The Wandering King, Vol. I
In dusk's embrace, a king does roam,
His crown adorned with starlit chrome.
With power vast, yet heart so free,
The lord of twilight, in reverie.
Each afternoon like well-tuned starlit clockwork, Solomon hurriedly walked down the halls of the Magician's Tower, deep into the sidereal atelier, and settled down into a comfortable chair. Then, not unlike a master painter deadset on crafting a magnum opus, he tirelessly labored on the creation of a new world.
The Genesis device's operation was exactly as the Educator delineated: astonishingly simple on the outside, but with countless vectors of intricacy for the wise.
Even a child or a trained monkey might've made a basic world if given sufficient time to randomly trigger the sigils and experiment with combinations. In any such scenario, it'd be a horrendous waste of potential; a device capable of making entire universes worth of matter, full of nebulae and teeming with life-sustaining stars, instead expended wholly on making an airless cloister incapable of sustaining electromagnetic emissions, let alone sapient life. It'd nonetheless be a distinct ontological space: a world.
A moderately educated and intelligent man with a book of sigil correspondences to call upon would've stood amazingly high odds of creating a world that resembled Earth in most regards; an identical flora and fauna profile, cognate arrangement of landmasses, and even a history reflecting Earth's own.
Almost half the daily allotment of the Tower's rite bandwidth and the Magocracy's energy tax were devoted to sustaining clusters of divinatory arrays, and Solomon utilized the Architecture itself as a correspondence book; finding out how individual sigils corresponded to structural elements of reality. This research yielded insane discoveries within weeks. Each deep-dive into the ocean of Architectural truth saw them emerging with sunken treasure chests of data. Unverified hypotheses and theories spawned faster than any team of scholars could look into them.
On the surface, they made several key discoveries:
First, the Architecture was oddly hardcoded to make Earths: it was almost as if an Earth was the default software of a world, the infinitely modifiable basis from which every other Theme sprung. If no additional parameters were specified, the Genesis Cube made an Earth within several degrees of deviation of their own. There were often differences, on a major scale; sometimes the United States and Canada were one nation, sometimes Marxism-Leninism was the prevalent ideology, and sometimes the cultures melted into each other or subdivided into fractions. There was no rhyme nor reason, although if one read the history books, it all had a cause to its effect.
Second, if not coded otherwise, most worlds started 'in medias res.' If one were to create a world and step inside immediately after, they would not emerge during the creation event, but during a mundane but crucial and symbolically demonstrative event of their timeline: as if the entire world simulated billions of years of history in an eyeblink, and then suddenly snapped to a standard objective flow of time during the correct moment. For most Earths, this was around 2000 AD, although sometimes much earlier. Solomon was boggled to learn all of this, since it barely made any sense, even if the Architecture insisted it was self-consistent.
It was almost as if early human history was only a simple backdrop, a flavoring to reality's events.
During Genesis, the activation of each sigil in complex sequences created an emphasis, or 'resonance' upon the world's timeline, congruent with the sigils' meaning. The frequency and number of activations mattered, affecting the intensity of the emphases.
The first sigil had a strong tendency to iterate on worlds in which a variety of Thematics were common, often accompanied by some degree of Architectural enlightenment among the people. However, this only occurred in a complete void. If any other sigils were active within the sequence, it'd default to stabilization and integrating the influence of each sigil into a cohesive whole. The second sigil introduced factionalism and strife, opposing the unification of the world, and creating material conditions that necessitated conflict as a part of the human condition. The third sigil did almost the opposite, spawning abundance and encouraging cooperation.
Then came the discovery of combinations.
For instance, if both the second and third were actuated in the same sequence, it'd create several whole new species, often humanoid - seemingly corresponding to the number of even-numbered activations - other than mankind, and instead create the underlying material, social, and cultural conditions for a sort of meta-conflict. After that, one could add in a secondary sequence, and harness the discord, creating new forms of energy that were generated through emotions such as hate. A correct combination could even make conflict a positive-sum game as a basic truth of reality, rendering the constant infighting a simple step towards the transcendence of the world's denizens.
Or you could fly in the exact opposite direction: a world in which mankind was a diplomatic hivemind, a world in which everyone was computerized in an endeavor to escape entropy, a world in which cooking was so pivotal the best chef of each nation was made its leader. A skilled engineer could easily make worlds that defied common sense, and program in a reasoning as to why their operation was perfectly sensible on an internal level. All levels of the structure bent to the Architecture, and the sigils determined the Architecture's shape within a particular reality. It was somewhat insane.
No, scratch that, it was completely insane.
However, not for all of Fortuna's winter did Solomon sit indoors.
