Pedarastry refers to an old greek habit of grown men taking young boys (10-15) as lovers and students. Ancient Greece was a fucking terrible place of slave holders, pedophiles, misogyny, and xenophobia.
So, I like my Thanagarians but I've been thinking about other nations. KnightofTempest seems busy, and even if he still has time to GM for me it seems like it will be by necessity more waiting for everyone involved, and no one else seems to be all that familiar with the faction. Either way, I'm going to follow M_O's suggestion and take this opportunity to switch my nation. This is a first draft, I welcome critiques to help me refine it.
Faction Tier: E
Faction Leader: Vlad von Carstein
Why Are You Here?:
The End Times have come. The Old World and beyond are threatened on every side by ravening hordes of brutal Greenskins, monstrous beasts of Chaos, unending tides of Skaven and more. The foundations of the world itself are being shaken by terrible magic, and Vlad von Carstein has risen from the grave once again. He has deposed the pretenders who rose to take his place as head of the von Carstein line, and he has called to his immortal cousins. In these dangerous and tumultuous times, old grudges must be set aside, for now, and the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of all the most powerful Vampiric lines have gathered their followers living and undead and have made themselves a new home in Sylvania. The covens with their courtiers and hangers on from across the world have followed Queen Neferata, the Blood Dragons have found a new castle to call their own with Abhorash, W'soran and those Necrarch still loyal to him, even the recently returned Ushoran and his Strigoi spawn, along with the Strigony people have put aside their grudges to gather their people in Sylvania. Together, the Great Scions of all the Vampire lines pooled their collective power to enact a great ritual, for Vlad knows the Earth is doomed and has seen a path to a new world. He has claimed the place as leader of all the Vampire lines by offering his home as a refuge against the madness of the End Times and hope of a path away from the destruction of Chaos, but he knows it will not be easy to hold on to such a title once they have arrived...
200 Heroes
70 Vampire Lords
Neferata Queen of the Lahmia
Abhorash First of the Blood Dragons
W'Soran Greatest of the Necrarch
Ushoran Lord of the Strigoi
Isabella von Carstein, The Midnight Countess
The Red Duke, The Scourge of Aquitane
Gashnag, The Black Prince
65 Necromancer Lords
65 WIght Kings
(others to come later)
Ships of the Line: 100
100 Greatships
Galleons: 500
500 Wolfships
Galleys: 10000
5,500 Wargallerys
2,500 Hellhammers
2,000 Ironfists (Wargalleys with Mortars)
250 Heroes
90 Vampire Lords
Neferata Queen of the Lahmia
Abhorash First of the Blood Dragons
W'Soran Greatest of the Necrarch
Ushoran Lord of the Strigoi
Isabella von Carstein, The Midnight Countess
The Red Duke, The Scourge of Aquitane
Gashnag, The Black Prince
80 Necromancer Lords
80 WIght Kings
(others to come later)
Ships of the Line: 125
125 Greatships
Galleons: 625
625 Wolfships
Galleys: 12,500
6,000 Wargallerys
4,000 Hellhammers
2,000 Ironfists (Wargalleys with Mortars)
Traits: Incorruptible Corruption: One of the original purposes behind the creation of Undead was to serve as a bulwark against the corruption of Chaos an all perverting force of change. This purpose was itself largely successful, the Undead as a result of being powered by almost pure Dhar and being locked in a state of deathless animation are essentially immune to the corrupting sway of Chaos and anything else
Midnight Aristocracy: The Vampires and their 5 great Bloodlines rule over Sylvania, and they are eternal. They offer the gifts of eternal life to those that please them, and they can use their great age and experience to better rule their lands. The 5 Bloodlines are each like a different noble line with their own strengths and weaknesses, and any who are chosen can become a member of these families. Vampires rule through a mixture of fear, respect, and just rulership. Although a member of any given Bloodline can become skilled in the strengths of another, each of the 5 lines has a different field of expertise.
von Carsteins are perhaps the most generalist of all the Vampire lines, being skilled in all the ways of a Vampire, but not exceeding any except in the ways of War. Blood Dragons might be better knights, soldiers, and warriors, but there are no better commanders, strategists, or tacticians among Vampire kind than the von Carsteins.
Lahmians can be great warriors and terrible beasts, like any vampire, but their true strength lies in their grasp of subtlety, politics, and infiltration. The Lahmians are expert at stealth and the most skilled in living amongst mortals as one of them. They can blend into society, be it at the lowest levels or the highest, and twist politics to their own ends.
Blood Dragons are the greatest warriors of the Vampires, their martial skills unequaled by their kin. All bear a measure of their sire's resistance to light and holy magic, and all Blood Dragons undergo a quest to drink the blood of a dragon themselves, to rid themselves of their weakness to light altogether and rid themselves of the Blood Thirst, and greatly increasing their resistance to all forms of magic, especially holy magic.
