Wasn't much of a map, but I'll try.
Mekron is an automaton founded state.
Kamadi is a Varhuadin dominated theocratic republic.
Harapakili is Canceri dominated and is a plutocratic oligarchy.
Jumpriki is an enlightened monarchial Anguilian country.
Istrakhan is a trading post colony of Vladinaslav.
Ramadine is a Mazdakist Zarxozin state.
Potemk is a Dwarven dominated country while Zhafari is dominated by Zuktri.
Utrankat is a dark elf station; though they've made agreements with the locals to raid elsewhere and help protect against the frost-folk in exchange for helping the Dark Elves arm their fleet.
Hmm, I think the Nerubians will like Mekron(they've talked with sapient automatons before), Dwarves will like talking to Potemk, and from what's said about the Zuktri, I don't think I'll have any problems with Zhafari. Same with Istrakhan.
Kamadi, Harapakili, and Jumpriki probably won't have much interaction with since we have different domains, though that might change later.
Ramadine, hmm, looking at the Zarxozin, they might be trouble if they start trying to expand, in which case I'm probably gonna be fighting them, but it's a fight they'll have to start. Until then, I'll be doing diplomacy.
Utrankat. Well. The Dwarves will go ballistic at more Dark Elves(raiding Dark Elves at that, which won't do much to endear them). Nerubians aren't likely to be to fond of them either, and similar for the Vinci, so they'll probably be an enemy early on. Will also probably try to find a passageway to the Underdark to their island to invade from, them being on an island means it'll probably take a while before the war begins in earnest, plus potential immediate foes in the Underdark.
@Mental Omega, Troglodyte said he was surprised at me only having one research project. How many are we supposed to have?
Maximum of ten was the number for previous games.