Time and time again, Solomon invited each of his closest and most trusted friends - Penny, Harrison, and Damien - for casual outings and hangouts.
Sometimes, they'd eat at restaurants and animatedly discuss recent events, either within their government or from Earth. The Ebon Warlock's capture by a team of Archetype's members was on the news, as was the devastation of Mars 03, one of the smallest colonies, by a hostile fleet of alien cruisers. They'd theorize about what should be done about various world issues, and how to best conduct their approach to Archetype: which, in Penny's opinion, should be fairly simple given her close familial connections to its leadership. Solomon was confident about the future for once, capable of seeing its potential, and only witnessing a constant improvement over yesterday.
And some other times, they'd explore Fortuna's distant corners and major hotspots: the City of Miracles where Solomon and Penelope learned of a conspiracy to revolt against the bishops who strictly controlled access to the fountains of divinity, Londinium in which Solomon and Damien arrested and executed the Ripper and ended his reign of terror, and the Bridge at World's End, which, as it had turned out, no one could return from solely because it led to a mystical fairyland ruled by an autocratic and tyrannic government, with its alternate forms of the Arcana, where Harrison was instrumental in conducting both the overthrow of their leaders, as well as getting everyone back.
"Tomorrow, we'll be doing show and tell," the Educator concluded a lesson. "Deliver one Thematic item or entity that you, personally, consider interesting, and you'll be tasked with telling the class a short description, story, or anecdote regarding whatever you've brought in. It can be an artifact from Fortuna, something handcrafted, or if you truly won't be able to find anything else because of your tomfoolery, Mr. Williams, yes, it can be your walking stick. Yes, Ms. Davis, it can be an article of clothing you made. No, Mr. Thompson, you can't bring in a random building with you and call it a day; it won't even fit in here unless you find a way to shrink it. Dismissed."
"Hey, Sol, privacy bubble," said Damien, poking Solomon's back. Wordlessly, Solomon created a sphere of sensory distortion around them, befuddling the attempts of would-be eavesdroppers. "What are we doing for Harrison's birthday?"
"A car," answered Solomon. "Penny and I discussed this already yesterday. I've already given her a list of mats, if you want to get in on the delves. We'll be making the fastest, most durable thing imaginable. It needs to survive the use of his Aspects, so it has to be all-terrain, fully adaptable. That means at least half a tonne of polymorphium for the chassis and frame, and we'll do some creative alchemy to splice it with whatever super-metals we can get our hands on. The engine, we're mostly leaving to Josh. He's found this massive orb of ancient metal floating around that can alter space, he'll try to reforge it. The car will run on Alcubierre and wishful thinking. I'll be helping if he needs me."
"Cool, I'll talk to Penny."
"Yep." Solomon canceled the distortion orb.
There was something else about Harrison's birthday, too, that made it Architecturally notable, although the distortion with so much Enrollment surrounding made it difficult to predict, almost as if Harrison's Aspects themselves were responsible. Could it be he'd develop one this late into Enrollment? Unlikely, especially without the Educator's aid, and the Educator was against them tacking on new Aspects at this stage, except with Maximilian - for obvious reasons. Solomon pondered this as he left for the Tower.
Credit: 1.6
XP: 1,000
Improvements / XP Expenditures Report -
Accounting for the previous installment of 1032 XP, Solomon's now invested a total of 11,332 XP into Arcanum, effectively raising his Arcanum Aspect to 7.85. Its new effect rating means he'd hold a nearly decisive advantage against his old self in most displays of general spellcraft. He's also fully raised Sanctum to Level 6, and Hermes the Destroyer to 4, both improving the conditions of the Twilight Magocracy massively and increasing his personal destructive power to a moderate degree.
Decide how you'll approach the distortion at Harrison's birthday:
[ ] Cautiously - Whatever it is, it always makes sense to be over-prepared rather than under-prepared. [Chances of interrupting the event, but ensures no bad conclusions]
[ ] Casually - Whatever it is, you can feel that while significant, it won't be especially dangerous. Why exert yourself over nothing?
[ ] Write-in
Afterwards, choose your actions for the Spring Season.
As usual, nine (9) actions in total.
Here's a short list of potential options, but, as usual, feel free to write-in:
[ ] Classwork - Individualized by default. If you wish to spend XP, make sure to note what sort of abilities you're interested in.
[ ] Interaction - With someone you know or want to get to know.
[ ] Exploration - Of Fortuna and its myriad vistas.
[ ] Rule - Spend some time being a Sorcerer-King.
[ ] Genesis - Continue your experimentations, or decide on the shape of the world you want to create.