Voting is open
I understand that, I just hoped that if a planet or series of planets had a significant amount of resources that private investors would try to build them up for profit without it requiring governmental attention.

A big part of it is that you're operating on the Empire's system at the moment. Which is very much dedicated to centralized wealth and power. You'll be getting a governmental reform option turn 2 to try and fix that.
As military marchers does have a strong lead, I'll be closing the vote here.

Highlights of the turn involve Nuso Evsa's death, Pallaeon getting the first trait upgrade of the quest, a firefight killing Charles Hilinger, and a Mandalorian bounty hunter that wounds Eshu. Results should be out today or tomorrow.
Scheduled vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Jun 25, 2021 at 9:58 PM, finished with 59 posts and 28 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Military Marchers
    -[X] Ensure Border Security - With your proximity to both the Unknown Regions and to the Core, you have little doubt that adventurous parties will begin raiding nearby areas. While your own forces may be adequate, with the upcoming reforms, they will struggle to maintain their patrols. An increase in resources would allow for much more thorough anti-piracy measures but would last only as long as funding was provided, along with military vessels. Cost: 130. Takes a portion of your fleet and tasks them to anti-piracy duties full-time. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Much greater bonus to combatting piracy.
    -[X] Farryn's Complete Military Overhaul - You hired Admiral Baidan for this reason. To rebuild the military from the ground up. Not a single stone will be left unturned. If there is a technology or tactic out there, it will be investigated and integrated. The sheer amount of work is immense and with the indoctrination within the Imperial Army, you have little doubt that you'll be facing significant resistance due to inertia. But it must be done. Cost: 800 while in progress. Time: 3 turns (25 Turns till Completion). Reward: -50% military strength. Increases by 4% per turn.
    -[X] Hire Lobbyists in other Empires - Athaen's suggestion, and one you happen to agree with, by hiring lobbyists in other empires, you can help influence their thoughts on your empire. While more effective in the New Republic than your immediate neighbors, there is a second part to lobbying, that being finding the right men to pay. Among you, Voss, and Pallaeon, you have no shortage of knowledge to wield. Cost: 100. Upkeep: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Moderate relationship improvement for all major empires.
    -[X] Begin Taking in Chiss Refugees - While you were banished from your home empire, there is a steady stream of your kind that wanders out of the Ascendancy. Why let them go to your potential enemies when they would be much happier working for a fellow Chiss? Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Gain a steady stream of Chiss refugees.
    -[X] Anti-Corruption Initiatives - Vipik is no stranger to greed and embezzlement, but while he says some corruption is necessary for a government, the level within your empire is far from acceptable. By introducing a set of sweeping reforms, you will make your empire far more meritocratic even if many high-ranking officials will have issues. Cost: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: ~220 income increase.
    -[X] Banking and Finance Reform - One of the Empire's many faults was its nationalization of the Intergalactic Banking Clan. Under new governmental direction, it has become a far more... political entity compared to the prior few centuries, accelerating a trend that began in the decades prior to the Naboo Crisis... That is to say, it is far more corrupt and less efficient than it has once been. With the banks privatized once more (under certain guidelines of course) they will now once more be subject to market forces, and, at least Vipik seems to believe, will reduce our interest rates and encourage the growth of the Empire of the Hand's economy. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Reduce interest rates on debt by one stage (5% -> 2% -> 0.5%)
    -[X] Restructure Intelligence Agencies - As of now, the majority of your spy network (what little there is) operates using a fairly standard Imperial Intelligence protocol, just like every other Imperial Warlord in the galaxy. As a result, it is vulnerable to infiltration from former colleagues who will know how the organization operates. This must be stopped as soon as possible. Cen Kam will make changes to the structure and protocols of your network to confuse anyone who would use the old ways as a means of bypassing your security. Cost: 300. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Negate enemy bonuses for similar spy agencies.
    -[X] Anti-Corruption Agency - While the BIR proposal is a step in the right direction, Cen Kam has an additional proposal to root out corruption. A branch with the most loyal and fanatical of intelligence agents, its task is to root out corruption within your departments. This is something you would rather take sooner than later. Cost: 100. Upkeep: 5. Time: 1 turn. Reward: ~150 income increase. Reduced corruption.
    -[X] Cloning Research - Although officially highly illegal according to Imperial law and intensely regulated under Republic law, cloning technology has been progressing in the less... stringent parts of the galaxy for many years. Among the most well-known cloning locations are Lur, Khomm, Arkania, and Kamino. The benefits of such a technology are numerous, largely in medical practice for the replacement of limbs and organs, but also can be used for other purposes. With proper funding, you will put your scientists to work on unlocking its secrets and perhaps even make new innovations in the field. Cost: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Gain further insights into cloning.
    -[X] Private Research Grants - One of the problems with the galactic economy is the lack of innovation. While there is good reason for it, there are methods within your government that would slightly help matters. Unfortunately, true discoveries are nigh on impossible, but an increased variety in services and goods are rather likely. The increase in the economy would be quite promising. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: ~70 income increase.
    -[X] Mundane Training: Although Kanuas wishes for his order to focus primarily on uncovering the secrets of the Force, its members must still be instructed in the less... mystical skills that they will likely need to make use of. Blaster training, field medicine, starship piloting, mechanical engineering, and survivalism are but a few examples of such courses. While it may be wise to wait until their force training is settled, having them focus on the less mystical aspects primarily would be useful. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Trainees get better at non-Force skills.
    -[X] Ensure A Secular Identity Within The Organization - Xuyul Kanuas intends to produce an order of Force users who will have access to all of its powers rather than being entirely dedicated to one part of the force. However, the interaction between adherents of the "Light" and the "Dark" in the past has had a tendency to erupt into violent schisms, and as a result, much effort will be required to ensure his new students at least tolerate one another. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Reduce tensions between students in the order.
    -[X] Create A Custom Bodyguard Unit - Eshu is a fantastic bodyguard. Patient, alert, highly trained, and seemingly never requiring sleep, at least for as long as anyone can see her. However she is still but one person, and in her view, this is not sufficient to protect you. With your permission, she may hire and train additional bodyguards who will both be capable of complementing her skills and functioning autonomously if she were indisposed. Cost: 10. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Elite bodyguard force for Thrawn obtained.
    -[X] Complete Security Overhaul - It is times like these where it is very clear that Eshu Tenrar was once an assassin of impeccable quality. According to her, within only a week of exploration, she has found two avenues to allow your demise within your personal home, and if a contract killer worth their salt was given the task of killing you there would be months for them to find more. If given the resources, she could redesign the palace into a veritable nightmare for any would-be hitman to overcome... You just hope that the aesthetics remain pleasing. Cost: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Palace completely swept and security holes closed.
    [X] Plan We Need Money
    -[X] Farryn's Officer Retraining Crash Course
    -[X] Systemic Fortification Construction Stage 1
    -[X] Contact Banking Guilds and Clans
    -[X] Begin Taking In Chiss Refugees
    -[X] Anti-Corruption Initiatives
    -[X] Banking And Finance Reform
    -[X] Restructure Intelligence Agencies
    -[X] Anti-Corruption Agency
    -[X] Private Research Grants
