Pinocchio studend seems like a non-meta and not self-aware comic relief.
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Interesting tidbit..

The Ancient Indian game of Ganjifa is thought to be the progenitor of the regular deck by some. There were twelve cards to each suit, numbered from 1 to 10 with two court cards. One of the court cards represented one of the ten incarnations of Vishnu, and the other showed some incident associated with this incarnation.

The Suit of Fish that signified Matsya the Fish, who towed the ship containing Manu (the first man) and saved him from the great Deluge.
The Suit of Tortoises that signified Kurma the Tortoise, on which rested the mountain that, when turned by the serpent Vasuki, disturbed the sea of milk and produced the Fourteen Gems which had been lost in the Deluge.
The Suit of Boars that signified Varaha the Boar, who destroyed the giant Hiranyaksha and raised the earth up out of the ocean.
The Suit of Lions which represented Narasimha the Lion, who destroyed the giant Hiranyakashipu.
The Suit of Dwarves or Water Jars which symbolized Vamana the Dwarf Brahmin, who saved men from the giant king Bali, who was to have dominion over the lower world.
The Suit of Axes that represented Parashurama of the Axe, who punished the military caste (Kshatriya) and obliterated their power twenty-one times.
The Suit of Arrows which signified Rāmachandra. Rāma avenged men and the gods for the crimes perpetuated by Ravana, the demon king of Lanka. He won his wife Sītā in a contest with arrows.
The Suit of Quoits representative of Krishna, believed to be the perfect manifestation of Vishnu. His emblem was the Chakra or quoit of lightning which he hurled at his enemies. This suit was sometimes called the Suit of Cows, because Krishna, as a youth, lived among the cowherds.
The Suit of Shells was symbolic of Buddha the Enlightened, who sat upon his shell-shaped throne in meditation.
The Suit of Swords or occasionally called Horses represented Kalki, the White Horse. This incarnation is yet to come, and Vishnu, with a sword in hand, will sweep triumphant through the world, eliminating the powers of darkness and ushering in a better age.
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The Fool (lore post)

All and nothing. Zero. Beginnings. Emanation. Deity. Creation. Air. Breath. Silence. Nascence. Folly and madness vs holy wisdom. Innocence. Ignorance. Going forth.

The First of the Tarots, he bears no number. He represents the Kabbalistic Zero, the negative space from which all creation emanates.

Embodiment of the God Name of Kether, the highest sephirot of the Tree of Life. Eheieh - "I will be".

The Fool is associated with Harpocrates, the son of Isis and Osiris, who is yet to be born. He is, All the potential. He is the God of the Sun at its Dawning, the light that emerges from the darkness. The Child God, the God of Silence, the God of Beginnings.

He walks on a path that connects Kether, the Source of All, with Chokmah (wisdom) He bears a white rose of Purity, the grapes of Dionysus, blue coins marked with the firmament, a feather on his cap - Air. He gazes at the heavens above, stepping on the precipice of the abyssal void of the Da'ath below him. A white dog, Intuition nips at his feet in warning. A crocodile, Ammit slinks in the background watching - the dragon every hero in their journey must slay.

This is the Zero's story. The wayfinding from folly to wisdom; from ignorance to knowledge. Traverse the path to become one with his mirror image on the Tree of Life - the Magician, bearer of Knowledge.

A Child holds back a frenzied wolf on a leash. Creation and Destruction, the Fenris wolf which devoured Odin the All-father. The wolf must inevitably always be unleashed, freed back to its nature. Creation cycling back to its original state of nothingness. Ain Soph Aur.
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New Index Role

Regrouped according to Tarot order.

Sorry about the multi post. I wanted to confirm if I'm missing anyone's entries before the count? Please link me your entry and I'll manually add it to the doc. I'll also focus on updating only the doc instead of the post from now on.
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You are really into it. Let's see...

Edit: First words from @firefrog600 and I am already thinking, how we could use not one card for role, but some kind of layout of the cards as a result of reading. Maybe we could make distribution of roles into card reading session for each person in the class?

