[X] Aspect: Hermes the Destroyer

So the sanctum is a force multiplier, arcanum represents versatility, and Hermes is safety. I think the best plan is to get Hermes now to ensure that we can explore without danger next turn. Then our next lesson we can get arcanum, and then we can focus on sanctum until we have a respectable wizard tower. Having a point in both aspects would mean that the tower points would enhance them both while we're within the tower. We'd have an unassailable fortress, where we can work wonders of magic beyond focusing on the other aspects alone.
[X] Aspect: Arcanum

I hope with this aspect we can quickly get access to the willpower potion, or at least learn how to make coffee jelly.
An interesting beginning to our days of tutelage, though some answers remain unknown - why did we manage to change Harrison's mind, even for that instance? Why is Sol capable of perceiving the underlying machinations of reality? Certainly all things for us to analyze going forward.

Perhaps more exciting for us, having achieved our position of individual classes, are these aspects. I am naturally predisposed to decision paralysis, and looking at our choices here we have a few good ones that is hitting me in that spot quite hard. At a first glance, Sanctum is probably not useful immediately until we progress through Arcanum (which seems to be the "traditional" path for a Magician). Further, Hermes the Destroyer seems to have very specific applications - I'd argue that our focus should probably be on versatility and having actual tools first before we look into specializing into defense with Sanctum (which to an extent is supplemental to Arcanum anyways) or offense with Destroyer.

[X] Aspect: Arcanum

That's not to mention, of course, the existence of write-in Aspects which would merit further discussion. I'll weigh in as those come up.

Of course that isn't all that has happened this class - also of note is the social aspect of our 99/100 score on the exam. A few things to note that I, with my mind not particularly suited for psychology but here we are anyways, could glean:

Damien seems to be reading the room, as it were, and is either socializing with the one person who doesn't overmuch care for his social pariah status or... you know what that seems pretty believable really.

Not too much on Josh this go around, though it seems he doesn't expect too much from Sol - all the more reason to prove him wrong.

Grace and Stella are likely more opportunistic than not, though I'd argue that they're probably maladapted to anything but the techniques they used here to procure all-organic(?) free-trade(?) honey candies which Sol is effectively immune to though he doesn't care enough to do anything against them.

Samantha recognizes Damien's pariah status. Not much else going on there, I think? idk just trying to get all this analysis out lmao.

In summary: Damien would probably be a willing ally, not much else going.

This has been an SMBlade analysis that is Way Too Long - tune in next time where we try to write more text that means little and less!
[X] Aspect: Hermes the Destroyer

So the sanctum is a force multiplier, arcanum represents versatility, and Hermes is safety. I think the best plan is to get Hermes now to ensure that we can explore without danger next turn. Then our next lesson we can get arcanum, and then we can focus on sanctum until we have a respectable wizard tower. Having a point in both aspects would mean that the tower points would enhance them both while we're within the tower. We'd have an unassailable fortress, where we can work wonders of magic beyond focusing on the other aspects alone.
However looking at the chapter, it seems that the Aspects take a month to develop. If the turns are weekly, the Aspect won't be developed enough to matter for the exploration.
[X] Aspect: Sanctum

Best to just go all in on Sanctum until Sol gets his own personal magic bedroom. It's not just a place to cast spells, it's a worry and stress free space that Sol can relax in.

Sanctum and Arcanum are the ones that are most likely to improve our Will costs and regen.

Sol is sufficiently socially savvy to avoid pissing off other enrolled and those are the most likely sources of danger unless we choose to explore.

And if something dangerous does happen then he can just manipulate ask his manservant good friend Harrison into helping him.
Too bad we do not have my favorite aspect - Chaos! :V

Edit: Here - fixed this little defect! :V

[ ] Aspect: Chaos - Embracing the primal forces of disorder, creation and unpredictability, Chaos is an enigmatic Aspect that grants you unparalleled control over the reality in chaotic manner. Anythings theoretically can be done with simple wish, but It is impossible to give precise orders using chaos. Changes can only be directed, universe asked to do something and you hope for the best.​
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[X] Aspect: Sanctum

Sol's combat would be too small to start exploring or being useful if he doesn't want to stand up, and beginning Sanctum allows him to separate from his dear roommate, waste less willpower and start doing more shit.
Arcanum is one thing, inefficient in my mind, but sanctum is completely useless without magic to back it up. It's a power amplifier we'd be getting without actual powers. It's a glorified storage unit, when instead we could've had magical versatility or assured safety in the short term.
Alright, so Birdsie says every turn is one month long which changes my mindset. Hmm, I would still rather Arcanum for the QoL and will gain improvements, however Destroyer is an acceptable other choice. I'm with Generic here that Sanctum is relatively useless at this stage as it would not really be helping us too much.
[X] Aspect: Arcanum - Invocation and spellcraft, orthodox. Also the magical processes of enchantment and alchemy, albeit to a lesser degree.
I'd like to reiterate that this vote will determine our safety for the next month. If we want to do any kind of exploring, Hermes is a must take. It's the difference between matter deconstruction within a few meters of ourself + a long bow level ranged attack vs. a glorified sling shot and a blow torch. Hermes guarantees for the entire next month that we can do the dangerous options with maximum safety. If we want to actually explore the world, Hermes gives us that opportunity. At our next lesson, we can begin to focus on arcanum or a write in aspect focused on utility magic.