    -[X] Chronicle Force Techniques And Sects
    -[X] Ensure A Secular Identity Within The Organization
    --[X] Double Down
    -[X] Spend Time With
    --[X] Xuyul Kanuas
    -[X] Complete Security Overhaul
    [X] Plan: Prepare For Trouble
    -[X] Rebuild Command and Supply Centers - With the sudden lack of central power within the galaxy, the hierarchy of your forces is in chaos. In order to conduct major offensives without suffering due to poor communication, the command and supply centers must be rebuilt and redesigned for the current state of affairs. If you can avoid major wars, then you could get away with delaying this, but if a major war occurs, you would suffer without these supply lines. Cost: 250. Time: 1 turn. Reward: No penalties during major wars due to poor supply and communication.
    -[X] Systemic Fortification Construction Stage 1 - Your navy is … anemic. With a mere 300 vessels and 100 times that many planets, any war would see your worlds being taken in short order. Ships are far too expensive, and so your only option is defensive installations. Voss did make this as his brainchild, and thanks to your advice, this first stage will cover worlds of importance as well as those positions near potential hostile forces. Cost: 400. Upkeep: 4. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Fortifications on key worlds and those in danger capable of repelling minor fleets on their own.
    -[X] Hire Lobbyists in other Empires - Athaen's suggestion, and one you happen to agree with, by hiring lobbyists in other empires, you can help influence their thoughts on your empire. While more effective in the New Republic than your immediate neighbors, there is a second part to lobbying, that being finding the right men to pay. Among you, Voss, and Pallaeon, you have no shortage of knowledge to wield. Cost: 100. Upkeep: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Moderate relationship improvement for all major empires.
    -[X] Begin Taking in Chiss Refugees - While you were banished from your home empire, there is a steady stream of your kind that wanders out of the Ascendancy. Why let them go to your potential enemies when they would be much happier working for a fellow Chiss? Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Gain a steady stream of Chiss refugees.
    -[X] Adjusting for Palpatine's Death - With the economy in chaos, action must be taken. Changing the tax system along with many minor adjustments would allow you to successfully navigate the chaos that his death is caused while the economy recovers. However, the stimulus the economy needs will most certainly be costly, almost to the point of making you wonder if it is necessary. Cost: 600. Time: 1 turn. Reward: ~220 income increase.
    -[X] Anti-Corruption Initiatives - Vipik is no stranger to greed and embezzlement, but while he says some corruption is necessary for a government, the level within your empire is far from acceptable. By introducing a set of sweeping reforms, you will make your empire far more meritocratic even if many high-ranking officials will have issues. Cost: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: ~220 income increase.
    -[X] Use Your Command Codes - While your command codes are certainly out of date, you know how bureaucracy functions. If you act swiftly, then you can take full advantage of your credentials. However, their very nature works against you. If you do, your actions will be known. And do you wish the Empire's anger to turn towards you? Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Gain information, wealth, and contacts in unknown amounts. ???
    -[X] Restructure Intelligence Agencies - As of now, the majority of your spy network (what little there is) operates using a fairly standard Imperial Intelligence protocol, just like every other Imperial Warlord in the galaxy. As a result, it is vulnerable to infiltration from former colleagues who will know how the organization operates. This must be stopped as soon as possible. Cen Kam will make changes to the structure and protocols of your network to confuse anyone who would use the old ways as a means of bypassing your security. Cost: 300. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Negate enemy bonuses for similar spy agencies.
    -[X] Clone Wars Era Clone Template - It is Nairtuu's belief that the Grand Army of the Republic was the most well-trained and disciplined organic fighting force in galactic history. Although perhaps an exaggeration, it is no secret that the Clone Troopers far outpaced the skill of traditional military forces, in part due to the quality of their template, the deadly Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. If given enough time, it is believed that Fett's DNA can be recovered and used to create another elite corps of soldiers, this time in your own service. Cost: 100. Time: 3 turns. Reward: Gain the ability to reproduce Clone Troopers.
    -[X] Cloning Research - Although officially highly illegal according to Imperial law and intensely regulated under Republic law, cloning technology has been progressing in the less... stringent parts of the galaxy for many years. Among the most well-known cloning locations are Lur, Khomm, Arkania, and Kamino. The benefits of such a technology are numerous, largely in medical practice for the replacement of limbs and organs, but also can be used for other purposes. With proper funding, you will put your scientists to work on unlocking its secrets and perhaps even make new innovations in the field. Cost: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Gain further insights into cloning.
    -[X] Fortress For The Order - Just as the Jedi and the Sith have had their own temples and enclaves throughout the ages, Kanuas desires that the same be constructed for his own order. In this time of conflict, defensibility will be a more significant factor in its design than usual, but it will still possess all of the facilities required to further the students' education. However, you suspect that his desire for a fortress stems from another factor that he has yet to share. Despite this, his insistence on the importance of this action must be taken into account. Cost: 200. Time: 2 turns. Reward: Fortress for the order. Order name subvote.
    -[X] Ensure A Secular Identity Within The Organization - Xuyul Kanuas intends to produce an order of Force users who will have access to all of its powers rather than being entirely dedicated to one part of the force. However, the interaction between adherents of the "Light" and the "Dark" in the past has had a tendency to erupt into violent schisms, and as a result, much effort will be required to ensure his new students at least tolerate one another. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Reduce tensions between students in the order.
    -[X] Create A Custom Bodyguard Unit - Eshu is a fantastic bodyguard. Patient, alert, highly trained, and seemingly never requiring sleep, at least for as long as anyone can see her. However she is still but one person, and in her view, this is not sufficient to protect you. With your permission, she may hire and train additional bodyguards who will both be capable of complementing her skills and functioning autonomously if she were indisposed. Cost: 10. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Elite bodyguard force for Thrawn obtained.
    -[X] Bodyguards For Other Advisors And Agents - "No man is an island" is a saying common across the galaxy. It is so common in fact that no linguist or historian has yet been able to trace back its origin. Regardless, it certainly holds true, and it would behoove you not to heed those words. While you are well-protected courtesy of your bodyguard and some of your compatriots are indeed capable of defending themselves, it would be irresponsible not to ensure that such vital personnel are kept safe. Eshu has proposed that she get into contact with trustworthy individuals who can fulfill a similar role for your advisors and VIPs as she does for you. Cost: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Advisors and admirals given skilled bodyguard forces.
reading over everything again and Informational Status of the Empire of the Hand says we have Keystone Shipyards: 0 Major Shipyards: 0 Minor Shipyards: 0 but the second paragraph before picking a long term goal says (But even your own skills may not be enough for the task at hand. You hold a mere 30 thousand planets, a tiny fraction of the systems within the galaxy. And you have but a single world capable of producing frigates and cruisers. Star destroyers and above are beyond your reach for the immediate future.) so shouldn't it be 1 minor shipyard?
reading over everything again and Informational Status of the Empire of the Hand says we have Keystone Shipyards: 0 Major Shipyards: 0 Minor Shipyards: 0 but the second paragraph before picking a long term goal says (But even your own skills may not be enough for the task at hand. You hold a mere 30 thousand planets, a tiny fraction of the systems within the galaxy. And you have but a single world capable of producing frigates and cruisers. Star destroyers and above are beyond your reach for the immediate future.) so shouldn't it be 1 minor shipyard?

