The Eggman Empire
The Eggman Empire: Tier A
Leader: Dr. Robotnik
Why are you here: To expand the power of the Eggman Empire and well .... to conquer new lands for the Eggman Empire!
10 Final Fortress (Great War Engine)
20 Silver Sonics, 30 Flying Dynamos (War Engine)
1,000 Egg Army Tanks (Beasts of war)
5,000 E-2000Rs (Calvary)
2,500 Egg Swats (Elite Cavalry)
100,000 Egg Gunner (Infantry)
300,000 Egg Soldiers (Chaff Infantry)
10 Heroes (Metal Sonic, Mecha Sally, Mecha Knuckles, Mecha Tails, Tails Doll, Krudzu Hybrid Hydra, E-101 Mark II, Thunderbolt the Chinchilla, Lord Mordred Hood, Big Chaser)
Ships: Used to double mechanical ground force.
Air Force:
5 Central Battleships (Airship)
25 Egg Flyers (Heavy Aircraft)
500 E-42 Falcon (Light Aircraft)
4,000,000 Civilians
Loyalty Chips: Soldiers and civilians of the Eggman empire will never disobey commands and will obey their instruction.
Pro: No betrayals ever unless chip is removed
Cons: Soldiers arnt that smart and ofter require specialized commanders to provide leadership in battle or in pretty much anything.
Eggman Industry: Troop production increased by 50% thanks to the power of superior factories
Pros: Troop production increased by 50%
Egomaniac: Eggman's ego gets in the way sometimes and he often underestimates
Minor Minus to all interaction to all faction
Ok, Im done now.
Im starting out South West of Black Hand and my color is white.