the woman - a young office worker who'd moved to New York in search of better career opportunities. "She's got a habit of getting into dangerous accidents, and I have a habit of pulling her out of them."
"Hope she's alright," muttered Harrison, thoughtfully.
"I left her a detailed note, she'll be fine," waved off Solomon, before taking a moment to think on Harrison's earlier question. "Anyway, not really... uhm, I think it'll be mostly unremarkable if entertaining? Like... uh... yeah, like, I can't see anything bad happening, so it seems it's an actual trip."
After class, which mostly consisted of a review of October's material, Solomon ventured into the library - even if with a heavy heart and lack of excitement for the short travel required - and claimed a couple of textbooks on summoning, shaping one's internal magical energies with resonant humming and chanting, and oneiric arts that could enhance one's sleeping. There, as Solomon withdrew from the stacks, a trio of pleasant-looking young men in beige jackets accosted him, approaching with fervid smiles.
"Hey, Freshie," said the one in the center, an elegant man with dark, slicked-back hair, a calculator in one pocket, holding and playing with a pen with unnaturally dextrous fingers, "A moment of your time?"
"The Librarian will get mad if we're too loud," countered Solomon.
"It's a non-issue," said the one on the left, a man with a voice as deep as the sea, a pin of a black upside-down cross on a white background, eyes confident and dark blue, like full sapphires. "We've had words."
Although dubious and without notice, Solomon didn't forecast any hostility from the men. Indeed, if anything, their Architectural prognosis and their general vibe seemed almost pastorally peaceful, as if avoidance of strife and discord were hallmark virtues they cultivated.
All four sat down at a table, three on one side, Solomon on his own.
"We're the Apostles of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Messiah," said the man with the pin, completely straight-faced and utterly serious, with not even a shadowy hint of crooked comedy or sarcasm, "I am Peter."
"Matthew," said the one with the pen.
"Andrew," self-introduced the final one.
"Alright. I'm Solomon," said Solomon, producing a shrug of uncertainty as to what else to say. "What can I do for you?"
"It's reached our ear," started Matthew, before pausing with uncertainty and looking at his compatriots. There was a moment of discontinuation, a dip of breath, a visible cold calculation running through several heads, and a final terminus of concord on a hard decision.
"That you've been taking the Educator's remedial lessons?" finished Peter, nodding.
"I have. Why?"
"Ah, simply put, we'd like to know what he's teaching you," answered Peter with a widening smile. It was clear they'd received some tip-off, one that must've had a price tag attached, and they were happy it wasn't simply a dead end.
Frowning, Solomon contemplated. The Enrolled were opaque, real intentions difficult to reason out, motivations impossible to discern beyond a generic blur of advancing their own agenda. What was their game here? It didn't seem they already knew about the Architecture, or else they would've approached the situation differently. It seemed he was in control of the situation, advantaged by information they didn't have. Solomon pondered a second more, then answered, "Not sure if I should tell you, sorry."
"The Educator swore you to secrecy?" Matthew looked subtly off-put.
"He does that sometimes," added Andrew, explanatively. "It's never a serious or binding compact. If you tell us, you won't suffer consequences or harm. He's yet to expel a student in all of Enrollment history, even for a crime as serious as murder."
"Allow me to be more specific," said Solomon, raising a skeptical brow. "I am under no bondage, no magical pact to keep the Educator's secret. I'm simply not sure I can trust you with the information. Why do you even care?"
"Historically," answered Peter, raising an eyebrow in return, "Only a single student ever partook in those remedial lessons. And in a few months of activity, he'd perhaps accomplished more than many whole Themes managed over years. Influenced the world with casual measures. Bent its governments with a flick of the wrist. Oh, let the media say what they say, but the real truth is obvious to anyone who looks: not even Archetype's greatest could stop the Metaphysician. His downfall was either a conniving plot or an instance of deadly hubris."
"We'd like to cooperate with you, Solomon," continued Andrew, softly, almost sotto voce, leaning in. "Help you channel the power you'll wield to crafting good works. And in return, you'd help us with our own. All in endeavor to create a better world."
"We're also concerned," said Peter, a bit harder, like a rock. "About the danger you represent. If you're anything like the Metaphysician, you must be kept in check, or you might become a tyrant. We'd like assurances this won't occur. Tangible assurances. Claims of innocence and ethics mean little when untempted, especially at your current juncture; sin often does show itself in moments of weakness, and weakness most often occurs in the heart when it is overbalanced by strength outside of it. Power corrupts. That you might have sincerely good intentions, or even show total indifference to the world, means almost nothing when the future's in constant flux."
