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Based on the results here, I'm thinking about the following for next turn:
Martial, either supply lines or military intel restructuring. Leaning towards the latter since we already have infiltrators.
Diplomacy, contact banking guilds and clans and either the NR action or intel agents in our diplomatic corps.
Stewardship, definitely adjusting for Palpatine's death and government restructuring.
Intrigue, command codes and agency standards.
Learning, clone template and chronicling force techniques and sects.
Lore, fortress and integrating techniques. Hopefully we can retake mundane skills later.
Personal, bodyguards for ourselves and spending time with our force advisor.
How does this sound?
Based on the results here, I'm thinking about the following for next turn:
Martial, either supply lines or military intel restructuring. Leaning towards the latter since we already have infiltrators.
Diplomacy, contact banking guilds and clans and either the NR action or intel agents in our diplomatic corps.
Stewardship, definitely adjusting for Palpatine's death and government restructuring.
Intrigue, command codes and agency standards.
Learning, clone template and chronicling force techniques and sects.
Lore, fortress and integrating techniques. Hopefully we can retake mundane skills later.
Personal, bodyguards for ourselves and spending time with our force advisor.
How does this sound?
I'd say another action on secularism for the Force advisor. Hopefully it'll reach the point where ritual dueling is no longer required to keep the thing together.

Also not a fan of the command codes because they've already dropped in effectiveness due to the 6 month time gap.

Edit: aside from that it seems good. Might put Learning on economic improvement rather than template
Yeah never using them is the plan. We're guaranteed to take a hit in reputation with every Imperial faction if we do it.
Which is why I specifically took an action this turn to boost our rep with the other factions this turn. It turns it from a bad start into a single discrepency that is offset by our focus on internal improvements. But you could have led with that instead of prevaricating over "reduced effectiveness".
Just for better planning purposes, here are some of the headlines that you'll be seeing in the rumor mill, or things along those lines:

Pentastar Alignment offers cordial greetings to the Empire of the Hand, suggests friendly trade relations begin

Unknown Regions safer than ever due to Nuso Evsa's death

Ssi-Ruu narrowly fend off Chiss assault and New Republic task force
Martial, either supply lines or military intel restructuring. Leaning towards the latter since we already have infiltrators.
I wouldn't worry about the Intel one yet. Our supply lines are BROKEN.
Intrigue, command codes and agency standards.
The first turn was when Command Codes would have been worth it. Now we will get a lesser result from them but the same amount of anger for using them. Maybe more since they've had a turn to get things settled.

It was very clearly a diminishing returns sort of action and since we did Lobbyists on the first turn to make us seem neutral a direct provocation now goes directly against that.

If we had done both on the same turn they would have been mad but the Lobbyists could have smoothed it out. I don't think we have a method of doing that anymore.
It probably should have been obvious, but I was still (pleasantly) surprised by how various actions synchronized with each other. It'll definitely be a major consideration of myself in the future when making plans.
We just need to remember to park Star Destroyer or two over their temple.

For security reasons of course.
Have patrols nearby you mean. It is also in fact logically understandable. Can't have an enemy fleet destroy our Force Users by surprise after all.
Considering that the same happened with the secular identity action, I'm inclined to think that it's more a reflection of our advisor being upset with us, and consequently not being forthcoming with us.
I'd bet on this mostly. Guy's been on the run for decades during the Imperial era, he won't trust easily, and so he won't be super forthcoming with the ins and outs of his operations just in case we try to pull another Knightfall. So it would be in our best interests to try to get him to like or at least respect us.
So who thinks he is on the up and up? Considering this is Legends, there Grey Jedi come in one of two flavors: light-leaning but with a history of darkness, or darksiders pretending to be otherwise. Jolee Bindu, Revan, and Kyle Katarn for the former, Kreia, Vergere, and Jacen Solo for the latter. And even Revan fell in the end again, with a literally fractured psyche.
So who thinks he is on the up and up? Considering this is Legends, there Grey Jedi come in one of two flavors: light-leaning but with a history of darkness, or darksiders pretending to be otherwise. Jolee Bindu, Revan, and Kyle Katarn for the former, Kreia, Vergere, and Jacen Solo for the latter. And even Revan fell in the end again, with a literally fractured psyche.
He MIGHT be on the up and up...but considering one of his Mentors is the Holocron of the Darkside!Sith Inquisitor from SWTOR, I'm not betting on it.
So I think we can all agree that next turn we should spend time to get to know Kanuas then? Because we're specifically working off of limited information right now and have gotten off on the wrong foot with him immediately, making real observations hard to come by
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He MIGHT be on the up and up...but considering one of his Mentors is the Holocron of the Darkside!Sith Inquisitor from SWTOR, I'm not betting on it.
I played that storyline in SWTOR. Nox is a squirrely bastard, and pretty much psychotic on a full Dark Side playthrough. I got the nicer but still eccentric Light Side version.

...did you know that in the Shadow of Revan expansion, Nox acquired a technique for full-bore immortality? What if our advisor IS Darth Nox? In the flesh?
So I think we can all agree that next turn we should spend time to get to know Kanuas then? Because we're specifically working off of limited information right now and have gotten off on the wrong foot with him immediately.
Agreed, although I'd feel safer with a yslamiri or two on hand.
So I think we can all agree that next turn we should spend time to get to know Kanuas then? Because we're specifically working off of limited information right now and have gotten off on the wrong foot with him immediately, making real information hard to come by

It seems pretty clear. He explicitly wanted the temple. We did not do the temple.

He is still suspicious as all hell but his current dissatisfaction is simple enough to figure out.
...did you know that in the Shadow of Revan expansion, Nox acquired a technique for full-bore immortality? What if our advisor IS Darth Nox? In the flesh?
Scary thought, but not impossible. Though I kinda doubt it.

I played that storyline in SWTOR. Nox is a squirrely bastard, and pretty much psychotic on a full Dark Side playthrough. I got the nicer but still eccentric Light Side version.
Yeah, I gotta be honest, I can never play a Darkside Character in SWTOR. Like, I literally just can't. I'm incapable of being evil in Video Games. I find being good(-ish) so much more rewarding. Not to mention that Lightside!Imperials are, in my Opinion, the most interesting Protagonist in the Game.
I played that storyline in SWTOR. Nox is a squirrely bastard, and pretty much psychotic on a full Dark Side playthrough. I got the nicer but still eccentric Light Side version.
Then again, none of the SWTOR protagonists have an actual ending. And especially once we hit the Eternal Empire storyline it can diverge massively. So add another ? to what our Force Advisor is like
...did you know that in the Shadow of Revan expansion, Nox acquired a technique for full-bore immortality? What if our advisor IS Darth Nox? In the flesh?
Hm... very interesting. But then again Valkorion was immortal too, and that didn't save him. So maybe but I doubt that nothing could have killed the guy in all these millennia.
Agreed, although I'd feel safer with a yslamiri or two on hand.
Well that's just common sense. Even when dealing with goody-two-shoes, fully Light Aligned Luke Skywalker keep one around.
Learning the history as it played out here would be nice, although default endings for the PCs was Dark for Imps and Light for Republic. Makes me wonder who the commander was here.
If it was Nox who became the Outlander that would be surprisingly fitting. What better combatant to face the Emperor in the realm of the soul than the Force User who has virtually mastered connecting to the spirits of the dead? Although that does have an interesting question... how did he change, if at all, over the events of this time?

Edit: Not to say that the SW or JK are unfitting, just that this development is logical as well
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