The Necrarch are the greatest sorcerers and magic users of all Vampires. They are the truest scholars of Necromantic and Dark Magic of all the Vampire lines, and they have the greatest resistance to blood lust of any Vampires, some Necrarch forego blood completely, relying on Dark Magic alone to sustain them.
The Strigoi have a double nature due to the terrible fall their bloodline befell from which they are only beginning to recover. The Strigoi are the noblest and most respected rulers of the Vampiric bloodlines, the greatest statesman, the most just and talented leaders the vampires have. However, after their fall they became Ghoul Kings for centuries, and so also have the greatest connection to the beast that lurks inside all Vampires, and the greatest ability to control the beasts and ghouls the Vampires attract to their side. They are however also the poorest magic users among all of the Vampire bloodlines.
Land of the Dead: Sylvania, and all of the places long touched by the Dark magic of the Vampires, Dhar, either as True Dhar gathering natural in places like ancient graveyards and bloody battlefields, or as the Dark Magic wielded by Vampires and Necromancers, and spread by the presence of the Undead are places where the dead do not truly rest. Necromantic magic seeps into the very land, and the dead rise from their graves of their own volition, these dead often seek out powerful sources of Dhar, and so often congregate to Vampires, Necromancers, and the places they call home.
Drawbacks: The Light Burns!: All undead save certain special cases are weak to the light of the sun, and to holy magic. The level of this weakness differs, and all but the weakest Vampires can withstand the light of the sun without dying, but even the strongest Vampires are weakened by it, and find it a painful distraction, all except those Vampires who have drunk the blood of a Dragon. Other undead are also weakened, and if sufficiently damaged sunlight can destroy them as well. Vampires and their forces prefer to fight in the dark of the night, or under magically summoned cloud cover.
The Blade in the Back: Even amongst their own lines, Vampires scheme and politic, often to bloody and even fatal affect. With the gathering of all 5 bloodlines, this internal backstabbing will only grow more pronounced. For the most part it will likely remain subtle and will not result in outright war among the Vampires, but each Founder believes they are the rightful ruler of all of their kind, and all hold grudges against the others, save possibly the Blood Dragons who are least interested in such squabbles.
Economy of Blood: The Economy of a Vampire's realm is one of Blood. Vampires require blood to sate their terrible thirst, and a steady supply of fresh blood is best. It is by no means necessary for a Vampire to kill someone to feed on their blood, indeed Vampires can often drink from someone without changing them into a Vampire and are more than able to drink blood that has been gathered through means other than biting, but it is a fact which remains. Without a steady supply of Blood, every Vampire save some of the Necrarchs and any Vampire who has drunk the Blood of a Dragon, will lose themselves more and more their mind slowly deteriorating and the beast within themselves held in check by will gains additional hold upon their minds. Once a Vampire passes a certain point, reclaiming their sanity and their old forms is nearly impossible.
160 Heroes
60 Vampire Lords
Neferata Queen of the Lahmia
Abhorash First of the Blood Dragons
W'Soran Greatest of the Necrarch
Ushoran Lord of the Strigoi
Isabella von Carstein, The Midnight Countess
The Red Duke, The Scourge of Aquitane
Gashnag, The Black Prince
50 Necromancer Lords
50 WIght Kings
The Chaos Gods tried since Neferata created them and never made much head way.
Warhammer Vampires are immune to physical corruption and are generally far too prideful to ever countenance serving anyone else. This served as their great bulwark against Chaos; because they'd refuse to make even the simplest of pacts with the dark gods because being beholden to anyone else chafes at their nature.
Really only two things can command a vampire's loyalty; their vampiric sire (though this isn't fool proof), and Nagash. And with Nagash it's more a raw power thing since the dude could snap his fingers and instantly kill a vampire who gave him shit from across the planet (as Zacharias and Dietrich Dohl found out).
The Chaos Gods tried since Neferata created them and never made much head way.
Warhammer Vampires are immune to physical corruption and are generally far too prideful to ever countenance serving anyone else. This served as their great bulwark against Chaos; because they'd refuse to make even the simplest of pacts with the dark gods because being beholden to anyone else chafes at their nature.
Really only two things can command a vampire's loyalty; their vampiric sire (though this isn't fool proof), and Nagash. And with Nagash it's more a raw power thing since the dude could snap his fingers and instantly kill a vampire who gave him shit from across the planet (as Zacharias and Dietrich Dohl found out).
Okay although I'll be honest no selling a trait without a counter trait would leave a bitter taste in my mouth. However if corruption doesn't work there is always good old fashioned manipulation.
I'd personally stick it in with the simple nature of undeath. Undead or Robotic armies are something of a pseudo-trait in and of themselves due to all the things armies made of living, breathing sapients have to bother with that nonliving armies don't.
On the other hand the undead are generally repulsive. Nobody likes being in the same room as reminders of their mortality, nevermind bloodsucking fiends who regard you as food. Well, unless you're one of those who's more of a Vampire humper than a Vampire hunter. In which case seek psychiatric help, Vampirophilia is not a healthy fetish and people will kinkshame you. And I'm definitely going to give you judgy looks.
