The Firestorm: A crossover invasion game. Looking for a 40k faction player.

Point of Order: the PTE forces can and do throw around nukes with wild abandon...
Welp, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but with the onset of school and a resulting limiting of my free time, I will no longer be able to act as GM
(I'll die before I give up my beloved Skyburners though...)
Unfortunately this means @MasterSigs (the eggman empire)
And @willyvereb (outer heaven, though I think he's hiding under a box somewhere) are without a GM.

My sincerest apologies to both of you.
But on the bright side, Master Sigs, maybe you won't have to fight tree people!

it occurs to me that as i am literally kind of gm'ing the entire group of people associated with my faction, and jebusman is a bit too slow, i need someone i can check stuff like research timers with. a legitimacy checker of sorts.
it occurs to me that as i am literally kind of gm'ing the entire group of people associated with my faction, and jebusman is a bit too slow, i need someone i can check stuff like research timers with. a legitimacy checker of sorts.
I am 99% sure that @Jebusman has dropped. He's not appeared on the entire forum for a while.
If this is still up I have some drawbacks in mind, thanks to suggestions from Sin ect. Pretty much similar to the Burning Legion when you think about it.

Traitor's Hands: Even in the Black Legion, from the mightiest Traitor Marines to the lowest cultists, there are grudges and competing ambitions that see to it that the hordes of the Black Circle can make a fractious force when not presented with a greater enemy. Forces not engaged in combat may begin to infight.

Purge the Heretics: Massive diplomatic penalties with all Non-Demonic, Fractal, Abyssal, Elemental, Fiendish factions.

Bane of Daemons: Certain powers, weapons, and abilities are incredibly effective against aspects of the Legions of Chaos summoned daemons and weapons.