You would be right, that's a mistake on my part that I just fixed.

That motherfucker! Do we have leads?

Mandalorian in grey armor that goes by the pseudonym Solus. High end bounty hunter specializing in assassinations. Can be tracked down via bounty hunter guilds if desired, although it's recommended not to as they were just fulfilling a bounty that has since been rescinded.

He was one of your advisor choices for a personal assistant, he's the one that would have involved fleecing him of everything.
So someone had the sense to try and take out the resident military genius before he can shake up the galaxy :V
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Turn 1 Results 4 ABY Part 1
The past six months clearly show that you live in interesting times. While one of your foes has been dealt with, another still remains. And the death of the first has resulted in a rather elegant dead man's operation that involved a bounty that had no less than three elite bounty hunters attempt to end your own life. While your new bodyguard is sporting new scars as a result, you have far less to worry about thanks to the improvements in palace security, even if your own bodyguard force has been delayed as a result of Eshu's injuries.

Meanwhile Zaarin has proven to be more dangerous, having captured To-phalian station before being blockaded by Voss. While your forces do have superior strength, even with the modifications still partially completed, they are unable to advance on the station itself without grievous loss of ships. Voss has estimated that while he thinks he could take the station, he would lose at least 9 in 10 of his ships doing so.

Admiral Pallaeon, however, has outdone himself. Despite working with subpar vessels due to the continuing reforms, despite facing an enemy whose tactical acumen can make you concerned, despite starfighter inferiority, Admiral Pallaeon not only won, he did so in exceptional manner.

When you granted him the use of your empire's single Executor, you didn't expect him to use it as bait. Faking an overextension due to poor fleet coordination, the pouncing on the Ties with anti-starfighter frigates and Ties of his own was already an exemplary showing that you would approve of.

Then he kept performing at such a level.

Now that he had starfighter superiority, he ruthlessly exploited his advantages as Nuso Evsa began to retreat. Losing a star destroy equivalent, the warlord did initially appear as he was about to escape, before Pallaeon revealed his trump card as two Immobilizer cruisers appeared in the system, preventing Nuso Evsa from doing what he desired.

This time, using the Executor as a shield, Palleaeon was able to send several unopposed Tie Bomber waves that destroyed Evsa's flagship, with him on board. Shortly after their leader perished, the rest of his fleet surrendered, leaving you with an assortment of alien vessels.

*Nuso Evsa deceased. Minor damage to Executor (repaired), minor Tie losses (replaced).*
*Gain 2 Alien Victory equivalents, 8 Strike equivalents, 28 Carrack equivalents.*
*Pallaeon upgrades command bonus from x4 to x7.*

Unfortunately for you, Nuso Evsa proved to be a troublesome foe even in death. With your empire being the one responsible for his death, his policy for his own death triggered. A massive bounty was set on your head, financed by several warships that had been captured by your forces or destroyed.

But even bounty hunters have their own standards of bureaucracy, and your own security was accidentally given an incredibly thorough stress test. While you are still alive and uninjured, you must admit that a major reason was Eshu's own performance.