(Still better than people who want to fuck Skeletons, Wights, and Liches; which is both gross and impossible; get help. )
I'd personally stick it in with the simple nature of undeath. Undead or Robotic armies are something of a pseudo-trait in and of themselves due to all the things armies made of living, breathing sapients have to bother with that nonliving armies don't.
On the other hand the undead are generally repulsive. Nobody likes being in the same room as reminders of their mortality, nevermind bloodsucking fiends who regard you as food.
Yes i'll be sure to use that once I claim the souls/scientists of the corrupted Cabal forces. Speaking of which @Chimeraguard might I ask hows Dust and my turn 2 results coming along?
Pedarastry refers to an old greek habit of grown men taking young boys (10-15) as lovers and students. Ancient Greece was a fucking terrible place of slave holders, pedophiles, misogyny, and xenophobia.
The Chaos Gods tried since Neferata created them and never made much head way.
Warhammer Vampires are immune to physical corruption and are generally far too prideful to ever countenance serving anyone else. This served as their great bulwark against Chaos; because they'd refuse to make even the simplest of pacts with the dark gods because being beholden to anyone else chafes at their nature.
Really only two things can command a vampire's loyalty; their vampiric sire (though this isn't fool proof), and Nagash. And with Nagash it's more a raw power thing since the dude could snap his fingers and instantly kill a vampire who gave him shit from across the planet (as Zacharias and Dietrich Dohl found out).
Yes i'll be sure to use that once I claim the souls/scientists of the corrupted Cabal forces. Speaking of which @Chimeraguard might I ask hows Dust and my turn 2 results coming along?
If it's modeled after ancient Greek city-states, the answer ranges from "Only on paper" to "Holy shit yes."
Greek city-states were pretty damn fractious.
And @Mental Omega, it seems like Ithaca was a designated bad guy, doomed to lose, because you keep talking about how horrible and evil they were, but we look at some of the other stuff and start wondering why this group of evil got smacked down hard, but that group that makes pretty much everybody go "KILL IT WITH FIRE" is still a major player.
If it's modeled after ancient Greek city-states, the answer ranges from "Only on paper" to "Holy shit yes."
Greek city-states were pretty damn fractious.
And @Mental Omega, it seems like Ithaca was a designated bad guy, doomed to lose, because you keep talking about how horrible and evil they were, but we look at some of the other stuff and start wondering why this group of evil got smacked down hard, but that group that makes pretty much everybody go "KILL IT WITH FIRE" is still a major player.
The age of strife was ruinous to the civilized countries' ability to handle the destructive forces of the universe. Most countries lost at the least; two thirds of their manpower and saw their post-war GDPs tank even if they technically survived the war. The Age of Strife was manipulated into beginning by the Black Hand with the intention of shattering the power of civilization and allowing for a "wilding" of the universe; where vast tracts would no longer be claimed by major powers because they were too exhausted by so much total warfare. The plan succeeded quite well; not only are the great powers exhausted and tired; they don't trust each other and refuse to cooperate.
So the likes of the Quori, the Fractals, the Waldemarites, the Demons and others who stayed out of the war had a much freer hand to expand.
The Overlady, Ithaca, the Confederacy, Duratami, and other countries made up the Alliance; which was based on the promotion of an in-universe equivalent of fascism and for many countries; humanosupermacism (which is noted to be hypocritical in universe due to many non-human allies), they fought against the League; whose big players are the big five; Ostereik, Varghast, the Federation, the Imperium, and the Dual Monarchy. By the end of the age of strife; the majority of the Alliance's nations who had generally chosen to fight to the last man and the last planet rather than accept surrender; had ceased to exist in any state that could be considered viable for a new country and many League nations were also destroyed.
Nearly two thirds of all countries from before the war were no longer present after the war. It was simply that apocalyptic.
So did some reading and fun fact about Fel Hounds, they can use the mana they've drained from their targets to rapidly multiply to and I quote "the demonic hounds could multiply themselves several times over, creating an epidemic of evil."
The Overlady, Ithaca, the Confederacy, Duratami, and other countries made up the Alliance; which was based on the promotion of an in-universe equivalent of fascism and for many countries; humanosupermacism (which is noted to be hypocritical in universe due to many non-human allies), they fought against the League; whose big players are the big five; Ostereik, Varghast, the Federation, the Imperium, and the Dual Monarchy. By the end of the age of strife; the majority of the Alliance's nations who had generally chosen to fight to the last man and the last planet rather than accept surrender; had ceased to exist in any state that could be considered viable for a new country and many League nations were also destroyed
On the other hand the undead are generally repulsive. Nobody likes being in the same room as reminders of their mortality, nevermind bloodsucking fiends who regard you as food. Well, unless you're one of those who's more of a Vampire humper than a Vampire hunter. In which case seek psychiatric help, Vampirophilia is not a healthy fetish and people will kinkshame you. And I'm definitely going to give you judgy looks.