The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

Character Sheet

Drake Artorius

Governance (Level 4) = Legendary
Diplomacy (Level 5) = Peerless
Intrigue (Level 1) = Good
Personal Combat (Level 4) = Legendary
Ground Combat (Level 2) = Elite
Naval Combat (Level 5) = Peerless
Biomancy (Level 4) = Legendary
Telepathy (Level 2) = Elite
Divination (Level 2) = Elite
Pyromancy (Level 2) = Elite
Telekinesis (Level 2) = Elite
Anathematic (Level 4) = Legendary
Engineering (Level 4) = Legendary

Son of Excalibur = Drake Artorius is a true believer in the Federation of Bladus and the ideals that it stands for.
Superhuman Charisma = Drake Artorius has inherited great charisma and persuasive ability from his progenitor.
Little Anathema = Drake Artorius has an echo of his progenitor's antithetical nature to the Ruinous Powers. Immunity to Chaos, Minor Bonus to resisting Chaos for those around you.
-Hated By Khorne = The Lord of Blood holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and he and his servants will actively seek to claim his skull for the skull throne.
-Hated by Slaanesh = The Prince of Pleasure holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and they and their servants will actively seek to slay him wherever they can.
Necron Knowledge = Drake Artorius made extensive study of the Necrons, the modern day legacy of the ancient Necrontyr. Major Bonus to fighting Necron forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Necron factions.
Asuryani Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. Major Bonus to fighting Asuryani forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Asuryani factions.
Drukhari Knowledge = Drake Artorius made some study of the Drukhari, the vile pirates and raiders of Commorragh. Minor Bonus to fighting Drukhari forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Drukhari factions.
Aeldari Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the minor Aeldari groups such as the Exodites, the Corsairs and the Harlequins. Major Bonus to fighting Aeldari forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Aeldari factions
Mechanicus Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made extensive study of the Mechanicus and its successor factions. Major Bonus to fighting Mechanicus forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Mechanicus factions.


Personal Combat
Naval Combat


Not Interested

Ground Combat

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[X] He attempts to resolve things peacefully. (20% chance of major penalty to both Mechanicus & Eldar relations, 20% chance of minor penalty to both Mechanicus & Eldar relations, 20% chance of major penalty to Mechanicus relations & minor bonus to Eldar relations, 20% chance of minor bonus to Mechanicus relations & major penalty to Eldar relations, 20% of minor bonus to both Mechanicus & Eldar relations)
This is why I choose compromising, the Eldar aren't exactly innoncent either and siding with them could mean enabling them in genociding back at Admechs.

Besides, we are Federation partners with Eldar not their puppets, is time for the knife ears to realize that.
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... Actually admech aren't nearly as big a problem before Mars establishes contact as they are after. If we get our hooks into them early we might be able to secure this segment and influence it away from the marsist approach.
I like that not a single person sided with the AdMech. It really shows how little we give a shit about them.
If we didn't give a shit about them there wouldn't be a big argument about whether we should fight the Admech for the Eldar or if we should negotiate to resolve things peacefully. The reason why no one is voting for the Admech is because we have a treaty and good relations with the Eldar.
This is why I choose compromising, the Eldar aren't exactly innoncent either and siding with them could mean enabling them in genociding back at Admechs.

Besides, we are Federation partners with Eldar not their puppets, is time for the knife ears to realize that.

While oshha's recent posts have made me soften my position toward diplomatically solving this issue, Exodite eldar ≠ craftworld eldar (although they do keep in contact on occasion) just because the craftworlders would be willing to exterminate a human planet if given the chance doesn't mean their exodite cousins would. Even if they did it's completely irrelevant, They're not the ones threatening genocide to grab at territory in this circumstance. If the situation was reversed and the eldar were threatening to kill off the human inhabitants of a planet that used to be theirs thousands of years ago then I would advocate we tell them to cut it the fuck out, but just because they would exterminate humans if given the chance doesn't suddenly make it ok when it happens to them.
Tbh the best trade after this to ease both factions off of this and give admech a reason not to go for easily colonizable worlds is to give em terraforming tech or just set up planets they want in the future and terraform them for the admech. For the space elves pretty sure murdering whoever trys to kill them next is best.
The compromise is that Mechanicus doesn't settle other people worlds and Bladus doesn't blast them with Glorianas.
How would that work? In this case the exodites aren't making any concessions to the admech, so how is that a compromise? This is more in line with siding with the eldar.

Tbh the best trade after this to ease both factions off of this and give admech a reason not to go for easily colonizable worlds is to give em terraforming tech or just set up planets they want in the future and terraform them for the admech. For the space elves pretty sure murdering whoever trys to kill them next is best.
Not sure Drake can give away valuable tech like that without permission.
Terraforming tech is one of those techs whose value increases the more people have it, because it means less people shooting at you for land.
Not sure where i said drake would do it without permission but he is their countries top diplomat so I would figure they would take his advice.
I might be mistaken but Drake isn't the best diplomat the Federation has. That has never been stated and he himself has numerous times thought that better heads should take over a diplomatic situation. He is the best Admiral the Federation has.
I might be mistaken but Drake isn't the best diplomat the Federation has. That has never been stated and he himself has numerous times thought that better heads should take over a diplomatic situation. He is the best Admiral the Federation has.
they seem to follow allong with whatever he normally suggests. tbh i think selling them worlds we terraform for them is way more possible but giving them tech to prevent a war is also likely.
If he isn't their best diplomat than he is (most likely) among their best. Drake's diplo is (currently) 3 and his naval combat is 4 so he is not too much worse a diplomat than he is an admiral.
they seem to follow allong with whatever he normally suggests. tbh i think selling them worlds we terraform for them is way more possible but giving them tech to prevent a war is also likely.
Yeah, if it is about the navy, were Drake has actually expertise, they do. But in a diplomatic matter? We will see. Besides, I'm pretty sure this vote is a direct intervention by Drake without any back calling toward the Federation. He is acting with his powers as the head of the expedition, facing a dilemma between two parties which both could be potential allies.

