So! Here's what I have so far for the USSR, It's not entirely done yet, I just wanted to get this posted now so that everyone would know that I kinda sorta changed factions.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Leader: Marshal Vaska Sokolov
Why are you here?:
"Mikhailov's machine appears to have worked far better than even he expected. We managed to reach the new world relatively intact, several million people together in unison, not knowing whether or not we'd even live through the process of teleportation. I am afraid we don't really have a way back home, at least not yet, so from here on out, we are on our own, though we should be able to at least build up from here."
10 Great war engines (traded for Cavalry and Beasts of War)
50 War Engines (traded for Cavalry and Beasts of War)
2,000 beasts of war (Split between Soviet tanks, with a weight towards Hammer Tanks, Flak Traktors and V4s)
T-02 Black Eagle x 500
The ultimate culmination of the T-80, the T-02 Black Eagle is an honorable successor to the 'unstoppable killer' of the Great War. Designed from the ground up to surpass every other main battle tank currently in service, the Black Eagle uses a masterful mixture of composite armor, ERA, and new APS systems to give itself protection surpassing that of even the venerable Challenger 2. The T-02A model currently in service also mounts a 152mm 2A85M Smoothbore gun as well as one of the most sophisticated Fire Control Systems on the planet, a vast improvement over the previous inferiority to NATO FCS. There are rumors that the latest T-02B model is to incorporate a railgun of some sort or a pair of 30mm autocannons, though the secrecy of the Arkhangelsk design bureau means that these remain simple rumors. However, its gas turbine engine and relatively high upkeep means that it is often eclipsed by its cheaper alternative both in exports and in Red Army use.
T-72BU-MS x 1,500
The T-72BU-MS is an example of the sheer utility of the T-72's tried and true chassis. A heavy redesign from the ground up, it serves as a cheaper, yet still brutally effective alternative to the T-02. Its crews boast that while the Black Eagles gain all the infamy, the T-72's win the actual battles of the motherland, taking on the 'superior' armies of the west. Despite its 'cheap' design purpose, this T-72 variant is a radical departure from its predecessors, combining several aspects of the T-72 and T-80 tanks before it into a powerful yet affordable package. It still retains its 125mm 2A46M, an effective, if aging weapon, albeit with a few tweaks and newer ammunition to keep it at its best against the capitalist menace. As with all other Soviet armies, they shall make up the backbone of the expedition, though their use shall hopefully be far from necessary to bring about the glory of the proletariat.
20,000 cavalry (Split evenly between available light vehicles)
* BMP-3M x 1,500
A curious yet nonetheless useful new design, the BMP-3M is a massive boost in firepower over its predecessors, a nice addition to any fighting force seeking to put as much firepower down as possible. It is generally used by the most well equipped motor rifle divisions in the Chinese front and was praised by its passengers and crews during the Vladivostok campaign. They shall once again be fielded by your more well equipped units, but their relative rarity shall keep them from
* BMP-2UM x 2,500
An old, reliable design, the BMP-2UM is a upgrade to the aging IFV, bringing it up to date with newer designs. It is armed with a still respectable 30mm 2A42 autocannon, and given the newest 9M127 'Swindle' ATGM in order to crack open MBTs if needed, a not entirely uncommon task in certain fronts.
* BTR's (mixed) x 7,000
The workhorses of the Red Army's Motor Rifle Divisions, the BTR's are an old, venerable race of machines that had seen conflict at every front. They run the gamut from the veteran BTR-60's, to the newest BTR-92A's that prowled the battlefield. Despite their age, they have all mostly been upgraded in similar ways, armed with the same 30mm 2A42's and Swindles as the heavier BMP-2UM. The inclusion of older designs was certainly not out of desperation on your end, after all, who knows what may lie beyond the portal.
* T-55AMV x 5,000
A modernization to a relatively ancient design, the T-55AGM is the latest version of yet another old workhorse of the USSR. It's relative obsolescence has resulted in its relegation to less conflict intensive fronts, as well as a second line design. Its inclusion into the Experiment is one of pragmatism and preparation for any possible logistical problems in the future. It is essentially a standard T-55 with an improved FCS that has the capability to be equipped with the new Kaktus ERA.
* T-34-85 x 1,000
Something of a holdover from the experiment's first phases, the T-34-85 was originally going to be comprise most of the armor that was initially to be sent to the experiment, before Mikhailov's project received quite the extensive extra funding. It's practically useless against any modern foe, but it is still a tank.
