The Firestorm: A crossover invasion game. Looking for a 40k faction player.

"Trying to outsmart Gitstompa? There'll be none of this panzie "moind kontrol" on my watch!"

In other words no I will remain independent thank you very much. Also need to do some more practice with my Orkish.
Gul'dan: *Magically slams Gitstompa into a nearby tank* "Your will is Legend Gitstompa....I will enjoy breaking you."

Although in all seriousness odds are Gul'dan wouldn't get that shot off so easily.
On the other hand many of GDI's techbase was actually invented by the Soviets.
Mammoth Tanks from the Second Great War are the most obvious example.
To be fair, that's only if you accept the idea that RA1 was a prequel to the Tiberium Saga, which would depend on Hawke's opinions on the subject.

EDIT: I say something like 'The Expeditionary Coalition' or something fancy that we can eventually change into something more official.
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To be fair, that's only if you accept the idea that RA1 was a prequel to the Tiberium Saga, which would depend on Hawke's opinions on the subject.
RA1 IS a prequel. That's the unmutable fact. The other games took place in alternate realities compared to the main C&C continuity.
Of course Hawke can have the writer's license here to make his a bit of AU where RA1's events never happened or it was drastically different.

with all the talk about Magic and such, I would vote for the 'Rationalist Alliance'.
That's another reason why my faction technically wouldn't join it.

Though you can enjoy my assistance.
To be fair, that's only if you accept the idea that RA1 was a prequel to the Tiberium Saga, which would depend on Hawke's opinions on the subject.

EDIT: I say something like 'The Expeditionary Coalition' or something fancy that we can eventually change into something more official.
The Expeditionary Coalition sounds like a cool name.
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Well, it makes perfect sense from a Soviet perspective at least. Idunno, Pan-Dimensional seems a bit too. . . idunno, maybe I'm just biased.
Is there anything that people specifically would want about my faction; The American Unionists, in the the Lore Almanac thread?
RA1 IS a prequel. That's the unmutable fact. The other games took place in alternate realities compared to the main C&C continuity.
Of course Hawke can have the writer's license here to make his a bit of AU where RA1's events never happened or it was drastically different.
I would say Red Alert happened, though it's a late WW2 for them, taking place in the 50s. The Soviet 2nd GWW(Great World War) Era Mammoth IS NOT the same as the GDI Mammoth, if anything it's like the M26 Pershing to the late M60 Pattons and M1 Abrams...And that is not counting the countless versions and variations that have happened sense the GDI started their Mammoth series.
Anyways, I updated my list a bit, mostly fluffed up some more stuff and got some abilities written down, I'll ask @Mental Omega for some drawbacks since I can't really think of anything interesting at the moment.
Minervan Oath? or Minervan Pledge? To signify that we Dawi are giving you guys favored status like Sigmar's people.

EDIT: Minervan Oath it is
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