"Rest assured, we aren't pushing you for an answer right now. That'd amount to nothing more than a juvenile press-ganging," finished Matthew, rising from his chair. The others rose with him. "Take some time to consider it. Ask others about things we've accomplished. Assure yourself of our upstanding character through your own sources and make your determination. And meet us in this library."
"What if I refuse your offer?" asked Solomon out of curiosity. "Not the cooperation part, but to provide assurances?"
"If that were the case," said Peter, his eyes gleaming with a strange emotion cleaving close to ruthlessness, "we'd have to bring this higher up the chain of command."
The sentence was ominous, and it was the last of their words to him.
Simple and Good, carrying Arcanum and Destroyer up a level, won.
Will: 85
Credit: 5.8
XP: 75
Do you wish to participate in the Pangothica Field Trip?
[ ] Yes, Trip Time [-75 Will] - Benefits, if any, uncertain.
[ ] No, Don't Like Trips
Select a maximum of three Actions:
[ ] Classwork [-15 Will] - Standardized and individualized. At least a single action should be devoted to this each turn unless you wish to fall behind: more if you wish to excel.
-[ ] Standardized - Attend classes, turn in your homework on time, and prepare for the upcoming pop quizzes and tests. Learn Tarot history, mysticism, occult meanings, and more standard subjects! Modest advancement in your Enrollment.
-[ ] Individualized [-15 Will] - A set of more individualized one-on-one sessions with the Educator. The extra Will cost represents the effort spent on studying and cramming to earn these sessions. Awesome advancement in your Enrollment, as efficient as about 2.5 classes of standardized Education.
-[ ] Remedial Classwork - Almost no effort expended on Enrollment, if any.
[ ] Bonding [-5 Will] - Deepen your bond with a student or faculty member you know!
-[ ] Harrison
-[ ] Damien
-[ ] Penelope
-[ ] Write-in
[ ] Interaction [-10 Will] - Attempt to make contacts with your upperclassmen. Gain social advantages and earn favors!
-[ ] Visit Judas [-15 Will] - Maybe you should visit Judas and learn more about the dispute that led to this?
-[ ] Investigate Apostles [-100 Will] - Full effort spent on investigating the Apostles who accosted you. Learn more about the players on the chessboard.
-[ ] Speak to Apostles [-5 Will] - Agree to, or deny their demands. If you'd like, you can instead ask them questions or interact normally.
--[ ] Agree
--[ ] Refuse
--[ ] Write-in
[ ] Exploration [-20 Will] - The Surveyors are looking for new members, although you don't have to be a member to get in on explorations. An exciting opportunity, as these worlds can hide arcane secrets that lead to furthering Enrollment, as well as the occasional artifact or potential ally. Many of these can be kept post-graduation.
-[ ] Join the Club - Commits a single action to Exploration, although at half the cost in Will. Leaving costs a variable amount of Will.
[ ] Decompression [+10 Will] - Default if nothing is selected. Just slack off.
[ ] Write-in
The Educator made adaptations to accommodate the changed, offensive syllabus. A classroom became a shooting gallery to facilitate Solomon's practice, bolts of crimson and rays of scarlet flung around: destroying thrown disks, small hovering masses of stone, and spearing through animated mannequins with fragile metal skeletons. A clangor of demolition filled the room during the lessons, metal tearing and frying apart as detonations of red light struck bullet-sized holes through designated targets.
Another still was devoted to more arcane pursuits: conducting goetic summonings, studying the sacred steps of alchemical processes, learning to externalize an astral forecast of the self and swapping locations, and more. Here, Solomon learned to cast the least transmutations of matter and energy, more radical elemental invocations, and the imbuement of magic into lifeless matter, kneading willpower and intent from intangible abstracts into palpable phenomena with an influence on the realm of man.
Close to October's end, the Educator set an obstacle track ahead of him, as a final test of skill. A classroom like a laboratory rat's maze: a warren of impassable grates he needed to translocate through, an octagonal room where a band of baton-wielding dummies assaulted him from a higher sub-level, the brewing of an elixir with an accompanying voyage into a basement level stuffed with ingredients and myriad dangers, doors that required numerological passwords before drowning water filled the chamber, and a final challenge combining all the previous elements into one cohesive trial.
Once it was completed, Solomon came out breathing, yet oddly satisfied.
"Your desire is effective self-defense," said the Educator, when asked why. "This, you will not accomplish with mere superpower, no matter how magnificent. Power needs a strong will and adherent intellect to wield it, and that cannot spring from the Aspect! You are the Magician, Mr. Lancaster, but you're also a human. With it, comes a potential for violence, a potential like a firework! Bursting in a hundred directions in a wild efflorescence of harmful possibilities, contemporaneous with sorcery, yet never reliant on its dubitative nature! Inherent to every man, from a dutiful rifle-holding soldier to a caveman brutishly wielding a split stone against the lion assailing his cave! The might of trickery and the strength conferred by effort. Those things alone, are far more reliable than any conjuration or trick will ever be."