Edit 2: Also, did anyone ask names of other classmates?
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It might also be worth considering if the Tarot Roles should also have elements of their Reversed meaning, as Tarot Cards being Reversed and thus holding a thematically opposite or opposed power to their original power is a common theme in the Tarot.

Though this would also imply, uh, 22 extra powers for the Major Arcana, for 44 total.
Though this would also imply, uh, 22 extra powers for the Major Arcana, for 44 total.
Or maybe make roles dual. However, it is much easier to try and develop only one main path. One of them will most likely become secondary.

Or we can make one or the other side manifest itself depending on some conditions. For example, depending on the psychological state of the host.​

[] Idea: [Wheel of Fortune - Determinist]

Bifurcation: You possess the unique ability to sense and predict pivotal moments in time that hold the greatest potential for altering the future. Your actions near these critical junctures wield the most significant influence and can lead to substantial changes. You have the capacity to actively seek out these bifurcation points in specific situations. For instance, you may endeavor to discover the perfect moment to introduce a small action that could profoundly shift someone's worldview. While you possess an intuitive understanding of what to do for your actions to impact events at these points, you lack precise knowledge of the specific nature of the changes they would bring.

Kaleidoscope: You possess the extraordinary ability to perceive a vision akin to a cracked or stained-glass window. Each shard within this window displays a unique color and contains an image within it. By focusing on a specific real object, the pattern of stained glass fragments and the images they hold will shift and transform. These shards vary in size and color. Larger shards represent future states of the object with higher probability, while smaller fragments indicate less likely outcomes. The colors of the shards reflect the similarity between potential future states in terms of cause and result. Shards with similar colors tend to be closer to one another in the stained glass representation of the future.

Chaos: Your actions possess the power to shatter existing fragments and paint the resulting pieces in new colors. However, you do not have precise control over which picture or from how far into the future you will see each time you peer into the stained glass window. You can only choose object to see its possible futures. Prolonged observation can also transform a stable image into a chaotic kaleidoscope, where only the most solid probabilities remain visible. This occurs because glimpses of the future influence your actions, subsequently altering the futures that are most vulnerable and susceptible to your influence.​
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I mean it wouldn't be at all difficult for the Educator to pick a class with twenty-one students in it.
Twenty two students in it. However, I am not sure if teacher counts. She is a student now, right?

Yeah, twenty one students + the teacher
Well, maybe she counts as twenty third. Just to make things more interesting. Maybe this person would get some Tarot role not linked to a specific card. We have such ideas. But that's just curious speculation.
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[] Idea: Five of Wands - A Chorus of Disunity
Theme: Divided They Fall - As part of the Minor Arcana, Five of Wands represents the breakdown of a group that used to be unified into a disunified collection of individuals who start seeing one another as competition and rivals, instead of people who are pushing towards a common goal. It is associated with conflicts, infighting and other disruptive activities that are harmful for teamwork.
Power: Feel the Tension - Upon seeing a group, a Five of Wands user can perceive whatever tension and conflicts exist within said group. As the user becomes stronger, they'll be able to also perceive how diverse the group is considered overall.
Power: Boiling Off - Someone who has the Five of Wands role can, upon seeing a group that has built up sufficient tension, unleash this power to exacerbate any existing conflicts between members of the group to the point where they start focusing on sabotaging the efforts of the group, under the impression that such a thing would either allow them to remove potential "rivals" or resolve the conflict that was exacerbated. Later on, this power will also amplify negative personality traits and emotions that could compromise a group's unity (like jealously, pride, pettiness and so on) and, if the user desires to keep a low profile, they'll be able to channel this power to instead enhance their personal attempts to cause disunity within a group (at first resuming how to best stoke the fire of a particular conflict and intensify it, then escalating towards convincing people that other members of the group are against them, consider them unwanted, do not take note of their proposals, anything to fracture the group's unity), at the expense of this particular usage of the power being more likely to be resisted. All of the effects scale with both the tension within the group, as well as the group's diversity. Resistance to this power will start droping as the user becomes more experienced with the role.
Limitation: Conflict knows no Neutrality - The Five of Wands should take care when using their Boiling Off power, since people affected by it have given in to their desire to resolve conflicts by force and remove anyone they perceive as a potential threat, which could very well include the Five of Wands user. This Limitation is less pronounced when using the more subtle version of Boiling Off, to offset the fact that in this case, the user has to personally get involved in the effort of disrupting a group.
Limitation: A Disciplined Mind - Individuals who are particularly focused on accomplishing the group's goal can resist the effects of Boiling Off. Anyone who manages to do so can then attempt to restore order within the group to help other members who were affected break out of their heavily increased competitiveness, pettiness and desire to ruin the group's efforts.