Military: Not one to waste time, Far - Admiral Baidan has thrown the agency into chaos. Voss' rather pointed glare at what you had unleashed upon the organization was well deserved, but the improvements she makes possible swayed you to hire her. Despite her eccentricities. You wonder which one of you will break first. You suspect that you'll be the one that ends up calling her Farryn instead of her learning to call you by your title. (Choose 2)

Ensure Border Security - With your proximity to both the Unknown Regions and to the Core, you have little doubt that adventurous parties will begin raiding nearby areas. While your own forces may be adequate, with the upcoming reforms, they will struggle to maintain their patrols. An increase in resources would allow for much more thorough anti-piracy measures but would last only as long as funding was provided, along with military vessels. Cost: 130. Takes a portion of your fleet and tasks them to anti-piracy duties full-time. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Much greater bonus to combatting piracy.

(40, 41, 62). Success with minor benefits.

One of the hallmarks of a successful empire is a lack of piracy. While you are proud to have kept interstellar crime at low levels without the need for personal intervention, the simple reality is that during this time you have never had to deal with a civilization collapsing.

As such, shortly after Admiral Baidan was hired, you ordered her to take action and intensify commerce patrol missions. Over the course of several months, she did just that while adding in false transports filled with Tie Fighters. The few pirates that did enter your space quickly discovered a military that while in the midst of a major overhaul, was far from toothless. Casualty rates amongst your Ties were heavier than normal, but within acceptable limits as they attempted to get used to the wide variety of alterations that had been made in tactics, formations, and individual components and controls within their starfighters.

During the course of these patrols, you were able to capture several fairly poorly made ships. While their quality is such that they would never be allowed to be used by your military outside of exceptional circumstances, they did carry a variety of goods primarily from the core. A few did contain wealth from the Pentastar Alignment, but over the course of weeks, that proportion declined. Nonetheless, Athaen has suggested the idea of extending anti-pirate patrols to nearby worlds, which would help exert some soft influence while also contributing to an image of desiring peace and stability.

*Pirates dealt with. +40 billion credits of loot. New military action to extend anti-pirate patrols to nearby star systems.*

Farryn's Complete Military Overhaul - You hired Admiral Baidan for this reason. To rebuild the military from the ground up. Not a single stone will be left unturned. If there is a technology or tactic out there, it will be investigated and integrated. The sheer amount of work is immense and with the indoctrination within the Imperial Army, you have little doubt that you'll be facing significant resistance due to inertia. But it must be done. Cost: 800 while in progress. Time: 3 turns (25 Turns till Completion). Reward: -50% military strength. Increases by 4% per turn.

(19, 35, 81). Bare Success with minor complications and minor benefits. 1/3 turns locked.

Admiral Baidan's military overhaul has begun to be implemented. Currently nearly all your vessels are in some state of disrepair, with many of them lacking secondary weapons. Additionally, the transition to new variants of Ties and new control systems for your ships have led to many officers and crew members decrying what they view as pandering to nonhumans.

Unfortunately while your military is less humanocentristic than your neighbors, a large majority of them are Empire, which has led to significant pushback to your Enchani admiral's reforms. Complicating the matter was a new uniform that incorporated several safety features including a life support system that would last for 5 minutes in an emergency. There was significant outcry to what the military viewed as replacing their cultural identity, necessitating a recall of the uniform and its replacement with one that looked nearly identical to the current style.

This has revealed one of the inefficiencies in your military industrial complex, namely a lack of true diversity thanks to the monopoly that the Empire built on weapons factories. A proposal to diversify them has been proposed which should reduce the maintenance of your fleet and army by a notable amount. Additionally, there has been talk of designing a new Stormtrooper variant to better fit your circumstances while offering greater protection despite the increased cost such an action would bring. While the proposition is still developing, you can expect suggested designs to be hitting Dr. Nairtuu's desk in another six months.

*Significant pushback from the military, although it is manageable for now. -50 billion credits due to equipment recalls and logistical inefficiencies. New action to diversify military factories.*

Diplomacy: Athaen has settled into her role, and has strongly suggested that she begin hiring lobbyists within other states. Beyond that, you're faced with a plethora of options in regards to what to do. This will take careful consideration. (Choose 2)

Hire Lobbyists in other Empires - Athaen's suggestion, and one you happen to agree with, by hiring lobbyists in other empires, you can help influence their thoughts on your empire. While more effective in the New Republic than your immediate neighbors, there is a second part to lobbying, that being finding the right men to pay. Among you, Voss, and Pallaeon, you have no shortage of knowledge to wield. Cost: 100. Upkeep: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Moderate relationship improvement for all major empires.

(87, 47, 75) Great success with minor benefits.

Athaen has been rather pleased with your priorities for the year, explaining that thus far you are well positioned to take advantage of the death of Nuso Evsa as well as taking a strong stand on piracy. The lobbyists she has hired in other galactic powers have had a considerable effect in making you seem uninterested in the current power struggles in the galaxy, instead preferring to try and ensure stability within your space.

While Kaine does seem to have suspicions, the other powers have turned their attention away from you, instead focusing on the other powers. Additionally, there has been a mild uptick of positive inclination within the Rebel Alliance in regards to the Empire of the Hand, although this was rather quickly reversed thanks to several of your past missions against their organization coming to light. Nonetheless, the democratic nature of the Rebel Alliance, or New Republic as they are now known, has made them uniquely vulnerable to propaganda from your empire.

Athaen has proposed targeting the New Republic in particular due to this weakness, however, she seems to be more inline with deepening the lobbying in progress to lower levels of government. Already a proposal to expand to targeting individual sectors has been proposed, and while you lack the funds to target individual planets, Athaen does believe targeting key worlds would be possible, if expensive.