That is a major factor and far from him being the best diplomat the Federation has. For all we know, Bob the Best-Diplomat is just chilling with that pet xenos civilization we found and mending a minor trade dispute.

And if Drake would give away such major technologies, I don't think his superiors or parliament would be that happy. Terraforming tech isn't something to simply give away. It would weaken the Federation's position big time and be the equivalent of giving away the secrets of the nuclear bomb when your nation is the only one who has it. You might think very hard and be careful about it before you do it.
Yeah, if it is about the navy, were Drake has actually expertise, they do. But in a diplomatic matter? We will see. Besides, I'm pretty sure this vote is a direct intervention by Drake without any back calling toward the Federation. He is acting with his powers as the head of the expedition, facing a dilemma between two parties which both could be potential allies.

That is a major factor and far from him being the best diplomat the Federation has. For all we know, Bob the Best-Diplomat is just chilling with that pet xenos civilization we found and mending a minor trade dispute.

And if Drake would give away such major technologies, I don't think his superiors or parliament would be that happy. Terraforming tech isn't something to simply give away. It would weaken the Federation's position big time and be the equivalent of giving away the secrets of the nuclear bomb when your nation is the only one who has it. You might think very hard and be careful about it before you do it.
Alrighty clearly our diplomacy does have some affect since oshha stated that the only reason we have it for an option is because we have high diplomacy stat. Without us that wouldn't be an option so they clearly listen to us on diplomacy matters. As the person on the scene in charge of the expedition charged by the government to handle the matter he actually would totally have the ability to make a deal. Terraforming tech isn't dangerous as a weapon its only real use is to take shit planets and make them better. While that is a great thing it also isn't dangerous except in indirect ways. Selling planets we set up and terraform is also another option that would totally work and play into the admech mindset.
As the person on the scene in charge of the expedition charged by the government to handle the matter he actually would totally have the ability to make a deal. Terraforming tech isn't dangerous as a weapon its only real use is to take shit planets and make them better. While that is a great thing it also isn't dangerous except in indirect ways. Selling planets we set up and terraform is also another option that would totally work and play into the admech mindset.
"Making a deal" and serving as an honest broker are two vastly different things.

The first has us overstepping our mandate by a long stride. The second one is in line with our rights as Expedition Commander.

Terraforming tech is indeed very dangerous; it makes it easier for other nations to exist. This means giving it to other nations is a basic threat to the survival of the Federation so long as it doesn't has direct control over the were, when and who of the usage of Terraforming tech.

Besides, the AdMech wants the planet for more than just be habitability. The world also holds resources and is located at a location that the AdMech sees as important.

So we need to find a world that:
  1. Is Rich in Resources
  2. At a comparable level of strategic importance.
  3. Can be Terraformed in a relatively short timeframe.
Only then becomes Terraforming a viable option for Drake to over the tech in the first place. Be it to be gifted to the AdMech (which parliament would most likely never green light) or set up by us for them.

The biggest problem Drake or any other Diplomat faces is, time. The AdMech wants it now and has the resources to take the world or is gathering them. With their attitude towards the Eldar, they will most likely strike as soon as they can.
You seem to be pulling these things out of your ass like where exactly our mandate is stated clearly? you can claim terraforming tech is super dangerous all you like but it isn't true. Nations are going to exist no matter what and we are only giving this to one nation the admech group near us which usually do not trade STCS around especially important ones like a terraforming STC even within their own cult let alone outsiders that's pretty much heresy to the admech. You need to research the admech a bit more firmly if you wanna comment on them cause the likelihood of them selling the STC or giving it to anyone is astronomically unlikely they worship these things immensely. Finding a world rich in resources that can be terraformed is easy in a galaxy filled with a 100 billion stars the fact you think its oh so difficult is wild. The admech themselves probably know or have charts of stars that had planets with plenty of resources but were way to dangerous to use for mining. I am a bit done arguing with things you pull out of your ass that make no sense, like being unable to find a planet worth terraforming in a galaxy of 100 billion stars that humans have been exploring for millennia.
Finding a world rich in resources that can be terraformed is easy in a galaxy filled with a 100 billion stars the fact you think its oh so difficult is wild. The admech themselves probably know or have charts of stars that had planets with plenty of resources but were way to dangerous to use for mining. I am a bit done arguing with things you pull out of your ass that make no sense, like being unable to find a planet worth terraforming in a galaxy of 100 billion stars that humans have been exploring for millennia.
You are forgetting the part where it needs to be local due to the limited warp travel. You can't just find any old world, you need one that it is within one of the surrounding sub-sectors. A good part of what makes Filnedan so desirable to Soptamorn is that it is right on their borders. The galaxy is not your oyster.