Made a theorycraft for the Five of Wands. Opinions are once again welcome.
EDIT: Made note of Andre's recommendations and made some changes to the role.
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Opinions are once again welcome.
Now we have some discord power to oppose unity! Altough, maybe Boiling Off should have lower setting? Like, the intuitive knoweledge of what to do, to say, to whom and when to push thing towards conflict in the group. Because straight up conflict out of nowhere may be perceived as something weird, it's simpler to notice something brainwashing people in such a way. Lower setting gives a curve, which would hide cause of conflict. And also push host of the role to do more subtle things first.​

[] Idea: [Ten of Swords - Critic]

Sharp Tongue: You possess an innate ability to sense and understand the vulnerabilities of those around you, particularly their psychological insecurities. You have a deep understanding of how to skillfully manipulate someone's emotions and thoughts by precisely pushing their buttons, if it is indeed possible. Your words, gestures, and criticism serve as your most potent weapon, capable of inflicting great pain and manipulate people. Remarkably, you can also direct this power inward, towards yourself. Consequently, if you harbor your own personal demons and hidden struggles, the impact will be equally painful.

Hate Me: The more someone harbors negative feelings towards you, viewing you as an enemy or a person of ill repute, the stronger your intuition becomes in evading their attacks. Your heightened intuition allows you to predict their actions and plans, enabling you to act in a way that ensures you do not suffer losses. This ability operates mostly on an unconscious level, subtly guiding your actions and providing invaluable advice. If someone holds an intense hatred towards you and desires to inflict harm or even take your life, they will encounter tremendous difficulty in achieving their goal, both directly and indirectly. It's as if a series of failures relentlessly pursues them, preventing them from finding you in vulnerable situations, and undermining their efforts. It's like you're always in the wrong place at the wrong time for them. However, it is important to consider the potential side-effects of such a power.​

[] Idea: [Three of Swords - Heartbreaker]

Turmoil: You possess the extraordinary ability to perceive the emotions and dynamics within relationships with uncanny accuracy. In your perception, it is as if you see a ball of metaphorical colored threads, which you possess the skill to weave into intricate patterns using your precise words, actions, and reactions. Your power is focused on shaping the kind of relationships you desire with others. You possess an intimate understanding of how to dismantle relationships and inflict deep emotional pain upon others. Moreover, you are adept at influencing people, turning them to your side, repairing broken connections, and altering their emotions. You have the great capability to create pathological relationships if it serves your goals, and you possess the skill to manipulate people with ease.

Emotional Resonance: When you exert influence over the emotions or relationships of others, you gather "colors" that symbolize the feelings and emotions you have caused to people. This resource can be harnessed in various ways. Firstly, you can directly impose a temporary emotional state upon someone by utilizing these accumulated colors. Alternatively, you can infuse them into an object, granting it intriguing properties for a limited duration. Additionally, you have the ability to employ these colors to affect yourself, granting you temporary powers. However, be aware that utilizing this power-up will intensify the corresponding emotion within you for a period of time.​
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hmm may be annoying of me I wanna generate may even a little bit more student credit though. So possible discussion opportunities for us all here. Do you think the tarot card deck we are buying for .1 student credit will provide us something like a magic item? The Educator seems to hand them out like candy so it seems at least possible. Who of our upperclassmen do people want to meet out of the bible and childrens stories? Are there anything you don't like about the current winning votes or general write ins? Any guesses for who will get what roles?

Wait so if there's a biblical class does that mean that there might be someone that has Role of Solomon?