*Political lobbying in all galactic powers present. New Republic found to be uniquely vulnerable. Other empires view Thrawn as concerned primarily with stability in his areas. New action to increase PR actions in the New Republic unlocked. New action to deepen lobbying to lower levels of government unlocked.*

Begin Taking in Chiss Refugees - While you were banished from your home empire, there is a steady stream of your kind that wanders out of the Ascendancy. Why let them go to your potential enemies when they would be much happier working for a fellow Chiss? Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Gain a steady stream of Chiss refugees.

(28, 89, 38). Success with minor complications.

You now have a steady stream of Chiss refugees joining your empire. While the numbers are enough for your purposes, you do wish that there were more. Unfortunately, it would seem that the Chiss Ascendancy noticed your actions.

Thankfully for you, they seem to be using your recruitment as a way to ensure that Chiss with problematic political stances in line with yours do not change the cultural stability of their empire. And as a result have put a system in place for this. However, by the same token you expect that attempts to increase the level of immigration from the Chiss Ascendancy would result in a far more hostile response. Athaen has reported that they have made suggestions that doing so would lead to a military task force ensuring that no "traitors" to the Ascendancy tried to hide within your space. Unfortunate, but acceptable.

The Chiss that you have taken in have brought a wealth of information to your empire's R&D complex. There's a number of possible uses for them, including several admirals and generals that have joined your military force. Dr. Nairtuu has already proposed several engineering ideas that would involve hybridizing Chiss and Empire military technologies in conservative fashion.

*Small stream of Chiss immigration to your empire. Further increases possible, but unwise to attempt. Farryn's Officer Retraining Crash Course penalty reduced to 20%. New action to hybridize Chiss and Empire ship design.*

Stewardship: The economy is in shambles with the Emperor's death, and your economic base was already problematic, to begin with. Vipik, thankfully, has ideas. While many of them will not have an impact for years to come due to the nature of infrastructure, you have few plans of invading others over the course of the next few years. Or at least, none that you have shared. (Choose 2)

Anti-Corruption Initiatives - Vipik is no stranger to greed and embezzlement, but while he says some corruption is necessary for a government, the level within your empire is far from acceptable. By introducing a set of sweeping reforms, you will make your empire far more meritocratic even if many high-ranking officials will have issues. Cost: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: ~220 income increase.

(16, 6, 21). Critical failure.

"Vipik, I find myself in the unpleasant situation of requiring an explanation." You keep your voice calm, ensuring a depiction of politeness as you speak.

The Muun before you is nervous, glancing at the datapad that contains their notes. "I … apologize for my actions, I was not expecting such a foolish response."

"There was a firefight, and no less than three greatly influential officials are dead. Do explain how this came to be." A hint of menace enters your tone. While you have read all the reports,- and much of the blame resides squarely on Chares Hilinger's idiotic decisions, Vipik himself has yet to absolve himself of blame.

"Well sir, the initiatives were a success at first, and despite several convictions, we stuck to large fines as opposed to imprisonment to avoid unrest." A mistake in hindsight, although one you can understand from a logical standpoint. "Then we came to the Hilinger family, and while most of them were cooperative, Charles Hilinger attempted to … use a year's worth of drugs in a day." One of the unsurprising aspects of the incident, you would have been surprised if Charles hadn't been addicted to some high end version of Spice. "After which, when these drugs were being confiscated, he hired several low quality mercenary bands to secure them."

"And then you escalated." Your statement is utterly devoid of emotion, spoken as if stating the weather. "5 dead stormtroopers, 30 dead mercenaries, Charles Hilinger perished, along with two of his family members who happened to be visiting."

"That is correct sir." Vipik swallows as you stare at him, waiting until the Muun brakes and volunteers information on the consequences. "Several … wealthy individuals are concerned that we are attempting a purge, and have hidden stockpiles of their wealth, leaving us in the same situation we were at."

"I assume that the economy is in turmoil?" In such events, it almost always is, although perhaps with Palpatine's recent death, it might have been hidden in the galactic recession.

"Not yet sir, but I would strongly suggest we implement the economic stimulus as soon as possible."

*Technically successful, but fears of a purge have led to rich individuals intensifying tax fraud. Firefight within the Hilinger estate leads to the death of Charles Hilinger. Strongly advised Palpatine's Death Adjustments be taken next turn.*

Banking and Finance Reform - One of the Empire's many faults was its nationalization of the Intergalactic Banking Clan. Under new governmental direction, it has become a far more... political entity compared to the prior few centuries, accelerating a trend that began in the decades prior to the Naboo Crisis... That is to say, it is far more corrupt and less efficient than it has once been. With the banks privatized once more (under certain guidelines of course) they will now once more be subject to market forces, and, at least Vipik seems to believe, will reduce our interest rates and encourage the growth of the Empire of the Hand's economy. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Reduce interest rates on debt by one stage (5% -> 2% -> 0.5%)

(75, 19, 4). Success.

Seemingly shaken by the results of his other task, Vipik took to banking reform with a much more cautious approach. While the lack of a central bank does have consequences due to the lending rates, the interest as of now is manageable with the creation of several regional banks. It's an uninspired method, but one deeply rooted in galactic history. There are talks about merging the regional banks into a single central bank, but Vipik is against this, arguing that such a bank would drive private ones out of business. You have your doubts on this, and suspect he might be biased, but for now the situation is acceptable.

Additionally, there seems to be a slight increase in economic recovery due to the increased lending amount within your empire. While it isn't enough to truly make an impact on your GDP, you expect to see a very slight decrease in poverty as a result.