That lets us cover all our bases, we'd have magic strong enough to protect us in exploration/unexpected combat, and we'd have the versatility you want out of a mage. Then we can focus on the tower, and the tower will amplify both of those types of magic.
[X] Aspect: Arcanum

The least boring, in my opinion. Sanctum is only useful in conjunction with other aspects, at least for now. Hermes the destroyer is something one would have picked if they didn't pick Magician. I like to think SOlomon is expressly more interested in shaping and manipulation than destruction, and alchemy itself might be something that can lead to solutions to, for example the "imbalance of humours" within himself.

I think Hermes the Destroyer will tempt him to view himself as a hammer and eliminate slothfully any obstacle or danger, something not exactly in harmony with his Role. Alchemy on the other hand symbolises synthesis, transmutation, and thus leads to sublimation of problems into opportunities, so to speak.
[X] Aspect: Arcanum

The least boring, in my opinion. Sanctum is only useful in conjunction with other aspects, at least for now. Hermes the destroyer is something one would have picked if they didn't pick Magician. I like to think SOlomon is expressly more interested in shaping and manipulation than destruction, and alchemy itself might be something that can lead to solutions to, for example the "imbalance of humours" within himself.

I think Hermes the Destroyer will tempt him to view himself as a hammer and eliminate slothfully any obstacle or danger, something not exactly in harmony with his Role. Alchemy on the other hand symbolises synthesis, transmutation, and thus leads to sublimation of problems into opportunities, so to speak.

What's of note is that these aspects do not lock you out of the other ones. Arcanum is a catch all aspect that stands for generic spellcasting as we imagine it. The catch of that versatility is that all effects are going to grow much slower. Arcanum's defensive capabilities at 2 months are equivalent to Hermes at one month after all. If that progress continues, in 6 months Hermes will be as strong as a year of development from arcanum. That difference sounds much more significant.

Specialized aspects work better, they get crystallized so we need to set up multiple aspects that synergize with each other for maximal long term growth. Safety is an important first concern, so Hermes is the optimal defensive option. At our next lesson we can lock in the optimal utility option, and then the sanctum is the optimal force multiplier. Those 3 aspects would form a core that synergize extremely well.
I found Grace and Stella to be extremely funny here. Their delightfully opportunistic attitude indicates that they may be potential mercenaries if we get access to something more valuable than honey candy, although Stella's lack of commitment to the flirting bit, while amusing, does make it seem like there are sharp limits to how far she'll go for payment. Still, we should keep them in mind as a potential resource. We still know so little about most of the classmates, anything potentially useful we can pick up on without needing to spend a social action is valuable.

In other news, if we're interested in keeping Josh in check continuing to do well on our academics is really good. He was already somewhat wary of crossing Sol, and he was specifically one of the people paying attention to the score here.
[X] Aspect: Hermes the Destroyer
I don't love the lack of focus, but Sanctum does little without other Aspects and taking Hermes isn't really in-character for Sol, who craves comfiness. At least with enough Arcanum he'll have both defense and utility, so in the absence of Rihaku a strictly superior write-in:

[X] Aspect: Arcanum
I don't love the lack of focus, but Sanctum does little without other Aspects and taking Hermes isn't really in-character for Sol, who craves comfiness. At least with enough Arcanum he'll have both defense and utility, so in the absence of Rihaku a strictly superior write-in:

[X] Aspect: Arcanum

Sol craves to be left alone to do whatever he feels like doing (which is usually nothing). Sol is also not stupid, and in the face of a dangerous situation, enough power removed a lot of troublesome issues. Arcanum (or a superior utility focused write in), can be gotten next month with minimal loss, but having a lack of defensive options will really hurt us if we decide to explore the world. This is important from a mechanical perspective. Having defense doesn't matter if your defense is so shoddy everything tears through it like paper.
Sol is also not stupid, and in the face of a dangerous situation, enough power removed a lot of troublesome issues
Sure but you haven't really pitched a good reason to go into danger. I'm next to you voting for Hermes because it is a Birdsie quest. But the correct play is to spend another three actions this month taking personalized classes or whatever.
Sure but you haven't really pitched a good reason to go into danger. I'm next to you voting for Hermes because it is a Birdsie quest. But the correct play is to spend another three actions this month taking personalized classes or whatever.

Most people have expressed some degree of trepidation in regards to full school quest. Yes, we could ignore all plot development for maximal power scaling, but we did that in scabbard and the quest suffered for it. If we want to play an active quest we have to balance academics with actual events. Plus, exploration was noted to have a wide variety of rewards (from enrollment advancement, to artifacts, to allies). It's riskier, but it has a higher reward if we succeed and is more likely to keep people engaged. Besides, the plot will continue to move with or without us, and I imagine it won't leave us alone forever.
"Indeed!" said the Educator cheerfully, clearly in good spirits. "Mr. Lancaster has certainly earned every special privilege this month."

"Can I have candy?" asked Solomon, at the volume of a mutter. "That's my privilege."

The Educator appeared next to him, extending a gloved hand with a number of foil-enveloped dark amber cabochons, each of them almost opaque to light.

Solomon's right eye widened slightly. "Huh?"

"Honey candy," the Educator said, with deep, profound, fervent, emotional encouragement. "Organic and healthy!"

After Solomon failed to extract them from his hand, the Educator deposited the candies on the desk and patted the boy on the back, and then addressed the Class. "Excellent news! This overall level of performance is sufficient to earn each of you a special dispensation. Everyone, write down a modest wish and pass it on to me by Sunday. I'll fulfill anything that's not too egregious, although I'd appreciate it if you focused on educational - or at least, not too fatuous - ventures! I shall be in my office."

Wait, wait. Unless I'm reading this wrong, doesn't that mean, that we can get coffee jello for Solomon's monthly privilege if we excel in class, therefore making it so we're spending less will on classwork actions.
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