It would be funny regardless of what Role we choose but especially so if it's King of Magi.
Also, could the Philosophy class contain some sort of Theologian?
I don't see any reason why not. Another question is that there are a lot of philosophical concepts and it is quite likely that when choosing a role, students did not even consider them because of the number of choices presented, especially considering that world religions have lost a lot of their influence.
Maybe things went as they did, because people don't usually know a lot about Philosophy. Interesting, how distribution of roles looked like. They probably all sounded somewhat good.

[] Idea: [King of Pentacles - Monarch]

Ascendant Throne: You possess the ability to create an almost indestructible throne, known as the Ascendant Throne. When seated upon this throne, a remarkable phenomenon unfolds. Over time, the Throne gradually expands the zone of your influence. Initially, a zone emerges where your awareness is heightened, and you gain the power of teleportation within this zone. When first zone expands enough, a second circle begins to grow within it. Within this second circle, you gain the ability to manipulate the physical world to your will. Once this second zone reaches sufficient size, you can commence the creation of a third zone, where you hold the power to impose your laws upon the world and its inhabitants. There is also fourth possible zone, but what does it do?

It's important to note that the growth of each zone does not impede the growth of the previous zones. Consequently, the closer you are to the throne, the greater your influence over the surrounding area, because more zones layered on each other. However, to maintain the expansion of the zones, you must sit on the Ascendant Throne at least once every 24 hours. Failure to do so will cause the zones to gradually shrink in the same manner they grow. The growth of the zone of influence is achieved by adding volume to the expanding sphere. Therefore, as time progresses, the radius of the sphere increases at a slower rate, as more and more volume is required. The growth process commences only after you sitting on the throne for a minimum of one hour.

Palace Сoup: In the event that someone successfully destroys your Throne, you are granted a crucial window of one hour to reach it and restore its integrity. Once this hour elapses, your power zone will dissipate entirely. And you should create a new Throne to start all over again. Should an intruder dare to occupy the throne, you will discern their presence. If they manage to maintain their seat on the throne for a full hour, they will seize your power and ascend to your position, usurping your authority and territory you have grown.​
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It really depends on how granular the Philosophy class wanted to get. Look at the Role of Theologian, that's very very broad-so perhaps there is a Doctor for Christian theology, a Rabbi for Jewish theology, and an Ālim for Islamic theology. There could be a single Socratic, or a Platonist, an Aristotelian, and a Thrasymachean.

We know there's a Metaphysician, so I'd wager it's probably on the broader side of things-especially if they included non-western philosophy, which I think is likely.
I wonder if anyone from the fairy tale class chose a genie?
Even if this role has all the classic disadvantages such as the inability to fulfill one's desires, three desires per person and the need to try to distort the desire when performing it, it is still one of the most powerful roles while not requiring development costs.
I think Solomon would like it and it would go well with his predictive abilities.
Well, if it was there. And if it really has functionality of classic genie, than its probable. Although I wonder if anyone has tried to kidnap the wish maker. And then they could use the hostages and not show themselves to the genie (so that they do not know who kidnapper is) to make wishes. There are many methods to get people to wish what you want them to wish. And how to make the genie be obedient without distorting the message of wishes too much.​
There are many methods to get people to wish what you want them to wish. And how to make the genie be obedient without distorting the message of wishes too much.
It's like playing with fire next to a powder keg. Depending on how much the genie may deviate in its interpretation from the original desire, help from a powerful prophet or, in extreme cases, a Metaphysician may be required.
It seems easier to me to use someone a student with the powers of a social manipulator to indirectly convince the genie that he himself wants to cooperate.
Although, of course, there will always be those who want to try to pull the dragon by the tail, and it will probably take a few loud incidents to make stupid thoughts go away from hot heads.
It was just an idea, which came to my mind first. If we give people motivation and time to think, they would come up with a lot of better, more refined ways to achieve pocket genie dream.

Edit: Also, what technology level this setting does have? Because there are a lot of classes, which could uplift the Earth pretty hard, if they really tried. Well, at least in some areas, because it is not enough to just have technology. It should be needed, worth producing, etc.
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