*Interest rates on government debt reduced to 2%. Very slight decrease in poverty.*

Intrigue: Cen Kam has taken to a stereotypical human female appearance while maintaining immense professionalism that you have found to be quite enjoyable. While she has found a number of issues already thanks to her work ethic, there is a part of you that is concerned as to the number of hours she works. (Choose 2)

Restructure Intelligence Agencies - As of now, the majority of your spy network (what little there is) operates using a fairly standard Imperial Intelligence protocol, just like every other Imperial Warlord in the galaxy. As a result, it is vulnerable to infiltration from former colleagues who will know how the organization operates. This must be stopped as soon as possible. Cen Kam will make changes to the structure and protocols of your network to confuse anyone who would use the old ways as a means of bypassing your security. Cost: 300. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Negate enemy bonuses for similar spy agencies.

(48, 29, 55). Success.

The planned restructuring of your agencies has been completed within the allotted time frame and on budget. Cen Kam has been careful to keep you updated on the progress of the restructuring, and you do have a deep understanding of your own organization thanks to her reports.

The new agency has a focus on tiers of security, with different levels of information having increasing security levels on them. Additionally, there has been a transition from centralized reporting and data storage to a more decentralized system which has helped ensure that any security breaches will have less of an impact than normal.

However, this restructuring did lead to one new agent disappearing, which resulted in Cen Kam assigning Philip Sole to an investigation on what occurred. Based on his findings, it seems that a part of your security was breached, and information on your economic policies was leaked. While it certainly could have been worse, Cen Kam has recommended a countersecurity sweep to ensure that no other enemy agents currently reside within your organization. She has admitted that the restructuring has likely flushed them out, but also considers the possibility that some remain to be a non-negligible risk.

Additionally, Agent Sole has managed to track down the direction which the double agent fled, and while he lacks hard evidence, you, him, and Cen Kam agree that the likely culprit was the Pentastar Alignment. You must admit that you underestimated Grand Moff Kaine, it seems that his intelligence services are more competent than initially suspected, even if he has yet to truly penetrate your internal security since the restructuring.

*Agency restructured. Pentastar Alignment agent flushed out.*

Anti-Corruption Agency - While the BIR proposal is a step in the right direction, Cen Kam has an additional proposal to root out corruption. A branch with the most loyal and fanatical of intelligence agents, its task is to root out corruption within your departments. This is something you would rather take sooner than later. Cost: 100. Upkeep: 5. Time: 1 turn. Reward: ~150 income increase. Reduced corruption.

(60, 15, 63). Success with minor complications.

The anti-corruption agency is both a success and problem. Perhaps that's being uncharitable, but the corruption within your empire is not just embedded deeply, but rather a product of the empire's economic policies. The amount of centralization encourages bribery and lining pockets, making it a feature rather than a sign of corrupt officials. For these reasons, the fear of a purge was already present, and the firefight in the Hilinger manor only exacerbated issues.

While Cen Kam has created an anti-corruption agency, due to the events surrounding your anti-corruption initiatives, she has been forced to have the agency act in secret. Rather than arresting culprits openly, the new agency liaises with your intelligence services to ensure the disappearances and arrests are quiet, and that settlements are done under the table. And while this does work, it is clear that a much more in depth solution is needed.

Your government needs restructuring, and drift from the policies of the Empire. The Empire of the Hand simply isn't largely enough to do what Palpatine did, and you believe that even on a galactic scale it would be flawed. What you need is a shift from the policies of old to ones that work better.

*Income increased. Pseudo secret police in effect. New action to restructure government. Strongly recommended it be taken due to present inefficiencies.*

Learning: The cloning knowledge that Dr. Nairtuu will be incredibly useful. But you must take advantage of it as soon as possible. As for her other projects, they are rather dull to read but come with an immense amount of information that you slog through nonetheless. In summary, you expect a return on your investment that while minor, will occur regardless of circumstance. (Choose 2)

Cloning Research - Although officially highly illegal according to Imperial law and intensely regulated under Republic law, cloning technology has been progressing in the less... stringent parts of the galaxy for many years. Among the most well-known cloning locations are Lur, Khomm, Arkania, and Kamino. The benefits of such a technology are numerous, largely in medical practice for the replacement of limbs and organs, but also can be used for other purposes. With proper funding, you will put your scientists to work on unlocking its secrets and perhaps even make new innovations in the field. Cost: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Gain further insights into cloning.

(79, 9, 66). Great Success.

Dr. Nairtuu has done what you asked. Using her experience with cloning as well as building on well founded scientific fields, she has managed to achieve variations of the standard cloning template capable of aging at a rate anywhere between 0.8 and 4 times as fast as normal aging. Additionally, she has suggested looking into the Ysalamiri, as they have the potential to allow for unheard of aging rates allowing you to gain immediate access to soldiers within mere months of time.

Moreover, she has managed to reduce cloning costs by approximately 10%, further improvements will require more practical experience, but Dr. Nairtuu is confident in being able to achieve a 25% cost reduction if given time. All that remains is to begin production of clones for the economy or wait until you have redeveloped the original clone template with the improvements that have been discovered.

*Gain ability to age clones between 0.8 and 4 times the normal rate. Reduce cloning costs by 10%. Unlock action to research Ysalamiri in cloning. Once clones begin production, unlock an action to reduce cost further.*

Private Research Grants - One of the problems with the galactic economy is the lack of innovation. While there is good reason for it, there are methods within your government that would slightly help matters. Unfortunately, true discoveries are nigh on impossible, but an increased variety in services and goods are rather likely. The increase in the economy would be quite promising. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: ~70 income increase.

(66, 61, 71) Great success.

The introduction of private research complexes has been a great success. While Dr. Nairtuu's original goals were relatively conservative, Cen Kam intervened when it became clear that there was a surplus of sites under construction. Using them as political bribes, she managed to somewhat calm tensions among the richest within your empire.

While you would have hoped for other uses for the complexes, namely in the field of civilian development, you can understand her actions. And after a brief meeting in which she explained her reasoning, you simply complimented her initiative and sent her out. As things are, you no longer have to worry about wealthy individuals fleeing your space or beginning some sort of rebellion, although you expect that you should tread carefully to allow them to cool off further.