The Educator approached, handing Solomon a bottle of water, to quench thirst after the set of trials.
"You're not a warrior, that much is true. But a magician can still wield his art like a sword, and must, if they truly intend to bring destruction and lay waste to their enemies. To destroy means something more than merely pointing an index finger and firing off a red laser beam, Mr. Lancaster. This, too, I will teach you."
Soon, came the last Friday of October.
"Good morning, Freshmen," said the Educator at the beginning of their lesson, standing in the front with his cane tapping against the floor in a clear signal of the lesson's start, silencing whispers, laughs, and conversations. "Before we begin, a minor community service announcement: for Halloween this year, I'd love to have your Class with me on a field trip! The one and only of its kind, as next year, I am contemplating one of the rare twin Enrollments; one of them with a Theme of Gothic Horror. As we speak, the world of Pangothica, inchoate, is about to open its gates for the first time! An exciting and educational possibility, I implore each of you to consider this outing! Questions?"
There were only a couple, a few related to Pangothica and the excursion, and a couple about homework and upcoming assignments.
"Any predictions, Sol?" asked Harrison, casting a look back.
After the Educator's statement, Solomon had fallen victim to poor habit and started falling asleep, eyes fluttering to a close with a cheek supported by his arm. They snapped open at Harrison's question, with a renewal of excitement. "About the trip?"
"I think you're the first person to ask me for a prediction, aside from Ms. Smith," he stated, with slight amazement.
"Ms. Smith?" Arching a brow, Harrison looked moderately confounded.
"A neighbor," Solomon explained saliently, waving a hand, and reminiscing about the woman - a young office worker who'd moved to New York in search of better career opportunities. "She's got a habit of getting into dangerous accidents, and I have a habit of pulling her out of them."
"Hope she's alright," muttered Harrison, thoughtfully.
"I left her a detailed note, she'll be fine," waved off Solomon, before taking a moment to think on Harrison's earlier question. "Anyway, not really... uhm, I think it'll be mostly unremarkable if entertaining? Like... uh... yeah, like, I can't see anything bad happening, so it seems it's an actual trip."
After class, which mostly consisted of a review of October's material, Solomon ventured into the library - even if with a heavy heart and lack of excitement for the short travel required - and claimed a couple of textbooks on summoning, shaping one's internal magical energies with resonant humming and chanting, and oneiric arts that could enhance one's sleeping. There, as Solomon withdrew from the stacks, a trio of pleasant-looking young men in beige jackets accosted him, approaching with fervid smiles.
"Hey, Freshie," said the one in the center, an elegant man with dark, slicked-back hair, a calculator in one pocket, holding and playing with a pen with unnaturally dextrous fingers, "A moment of your time?"
"The Librarian will get mad if we're too loud," countered Solomon.
"It's a non-issue," said the one on the left, a man with a voice as deep as the sea, a pin of a black upside-down cross on a white background, eyes confident and dark blue, like full sapphires. "We've had words."
Although dubious and without notice, Solomon didn't forecast any hostility from the men. Indeed, if anything, their Architectural prognosis and their general vibe seemed almost pastorally peaceful, as if avoidance of strife and discord were hallmark virtues they cultivated.
All four sat down at a table, three on one side, Solomon on his own.
"We're the Apostles of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Messiah," said the man with the pin, completely straight-faced and utterly serious, with not even a shadowy hint of crooked comedy or sarcasm, "I am Peter."
"Matthew," said the one with the pen.
"Andrew," self-introduced the final one.
"Alright. I'm Solomon," said Solomon, producing a shrug of uncertainty as to what else to say. "What can I do for you?"
"It's reached our ear," started Matthew, before pausing with uncertainty and looking at his compatriots. There was a moment of discontinuation, a dip of breath, a visible cold calculation running through several heads, and a final terminus of concord on a hard decision.
"That you've been taking the Educator's remedial lessons?" finished Peter, nodding.
"I have. Why?"
"Ah, simply put, we'd like to know what he's teaching you," answered Peter with a widening smile. It was clear they'd received some tip-off, one that must've had a price tag attached, and they were happy it wasn't simply a dead end.
Frowning, Solomon contemplated. The Enrolled were opaque, real intentions difficult to reason out, motivations impossible to discern beyond a generic blur of advancing their own agenda. What was their game here? It didn't seem they already knew about the Architecture, or else they would've approached the situation differently. It seemed he was in control of the situation, advantaged by information they didn't have. Solomon pondered a second more, then answered, "Not sure if I should tell you, sorry."