* Pantsir-S1 Tunguska II x 2,000
10,000 elite infantry
* 'Archangel' Infantry x 3,000
Another strange yet effective weapon of war from the Arkhangelsk design bureau, the Archangel infantry, as they have been designated in the west, are not so much defined by who they are as much as what they wear. Carrying one of the most expensive suits that has ever seen combat, they are effectively encased in power armor and equipped with the best weapons available, enhanced greatly in almost every aspect except for mobility, which often leads to their use as paratroopers, a small rivalry with the VDV resulting.
* Naval Infantry x 4,000
Toughest of the tough, bravest of the brave, the Naval Infantry have gained an extremely infamous reputation over the years, their actions on several fronts becoming the thing of legends. While they became infamous for being the first to enter American land (secret VDV and Archangel deployments notwithstanding), their numbers were severely cut down during the invasion of Alaska, meaning that many members of the slowly reforming Naval Infantry are still relatively fresh.
* VDV x 3,000
400,000 Infantry
* Motostrelki x 300,000
The backbone of the Motor Rifle Division, Motostrelki of the 21st century are some of the best equipped forces on the planet. Armed with their trusty AK-2000's, they are a far cry for the conscripted masses the western media often portrayed them as, and proved themselves against the best the bourgeois had to offer.
* Conscripts
Technically motostrelki, conscripts from across all of Europe were drafted for the experiment, usually gratefully given their either rather dull or harrowing positions in several other fronts. Their morale is rather low compared to the average volunteer, though they are at least grateful that they might have somewhere else to visit than the depressing landscape they called home.
20 heroes.
* Field Commanders x 10
'Natasha' Field Operatives x 10
10 ships of the line
* Ulyanovsk Class Aircraft carrier x 5
* Sovetsky Soyuz class Nuclear Arsenal Ship x 5
50 Galleons
* Kirov class battlecruiser x 20
* Slava class cruiser x 30
* Oscar class Submarine X 10
1000 galleys
* Tarantul class Corvette x 300
* Udaloy class Frigate x 300
* Sovremennyy Class Cruiser x 200
* Mistral class amphibious assault ship x 50
10 airships Traded for more aircraft
100 heavy aircraft
* Tu-160 x 5
* Tu-22m x 20
* Tu-95 x 10
* IL-135 x 30
A strange new aircraft, the IL-135's main draw is its massive payload capacity, capable of carrying an entire platoon, or even two tanks and safely paradropping them. They can also be converted into gunships not unlike the AC-130 in American use, but these are uncommon in high intensity conflicts.
2000 light aircraft
* T-50K x 500
A naval variant of the T-50, the K variant loses out on some of the stealth capabilities of the standard T-50 in exchange for a larger fuel storage, initially a necessity due to their launching from the Admiral Kuznetsov class, though now simply allowing them to perform strikes from a longer distance without requiring a refuel.
* Su-39
The latest upgrade to the Frogfoot ground attack fighter, the Su-39 is capable of performing anti tank, anti infantry, and CAS missions depending on its loadout. It also has the advantage of being relatively cheap, and has gained a reputation for being rugged and durable.
* Mi-30 Hotshot
A new helicopter using inter-meshing rotors , the Hotshot proved itself as an effective attack helicopter during the Invasion of Alaska, knocking out several armored US forces and raining hell upon the infantry below. It trades the Hind's extremely mediocre carrying capacity for more firepower.
Location is same as before.
Equality for all: The USSR emphasizes equality between all individuals on an ideological level, and extends this equality to different species. the USSR gains a diplomacy and integration bonus with alien species.
Vladimir is watching you: A small portion of the KGB has decided to take espionage into its own hands, in theory serving under Sokolov with both internal and foreign espionage. Soviet espionage actions have a higher success rate than average, internal dissent can be handled 'quietly' if it begins to reach dangerous levels.
Deep Battle: The USSR has developed a comprehensive and extensive military doctrine for dealing with just about any conventional foe imaginable. All armies of the USSR automatically have one of 20 field commander heroes assigned to them. So long as these Field Commanders are alive, unit cohesion and effectiveness increase by a large margin, and army movement is increased during each turn by five hexes. If a Field Commander is to fall in combat however, that army loses all of its bonuses and suffers severe combat and movement penalties until the Field Commander is replaced or the army returns to Soviet territory.
I'll let
@Mental Omega decide upon some drawbacks for the USSR.