Nonetheless, it's good that you don't have to give your personal attention to the empire's problems. And the quality of your subordinates thus far has been acceptable.

*Economy improves slightly. Tensions among wealthy families in the Empire of the Hand reduced.*

Lore: While you may understand the rest of your advisors, Kaunas himself, is an incredibly closed-off individual. Cen Kam has expressed concerns over this level of secrecy, but you must acknowledge that openness from a former Jedi would be unexpected. Nonetheless, he's currently demanding that he found a fortress for his order, one that would declare the existence of the order and provide its identity. A part of you wonders if he simply wishes to remake the Jedi Temple in his own way, but another wonders if he's creating a fortress to prevent you from simply attacking his soon-to-be disciples. (Choose 2)

Mundane Training: Although Kanuas wishes for his order to focus primarily on uncovering the secrets of the Force, its members must still be instructed in the less... mystical skills that they will likely need to make use of. Blaster training, field medicine, starship piloting, mechanical engineering, and survivalism are but a few examples of such courses. While it may be wise to wait until their force training is settled, having them focus on the less mystical aspects primarily would be useful. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Trainees get better at non-Force skills.

(??, ??, ??) Failure?

Kaunas' proposal for a training plan on non mystical skills is utterly flawed. Based on an apprenticeship system, it would involve far too many personalized teachers to be viable. It's poorly written with a number of flaws that make you question his teaching skills. Additionally, while Kanuas is skilled at hiding his personal thoughts in person, he's far less capable of doing so in writing.

Based on the language used, it's clear that he was rather cross with your decision to delay the construction of the fortress for the order. You do have some concerns that he intentionally sabotaged what you ordered him to do, although there is little proof that he has done so, and is merely conjecture at this point in time. Nonetheless, there are several problems that need to be fixed.

*Proposed training plan is utterly useless. Thrawn suspects Kanuas is not happy with the order to delay the fortress.*

Ensure A Secular Identity Within The Organization - Xuyul Kanuas intends to produce an order of Force users who will have access to all of its powers rather than being entirely dedicated to one part of the force. However, the interaction between adherents of the "Light" and the "Dark" in the past has had a tendency to erupt into violent schisms, and as a result, much effort will be required to ensure his new students at least tolerate one another. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Reduce tensions between students in the order.

(??, ??, ??) Success with complications?

You have several concerns on the proposed plan to minimize tensions between the light side and dark side users. Kaunas' proposal includes official methods for duels to the death as well as less violent duels to resolve tensions. Your concerns were brushed off by the enigmatic force user, who simply responded with a report that this was done on the advice of Darth Nox, in that official methods to kill other individuals would prevent unrestrained violence.

Kanuas further elaborated that truly avoiding violence was simply impossible, and that your best hope was to regulate it. While your knowledge of the force is lacking, you find yourself increasingly concerned by the behavior of your Force advisor. Perhaps an investigation is in order.

*System for controlled violence put in place for future force users. Thrawn's suspicion rises. New action to investigate Kanuas unlocked.*

Personal: You must admit that there are a myriad of issues to concern yourself with. Nuso Esva is currently engaged by a fraction of your fleet, and while you have successfully tracked Zaarin to To-phalion Base, you have yet to take action against him. With two separate battlefields to pursue, you find yourself having to rely on your subordinates. You do hope that they succeed. (Choose 2).

Create A Custom Bodyguard Unit - Eshu is a fantastic bodyguard. Patient, alert, highly trained, and seemingly never requiring sleep, at least for as long as anyone can see her. However she is still but one person, and in her view, this is not sufficient to protect you. With your permission, she may hire and train additional bodyguards who will both be capable of complementing her skills and functioning autonomously if she were indisposed. Cost: 10. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Elite bodyguard force for Thrawn obtained.

(6, 86, 85) Failure with significant benefits.

Eshu's search for a group of bodyguards for yourself were abruptly put on hold thanks to no less than three credible threats to your life. While the first bounty hunter was found by a patrol around the palace, the fact that he was well positioned for your exit from the palace was a notable concern. Unfortunately, they did manage to make their escape, albeit taking no less than three blaster shots in their escape, and Cen Kam strongly suspects they died shortly after eluding your forces. The second was dealt with after attempting to force their way into the palace, with three stormtroopers dying in the process.

It was the third that nearly succeeded. As you were working on managing several agencies, Eshu suddenly tackled you out of your seat, shortly before a flashbang detonated and what seemed to be a man in Mandalorian armor with grey paint burst through the door, their blaster expertly sweeping the room before peppering your desk with blaster shots to suppress both you and Eshu. Thinking quickly, you managed to blindly snap fire a shot that went wide, catching the Mandalorian's attention long enough for Eshu to peek out and return fire.

A shot glanced off his armor, before they used a concussion projector, throwing her out of cover enough for them to fire a poorly aimed snap shot as your emergence from behind the desk with a blaster forced them to take cover. Despite this, Eshu did still take a blaster wound to the shoulder, forcing her to switch to her backup pistol. After a moment of trading blaster fire, the shots from the Mandalorian quieted down, and 60 seconds later, a squad of stormtroopers was in the room with you, with a medic attending to Eshu's wounds.

The Mandalorian in question was never found, and while an extensive investigation has taken place, and a part of their infiltration method was discerned, there is little more information on them besides what you could put together. Nonetheless, the investigation took up some of your personal attention for the past few months.

The bounty in question goes by the name Solus, clad in grey for grief, they're specialty is in assassinations, and they're famous for mostly killing just their targets. Unfortunately, their record is marred by several firefights when their stealth skills failed them. Beyond that, you suspect that you could track them if you were willing to devote resources to the task. But you're also inclined to decline pursuit. After all, the bounty on your head is no longer there, so the chance they would attack you again is nonexistent.