"The Educator swore you to secrecy?" Matthew looked subtly off-put.
"He does that sometimes," added Andrew, explanatively. "It's never a serious or binding compact. If you tell us, you won't suffer consequences or harm. He's yet to expel a student in all of Enrollment history, even for a crime as serious as murder."
"Allow me to be more specific," said Solomon, raising a skeptical brow. "I am under no bondage, no magical pact to keep the Educator's secret. I'm simply not sure I can trust you with the information. Why do you even care?"
"Historically," answered Peter, raising an eyebrow in return, "Only a single student ever partook in those remedial lessons. And in a few months of activity, he'd perhaps accomplished more than many whole Themes managed over years. Influenced the world with casual measures. Bent its governments with a flick of the wrist. Oh, let the media say what they say, but the real truth is obvious to anyone who looks: not even Archetype's greatest could stop the Metaphysician. His downfall was either a conniving plot or an instance of deadly hubris."
"We'd like to cooperate with you, Solomon," continued Andrew, softly, almost sotto voce, leaning in. "Help you channel the power you'll wield to crafting good works. And in return, you'd help us with our own. All in endeavor to create a better world."
"We're also concerned," said Peter, a bit harder, like a rock. "About the danger you represent. If you're anything like the Metaphysician, you must be kept in check, or you might become a tyrant. We'd like assurances this won't occur. Tangible assurances. Claims of innocence and ethics mean little when untempted, especially at your current juncture; sin often does show itself in moments of weakness, and weakness most often occurs in the heart when it is overbalanced by strength outside of it. Power corrupts. That you might have sincerely good intentions, or even show total indifference to the world, means almost nothing when the future's in constant flux."
"Rest assured, we aren't pushing you for an answer right now. That'd amount to nothing more than a juvenile press-ganging," finished Matthew, rising from his chair. The others rose with him. "Take some time to consider it. Ask others about things we've accomplished. Assure yourself of our upstanding character through your own sources and make your determination. And meet us in this library."
"What if I refuse your offer?" asked Solomon out of curiosity. "Not the cooperation part, but to provide assurances?"
"If that were the case," said Peter, his eyes gleaming with a strange emotion cleaving close to ruthlessness, "we'd have to bring this higher up the chain of command."
The sentence was ominous, and it was the last of their words to him.
Simple and Good, carrying Arcanum and Destroyer up a level, won.
Will: 85
Credit: 5.8
XP: 75
Do you wish to participate in the Pangothica Field Trip?
[ ] Yes, Trip Time [-75 Will] - Benefits, if any, uncertain.
[ ] No, Don't Like Trips
Select a maximum of three Actions:
[ ] Classwork [-15 Will] - Standardized and individualized. At least a single action should be devoted to this each turn unless you wish to fall behind: more if you wish to excel.
-[ ] Standardized - Attend classes, turn in your homework on time, and prepare for the upcoming pop quizzes and tests. Learn Tarot history, mysticism, occult meanings, and more standard subjects! Modest advancement in your Enrollment.
-[ ] Individualized [-15 Will] - A set of more individualized one-on-one sessions with the Educator. The extra Will cost represents the effort spent on studying and cramming to earn these sessions. Awesome advancement in your Enrollment, as efficient as about 2.5 classes of standardized Education.
-[ ] Remedial Classwork - Almost no effort expended on Enrollment, if any.
[ ] Bonding [-5 Will] - Deepen your bond with a student or faculty member you know!
-[ ] Harrison
-[ ] Damien
-[ ] Penelope
-[ ] Write-in
[ ] Interaction [-10 Will] - Attempt to make contacts with your upperclassmen. Gain social advantages and earn favors!
-[ ] Visit Judas [-15 Will] - Maybe you should visit Judas and learn more about the dispute that led to this?
-[ ] Investigate Apostles [-100 Will] - Full effort spent on investigating the Apostles who accosted you. Learn more about the players on the chessboard.
-[ ] Speak to Apostles [-5 Will] - Agree to, or deny their demands. If you'd like, you can instead ask them questions or interact normally.
--[ ] Agree
--[ ] Refuse
--[ ] Write-in
[ ] Exploration [-20 Will] - The Surveyors are looking for new members, although you don't have to be a member to get in on explorations. An exciting opportunity, as these worlds can hide arcane secrets that lead to furthering Enrollment, as well as the occasional artifact or potential ally. Many of these can be kept post-graduation.
-[ ] Join the Club - Commits a single action to Exploration, although at half the cost in Will. Leaving costs a variable amount of Will.
[ ] Decompression [+10 Will] - Default if nothing is selected. Just slack off.
[ ] Write-in
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