The Firestorm: A crossover invasion game. Looking for a 40k faction player.

whistles to herself and sets up firebases everywhere
Anyway, so how long till I can expect a GM for my faction, a couple of weeks?

Anyway, I expect to wait, really long till one is found
And in doing so taints it's light with that same darkness.
But what casts a shadow, if anything that could block the light has been leveled? What can stop his holy fire if there is nothing for it to encounter?
With each cleansing, hundreds of new worlds shall be born, full of his light and untainted by darkness.
The great divide approaches.
Praise atom.
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So I've been a bit busy

(Also been trying to get @Thornez on the line :/) but what needs to happen to move onto turn 3?
i am personally holding up turn 3 due to exams

and i guess go/me need our strat turn done for turn 2