The New Devourer's Hunters were hulking, muscular creatures, slaying hundreds of Orks and Tyranids with curved meat-carving claws, smashing tanks to scrap with fists like flesh-forged sledgehammers. The Orks roared red war, feeling a deep, burning hatred for the first time in their lives, while the Hive Mind recoiled like a wounded animal, pulling back its feeder organisms from this new foe.
The Orks replied with gunfire; a storm of bullets, bombs and shells falling upon the New Devourer beasts, blowing the monsters apart in flashes of fire and smoke. The next wave emerged, accompanied by a towering, black-armored Juggernaut, whose synaptic influence caused chitinous plates to sprout from the hides of its Hunters. Wading through the explosions and gunfire, the Hunters massacred the greenskins to an Ork.
Even as this occurred, the Hive Mind was adapting, throwing every available warrior it could muster against the newborn abominations. Waves of Termagants hunkered down in the muck, raining volley after volley of fleshborer beetles upon the New Devourer beasts. Biovores and Exocrines released a barrage of drifting Spore Mines, showering the hybrids with hissing acid and an array of deadly toxins.
A new monster slithered from the crevices, a great gelatinous mass surrounding a blazing central core, whose radiated heat emanated from the creature's surface and parched the ground around it. The New Devourer troops shifted again in response, their armored exoskeletons melting away, replaced by glistening mucous membranes that insulated them from the contents of the Tyranid spore mines. Vesicles in the amoeba's body merged, flattening to form a focal lens that concentrated the light of its core into a searing, flesh-melting laser that blasted the drifting mines from the sky. A wave of Haruspexes shuffled into the fray, their serrated tongues slicing off hunks of the gelatinous mass, only to find their gullets bursting open as the protoplasmic flesh rebelled against them.
The Orks unleashed their most apocalyptic weapons from their depths of their arsenals; missiles that detonated into miniature singularities, Waaagh!-powered Gargants that rained down bolts of crackling green psychic energy, and gargantuan reptilian Squigs whose breath was atomic fire. But the Orks could not defeat the New Devourer.
A mighty swarm of Tyranid creatures lumbered out to oppose the New Devourer's threat, towering Bio-Titans that had been held in reserve for a final death strike. But the Tyranids could not defeat the New Devourer.