Unfortunately, Eshu's injury did force her to remain in a bacta tank for several weeks, as the blaster had scarred her lungs. You are rather impressed at how she was nonetheless able to operate at what seemed to be partial efficiency, and your own opinion on her skills has increased as a result.

*One of the three assassins wounded Eshu, preventing her from conducting this action. The experience, however, was able to further secure your palace. 1 assassin confirmed dead, 1 suspected dead, 1 escaped without any suspected injury.*

Complete Security Overhaul - It is times like these where it is very clear that Eshu Tenrar was once an assassin of impeccable quality. According to her, within only a week of exploration, she has found two avenues to allow your demise within your personal home, and if a contract killer worth their salt was given the task of killing you there would be months for them to find more. If given the resources, she could redesign the palace into a veritable nightmare for any would-be hitman to overcome... You just hope that the aesthetics remain pleasing. Cost: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Palace completely swept and security holes closed.

(42, 77, 46). Success boosted into Critical Success.

With the stress test that your palace was given, it's little wonder that the palace has been substantially strengthened in terms of security. You have even secured several Droidekas to act as hardpoints in case of siege.

Not a single portion of the palace has gone unexamined by your own eye, and on a number of occasions, you found yourself treating it as an exercise of your own. If you had full knowledge of your palace, how would you kill yourself?

It made for an entertaining puzzle, and it helped alleviate your concerns that another assassination attempt might be more successful. Every time you came up with a possibility, new additions were added. Now, nothing short of a full scale invasion would allow for enemy agents to assassinate you. Except for perhaps an agent on the level of Bobba Fett or Luke Skywalker, and even then they would certainly die in their attempt to escape.

*Palace utterly secured thanks to practical experience gained. No need to worry about assassinations within it.*
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Mundane Training: Although Kanuas wishes for his order to focus primarily on uncovering the secrets of the Force, its members must still be instructed in the less... mystical skills that they will likely need to make use of. Blaster training, field medicine, starship piloting, mechanical engineering, and survivalism are but a few examples of such courses. While it may be wise to wait until their force training is settled, having them focus on the less mystical aspects primarily would be useful. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Trainees get better at non-Force skills.

(??, ??, ??) Failure?

Kaunas' proposal for a training plan on non mystical skills is utterly flawed. Based on an apprenticeship system, it would involve far too many personalized teachers to be viable. It's poorly written with a number of flaws that make you question his teaching skills. Additionally, while Kanuas is skilled at hiding his personal thoughts in person, he's far less capable of doing so in writing.

Based on the language used, it's clear that he was rather cross with your decision to delay the construction of the fortress for the order. You do have some concerns that he intentionally sabotaged what you ordered him to do, although there is little proof that he has done so, and is merely conjecture at this point in time. Nonetheless, there are several problems that need to be fixed.

*Proposed training plan is utterly useless. Thrawn suspects Kanuas is not happy with the order to delay the fortress.*

Ensure A Secular Identity Within The Organization - Xuyul Kanuas intends to produce an order of Force users who will have access to all of its powers rather than being entirely dedicated to one part of the force. However, the interaction between adherents of the "Light" and the "Dark" in the past has had a tendency to erupt into violent schisms, and as a result, much effort will be required to ensure his new students at least tolerate one another. Cost: None. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Reduce tensions between students in the order.

(??, ??, ??) Success with complications?

You have several concerns on the proposed plan to minimize tensions between the light side and dark side users. Kaunas' proposal includes official methods for duels to the death as well as less violent duels to resolve tensions. Your concerns were brushed off by the enigmatic force user, who simply responded with a report that this was done on the advice of Darth Nox, in that official methods to kill other individuals would prevent unrestrained violence.

Kanuas further elaborated that truly avoiding violence was simply impossible, and that your best hope was to regulate it. While your knowledge of the force is lacking, you find yourself increasingly concerned by the behavior of your Force advisor. Perhaps an investigation is in order.

*System for controlled violence put in place for future force users. Thrawn's suspicion rises. New action to investigate Kanuas unlocked.*
REALLY wishing we doubled down on the latter right about now. We were even told previously that mundane training wouldn't be very useful until they picked up actual Force skills.
That went both better and worse than I had hoped. Next turn's actions are clear.

I have a really bad feeling about our Force advisor. The whole "use both sides" thing left me cautious in the first place. He seems closer to a darksider in my opinion, one who is trying to create his own feifdom inside our empire.

I notice this is Part 1. What will be included in Part 2?
That went both better and worse than I had hoped. Next turn's actions are clear.

I have a really bad feeling about our Force advisor. The whole "use both sides" thing left me cautious in the first place. He seems closer to a darksider in my opinion, one who is trying to create his own feifdom inside our empire.

I notice this is Part 1. What will be included in Part 2?

That'll be part 2 of 4 ABY, as I'm doing 6 month turns.
That went both better and worse than I had hoped. Next turn's actions are clear.

I have a really bad feeling about our Force advisor. The whole "use both sides" thing left me cautious in the first place. He seems closer to a darksider in my opinion, one who is trying to create his own feifdom inside our empire.

I notice this is Part 1. What will be included in Part 2?
I have a theory... This Force Sect he's working on is more or less one big experiment. Since as mentioned before he is certainly abnormal in his ability to use the Dark Side and the Light Side he's probably going to try to go about testing different ways of recreating his own alignment in others. With his Sith ghost buddy being all aboard this in the pursuit of SCIENCE! and viewing the present situation as incredible progress by comparison.
I think next turn we try to spend time with Kanuas and build his temple. As mentioned before, it would really tick him off for us to go snooping into his background without his knowledge, and I'd rather avoid causing a major rift this soon.
So I was right about Supply lines, Palpatines death, and the temple being narratively first turn priorities.

Still, stuff seemed to do kinda okay. Props to Pallaeon for the incredible performance and the huge increase in martial prowess.

...I've got a bad feeling about our force sect.
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